
This is my first Kuroko no Basuke fanfiction. Featuring: Kagami and a female Kuroko with their son and some small hints of aomine and a female kise with their 3 sons.

I am still not that good with my grammar, so if you find some any mistakes, please tell me. So I can learn from it. Thanks! :D

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke, so is the cover picture.

Please enjoy reading the story and please review, if it is no trouble with you :D

'I Love you' words came from the man in front of her. She was about to hug him and repeat those words back to him, but before she can. Her eyes opened to the real world hearing those tweeting birds and rubbing her eyes from the light that came from her windows.

The sky colored haired beauty sighed as she opened her eyes 'What a waste…' were her thoughts and sighed again. She stood up from her bed and went to brush her teeth. She took her tooth brush and topped it with toothpaste and started brushing her teeth while staring at her poker face. 'That was a nice dream though' she thought while recalling her dreams again, still can't let go how she felt when she heard those words from the man she love. She rinses her teeth and went to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast. She greeted her eight years old Alaskan malamute dog and continued down stairs with her pet behind her.

She took the eggs and bacon from the refrigerator and started cooking with cooking oil. She took some bread and placed it in the oven. After she was done she placed it on a plate good for three persons.

"Mommy, where are you?" She heard after a soft sob from the door, she looked up and saw her little boy who was now at the prime age of two with dark red hair and light blue eyes. She went towards him and picked him up.

"What's wrong Toshiki? " She whispered softly to her Child's ears and rubbed his back.

"Toshiki. Hungwy."

"…Is that so? You can eat now, breakfasts are already served."

"I want vanilla shake" His mother giggled and smile at how he love vanilla shake just like how she love it.

"Not yet, it is still early. You can ask papa for it when we go out for a walk in the afternoon. Okay?"

"Wealy?" Her son looked up to her with eyes wide awake and his mouth just like how his father smiled to her.

"Yup, so you better go wake up papa. So we can eat breakfast and we can play, okay?"

The boy nodded at his mother's words after hearing the word 'play' and ran towards his parents' room followed by their family dog.

He is extremely excited for today's activity, Sunday is only the day he can play with his papa and drink vanilla shake with his mama, the day he can monopolize both of his parents. His Mom and Dad are usually out for work during Mondays to Saturdays and after work they are already tired and sleepy but they always spare a time to play with him no matter how tired they are. During his parents are out for work, the person who likes to take care of him are his mother's friend from middle school a blond haired aunt and tan skin uncle with their five years old son and 1 year old twins both male .

He was already inside the room and found his father inside the bed cover, snoring loudly. Since he is very excited about going out with his parents today, he looked at his animal friend and hushed towards him showing him signs on what they will do, after a while they ran towards the bed and jumped up and down while riding on top of his father's body with his legs on each side.

"UP, UP! UP! " The boy shouted on his father's ears while jumping up and down.

His father woke up sleepily from his son's shouting and jumping but ignored it already used to his sons' antics. He was very sleepy and tired, without thinking he grabbed the blanket forcefully. But that was a mistake, it caused his son to fell down from the bed and a loud thud was heard. Startled the father woke up and hurriedly stood up and went towards his son, the boy didn't cry at first but after feeling the pain he started to wail loudly and cried.

"TOSHIKI" his father shouted and picked him up trying to soothe the boy from the pain. But failed, the boy only cried loudly while reaching his head with his small hands.

"There, there. Where does it hurt? Papa is Sorry, Papa didn't mean it" His father apologized to his son and started to rub where his son was rubbing his head. His son's loud cries started to stifle down and sob softly while rubbing his tears and snot to his father's shirt.

"Does it still hurt? Is Toshiki a big boy? It doesn't hurt anymore, right?"

"Unn, Toshiki. Big boy. No more cry cry" the boy replied smiling at his father. His father smiled and went downstairs. Upon reaching the kitchen, his wife went towards him and took the boy from his arms. The boy looked at his mom and placed both his hands around her neck.

"What happened?" His wife asked worriedly.

"Well, ummm… He fell from the bed." Her husband replied while putting his hands scratching his head. His wife only stared at him with a poker face on.

"Hm, go wash your hands. Breakfasts are ready" and turned her back to him and placed the toddler on a high chair while rubbing his face with a tissue.

"No Good morning kiss?" her husband teased. She looked at her husband and stared at him blankly. She tipped her toes and gave him a kiss on the check not what his husband was expecting. Her husband 'tsks' softly and went to wash his hands for breakfast.

After they were done eating breakfast, as what she promised she started spending her time playing hide and seek with her son. While she gave her husband a little punishment for letting her little boy fell down from the bed. They are currently watching some cartoons in front of the television, waiting for her husband to finish with his punishment.

"Did you do everything, I told you?" her husband nodded his head and went to cuddle with her.

"Good" was her cold reply but she still leaned her back to him.

"I'm sorry"

"Hmm, It's good. But don't do it again, Good thing the fall was not bad." He nodded his head and placed his head on his wife's shoulder and smelled her.

The boy was busy watching the cartoon, he didn't notice how his father monopolizing his mommy. But after minutes the cartoon show was on a break, he looked back to his mommy and found her cuddling with his dad. He got mad and stormed off towards them and forced himself between them not liking how they left him out. His parent laughed at his antics and hugged him back. Their family dog got jealous and went towards in front of them, showing he wants to join what they are doing. The wife patted her dog and placed him on her legs and that is how they spent their morning.

Lunch time is almost near and she was currently plating the food for lunch, while her two boys are taking a bath and their dog playing with the basketball they have.

"Papa, whas dat?" His son asked curiously while looking between his legs. The father didn't know what to say and was still thinking what he can tell his son.

"Well that is, you'll know it when you're bigger"


"Yup, so stop looking and let papa dry your hair, okay?"

"OOOKKKAAAYYY!" he cheered.

"You Know, papa. Toshiki's Mama told Toshiki that we go out pyaying and that Papa, pyay ball with Toshiki and Mama, eat vanilla shake with Toshiki and Nigou, pyay with Toshiki in the shwings, wright papa?" the two year old rumbled smiling innocently at his dad.

His father barely understands his rumbles and nodded his head trying to understand every word his son was telling him that kept on talking. He took a small baby blue colored towel and wrapped it on his sons' little body. He took a big towel and dried himself and wrapped it around his waist. He took the boy on his arms and went to their room. He dressed his son on a comfortable sleeveless shirt a short pants that reaches his knees and small black socks. He took some of his clothes to wear and put it on. He grabbed his son's arms and went downstairs.

"Food's ready, shall we eat?" His wife asked smiling softly towards them. Toshiki ran towards his mom and started talking again. He smiled towards his wife and scratched his hair, he can't believe how his wife can understand perfectly their little boy's rambling but he can't. It might be because she was carrying him inside her tummy for nine months.

"Thanks for the food" The couple chanted while Toshiki was only able to say 'Thanks Food', which made them laugh.

She was about to pick up the empty plates, when her husband took the plates and placed them to the dish washing area.

"I'll wash the plates while you take your bath." He stated, his wife nodded her head and went towards the bathroom.

"Toshiki, can you bring Nigou's plate here?" He asked, earning his sons' attention.

"Okay." His son nodded and went to grab the dogs' plate and gave it to his dad with both hands.

"That's my Toshiki, a big boy can already do simple tasks, right?" he congratulated playfully to his son.

"Unn, Toshiki Big boy, Toshiki do Twask." His son cheered back towards him, in which he earned his father's smile.

"Papa, can Toshiki pyay with nigou?"

"Sure, but only inside the house, okay?"

"Yay, ookaay!"

The light haired beauty was already done taking a shower. She went towards their husband's room and changed to new clothes. After she was done, she went downstairs and found her two boys reading. The tall man was holding a magazine on his hand while the small boy has a picture book in his hands pointing things to their pet dog.

Her husband noticed her presence and look towards her.

"Shall we go?" and looked at her up and down with a nod.

"Sure, Toshiki. Come here for a bit. Put this on, okay?" her son ran towards her and wore the jacket on his own. His mother patted his head with her hand. Happy he got his mother attention and proud he got praised, he took his shoes and wore it on his own.

"My Toshiki is already a big boy." His mother congratulated him and grabbed her hands.

It was already 2 in the afternoon that they agreed they will walk outside and play, her two year old son was wearing his red shoes while holding their pet dog's leash and his father's hand on his left and his mother hand to his right.

As they had agreed they played at the basketball court, played in the playground and eat at Maji burger for snacks and ordered 2 vanilla shakes.

It was already six in the evening when they arrive home, thinking they don't have time to prepare food. They ordered food for dinner before they went home. They had their supper while listening to their sons' happy rambles about lots of things. After they were done, the wife washed the plates and cleaned the table while her husband was busy cleaning up or more like finding their son who was now currently being a mischief towards his father. Hiding behind the couch while his father was looking for him to give him a bath and change clothes.

"Come on Toshiki, show yourself already."

His son giggled from his father's words but stopped when he was suddenly grabbed from behind. He looked behind him and saw his mother holding him.

"Toshiki wants to play mischief? That's a no-no." his mother scolded him softly.

"But, Toshiki. Take. Bath wid Mommy" he declared with puppy eyes. His mother sighed defeated and placed her son on her arms carefully.

"Okay, shall we take a bath then? With Nigou?" The boy smiled and cheered. Her husband looked at her a sigh, letting her do what she wants.

"Come on Nigou, let's go take a bath." She smiled and went towards the bathroom with Nigou behind.

"That was a good and fun bath, isn't it?" his mother cheered.

"Unn, Toshiki's mommy. Funny"

"Really? Or are you talking about yourself?" She said while tickling her son's tummy. The boy laughed loudly and tried to tickle her mommy back but failed. After they were done taking their bath and changed, they went downstairs and found the pillar of their family watching some shows from the television. She let go of her son and he automatically run towards his dad and stole the remote from his hands, to change the channel. They fought for a bit over the remote but the older gave up and let his son chose a channel. After he was done choosing a cartoon show he went between them and leaned on his father's arm, while the dog was in front him resting his head sleeping soundly.

It was already eight. Stars are already shining up in the sky, their two year old son sleeping soundly with his head on his mother's lap. Her husband looked towards her and took the boy to his arms.

"Shall we get some sleep?" his wife nodded her head. She turned off the T.V and cleaned the coffee table. Nigou noticed the silent movement and went towards his bed to get some more comfortable sleep. The couple went upstairs and carried their son to their bedroom. They placed the boy on the bed and kissed his forehead. after they were sure he was soundly asleep they went towards their room to get some sleep.

"Tetsuya, sleepy?" his wife looked at him.

"Are Toshiki's talking mannerism contiguous to you, Taiga?" her husband laughed at what she said and hugged her around her waist.

"Maybe? I really don't know how you can understand what he was talking about for the whole day. I thought it was a new language the he learned from your middle school friends"

"They are not weird."

"Opps, I didn't say that. You did" he teased which earned him a soft smack on his head as she went towards the bed a lied down.

"Whatever, let's sleep. I need to wake up early for work. I'll leave Toshiki in your hands okay. Be sure to bring him to Aomine's house before you go to work, I bet kise and the kids can't wait having Toshiki around them."

"Yes, yes" her husband yawned loudly nodding his head and lied down beside his wife.

"Good Night" She bid and kissed his forehead.

"Good Night" He replied and kissed her nose.

After a short silent recalling her dream this morning, Tetsuya was staring at his sleeping face and went closer to his ears.

"I love you Mr. Kagami Taiga"

Startled, her husband woke up.

"You should say that to me when I am awake you know."

"Who Cares?"

"I care" his wife laughed and leaned on his chest and hugged him. She stared at his eyes and kissed him full on the lips. Her husband smiled and kissed back.

"I love you more Mrs. Kagami Tetsuya." They laughed softly and gazed at each other's eyes. Satisfied they closed their eyes and went back to sleep.

'I guess it was not that a waste after all' where her thought before she succumbed back unto her sleep with the person she love on her arms.


Thank you for reading, please review it would be greatly appreciated. :D

Have a nice day
