(Hope you enjoy ^_^ I Really would love to know if I should improve on anything. I'm new, and I've finally decided to share the stories I wrote on wattpad on here. ^_^(Warning: I don't own the naruto franchise. Tis a fanfiction story I created) )

Today was the day of young Prince Uchiha Sasuke's 16 Birthday, and what was the proper way to celebrate this great day? Well let's throw in princesses for the young lad in hopes that he'd take a liking to at least one of them.

This was Queen Mikoto Uchiha's idea during the set up for the joyous event. In the land of the Great Uchiha Kingdom in the deep blue fortified castle with over hundreds of rooms, and a grand ball room in the mix laid the Uchiha family of course.

A beautiful, proud, strong, and fearless clan. From the lovely onyx eyed mother/queen Mikoto, and the stern raven haired father Fugaku came two boys of similar looks one around 19 named Itachi, and of course the now 16 year old birthday boy himself Sasuke. Both boy's loved to toy with each other, and harass the other every now, and then. They rivaled in looks from Itachi's raven bangs with a ponytail, to sasuke's bangs with spikes in the back.

Though this was a joyous, and eventful day something odd just has to happen. The birthday boy was up in his room wearing his white ruffled shirt with a black vest that he just wanted to rip off, and black dress pants with the shoes to boot. Through trade mark orbs he stared out over the balcony seeing all the rush, and fuss of the servant's getting everything together.

"Can this day get any worst" he said in an exasperated voice as he gently laid his forehead against the balcony railing letting raven bangs down to grace the railing as well. If he looked through those bars, or up for just a split second he would have seen his future or at least a glimpse of the sun on top of a human being running through the streets below right across the castle gates.

But he didn't so instead he looked up at the last minute due to hearing the balcony door open to reveal oldest heir Itachi himself.

"Dear little brother you look as if you'd rather hurl yourself off the balcony than attend your own birthday party" he chuckled out humorously to his little brother. "Don't you think I would have done that already during my tenth birthday?" Sasuke shot back at his brother as he turned around to face him.

He was glad Itachi was here, he always seemed to show up when he needed a good talking to. "If memory serves me right you actually enjoyed that one" Itachi said as he walked over, and placed a hand on Sasuke's shoulder reassuringly as if to say he would enjoy this one too.

"Mother's invited 'them' though" the youngest Uchiha grumbled out as he shrugged of his brothers gesture, and turned back to face outwards from the balcony. Itachi knew he meant the fan girls that passed themselves off as princesses, but he to whished his brother would find someone to call his own.

"That may be so, but hey it's been like a year maybe one of them might be the one for you. I've invited your buddy Gaara to chaperone you for I must tend to other business" he said regrettably as he leaned on his elbows on the railing surface crossing his arms, and looking off to the side.

He could imagine Sasuke's shocked, and raged facial expression, and mimicked the words soundlessly that came out of his little brother's mouth next. "WHAT? AGAIN? You promised you wouldn-…Fine" Sasuke said with a tone of his father's voice at the end which caught his brother off guard. Itachi turned to his brother to see blank sullen expression on his face, and chuckled lightly with a smirk forming at the corner of his mouth.

"I'll have to make my meeting short to make sure you don't turn into father" he said with a full formed smirk at the end. Though neither laughed nor even showed that it was funny matter they loved their father. He was a stern, and somewhat controlling man, but he loved his children. He loved his family, and valued their 'well-being' and future little too much.

"I'll be fine. When will Gaara be here?" he asked as he turned around yet again to lean back against the railing on his elbows facing the opposite way of his brother. "He should be here soon. I sent a messenger yesterday, so you know Gaara. He's pretty weird" he said with a yawn at the end as he stood up straight, and stretched showing off his blue vest with black ruffled shirt rivaling Sasuke's own outfit.

"Okay. Have fun 'Big Brother'" Sasuke said blankly as he gazed up at the baby blue kissed guy with smudges of fluff on them. Itachi sighed, and left his brother upon the balcony to think hoping that he'd meet some, and more so hoping that he wouldn't throw himself over the edge. Sometimes things come only when you desperately need them most.

Sasuke headed down out of the protection of his room for a while to see what the servants', and such had done. He had to admit they did a pretty good job. Standing now in the ball room smack in the center on top of golden marble floors with dark blue curtains around the place. Elegant buffet tables with silver trays serving every last thing. The thrones of the family were up against the wall in far back in the center facing the tall wooden all the way across. From Father to Mother to Oldest son to the Youngest.

"Wow Uchiha. You've really seemed to have outdone yourself" came a very thoughtful sarcastic voice of a red head boy rivaling Sasuke in age except his attire was a pure red tux, no shirt, and black dress plants with shoes.

He had one of the silver lined forks in between his fingers twirling it around. Sasuke looked from the his red head friends trade mark tat upon his head for love to the mascara around his eyes he could always poke fun at, but thought it best not too since he did come to keep him company in this time of great distress.

"Thank my mother, not me" he said as he walked over towards his friend, and plucked the silverware out of his hand. "Where's the infamous puppet creep, and Cloud boy's girl?" he asked Gaara as he placed it back on the table. Gaara only shrugged, and rolled his eyes as an answer that he didn't know as he hopped on the table ruffling the table cloth to show how much he defied it all.

"I don't keep tabs" he said obviously in a Gaara only way. "Well maybe you can keep tabs on how many girls I reject" the Uchiha heir said as he hoped on the table as well giving in to the rebellion.

"That should keep you entertained" Sasuke added. "Ah watching you shut down girls faster than snake strike is always amusing" the red head humbly replied to his friend with a pat on the back.

Their Laughter attracted one curious woman, and that woman was Lady Mikoto herself. Once she saw the boys on the table she immediately rushed over at ninja like speed, and pulled both boys by the ears off the table.

"Oi what do you two think you're doing?! Now run along, and make yourself look decent instead of butt imprints on tables" she said once she let the poor earlobes goes, and turned to fix the cloth. The boys only smiled, and rubbed their hurting ears as they headed off to pretend to do as they were told. They began to have deep conversation on the princesses attending the party. One princess in particular was Sasuke's most obsessed fan girl.

Her name was Princess Haruno Sakura a cruel, and un-forgiving woman of her kingdom. Yet she was a fair pink haired lass with emerald green eyes, but not much of a figure, but boy did she make up with for strength. This woman was the holder of Sasuke's future. Her servant, and maid Naruto Uzumaki.