A/N: this world are from the Disney movie Pete's Dragon and I made this world into a musical and what is sung will be like this: "lalalala"

Going to the world Roxas unlocked in one of the past worlds seemed to be an great idea, they all wanted to see what this world had in store for them.
Lea, Roxas and Xion arrived inside a small village, seemingly peaceful enough. however it did not take long for them to hear some strange rumors about when a small boy came to town, fences would fly up in the air, huge footsteps would appear in wet concrete, animal gets scared and many rude pranks would be made around that boy.
Lea found only small parts of it strange, he didn´t see anything wrong in pranks. he did it himself as a child and often got in trouble for it if it weren´t for Isa. still with the strange rumors about the strange things around that boy, it looked worth looking into. Lea asked his friends if they wanted to check it out.
both Xion and Roxas nodded and with the rumors of the boy have gone out to the lighthouse, they went the same way.
at the beach, way too stormy to enjoy, the trio found a lonesome boy walking towards a cave.

"you think it is him?" Xion asked watching the boy disappear inside the cave, yet before any of her friends could answer her. the little monster cat, now called Swift; jumped out from her bag and twitting ran towards the cave.
"Swift!" she called and followed.
Lea and Roxas gave each other one look, before they too followed Xion and Swift into the cave.

"we´re in lots of trouble and it is all your fault"
a deep rumbling of a chatter replied him, sounding a little sad as well.
the boy turned his back to his friend, sulking of what trouble has been thrown at him when he have tried to show the better of himself inside the village. a cheerful chipper snapped him slightly out from the sulking, his eyes landed on a small cat like creature with red eyes. it looked up to him, twitching its "ears" as he asked surprised "who are you?"
he made a small jump of surprise when a raven haired teen came running inside the cave, saying in relief to the strange cat "there you are" and she picked it up.

the raven haired teen looked up and saw the boy, blinking "oh, hello"

"...hi" he answered, not sure how to react and asked "is it your cat?"

she nodded "yes, I call it Swift" she replied and made a small gasp when the boy´s friend; a big green creature with pink hair, wings and spikes. the big creature began speaking with some deep sounds that sounded happy.
the teen titled her head to it, glanced down to Swift who seemly replied the other creature with its own twittering. the big green one chuckled and mumbled amused back.
she eyed her pet and said to the boy "I think they like each other"

it took the boy quite aback that the girl did not get scared seeing his friend, everyone else who saw the dragon got scared. but he did not complain and said happy "his name is Elliott and he´s a dragon"

"nice to meet you Elliott, my name is Xion" the teen replied kindly to the dragon. Elliott made more happy mumbling sounds, although they turned into surprise as two males came running inside. the girl smiled and said to the dragon and the boy "this is my two friends. Lea and Roxas"

the man Lea blinked at the sight of the dragon, but wasn´t really scared. the dragon´s appearance was far from intimidating- rather it looked quite funny with its big belly and goofy camel looking face.
the dragon stared at him, mumbling rather confused and Lea said amused back "I haven seem worse things than you big guy" he turned to the boy, asking rather casual "so, you´re the boy who caused quite the commotion in town?"

"it wasn´t me" the boy pouted and looked at the dragon "it was Elliott"

Lea was about to ask how such a big lump could make all those pranks and no one would notice him, but his question was stopped by another visitor. "hello in there"
the boy and the trio all turned to the entrance of the cave where the woman voice came from. afraid that the new visitor would be scared unlike the three others. the boy waved Elliott to hide, the dragon did, or as best as he could because his big choppy body made it hard to squeeze into the nearby crack. it did succeed and the woman walked inside, only noticing the three children and the single adult.
she seemed at first slightly surprised, then she went over to the three kids, saying friendly "hi" and then asking still friendly "what are you doing in here?"

"oh just seeking shelter for the wind" the boy said.

the woman made a small chuckle and said slightly serious "oh this isn´t the best place for that." she nodded against the huge waves outside "the tide is coming in and high water will reach this cave sometimes. you better head for home"

the boy lowered his head, a clear sign he did not have a home. the woman eyed the two older kids who simple gave the only adult a single glance, before turning back to her. the woman eyed again the younger boy, figuring that he wasn´t really a part of the trio.
"where are your parents?" she asked, mostly the younger boy, but also the teens for the red haired man was too young to be those two´s father.
the younger boy shrugged and the two teens just looked confused, the woman glance to the man, but he didn´t make any answers of what he was to the teens.
"where are you staying?"
again a shrug from the younger boy and this time the teens made the same example, even the adult made a small shrug, although he was smiling as if something was funny.
"what about the names?" she asked, getting a pretty good idea what was going on.

"Pete" the young boy replied.

"Roxas" the blond teen boy said and the raven haired answered right after "Xion"

"and I´m Lea, get in memorized?" Lea said, adding his catch phrase just for the fun of it. the woman didn´t seems to mind and said with a smile "I´m Nora" and added while pointing at the direction where the lighthouse stood "and I have to get back to the lighthouse." she eyed every single person inside the cave "There's chowder on the stove, if you'd like some."

in hiding Elliott made sign that it was something he would really like. Pete did hesitate, mostly because he didn't have good experiences with adults, still with the kind gesture from Nora he chose to go with her.

the trio chose to go with them as well, no one of them wanted to stay in this cold cave more than necessary. so as they left the cave, Elliott watched them leave with a smile.
up in the lighthouse, while eating some of the chowder, Pete told Nora about the ones who have been taking care of him.
"the Gogans own me, I guess. they said it was against the law for me to ever leave them"

"can someone really own you?" Xion asked and turned to Lea. the red haired mused softly before replying "in some cases, yes, adoptions can been seen that way, but usually it is not a bad thing." he eyed Pete "it should have been a good thing"

"the Gogan´s is far from good" Pete said and told the others "the first time I ran away, the orphan home sent me back." he looked down to his boil of chowder "this time, I´ll just keep running"

"where do you planning of going?" Roxas asked, being kinda familiar to him when he left the Organization, he just had the problem that he had no idea where he should go.

Pete shrugged "don´t know, I just keep moving"

Nora went over to Pete, telling him ensuring "well, you'll be safe here"

"no one's ever been this nice to me" Pete admitted, smiling to Lea, Roxas and Xion, the first who wasn´t mean to him nor scared at Elliott. he turned to Nora, the first who showed him kindness "I'll always remember it"

Nora was of course flattered by his words, and by knowing what kind of horrible people had Pete before, she knew there was no way she would send him back. the two teens seems to be in good hands with the red haired man, and they seemed to be friends with Pete. so she chose that it wouldn´t hurt that any of them stayed at the lighthouse.

"Who's that?" Xion asked when she and Roxas noticed a picture of a man.
"Paul." Nora replied and Pete asked "is he part of your family?"
Nora smiled sad "He almost was."

"How can someone almost be part of a family?" Pete asked
Nora told they were going to get married, but after going out to the sea, a storm hit and the man Paul wasn´t seen since. "That was a year ago." she finished.

"He'll come back." Lea ensured her, thinking of his own family, was they waiting for him like Nora? he wasn´t sure it was good or bad, knowing how much it hurt waiting for something that seems gone.

Pete smiled to Nora, getting an idea "I'll have to ask Elliott about Paul." adding with eyes on the picture of Paul "He has a way of knowing things."

"who´s Elliott?" Nora asked the kids and Pete replied with a small smile "my dragon"
"where is he?" she asked, more or less only pretending she believed the boy.

Pete did not realize it and honestly said "down in the cave"

Nora nodded, admitted "that´s interesting I´ve never known anyone with a dragon. how does he looks like?" she asked.
and Pete replied

"He has the head of a camel
The neck
of a crocodile.
He's both a fish and a mammal
And I hope, he'll never change."

"It sounds rather strange." Nora admitted, she gave Lea a glance, but only he did was watch them at the door.
Pete made her turn her attention back to him and continued.

"Cause it's not easy
to find someone who cares."

Nora nodded, agreeing on that
"It's not easy
to find magic in pairs"

"I'm glad I found him
I love him"

Swift jumped onto Roxas's shoulders and the teen smiled to it as Pete continued
"I won't let him
get away"

Xion went over to them
"It's clear that friends
can be different"
she eyed her two friends with a smile and Nora agreed.
"Yes, I understand you now"
and they all sang together
"It's not easy
to find someone who cares
It's not easy
to find magic in pairs"

Nora smiled to Pete
"Now that you have him"
she gave Pete a small hug
"Hold him
Treasure him
from day to day
It's so easy"

she left him and went past Xion who sang softly
"Someone you can
always be with"

and Roxas pointed out with a small grin.
"Argue and agree with"
Lea made a small laugh of that one.
"Climb the highest tree with" Pete added in and the kids sang together with a smile

"It's not easy
To share somebody's dream
It gets easy
when you work as a team"

Nora went over to them
"You've got to tend it
Fan it"

"That's what I plan to do" Pete said and admitted slightly sad
"Oh, I had one friend
by my side"/em
he smiled to the people around him
"Now I have all of you"
and they all said together
"And it's so easy~"

Roxas and Xion turned to Lea, smiling to him. he lowered his gaze, still gave them a small smile back.


the next morning, Roxas Xion and Lea went together with Pete and Nora to the town Passamaquoddy to buy Pete some new clothing.
Roxas and Xion was however more interested in investigating the said town than actually shopping, Lea would also rather take a look around and was more than happy skipping the shopping.
"you wouldn´t mind we took a look around?"

"of course not" Nora smiled and said with a nod to Pete "let's meet back at the lighthouse when we´re done"
"yeah" Pete nodded and so did the trio, all reached to an agreement. so as Nora and Pete went towards the marked. Xion Roxas and Lea went out to take a closer look at Passamaquoddy.
to no real surprise from Lea, Roxas and Xion asked a lot of questions of what most people would see as the common life, but they did not understand the common life, they have been living in a boring castle with a horrible bunch of people. Roxas did not ask so many questions about the most simple things anymore, thanks to his experience in the Fake Twilight Town and also his time in Radiant Garden where most of the people were willing to explain what everything meant.
Xion didn't had any of that and now she was missing all Sora's memories, she only knew what Axel had told her in the Organization, which wasn´t much. so she was the one asking most questions.

"what are those men doing out on the boats?" she asked both her male friends "are they going somewhere?"
Roxas looked at the men in the boats, also realizing that he too did not know why they were doing it and turned to Lea "yeah, what are they doing?"

"they are fishing" Lea simple said, which made Xion and Roxas give him a questionable stare. after scratching his neck, he explained a little further "this is a fishing town, meaning that most people gets their food and trade from fishing"

"makes sense, I guess" Xion said a little hesitant, a sign this did still confuse her, she glance once at the fishing boats, then back to Lea with another question "then why- " she never got the changes to ask, for right at that moment, a crazy looking vehicle rushed past them.

"hey, watch it!" Lea almost shouted, holding Roxas and Xion back from almost been run over by the thing.

the town people turned their full attention on the vehicle and the two men on it. a slender man with dark brown, curly hair and beard, not to mentioned dressed like some ridicules magician jumped off his just as ridicules looking vehicle that suddenly turned into a stage and said with a gleaming smile and spread out arms "how wonderful to see your smiling faces again!"
Lea glanced around and saw that no one around was smiling, the man named Doc Terminus did flinch slightly from the none hospitality and continued with a small stammering " I-I've never known such warmth"

"get out, ya quack!" one of the townsfolk yelled

"and don´t bring those phony remedies here again!" another one yelled, surly angry.

"remedies?" Xion asked Lea and the red haired simple said "see it like a healing potion" remarked as the townspeople began booing at Doc Terminus. "and it seems like this guy is bad news"

even with all the booing, Terminus tried to lighten up the mood.
- "Thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you."

the said doctor made an extra effort by a hand move like he was feeling welcome.
"I sense enthusiasm,
I sense loving response"

Lea crossed his arms
"you have no love in this crowd"
Doc Terminus did either not hear or just ignored Lea and tapped around on the scene. showing his bottles of remedies.
"I've been bringing cures
from Pilgrim Heights to Provincetown
Treated rabid fever
down on Queen Anne Road"

he danced a little
"Gout or gastritis Mumps or bronchitis
Bites and burns and blue abrasions
Got a pill for all occasions!"

his lackey, a small man in a bowler hat showed some of the bottles to the surrounding people.
Roxas and Xion went a little closer to see, but Lea stopped them and told them;
"they look nice and useful and all, but nothing is what it seems."

and right, a big woman went over to Doc Terminus, saying angry
"I took your drug for losing weight and now I'm a blob!"

and the doc replied pretty convenient
But now there's so much more of you to love
the charming words worked on the woman and she calmed a little down.

Lea however shook his head
"I have seen a many thing, some I thought never would've have seen. things shaped out from darkness in our heart."
he eyed the man, telling him in matter of fact.
"and if you got one it would be from your greed.
for all I see in you is nothing but a phony."

he struck one of the bottles the little bowler hat man held, scaring him
"selling all this junk to earn you a little money"
the towns people nodded in agreement and said loud to Doc Terminus

"the stranger's right!
We're gonna wash your phony
tonics right down the sink!"

and the angry mob began surrounding Doc Terminus who tried to get them to listen, they didn´t, only when he cried loudly
"My friends, you're not
giving me a chance!"

"if any were smart in this town then throw him out, before harm is done"
Lea said hard to the people, they nodded to him. then Roxas stepped in, frowning to his older friend

"Lea, you´re not being fair, what if he´s not bad anymore?" he turned to the angry crowd that all looked at the blond, calmed down a bit "what if he has changed?

"exactly my boy!" Doc Terminus took the chance and added to the angry crowd
"Shamed be he who thinks evil of it." adding far more genuine and no longer having those angry eyes from the crowd, except from Lea of course.

"that's what the medical
business is all about, folks:
People helping people.
You should all have help!"

and out from nowhere a man on crutches came onto the stage. making the (fake) doctor jump, yet still ask the other man "What have we here?"

"Oh, Doctor, Doctor, Doctor." the man on crutches moaned like he was in pain. except Lea knew it was an act, he did notice Terminus lackey snuck off when the crowd got too angry and probably was in disguise to make a so called miracle.
the "limping" man continued, almost sounding desperate "All I'm asking for is a miracle."
Doc Terminus turned to the crowd "All he wants is a miracle, folks!" asking loudly "How can I deny him? If he's willing to pay for it, he's gonna get it."
"Any price."

"One dollar, sir." Doc Terminus said and the man gave him a dollar. the doctor then gave the man some of
his medicine and seconds later the limping man was walking and even dancing around. that turned the crowds mood to his advance.
"I trust him!" a woman cried, waving a dollar in her hands
"I believe in the Doc." another one said, doing the same.
"I'd put my life in his hands!"

Doc Terminus smiled allowed the "cured man" down from the scene and said delighted to the crowd as he gathered their money

"My friends you've seen a miracle
and you'll see many more
People will come pouring' in
from land and sea
We'll have centers for testing
Let's start investing.

Everyone who lives here
will be strong and healthy
You'll be getting richer
by the day"

-"Hurray!" the crowd cheered and Doc Terminus said happy
"Hear them acclaim us!"
Roxas and Xion smiled, also fooled by the man, that until Lea said with a frown "friends you should see the truth, nothing in this man is what it seems"

he lead them away from the fooled crowd this man lies into people's heart, with promises of healing that will cause nothing but harm
Roxas and Xion turned to the doctor there said loud and happy to the surrounding crowd

"The whole wide world
will look at us and say..."

he hesitated, then began saying with fumbling words

"Pardonmaquassy. No. Paquamassady, no, no Quadamapoddy, Passamadaddy
Quadamaddy, Deppadaddy
Depamassy, Quadapassy

the crowd interrupted him and cried all at the same time
"I know." Doc Terminus said and the surrounding people handed him their money.

"is he really that bad?" Roxas asked Lea, confused over all of this. the man seemed good, and yet something did feel... wrong. he just couldn´t say what it was.

"some people seems good, but aren´t" Lea said and left the fake doctor and the crowd with Roxas and Xion not far behind.

"how can you know the difference?" Xion asked.

"you can´t, not always"

"I don´t get it"

Lea smiled weakly to his two friends, admitting "neither do I"

after their encounter with Doc Terminus, they met Nora and the newly dressed Pete halfway back to the lighthouse.
Pete wished to show Elliott his new clothing and speak with Elliott about Paul. he asked Roxas and Xion if they wanted to come with him?

Roxas gave Xion one questing look and said with a smile to Pete when she gave him a nod "sure, let´s go"
"say hi to him from me alright?" Lea remarked with a grin, the kids promised and ran down to the cave at the beach.

Nora watched the kids leave and said to Lea who was steadily leaving her behind "thanks" she said.

Lea stopped, slightly confused "for what?"

"for making believe about that dragon and going along with it" she said, smiling. added as Lea turned to her, having quite the odd look in his eyes "it seems to mean a lot to Pete. sort of a family he made up"

Lea did at first want to say that Elliott wasn´t a make believe friend, but then he remembered that not anyone has seen farfetched things like himself. people like Nora, who lives in their world, with no worries and never thought of the outside and the unknown. sure she accepted Pete spoke about the dragon, but she did not really believe him.
"sure, kids needs to be kids" Lea said and looked up to the sky, avoiding eye contact.

Nora smiled and went towards the lighthouse, asking with Lea following not far behind "are you and Roxas and Xion siblings?"

"nah" Lea shook his head, smiling of the kinda silly thought "I´m simple a friend who shows them the robes"

"where are their parents?"

"they don´t have any"

Nora frowned of those news "so you have been taking care of them since their parents passing?"

Lea shrugged "more or less" he scratched his neck, chuckling "so you could call me their adopted older brother" now that he thinks about it, he was more a brother than actual friend. oh boy, more explaining...
"they just don´t know that"

with a kind chuckle and "they are lucky to have you" she went into the lighthouse. Lea followed, but stopped and turned his green eyes down to the beach where he saw his two friends run towards the cave "yeah.. lucky" he muttered, they trusted him, more than they ever did around Axel. they thought they knows him now, but in reality, they knew nothing.
maybe it was about time he told them more about himself. they deserves that much.


down at the cage, the dragon Elliott enjoyed the warmth of the fireplace he have made, he turned around as Pete ran inside, saying happy "hi, Elliott! how do you like my new suit?"
Elliott did like it "wow!" he said with his deep voice and panted as a happy dog. Roxas and Xion chuckled at the response from the dragon, more so as the dragon glanced to them with a smile, as if he hoped they too had new clothing too. but as he notice it was the same, he shrugged and turned back to Pete, speaking his dragon gibberish.

Pete seems to be the only one understanding and said smiling to his dragon friend "Nora´s so nice to me, I want to do something for her" and he told Elliott about Paul, asking "do you think you can find him?"

Elliott thought about it, seconds later he nodded with a whistle. promise he would look into it, the three kids thanked Elliott and ran off. the dragon waved goodbye to them and returned back to the cave, thinking how to locate this Paul. he did turn around from a twitting sound and looked slightly confused down to the creature Xion called Swift.
Swift made more and rather complicated tweeting sounds, like it spoke to the dragon and Elliott responded with his own dragon gibberish, although he sounded a little confused. Swift titled its head outside, tweeting sad and then making a small and kinda adorable growl. Elliott nodded to the creature and with what sounded like a thank in tweeting, Swift left and allowed Elliott to think what the small creature have been telling him.