Chapter 23

Okay, sorry for the delay. I have been lacking motivation lately and well... I got literally nothing done.

This is the best that I got right now and I'll try to work on the next - possible last or next to last chapter '^'

I haven't looked over the chapter yet so expect a lot of mistakes.


Kura - sorry x10 ;; I'm just... gah! As for the rewrite that you have also reviewed on... er... that won't be updating anytime soon or at all (The file is forever lost in my dead computer)

Yellow's Lil'Sis - Updated!Sorry that it took a month...

TheRunAwayPanda - Oh! Hi! And sorry for the cliffhangers, I'm trying not to end with them but the more I try, the more I end with them x.x

Reaper789 - Ah... sorry that your OC didn't get too much screen time... orz

Shidake - Yeah... I somehow just came up with that XD

LovingTogetic - Right... I'll have to... think of a way... to insert that... don't expect much.

kringdom - ;; It's hard not too...

Thanks for the reviews! And onto the disclaimer.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon

Water washed over the a girl with a brown cowl neck sweater that reached down all the way past her waist, with a belt strapped unevenly around her waist. A sleeveless turtleneck shirt underneath, only visible above the collar bone. The sleeve cuffs of the sweater took on fur of a lighter brown, matching the ones on the brown winter boots. Leggings covered her legs though they stopped before the knees. Her hair was long, tied into high twin tails with hair accessories that resemble that of Lopunny's brows; the ends of the twin tails faded into a lighter brown.

"Oi, wake up." Theda ordered unsympathetically, a bucket held in her hands in the same position she had poured the water out. She clicked her tonue in annoyance when the Lopunny Gijinka didn't respond.

"This is so stupid." The Houndoom Gijinka muttered in annoyance as she kicked the unconscious girl's side. "Why do I have to babysit these twits?"

Her red eyes traveling to the two boys who was drowsily waking up after her rude wake-up call.

One with then have hair the color of dark blue-green, tufts of hair sticking out, almost looking like ears. He wore a pale brown shirt- almost the same color as his skin - under a jacket that matched his hair; sleeves rolled up and fingerless gloves over his hands, there were three small claws on the chuckles of each. He had baggy dark blue-green pants tucked into pale brown boots that have three smaller claws protruding out on the front of each.

He seemed to be reaching into his jacket and pulled out an... apple?

Theda didn't really understand how that happens and she didn't want to know since it was a Munchlax Gijin that she was dealing with. They're know for stashing food on them.

The other boy seemed to be wearing some kind of tux - just that it was a blue suit over a green vest with a yellow scarf tie and a white shirt. The color of the shirt seemingly have been cut into small triangles that matched that of a Chatot's feather collar. His dress pants were green, which accentuated the light orange he was wearing. On his back rest Chatot wings, wet due to Theda pouring watch over them.

The boy scratched his short raven hair with the an ahoge in the shape of the flag of a quarter note.

"Ngh..." The Lopunny seemed to have shown some response, much to Theda's satisfaction. What she noticed was that all three of them were normal types, typical of three close friends.

"Great, since the three of you are awake," Her hands promptly lit of fire, her lips curving into a grin. "Let's dry you up and see how you guys fare against me. It'll be like killing two Pidgey with one stone!"

Her eyes glittered in delight... only to dull a few minutes later after the trio went into submission after being dried. "You guys are no fun..."

She didn't really understand why Lannettia had her train them. It wasn't like any of the newbies needed training. All they have to do was to follow their battle instincts and that was pretty much it.

Her canine senses stirred and she immediately perked up, smirking. "Oho, intruders~!" She stood up from where she was squatting and motioned for the three too obedient gijinkas to follow.

"We're gonna do a little test." She said along the way, though what she really meant was 'do whatever you want but leave me with the big fish'. She took in a deep breath through her nose and smiled deviously. She recognized the that scent, the one that below to a Sawsbuck and there was only one that she knew of.

"Perfect," Theda muttered before turning to the trio. "You three, stay here to guard. Kill anyone who tries to pass this point."

That was all she said before she headed for the exit of the base that was cloaked in an illusion.

"Where." Aura growled as she zapped another Mightyena hybrid.

"Is." She blocked an oncoming punch.


Madeleine couldn't resist rolling her eyes as she Stomped one of her opponents until they were unconscious. "Chill will ya? The base is hiddened in an illusion that Lannettia created. You won't be able to find it unless you're in contact with the cloak."

"There should be a definite location right?" Green asked, commanding his Charizard to use Flamethrower.

"Yep." The Sawsbuck answered. "It's just up ahead, but you would have to - OI! I'M NOT DONE TALKING!"

Aura overhead and was already making a dash forward, Wild Charging anything that she perceived as an obstacle.

"Yesh, is she always like that?" Madeline asked no one in particular and then shouted after the Pikachu Gijin. "You need a dark type move to expel the freaking illusion!"

"I'm on it." Silver reported as he went as well, reaching for his Weavile's Pokeball. "Night Slash!"

Claws imbued with dark energy, Weavile struck thin air, where Aura and Madeleine had stopped. The atmosphere seemed to create a ripple as if it was the water's surface before the forest illusion broke down, revealing an eerie manor. However, just as it came into view, a Fire Blast shot out, prompting them to roll out of the way lest they want to be barbecued.

"What the-?!"

A devious giggle gained their attention as they saw a Houndoom hybrid standing in front of the entrance, brandishing a hand on her hip. "Hey Madi~ How ya been?"

The Sawsbuck blinked before playing along with a smile. "Never better, Theda!"

"I see you decided to left our little group." She continued.

"And I see you're still a loyal puppy."

Within a swift blur, the Houndoom Gijinka lashed out with her whip but Madeleine grabbed it before it could wrap her. When the Sawsbuck looked back at the Houndoom, she saw murderous crimson eyes. She couldn't help but smirk. "Did I struck a nerve?"

"Oh, of course not," Theda answered sweetly, yet venomously. "Like you said, I'm a loyal hound -"


The Houndoom Gijinka learned long ago to ignore those witty remarks. "-But I absolutely will not let anyone who decided to leave our organization of their own free will go unpunished."

Madeleine's grey eyes steeled as she became serious. "Is that a threat?"

"Death threat." Theda corrected before moving in for a Fire Punch.

The Sawsbuck winced despite blocking with her arms and continued to be on the offensive as Theda fired off gatling punches of flames. "I make sure to let you and Nicolas suffer the most painful of deaths that ever existed on this planet!"

"Ya sadistic psycho." Madeleine muttered before deciding a different approaching as she ducked under one punch, tried to sweep Theda oof her feet - which failed as she jumped - and rolled away. From the corner of her eyes, she saw that Aura had already disappeared, probably into the manor. That's one cold Pikachu. To leave me with this madwoman.

She grimaced and yelped in pain as she was too distracted to evade a Flamethrower.

"That's it," Theda said in satisfaction as her eyes suddenly flashed dangerous amusement. "let me hear more of that!"

The Sawsbuck hybrid twitched eye as a douse of fire came in her direction again. "Arceus, why do I always end up with the crazy ones?"

Aura glared at the three in front of her and she could barely contain the annoyance she was showing in her voice. "Out. Of. My. Way."

Of course, the three controlled gijinka doesn't seem to be showing the sign of complying with her demands anytime soon.

"Intruders must be elminated." The Lopunny Gijinka stated before pulling into a fight stance. The other two following suit, in their own.. unique way. That Chatot flew into the air while the Munchlax... ate.

The only female of the group dashed towards the ravenette with a Dizzy Punch. Caught off guard by the speed, Aura allowed her shoulder to be grazed by the attack. However, her reflex came in when the Lopunny hybrid prepared a roundhouse kick.

Being occupied by the opponent at hand, she had thought little of her two companions. She was barely able to evade a Aerial Ace by the Chatot hybrid, though not completely, as well as Metronomed Rock Slide.

Aura had to completely cover her ears when the Chatot Gijinka started to open his mouth to release a Chatter that was as bad as nails on chalkboard. It still slip through into her auditory canal and giving her one heck of a headache.

She snapped a Thunderbolt up to stop the avian being from confusing her even more than she already was from the Dizzy Punch.

Aura panted as she shook it off, her expression darkened. She had no time for this. Not at all. Every second that passed, she could feel her own self-awareness was ebbing away. Even though it was slow, it was inevitable that she would be swallowed by her. It could have been worst. If Yellow and Chuchu hadn't offered to help, he would have started hallucinating and hearing taunting voices already at this stage.

They were keeping her mind at peace, and she needed it to be that way.

However, there was always that tiny voice in the back of her head that told her to forget about everything and just kill. She had all but listened to it if it hadn't been for her current goal.

"I didn't warrant anything." Aura had told herself that as she counted a Power-up Punch with a Thunder one, so why did she felt hell-bent on seeing it through?

You don't.

The Pikachu hybrid widened her eyes ever so slightly as the eerie voice entered her head. She cursed under her breath before fixing on her opponent. "Concentrate. Don't let it get to you."

You know you just want to world to feel the wrath of your powers.

"Dammit." Aura spat in irritation as she finally landed a hit on the agile Lopunny, sending her flying back towards the Munchlax who kept using Metronome.

Why not let it out?

Go away. You're not supposed to be here. Yet. Aura returned acidly.

Hehe, do you really think you and your little two little friends could me at bay for long? It won't be long until they run out of energy. Until then.

The Pikachu Gijinka cursed again as she tried to focus on the fight. She definitely did not have time for this. The voice may have left but she knew it would some back again, even stronger.

Just as she was too occupied that she didn't sense the Chataot rounding back for another aerial attack, a bolt of lightning took him off of his attack run. Aura spared a few seconds to look over her shoulder, seeing the trio of Kanto natives coming to her aid.

"The others was doing pretty good so we decided to barge in." Blue explained quickly before asking for her Wigglytuff to use Hyper Voice.

Aura nodded. "Take care of these three then, I'm in a hurry."

"What are they going to do with the Lake Trio and Mew?" Green asked. "Madeleine only have us a short briefing before yelling nonsense at that girl she was fighting."

"... Arceus." With that, Aura sped down the hall with Quick Attack as they were being distracted by Red, Blue, and Green.


"You drive a hard bargain."

"Hehe, as long as if you manage to lower her mental defenses, I am at your command. For now."

Lannettia smirked as the ghost of a voice disappeared from her thoughts. The task was almost too easy.

At that very moment, the door flew open with a few unconscious pokegijins. Aura was revealed to be in a finished kick stance, her with left parallel to the ground. "Where. Is. Mew." She demanded darkly upon seeing Lannettia sitting nonchalantly at the back of the room, behind a desk and in a chair.

The Gardevoir hybrid smirked. Just low her defenses.

With a snap of a finger, an unconscious Mew was displayed in front of her, hovering in a almost nonexistent bubble of psychic energy. "Right here. If you can reach her that is."

With one last glare, Aura moved in to attack, only to have thw wind knocked out of her by a sudden Psychic. She had forgotten about the psionic moves that Lannettia could use.

"So, how does it feel? TO have your precious friend right in front of you but you just can't get to her?" The Gardevoir taunted.

Aura tried to remain placid but she was boiling inside. "Thunderbolt!"

Lightning flashed from her but it was reflected off of a Protect shield that Lannettia put up last minute.

"Is that all you got? Or is your willpower really that weak?"

"..." Electricity was send flying around Aura's body as a yellow aura flared up. "You'll regret saying that."

"Am I now?" Lannettia sneered. "It looks like you're just putting on a light show."

With that said, Aura charged forward once more, electricity cackling as she went with Volt Tackle. Sensing immediate danger, the Gardevoir pokegijin tried to fend it off with a combination of Psychic and a mix of Protect, Reflect, and Safeguard.

Having too much to concentrate on, Aura easily broke out of Psychic but was halted by the fortified shield. There was a stand still where Lannettia concentrate on keeping up the shield while Aura pushed with all of her strength.

"Tch." The Gardevoir clicked her tongue, realizing that she had rallied her up a little too much. "Break her willpower."

Aura knitted her brows in confusion before she saw a glow of red from behind Lannettia and suddenly, all of her strength to fight was drained from her. Her Volt Tackle dispersed into thin air as she dropped onto her knees.

"Wha...?" Her eyes widened ever so slightly in puzzlement as thoughts that never came into her head decided to barge in like a flood.

It's useless.

I should just quit.

Mew's out of reach.

I'm not strong enough.

I give.

The Pikachu hybrid tried to shake her head of these thoughts but they kept coming in. "Stop..." She clutched her head, suppressing the incoming panic. "Stop it!" She then looked up at a smirking Lannettia and glowered at her. "What the hell did you do?!"

As if answering, Azelf made his appearance, her eyes red instead of their usually golden color and the red jewel on his forehead glowing brightly.

"Azelf, the willpower Pokemon..." Aura muttered, her mind trying to fight off the defeating thoughts. She couldn't move either, leaving her as a sitting duck.

Lannettia laughed at her expense" I think that you have too firm of a control on your emotions, why don't Mesprit bring them out?"

Aura tried not to show anything that would satisfy her thirst but she soon found it useless when another red dot of light shone from behind. Mesprit came out from the shadows, in the same state of hypnotism.

Aura found the emotions that has been keeping in check on the loose.

Madeleine tied the Houndoom hybrid up with a Theda's own whip. Burnt marks and whip marks were evident on her body, her clothes scorched or ripped, showing the bleeding wounds on every parts of her body.

"Okay..." Madeleine breathed out in exhaustion. Having to fight a fire type - especially Theda - was not one of her best choices. "Be a good puppy and stay."

She looked down, seeing them shaking and sudden, they lost all energy to keep her upright. Nicolas caught the Sawsbuck by the arm before she collided with the ground in a heap. He wasn't much different to Madeleine in turns of healthy but he was still operational - or so his stoic expression says.

"T-thanks..." The brunette mumbled as she took a seat and look around. The Johto and Hoenn natives were also finishing off the last of the attackers with their Pokemon but they seemed tired out.

She looked back at the unconscious Houndoom with an apologetic look. "Sorry Theda. You were like a sister to me - however twisted you were - and I left without telling." Knowing that there wouldn't be a response, the brunette sighed and looked up at the still standing Noivern hybrid. "You too. Sorry for dragging you into this. You could've left me from the start but you didn't. Any just so you know, you can leave whenever you want, I won't hold grudges."

Nicolas paused for a moment before he shook his head. "We're... friends. Friends... stick together."

Madeleine blinked at his answer, before giving him a big smile. "I'm going to hold that against you~" She then stretched her arms up. "Now, gimme a piggyback ride!"


"What the..." Green muttered, looking at the opponent that he had defeated. He, Blue, and Red had split split the trio up, seeing how their combination attacks were too overwhelming. But once they separated, they were a cinch... minus the near death blows.

"... Platinum?" He tried to stir her awake but only got mumbles in reply.

"L-Lopunny... c-come back... I'm sorry..." The girl mumbled in fright, tossing about.

Getting the hint of what had happened, Green suppressed his anger and scooped the girl up before trying to find where his two other friends were.

He heard and felt an explosion before hearing a shriek. "KYYYYAAAAA!"

He immediately registered in and ran. "BLUE!"

When he rounded a corner, he saw said girl supporting on a wall with her hand while her other was dangling limply, blooding dripping to her finger tips and splattering onto the gorund. The Chatot hybrid was circling round and round, ready for another plunge if her Pokemon's defenses were lowered.

Green set Platinum siting in a corner before sending out his Pokemon who wasn't tired out to help, which were Scizor and Charizard.

Blue strained a laugh as Green made his way to help her. "Never. Ever insult the guy with 'bird-brain'."

"You and your big mouth." The green-eyed trainer shook his head.

She grinned. "It made you worried though."

Green rolled his eyes but found it true to her words.

"Hey, I heard screaming and -" Red stopped when he saw that Blue was being supported against Green while Charizard and Scizor distracted the Chatot gijnka. "What happened Blue?!"

"That guy," Blue gestured to the Chatot. "is a hot head."

As if he had heard it, the Chatot made a swift dive, coming right at the trio with an inclining speed. They were going to prepare for that attack, but the Chatot hybrid aborted his attack run in favor of pausing to look at the boy who was sleeping on Red's back, then spotted a girl sleeping in the corner.

"D...Dia... Missy...?" He struggled to say as he suddenly clutch his head as if he was getting a headache.

"That must be Pearl." Green concluded.

"OOOIIII!" The trio turned back, seeing a Noivern flying in with a brunette on his back. "What are ya all standing there for? Where's that impulsive Pikachu?"

"She went ahead." Green answered. "We had some problems to take care of." He gestured to the unconscious Platinum, then to Diamond, and to the baffled Chatot.


"Ah..." Madeleine nodded in understanding. "Looks like they were kidnapped and controlled, but you did a good job of knocking them out!"

"Except one." Nicolas added, then used Dragon Pulse. Defenses too low at the moment, the Chatot hybrid was down for the count.

When he saw the Kanto natives startled looks, he added, "It's necessary."

"Right." Madeleine decided. "Let's stop lollygagging and go find Aura and Lannettia!"

"What about these three?" Red asked, motioning to the boy on his back. "We can't just leave them."

"I'll take care of them." Blue offered. "It's not like I'll be of much help."

Green looked at her and then back to the group. "I'll stay and help Blue."

Madeleine rolled her eyes. "Alright loverbirds. Don't do anything too extreme."

Blue couldn't help but let a blush crept onto her face while Green glared. Murderously. Which Madeleine ignored. "Let's go Red."

"Right..." He settled Diamond down and cast a look of concern at his two companions. "You two will be okay without me right?"

"Of course." Green answered. "Who do you think I am?"

"We'll manage." Blue smiled. "Now go help Yellow."

The raven haired teen nodded and left with Madeleine and Nicolas.

When they got to the furthest room in the manor, they found unconscious pokegijins left and right.

"Yesh... she's like a bulldozer." Madeleine commented, now rested enough to walk on her own. They found the door opened but they weren't prepared for what they saw inside when they entered.

"Stopitstopitstopitstopit..." A certain raven haired girl muttered as she rocked back and forth.

"... Yellow?"

It took a moment to register but she stopped and lifted her head abruptly, tears streaking down none stop from her ever changing eye colors. Blue, brown, blue, brown. "R-Red...?"

"Yellow, are you okay?" He tried to approach her, only for the girl to widen her eyes and retracted further until her back was against the desk.

"D-don't come near me!" She exclaimed with fear. "Don't..." She started to clutch her head again, shaking. "You'll get hurt. Everyone will get hurt. It'll be my fault."


A laugh. "Don't you just find her amusing?"

"Lannettia..." Madeleine hissed. "What did you do."

The Gardevoir came out of the shadows with Azelf, Mesprit, and Uxie at her side. The last Pokemon being in active."Just played with her will and her emotions, that's all."

She turned to the curled up girl. "Why don't you express your feelings now while you have the chance, Yellow?"

Said girl froze as her eyes stabilized with brown. She stared at the Gardevoir, then to Red. She suddenly flt the urge to spill everything despite another of her saying that she shouldn't. Aura was telling her to snap out of it, but she couldn't. Just like the tears that wouldn't stop falling from who knows what.


Said boy straightened immediately in anticipation. But what was he expecting? Didn't she already expressed her feelings a while back? By accident? She didn't even -

"I... I love you."

Sorry! QQ

Is it rushed? I feel like it's rushed. Ah... whatever.