-A Final Message—

King Edward shouted to be heard over the panicked din of his people, trying in vain to calm them as he emerged from the castle to see what was causing such a stir. He paled when he saw a dragon, but the massive black-scaled form hovering above the courtyard wasn't breathing fire or roaring a challenge as it made off with their livestock.

Instead, it began to lose altitude, wings spreading to their full span as it landed on clawed feet and crouched to allow its rider to dismount.

There was only one person—one Faerie—who could arrive in such a world-rocking manner and, sure enough, the stunning goddess he had seen only once on the dance floor with the former monarch of their lovely little kingdom stepped down from the dragon's back, her flawless figure wrapped all in leather. She could have very well flown here on the lovely chocolate-coloured wings folded neatly against her back, but that wasn't the point.

The dragon was a physical representation of the power she had in deceptively delicate hands.

She spared an impassive glance at the townsfolk then, at the shivering guards who dared to point their weapons in her direction, and then that endless golden gaze focused on the king.


That rich, cultured voice made several of the onlookers flinch, their jaws dropping in awe, and Edward cleared his throat anxiously. "At ease."

His guest placed a hand on her hip, the very image of unconcerned smugness. "You heard the man."

Though they grumbled mutinously, the men lowered their weapons, though their gazes remained just as sharp and willing to harm as they bore into the brunette.

Edward "Please, come in—"

"I haven't come to make nice," she interrupted, full red-painted lips curving slightly upwards as she heard murmurs of outrage from the king's men. "I've just come to deliver my dear Aurora's final message to you."

"Final message?" he demanded, his blood going cold.

"To you," the sorceress repeated, her tone suggesting that she found his inability to comprehend rather tedious. "She no longer wishes to communicate with you."

"Why that's—!"

She waved a clawed hand and he choked mid-sentence, his throat closing up, making it impossible to continue. His men stepped forward, but he gestured them back, glaring at the brunette who had the guile to make such a scene. Here, for all to see.

"That's better." Maleficent made a show of yawning, hiding the gesture behind a deceptively delicate hand. "Now I'm sure you understand that your kingdom and the moor remain upon peaceable terms only because neither side has cast the first stone. That will change if you continue your pursuit of my dear Beastie." Her expression gentled. "I know that you still hold on to the hope that she'll return to her place on the throne, but that chapter in her life has drawn to a close. Her place now is by my side."

Her side—?! Who did this Faerie think she was to-to claim proprietorship of the young woman? Just who was she?

"Maleficent." He blinked, caught off guard. Had she read his thoughts? "You'd do well to remember the name, Edward. If you require something of the Faerie-folk, you will address me. Is that clear?"

He nodded, his throat constricting uselessly as he attempted to vocalize his understanding. It felt as though he was surrendering to an enemy, despite the peacemaking intent behind the sorceress's visit. The kingdom technically wasn't losing anything and yet… It felt as though the castle's coffers were lighter.

The female waved her hand again, wordlessly reverting her mount back to his original form, and the crow cawed ominously, fluttering up to land on his mistress's shoulder.

"I'll be in touch.

With a powerful flap of her wings, she had become airborne. Soon, she was a mere dark splotch in the endless blue sky and Edward coughed, his ability to speak returning to him now that the sorceress was no longer in range to keep him spellbound.

"Sir! What shall we do?"

The people looked on, expecting him to express his fury; to demand retribution for her impudent actions; to react. Instead, the man's broad shoulders slumped and he rubbed his temples, dark eyes closing wearily.

He respected Aurora too much for the outraged outburst that was expected in order to maintain his image. She had made a difficult decision and he would honor her wishes.

"No one shall venture out to the moor," he decreed, raising his chin to address his. "We will continue to maintain peaceful relations with the Faerie-folk who live there… And with our queen."

Without another word, the king headed into the castle and somewhere to the west, wicked laughter echoed across the plains—clear as a bell.


And here we are, at the end of this tale. Thanks so much to everyone who's been with me since From the Shadows and to everyone who was kind enough to leave their feedback :3 I'm off to other fandoms.

Until next time!