Hello readers! If you have not already read any of my other stories, I go by Knighte:) and I primarily write Finders fics. This one came to me a long time ago but I finally gave it substance while I was at my new job (do not daydream while working, that can get you fired) and so I decided to write this out.
This story is going to either seem very strange or very cliche but it is what it is and well I hope you guys enjoy it.
Disclaimer: I do not own Finders, I only own the plot so...yeah...
Thank you very much and review for me,
The day seemed so far off when Akihito and Asami had decided to go and visit the younger man's parents. They had found the only day that worked out for both of their schedules was three months into the future and thus Akihito promptly thrust it from his mind. To be blunt, he forgot about it completely until the morning that Asami woke him up and dragged him out to the BMW to go to Komae, where his family home resided. The initial drag to the vehicle had not awoken Akihito enough to make him aware of the impending meeting but after a few minutes of the cold morning air rushing through his hair panic began to set in. Sure Asami and his parents had spoken over the phone and they knew of each other but they had never met before. Not only the meeting of the in-laws was giving Akihito a near heart attack but somethings could be said that could never be taken back. Akihito began to pray to whatever being was up there that secrets could stay locked away for just another day.
The ride was almost silent as they travel out of Tokyo. Akihito kept his head facing forward, trying to not give Asami any ideas with his usual morning booty call. For some odd reason Asami remained on his side of the car for most of the trip. The only time that Asami crossed the invisible line was when his hand wrapped around Akihito's neck and pulled the blonde down to lay across the older man's lap. However the move was not sexual because Asami's warm hands did not move beyond his blonde hair. It felt as though the older man wanted to do nothing more than embrace his lover.
As the expensive car finally came to a stop outside of Akihito's childhood home the younger man spoke up for the first time that morning, "Are you sure Asami?" Neither men had to speak extra words to know exactly what Akihito was asking. Asami laughed at Akihito's tone, his tone laced with amusement, "Stop fretting Akihito and get out of the car." Asami then slapped the boy's butt. That caused the boy to jump out of the car faster than lightning. Asami followed quickly and gracefully as he waited for Akihito to calm somewhat.
Before the boy could speak again Asami captured his lips. He kissed the boy deeply and effectively caused him to forget what he was so worried about. In that moment there was nothing more than the lips that were held firmly against his own. As the warmth was removed from Akihito's mouth the same amused voice from before seemed to breathe onto Akihito's puffy lips. "Calm kitten. No one can take you from me, you belong to me and always will. Never forget that."
Asami turned and grabbed Akihito's waist in an unbreakable grip. The older man gently pulled his lover along with him to the door of a house that Akihito know all too well. Three loud knocks could be heard resounding through the normal two story house and seemed to signal a doom in Akihito. The boy knew there was no way to avoid the tragedy that was about to happen in this very house that was once his prison. From within footsteps could be heard as the light steps of his mother came running down the entry hall to the door that separated her and Akihito.
The door swung open to reveal Akihito's mother as she gasped at her long lost son. The boy tried to signal something to her but it was far too late once he heard her say in a scolding voice, "Takaba Akihito, where is your-"
The night was still early as Akihito adjusted his camera strap. The photographer had had to beg and scrap to his boss to get a chance to take photos at the biggest party of politicians of the year. All freelance photographers wanted a press pass for this party and Akihito was one of the fair few that managed to get one. Among the crowd of men and women that shuffled to and fro Akihito could hear snatches of different conversations, not all of them legal. Some amateur politicians thought it was smart to talk black market deals at a party with press at every turn but Akihito decided to ignore them for once and instead searched through the crowd for someone more important.
Suddenly the strong scent of Dunhill cigarettes and expensive cologne invaded Akihito's nose and he realized that Asami was indeed among the other party guests. However another person was standing not centimeters from Asami. The woman's perfume permeated the air and her high pitched voice instantly made Akihito's sensitive ears buzz in annoyance.
Anger flowed through Akihito like someone had blown a dam in his brain. The boy's tiny body did not seem to want to contain this anger as he clenched his fists.
After a few minutes Akihito shifted away from the two mixing scents of Asami's cologne and the annoying woman's overpowering perfume. His nose slowly drowned it out as Akihito picked up something from the buffet table and sniffed it unabashedly. The strawberry smell from the morsel he had picked up was pungent but not as much so as the chocolate it was dipped in. The very smell of the two food that had been professionally mixed made his stomach growl.
Trying to not think too much on the two people behind him that seemed to be having a quiet conversation, Akihito popped the strawberry into his mouth without much thought. The taste was almost as good as the smell but as always the smell was always more tasteful then the food itself.
As Akihito slowly chewed a realization came to him, the anger had long since dissipated and all that seemed to be left was an imminence sadness. Anger was not what he had felt in the first place. The emotion he must have been feeling when he noticed Asami talking to that woman was jealously. Akihito quickly sat down at an empty table and slammed his head loudly on the wood of the table. Why? What about Asami made Akihito jealous? Why would Akihito be jealous of a girl for a bastard like Asami.
Feeling too frustrated to continue his inner war with himself, Akihito went back to taking photos. He listened for the best times to take pictures, when people were laughing, when children were playing, or when business men were conversing quietly. Akihito did all he could to avoid Asami and his personal bottle of perfume.
Finally deciding that enough was enough, Akihito tucked his camera into his camera bag and swiftly left the building. As he stepped through the entrance however something he did not notice at his feet tripped him and he fell. His cheek stung as a rock that had been on the sidewalk scraped across it and left a path of blood. Cursing his clumsiness, Akihito searched around with his hands for his bag. It took a moment but he ended up finding the bag strap and dragging it to him as though it were a life line. Blood dripped onto his shirt as he shakily stood up. Luckily Akihito knew the neighborhood quite well so the fall did not jar him so much that he got lost.
Limping slightly from twisting his ankle, the photographer slowly made his way back to Asami's penthouse. After the fall, he was careful of where he stepped and made sure to make it back to his bed without getting hurt further. Akihito reached under the king size bed that he and Asami shared to find the first aid kit he kept.
After making quick work of making sure that the cut on his cheek would not get infected, the troublesome photographer stripped down to his boxers and slipped into the soft bed. Of course the huge bed was cold but through Akihito's growing anger, he almost did not noticed the horrible bite of the frozen sheets.
Akihito seemed to only have just closed his eyes when a warm arm wrapped itself around his slender waist. Asami's body heat rested next to Akihito and it almost made him want to cuddle closer for the warmth, almost. Akihito turned away from his lover and tried to go back to sleep but suddenly a deep voice spoke directly into Akihito's ear, "Tell me Kitten. How did you get injured this time? Not a job I hope, or I will be forced to lock you up until each and every bruise is perfectly healed." Fingers played with the waistband of Akihito's boxers and the younger man knew that his lover was not empty in his threat.
"I tripped and fell on a rock, nothin' to worry about. Now go to sleep you paranoid bastard." Akihito shifted slightly so that his back was pressed gently against his lover's expansive chest. Warmth spread from where ever Asami was touching him and it made Akihito almost purr in contentment. His eyes slowly closed and Akihito quickly forgot about ever being jealous of some woman because in the end Asami came home to him and that was all that mattered to him right now. Later he would be sure to give Asami a piece of his mind but in that moment between consciousness and dreams Akihito decided that just being held by his lover was enough.
"Takaba Akihito, where is your cane? You are going to trip and fall." If Akihito had been able to face palm at that moment he would have, after running as far from everyone as possible. However Asami's arm held him fast as a freezing cold dread filled Akihito from head to toe. His secret had not even lasted two seconds and his life as he knew it would change forever. Akihito shut his eyes and waited for the worst to come.
A deep voice spoke from above him, "Akihito, you-"