Hey guys! I feel like a complete ass because I haven't updated in what, more than a month? I am so sorry for keeping you guys waiting. But you know, I think one of the best ways to apologize is to post another chapter. Of course being in America's point of view and being dedicated to 2 of my fabulous followers. (Just a note, I will be getting to favorites soon, so if you want your name mentioned twice, I would recommend making sure this story is favorite as well). Don't forget about the poll on my profile, I just want to make sure I have everyone's opinion on what to do for the ending. I won't be able to respond to reviews since my mom is pretty much threatening to take away my laptop. So, here we go, hope you guys like it and thanks for sticking with me.


This chapter is dedicated to Unicornzzz and WinxRocks001.

*America's point of view*

I woke up to Maxon laying back down in bed. Rolling over so I faced him, I stared right at the back of his head. "Good morning." I whispered, startling him. As he rolled over, a wide grin spread across his face. "How was your sleep?" he asked and I eyed him suspiciously. "Great." I replied cautiously. "What happened?" Confusion took the place of joy on his face when I asked him that. "Nothing, why do you ask?" "Because last time you acted like this, you almost burnt down the kitchen trying to make me breakfast in bed."

Maxon laughed at the memory and I joined in quickly. "No nothing like that." He said getting up to grab the tray that was on the coffee table. "Don't worry, the cook made this breakfast, so it's safe to eat unlike my toast." He said, reminding me of his burnt to nothing slices of toast with no butter or anything. "Okay." I said, smiling and for the first time in what felt like forever, I let it reach my eyes.

Grabbing the remote, I turned on the TV as Maxon and I began to eat, only to find myself on the news. Lets put it this way, with my history, it wasn't surprising but I was shocked that I was up there already. I guess Maxon was too because I saw his jaw tighten. Giving him a peck on the cheek, he visibly relaxed a little. Quickly, Maxon was off the bed though and out the door, no doubt in my mind that he was going to find out why i was on the news already since he wanted to keep it more secretive. Sighing, I shook my head and continued munching on my toast, watching the news team blow everything out of control.

Okay, I know I almost died but come on, "Queen America, our country's saving grace from the caste system almost died yesterday according to out sources inside the palace, leaving our beloved King Maxon by her side, unfit to control to mourning kingdom for a couple of days." Their words not mine. But really, I am sure Maxon was fine to rule the country with me sick. But they have sources inside the palace. I was pulled out of my thoughts from a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I called out and I saw Henry's small head peek past the door. I managed to swing my legs from in front of me to the side of the bed and opened my arms. Henry ran over on his 3-year-old legs and into my arms. Watching him run with a bandaged side and unruly blonde hair, it was hard to believe that this young prince used to hate me once before which was only about a year or two ago. It really was something.

I didn't notice a tear sliding down my cheek until I felt a tiny hand wipe it away. I looked down at Henry who was looking up at me, scrunching his eyebrows together and wrinkling his nose. "Why are you crying mommy?" he asked in his tiny adorable voice. I laughed and squeezed him tighter. "To be honest," I explained as I rest my chin on his head. "I have no idea."

The moment was ruined when a flash brightened the room from the doorway. I expected to see Maxon behind the camera but to my surprise it was Adrianna and Jose. Laughing. "Mom," Adrianna said, gasping for breath. 'You should have seen your face." She high-fived Jose. "Priceless!" she exclaimed. I smiled at her child like fun. In an instant a plan formed in my head to get back at her. Fun.

I motioned for the to come over and sit on the bed in front of me. Adrianna and Jose's cheeks were still red from laughing so much. "Henry, you may want to leave the room for this and get daddy for me." I said to the little boy in front of me who nodded his head while Adrianna's face paled considerably. She tried to get up but I glared at her. "stay," I ordered, "I want to have a talk with you too." And if it was even possible, Adrianna's face paled even more.

Maxon came running into the room, his eyes widened in fear. "What's wrong?" he asked, his eyes scanning the room quickly before settling on me with a questioning gaze. "Nothing." I replied and shrugged my shoulders. Maxon walked up to me, not taking his eyes off of me. "Don't do that again." he whispered in my ear. "You scared me to death." I laughed as he pulled away after kissing my cheek. "No it really was no emergency. We just have to have that talk with Adrianna and Jose." A sly grin spread across Maxon's face. "Oh that talk." he said and sat next to me on the bed. Clearing his throat, we began.

"So," Maxon started, "We hope you know that we will expect babies from you two to spoil, but right now is not a good time to start with that process. After you get married might be a good time to actually try." The teenagers' faces in front of us blushed furiously, Adrianna blinking quickly and looking down and Jose looking towards the corner of the room, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Now, we hope you know that we are talking about sex. If you do not know how babies are made, the staff has been looking forward to your reactions during this talk and helped by making posters for you. But here are the ground rules." I explained. "1, no sex until you are 18 Adrianna." I glanced at Maxon. Knowing Adrianna, that meant she would most likely do it at 17. "2, condoms and birth control must be used when having sex." I smiled and Maxon picked up where I left off.

"And 3, sex only in bed." By now, Jose was looking at us, still blushing while Adrianna was giving us her best mom-and-dad-stop-embarrassing-me-in-front-of-my-almost-boyfriend glare. I laughed, causing her to glare at me even more. My smile dropped. "Wait," I looked at Maxon. "Weren't we supposed to tell them this when they were together." Maxon caught onto my motivation to actually get the together officially and played along well. "Yeah." he said dropping his smile as well.

"You two are together right?" he asked turning to look back at the couple. Adrianna was about to be truthful and say no, the word forming on her lips when Jose cut in and wrapped his arm around Adrianna, pulling her closer to him. "Yeah we are together." Jose stated looking down at Adrianna whose face had broken into a blinding smile. "Right?" Jose questioned. "Yeah." she agreed.

I leaned into Maxon's side as the two got up. "Wait," I called out. Adrianna turned around slowly, groaning quietly. "Yes?" she asked and I held my hand out. "Camera please." Reluctantly, she walked over and placed the camera into my open hand. "Thank you." I said, putting the camera down next to me on the bed. "And Jose," Maxon called out as Adrianna was walking back t the door where Jose was standing. "Yes?' he called out and I knew this was going south from the smirk on Maxon's face.

"Need any tips for in bed, just ask." he said winking. I laughed and slapped his arm, "I think we embarrassed them enough for today Maxon." I said, resting my head on his arm. "Lets go." Adrianna said and faster than you can blink, they were out of the room. And that was one of my last, not stressful days. If only I didn't sleep through most of it. But at least that topic got covered.

So, how was the chapter and again I am so sorry for not updating, but I promise to try to update more often. And don't forget about the ending poll on my profile, so please vote if you already haven't! Review, follow and fav please and thank you again for staying with me. It really means more than you can imagine.