Elsa sighed before walking into Jack's room. She stood by the window, making sure she didn't touch it. She could hear Jack moving around his room before she felt his hand on her shoulder. Without thinking, her hand came up to hold the snowflake trinket that he had given her earlier that evening. With a heavy sigh, she turned to look at him, taking a step back.

"Jack, the reason that all the doors and windows have to be closed is me," she said.

"You?" he asked, curiously.

"When Anna and I were younger, we would always play together. One day, something happened, and my parents forced both of us into isolation."

"Really? Both of you?"

"Yes. Anna's spent most of her life in the castle, but I've spent most of my life in my room. Away from everyone, especially Anna."

"Can I tell you something?" Jack asked suddenly.

"Yes," she answered automatically.

"I was isolated from my sister too. We went out to ice skate, of all things. It was her favorite activity. I was always told to make sure she was okay. I always had to ensure her safety. It wasn't that hard, she was usually a good kid. This time that we went to ice skate, the ice was too thin. I tried telling her to avoid those patches, but she wouldn't listen. The ice under her was almost cracked; she was just seconds from falling in. I managed to grab her and get her to safety, but it made me fall in. I got hypothermia from it, and was on bed rest for two days. My sister, Hazel, she kept trying to come see me, telling our mom that it wasn't my fault, she didn't listen to my warnings, but my mom didn't hear her. All she saw was that her son put her precious daughter in danger. I was forbidden from leaving my room, and Hazel was forbidden from that wing of the castle. Anyway, when I woke up and finally felt well enough to move around, I noticed that I was still cold. Nothing made me warmer, but nothing made me colder either. I freaked out, and found out that I could do this," Jack explained, before focusing and creating a snow flake in the palm of his hand.

"What?" Elsa breathed, reaching out to touch it.

"When my mom came into my room and noticed it was snowing inside, but the windows weren't open, she accused me of sorcery and claimed that I was trying to kill her daughter. I'd be dead if it weren't for Hazel. She broke down crying when my mom drug me out of my room. She would only settle when I held her, which made it harder to be isolated from her. Eventually, I was only able to see her if all the guards in the castle were in the same room with us."

"Jack, that's terrible," Elsa said, placing her hand on his arm.

"Yeah, well, I still got to see her. You never got to see Anna until today."

"I have the same powers you have, Jack,"she blurted.

"You do?!"

"Yes...I was born with them. My sister and I were playing in the throne room one morning, and I accidentally struck her with my magic in the head. Thankfully, she was able to get better, but after that the gates were closed and I was taken away from my sister."

Jack just looked at her in awe. She shifted away from him, uncomfortable with the way he was looking at her. Jack noticed this and cleared his throat, moving to sit on his bed. Elsa walked towards the door, thinking that was his signal that he was ready for bed, when he reached out and gently grabbed her wrist.

"Elsa, wait. Do you seriously want to go out into the kingdom tomorrow? If not, I'm sure I can find some way to entertain Anna in the castle."

For some reason, the thought of Jack alone with Anna made her slightly angry. Especially when she remembered the easy way they talked. When she remembered that he had chosen her to tell his story to first, she relaxed and then puzzled over the conflicting emotions she felt.

"I want to go, Jack. Thank you for being worried," she told him, removing her arm from his grasp.

"It's not a problem," he replied, relaxing on the bed.

"Well, I shall see you in the morning. Be prepared for Anna waking you up early," she warned.

"I'm used to it. Good night, Elsa," he said.

"Good night, Jack."

In the morning, Elsa woke up to knocking on her door. She slipped out of her bed, making sure her robe covered her, before heading over to the door. She opened it before the person on the other side could knock again and smiled when she saw it was Jack.

"Good morning," he greeted, grinning.

"Good morning, Jack. Did Anna wake you up?"

"Not exactly. I'm not used to hearing a princess snore."

"Anna snores?"

"I was talking about you," he teased with a wink.

She merely hummed, but rolled her eyes. Before she could think of a reply, Anna suddenly burst out of her room, hair barely brushed and dress half done. Elsa looked at her in a moment of worry, before turning back to Jack. Jack had a fond smile on his face and was rolling his eyes.

"Is there even a mirror in your room, Anna?" he asked, reaching out to tug on her hair.

"Haha, very funny, Jack. I thought you guys were going to leave without me!" she said.

"I was planning on it, but Elsa wouldn't let me."

"Thanks, Elsa! I'm going to go finish getting ready. Don't leave without me!"

Elsa watched Anna go, laughing quietly to herself. Jack sighed next to her, casually throwing an arm around her shoulders. She looked over at him with a light blush staining her cheeks. He glanced at her and winked with a smirk.

"Everything okay there, princess?" he asked her, pulling her closer to his side.

"Yes, everything is fine. Except that I have to get dressed before Anna comes back and practically drags us out of the castle," she replied, smiling slightly.

"Yeah, that would probably be best. I'd hate to have to fight for your attention again."


"It did take you a while to warm up to me," he said, shrugging.

She nodded in agreement before carefully withdrawing from Jack's side.

"I'm going to get dressed. Try not to let Anna drag you out of the castle without me."

"I'd never leave with out you, Elsa."

Elsa ducked her head to hide her blush before slipping back into her room and gently closing the door behind her. She quickly pulled on one of her lighter dresses, seeing as it was the summer months, before pulling her hair up and sighing at her reflection. When she opened the door again, Jack was leaning against the wall, tossing a snowball up into the air and catching it.

"Jack, what if Anna sees you?" she asked, worriedly.

"I think she's having a dress crisis. She keeps yelling out colors and styles. I don't understand," he said, vanishing the snowball easily and standing up.

Elsa blinked at the easy way he handled his powers and frowned. How come he could control his powers, but she still struggled? He was basically cursed with them, she was born with them. She should have better control than him, right? Maybe she could have him give her some pointers. She shook the thought away before going to Anna's door and slipping in to help her sister.