Previously on A new journey: "But the Uchiha seems to posses a very special genetic trait. The tissue looks as if it's made of very high heat resistance material. Which I'm guessing is why their clan is surperior at fire bending, the Uchiha's body are made to have little to no limits."

"Now that I broke my promise, General old Iron will comeback."

A new Journey is on hiatus until September 23, 2015. I know, that's quite a while but I just found out about a new trilogy series. But hey, I'm still continuing with sequel before hand:)

One of Lao's workers pointed to Aang, in avatar state. "Lao-sir the avatar is going to destroy the refinery...all of our precious work..."

Lao heavily sighed. "That refinery is important to not just me but as a symbol that both the Earth kingdom and Fire nation can work together." He looked to Toph. "Now it'll be gone."

Toph stood up. "No it won't. I will protect that place, with my life." Toph then ran off, leaving Lao alone with Deidara and Zetsu.

"Could you too"

"I just saved your ass in the mine, now you want me to protect something of yours? You're lucky I didn't leave you to die."

*sweat drops* "How about you Zetsu sir?"

"I can't bend. I'm only a spirit."

"A spirit in the human world?"

"Sure. Whatever you want to call it. So I'll be on earth for a while..."

"...Interesting. Why aren't all spirits and humans together?"

"Harmonic convergence."

Aang however was in the avatar state, getting ready to destroy the refinery, he shot three fire balls at the damn place only for it to get reflected by an earth wall. Aang let off from avatar state. "Wait...what're you doing Toph?"

"What does it look like?! I'm protecting the refinery!"

After Lee and Guy evacuated everyone to safe places, Lee ran up to the shores where the rough rhino guys were fighting with Sokka and Satoru. "Yes! A bender!" Satoru exclaimed.

Lee smiled. "I am not a bender." Lee ran up to Vachir and punched him in the face. "I am a fighter!" Vachir stumbled back, he held out his arrows.

"I will not loose to a kid." Vachir hissed as he shot the arrows.

Lee dodged around the arrows then ran up to Vachir and kicked him straight in the stomach. Lee quickly jumped up and hammered him straight in the back. "Yes! POWER OF YOUTH!"

(I wouldn't want to get in a fight with this guy...) "Alright Lee! In this case, outsmarting doesn't apply to you."

Satoru started to panic. "Does it apply to him?!"

Sokka, Satoru, and Lee watched as General old Iron stepped onto the shores, rain started beating on them harder than ever before. "What can we do?"

Loban pulled the mask all the way to his boat, grumbling all the way. Suddenly the mask started to lift up. Sokka and Satoru grabbed onto Loban but that didn't stop the mask from floating up. "DAH! Uncle Loban!" Satoru yelled.

"Shut up!"

"Look what you've gotten yourself into!"

Aang and Toph...

"Toph there isn't enough time to explain this! Get out of the way! I have to show that humans can preserve and-"

"By destroying the refinery?!"

"...just get out of the way! I can't let everyone die because of this!"

"...Ok then. Move me, make me get out of the way."

Aang air bended a blast of air, Toph stomped on the ground reflecting the air. Aang then water bended the rain, froze it, then shot at Toph's wall. That didn't work. Toph started punching the wall making rock pieces fly at Aang.


A rock piece hit Aang hard in the stomach. Aang wiped the blood from his mouth and shot an air blast at an incoming rock piece.

"You haven't seen half of what I can do!" Toph yelled.

This time metal pieces flew at Aang, Aang shot a blast of pent up air, slicing through the metal rock thing. "We won't continue this Toph! You see I have to stop that!" Aang pointed to the giant spirit coming closer.

"How many times do I have to tell you this?! I can't see!"

"But you can hear!"

General old Iron's metal armor floated back to him. Katara looked up at it, his brother was hanging up there. "SOKKA!" Katara water bended a giant water slide for them to slide down on.

They all fell down safely on the ground. Loban sighed. "Thank you nephew, and you to Katara."

Sokka coughed up some water. "Thanks sis."

General old Iron and Aang faced each other. "General old Iron I am the avatar and-"

General old Iron flat out punched Aang, making Aang fly down and crash into the ground pretty hard. "I do not care about the avatar! I will KILL the human race for good!"

Zetsu caught Aang in mid-air. "Are you dead?"


Katara ran up to a fallen and badly hurt Aang. "Aang! No!" Katara cried, she bended out the last of water and started to heal Aang.

"Damn this. I don't have time for this, Zetsu watch over them. I will take care of this annoying guy."

Deidara this time ran up to General old Iron. General old Iron punched the ground sending Deidara flying up, next he hammer punched Deidara in the face. Getting beat up so hard he fell down into the ground. "Get out of my way!"

Deidara got up and jumped back on the highest peak. "You're pretty damn annoying you know that?" Deidara dug into his chest and pulled out a bloody bomb. "I've wanted to use this ever since I made it and now...I have a chance, hm!"

Zetsu grabbed Aang and Katara. "It's a C4." In a few seconds they all reappeared on top of the refinery, far way from Deidara. "What is he doing?" Katara asked.

"Deidara will die."



Deidara stuck something inside his chest. "The only time I will use this is when I want to die and become my art."

"...that's pretty heavy Deidara."

"I pretty much dread life, art is the only thing I truly love."

"What happened to Akatsuchi and Kurotsuchi?"

"They left, they didn't even want anything to do with me, hm."

"What about everyone else who loves and cares for you?"

(Like who?) "Someone out there..."

"Who...loves...a terrorist?"

"I'm not here to argue with you so good luck with that."

"Deidara is a terrorist after all...why should you care?"

"...No...I believe he was more than that."

Toph stood there in the rain, watching Deidara sacrifice himself. "NO YOU IDIOT!" Toph started to run towards them but Zetsu caught her.

"Better we not have two deaths..."

"What do you mean?"

"Shut up!"

General old Iron's armour and parts of his body was eaten away. And so did Deidara slowly get eaten away by his own art. (I finally know true peace!) "Yes! ART IS AN EXPLOSION!"

Then that was it. Deidara let himself get killed.

General old Iron...was still alive...which all in all was horrible. Aang slowly stood up and tried getting into avatar state. "I will fulfill my job as the avatar and I will protect the people. Even if I end up dying. I will still protect everyone."

"Aang you're still hurt you don't have to do this alone. Please don't go!" Katara cried.

"No. I have to."

"Just not alone." Naruto yelled.

Naruto jumped down ov while Appa landed down as well. "We can do this together Aang. He's already weakened."

Aang nodded to Naruto. "Two avatars. We will definitely win."

Naruto stomped on the ground, a large pillar sprout beneath him, while Aang had flying pieces of rock come to him, eventually creating AANG GOLEM! Naruto jumped on the head of Aang golem and he took off.

Aang rightfully punched General old Iron in the face while Naruto jumped down and shot a powerful blast of black flames at his body.

"Don't ever touch our friends!" Aang yelled.

General old Iron fell down, his lower body was gone due to the black flames and his face was wounded bad. Aang got out of avatar state and ran to the fallen spirit. "No...I didn't mean for this to happen."

"It's okay Aang! We beat him!" Naruto reassured.

"No...we killed him."

"Spirits can't die Aang."

"How do you know that?!"

General old Iron, clenched his only hand in anger. "I now know...spirits don't belong here any more." General old Iron started to slowly disappear.

"No wait!" Aang beckoned. "That's not true! Don't you see we need a balance!"

Naruto clenched his fist. "COME BACK HERE!"

"Hm...Katsu...they should've learned from you, humans cannot handle the elements."

"I am not Katsu. I am Uzumaki Naruto. I am the avatar...we are the two avatars of the world. Born to different regions, customed to different teachings. Seperated only by an illusion. I truly believe humans and spirits can live together only through balance. And I want that time to come where we humans and you spirits can closely live together in this world side by side."

"That is impossibe. Humans and spirits will never be balanced, one will always triumph over the other. You humans have vanquished me so I will take my leaving, forever."

With those troubling last words, General old Iron left. For good. The sun came out and it now only lightly rained. Toph ran up to Aang and hugged him dearly. "I'm sorry...Aang."

"Me too."

Hours later...

Everyone was at the cliff, wearing black and holding umbrellas. A portrait of Konan and Deidara stood at end. It was surrounded by covered candles, white flowers, and bunches of food. It was a mix of both a traditional Air Nomad and Fire Nation funeral.

"Why...why wasn't I there to protect them?" Naruto asked.

Yahiko placed his hand on Naruto's shoulder. "We can't always be here for people...that's just how it is. But at least you can carry out their will and create peace."


Nagato's tears wouldn't go away, he kept on wiping his face but they still kept on coming down. (...the Akatsuki is over...that means I have to create a new organization...a variation of the white lotus.)

After the funeral...

Naruto sat down and read his father's words. Sakura came down and sat next to Naruto. "Naruto I have good news!"


"...Sasuke is going to be okay..."


"Belive it."


After talking with Katara, Aang sat down to meditate. Next thing he knew the birds that surrounded him, fused together to create the lady of the statue, or better known as Lady Tienhai. "I am Lady Tienahi, avatar Aang, and I am here to tell you my story."

"After my friend, General old Iron, left I was still interested in the human race so as a tradition I would take human form and travel through the city. One day I met a curious prince and I took immdiate interest in him..."

" I took the form as a human permenantly even though that meant I would die...and so we then married. For years and years we were happy until I did eventually die...he blamed my death on himself because it was for him I wanted to change from a spirit."

"But you're alive..."

"Because my love, as smart as he was, didn't know that spirits don't die they just take in a new form. General old Iron was also wrong, humans create not destroy."

"But we destroyed this place."

"Ah yes but every human and spirit has their faults." Lady Tienhai changed back into her bird form and started to fly away.

"Do you think I can create a world where both humans and spirits coexist?"

"I don't think I believe!"

Three months later...

Today was the re-celebration of Yangchen's festival everyone was having a good time. Even Sasuke who was damned to having bandages wrapped around his chest and being stuck in a wheelchair for just a couple of weeks though. Even he was a little tiny bit less annoyed than usual.

Naruto walked up to Sakura who was force feeding Sasuke some of Sokka's meat things. "Sasuke...whenever you're outta that wheelchair then we'll have that fight you want so much!"

"Hmph. Whatever...Sakura, I'm okay, I don't need this much food."

"Oh don't be so modest Sasuke!"

At that moment Sai along with Suki randomly appeared, clutching a book in his hand. "So you're feeding your boyfriend? That's really sweet."

Sasuke faintly blushed a light pink. "...we aren't dating idiot." Sasuke quickly stated.

Naruto smirked. "Ha-ha! Sasuke! You look weird!"

"SHUT UP! You're not 12 anymore so stop acting like it!"

"That's not the reaction I thought I would get oh something." Sai ushered.

Suki held out a Kyoshi warrior outfit. "Haruno Sakura, I would want more than anything for you to join the Kyoshi warriors as captain for your amazing medical, bending, and strength skills."

"It would be a honor."

Naruto smiled. "Alright Sakura!"

Naruto walked over to a cliff and did something he didn't think he was ever going to do: meditate. Which he has but not in a while. (Katsu I have to ask you a question...)


(Whenever I die...will someone else have you or is this the only era of two avatars?)

(...When you die, someone will have me...that person will be the opposite element of the true avatar. The next avatar is water, so that means...well hypothetically it would mean the next Katsu-avatar is fire born but you never know. I could be wrong.)

(As long as you're born again I'm fine with whoever is my next incarnation, whoever that person will be I hope they don't abuse their power. Heh see ya, Katsu.)


Naruto stood up and watched the sun set. "Whoever my next incarnation will be...I know they'll have the guts to go against all odds and become a true hero."

A/N: I lied. Again.

Edit: APPARENTLY I'm still not done yet and there is a story arc after the rift. Damn it all. So A) A new Journey is continued. B) The last Journey and Changing the world is delayed.

Well anyways. After the rift is Smoke and Shadow. It deals with the anti-Zuko society, Azula coming back all of a sudden. (this is real) Which will make Naruto re-think about friendship. Sai, Kakashi, and Gaara are also coming back as main characters, and some other stuff:/

Also I'm coming up with a sequel called The Last Journey! The next (probably last of the Journey series) installment of A new Journey which just mostly deals with The Legend of Korra and the new Naruto generation. The sequel won't come for a while (at least next year) though so oh well...anyways dattebasa!

Preview for The Last Journey: Four Nations, Four elements, and two avatars and yes I said two. Korra was meant to save the world while Uzumaki Boruto was suppose to be like Uzumaki Naruto but sometimes even that changes...and maybe for the better...