GUYS! This is the last chapter; I can't believe it! This is one of the longest fanfic I've written, and I'm so glad it has received support from the beginning all the way to where we are now. Thank you for reading and supporting this fic. You all are so lovely!

The Curtain Rises

"McGarden! Redfox is going to be at Magnolia Garden tonight at 8. I want an exclusive story on my desk before tomorrow evening." The Editor barked. Levy sighed exhaustedly but couldn't help but smile. She was glad to see her friend settling back into her work so easily.

In addition, the Magnolia Corner was booming even more with sales. Once the Editor came back, she wrote an exclusive centering on the mass arrest of Phantom Lord's most corrupt members—including Jose Porla. The story was the biggest buzz in all of Fiore, and the Editor, of course, had all the details. Business was great.

"Yes ma'am. I'll have that for you tomorrow." Levy nodded.

The Editor smiled. "Great, and tell that knucklehead I said hi."

Levy left her boss's office and smiled on her way back to her own. This will be an interesting night.

Later that evening, the glorified Magnolia Garden was sold out as this was the debut for Fairy Tail's new band. They had released a single featuring an anonymous songstress, and it was hit!

"What's a doll like you doing over here? You know you should be singin' on stage." Rogue smiled at the bluenette flirtatiously.

Levy returned the gesture. "I am a humble reporter. Plus I gotta support Redfox."

Rogue nodded. "A girl's gotta support her man." He chuckled. "Well, I'm just checking out the band."

"Hey where's yer blonde friend? I got date plans to offer." Sting grumbled as he looked around.

Levy laughed. "I don't know; maybe she's with Natsu."

"Dragneel?" Sting questioned with a disgusted tone. "I can show her a much better time doll."

Rogue rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I hope you a lovely evening." He then dragged his friend away.

Suddenly, Juvia came by excitedly. "Levy-chan~, Gray-sama just asked Juvia to dinner tomorrow night!"

Levy beamed. "That's wonderful!" She settled into her seat, and Juvia joined her. "Erza, did you hear?"

The redhead grinned and nodded approvingly. "It's quite the news."

Another woman joined the two. "Oh my gosh." She gasped out of breath with bright rosy cheeks.

"You okay Lu-chan?" Levy chuckled.

"Oh yeah, yeah. I just ran into Sting. That's all." Lucy giggled nervously. The girls wanted to know more, but a familiar voice spoke grabbed the audience's attention.

"Good evening ladies and gentle-cats, I hope you all are feeling grand." Lily chuckled charismatically, and the lights dimmed in the theater. "It's my pleasure to welcome to our show; we hope you enjoy it."

The audience applauded as Lily walked from their view. In a few moments, the curtain rose and Lily was back with the rest of the band behind him. In his place of the piano, Wendy smiled shyly in the back. There was a small count off, and the band started playing.

In the dark, Levy grinned brightly as she heard the music play. She took out a small journal and began taking notes. Can't upset the Editor. The bluenette paid attention to the entire performance, but every now and then, her eyes would wonder to the right. A man with enticing red eyes and long spiky hair played his bass with a happy smirk.

The show went on, and after a while, Levy closed her journal. She leaned a bit into her chair and took in all the excitement and energy that was happening around. They are going to be big stars soon.

The crowd roared with applause and cheers as the curtain closed. Levy said her goodbyes to her friends as she put on her press hat and left her seat. The woman made her way to the back of the stage and gave the band some time to pack up and talk amongst each other.

Gajeel Redfox seemed to be the happiest man in the world. He would have never thought he would be playing at the Magnolia Garden so soon in his career. The show went well, but he couldn't help but wish that there was a particular bluenette on stage with him.

"Excuse me, Mr. Redfox—Levy McGarden speaking—I was hoping if I could get an exclusive with you for the Magnolia Corner." The man's heart nearly exploded with joy once he turned around and saw his bluenette smiling at him brightly.

He grabbed the small woman and kissed her. "You know doll, you never have to ask for that." He winked. Levy blushed brightly when she figured out what he meant and punched his arm. "Where will this exclusive interview be taking?"

Levy giggled. "Well I have deadline tomorrow, so let's get to your house."

"Aww, can't we go over to your place?" Gajeel whined.

Levy rolled her eyes. "No boys for overnight visits, and besides, there's no more rooms vacant since Jackie came back."

"Makes sense." Redfox muttered. He then picked up the bluenette and placed her on his shoulder. He took his bass in the other hand. "Well looks like we need to get going now."

"Gajeel! Put me down!" Levy yelled at the man.

Redfox snickered as he stepped out into the night—never letting go of his woman. "Oh quiet down McGarden." He winked at the bluenette. "After all, we gotta give you that exclusive."

*Throws roses at you all* I know it's short, but I just wanted to wrap it up. Ladies, gents, this is the end of my fanfic. Thank you for reading!

You all have been lovely with the reviews or pms and such. Thank you for supporting my work; you guys are great. If you have any final thoughts to share, please review.

I currently don't have a fanfic idea in the making, but I hope you all stay updated with what I write. Thank you so much for reading this fic guys!

Until next time, stay jazzy!
