Chapter 1: Bitter Endings and New Beginnings

A/N: Hello everyone, I'm currently editing the chapters of this story and things will probably change (a lot). I recommend rereading this so you won't be lost or something like that when I write a new chapter for this puppy. I hope you guys enjoy and Happy New Years (even though it's a bit late).

Naruto's P.O.V


I shot out of my seat as soon as I heard that heavenly sound. Yes, the sound of the school bell. I was excited that summer break had finally begun but, I wasn't too happy that the school year was ending. The reason (or person really) was Sakura-chan.

She was as beautiful as the tree she was named after. Yes I know I may be the worst at giving compliments, but a guy can try.

I arrived at my shoe locker and bent over with difficulty. My locker was at the very bottom, near the floor. I sighed as I finally got them out of their confinement and onto my feet. What I didn't expect was a note falling to the ground.

'Strange I wonder who sent it to me. Maybe it's a love letter that Sakura-chan sent to me!' I gleefully thought, with a big grin I ripped the red envelope and took the note out of it. My grin fell; I wasn't expecting Sasuke's handwriting. Not that I stare at his handwriting for long periods of time, wondering how it was so neat and nice and automatically knowing it. No who does that anyway? Pshh. Not me that's for sure.

'Naruto come to the front of the school when you receive this note, we need to tell you something'-Sasuke

'Weird' I thought as I slowly walked outside, immediately spotting the duck-butt hairstyle that belonged to the one and only Sasuke Uchiha.

I walked over and saw that all of the gang was there. There were five of us including me.

Neji Hyuuga, the world's number two prick (the first one was Sasuke). Neji was currently leaning against a tree.

Next to him was Tenten, who was a total bitch to people she didn't like and she was totally useless when it came to handling weapons. The ironic thing was that she was the daughter of a martial artist.

Sitting on the ground was Sakura Haruno she was the daughter of a famous actress and actor. She was my long time crush, but I knew that my feelings would never be returned. I had hope that maybe she would like me the teeniest tiny bit.

Sasuke was sitting on the ground as well, arms wrapped loosely around his knees. His expression displayed utter boredom. He did look a bit tense, but maybe I was imagining it? He was after all an Uchiha (Uchiha's didn't show emotion according to Sasuke). They were one of the towns' most prestigious family and a rich one at that. They practically ruled this place.

"Hey guys" I called out as I sat on the ground in front of him.

"Naruto we need to tell you something" Sasuke immediately said, not even bothering to greet me. He was cut off before he could say anything more.

"Look Naruto we are absolutely tired of you and frankly I don't even know what we were thinking when we invited you to hang out with us" Sakura-chan told me with a cruel tone.

I was baffled; Sakura-chan was never this….cruel. My breathing sped up, my hands were shaking and my stomach twisted up into tiny little knots. I felt like I was going to throw up.

"You look even worse than the sewer, and you're a fat piece of crap that doesn't deserve to live, you're taking up more space than necessary." Tenten continued, her voice rang out clear and loud.

It was deathly silent.

I realized everyone was watching and listening. I froze, completely paralyzed.

"Get the hell out of our faces and die you pig" Sakura sneered out.

"T-t-this is a joke right?" I asked with a trembling voice.

"No, Naru-dumb this is no joke and sadly for you, we never did like you" Tenten said with an ugly tone.

"Now get away before you infect us with your fatness, you fag" Sakura sneered.

My eyes widened.

"You fucking bitch" I whispered angrily. I hadn't felt this mad in a long long time.

"What?" Sakura looked offended.

I looked at Neji and saw his pitying gaze. The worst thing of all was that Sasuke wasn't saying anything; he didn't even look at me, this fueled my anger more.

"I hope everyone finally realizes how much of a fake whore you really are" I hissed.

"And YOU, I hope you get nun chucked so you can finally get some sense beaten into you, you fucking dipshit" I roared pointing my finger at Tenten.

I was seeing red.

"OH, and don't get me started on this piece of shit named Neji, did you know he sleeps with a pink stuffed unicorn because he's scared of the dark?" I said laughing and facing everyone.

"The topping of this cake goes to our very own dark prince, whose hair is shaped like a duck's ass" I yelled.

"FUCK YOU" I yelled at all four of them, giving them the finger.

Then I stomped out of the hellhole named Konoha Middle School.

Aniki was right; never trust anyone.

I wandered for a bit until I arrived home. I sighed when I realized I didn't get the chance to tell them I was going to America.

Yeah, I was going to go to America to lose weight.

I opened the door and toed my shoes on. I went my room and flopped face down on my bed. No one was home. I yawned and sleep overtook me.

I opened the door as quietly as I could but I was instead attacked with a hug.

It was mother.

She dragged me to the living room and sat me down.

I saw my dad, and Aniki already seated.

"Hun, we have an offer to well, offer you" my mom said with her motherly voice. She was the world- famous chef, Kushina Uzumaki.

Yes, we were a well off family.

"Ok" I mumbled out.

"We want to send you to a weight losing resort in America" my dad said. He was Minato Namikaze, the president of the Namikaze Corps; he could be so insensitive sometimes.

I started to cry.

They are rushed to me and asked me what was wrong.

"I don't want to leave my friends" I said with a trembling voice.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry but this is for the best" Mother said in a soft tone.

I sniffled a bit.

I weighed my pros and cons, it turns out that there were more pros than cons.

"Fine" I said giving in, although everything is happening so fast, I don't think I'll regret going to the resort.

I'll finally lose the weight I've been trying to get rid of and have a healthier diet. (Hopefully).

They booked a flight and it was scheduled for the day after the last day of school.

"You won't regret this" My father said.

I smiled hesitantly and nodded.

I sat up and groaned. I was dreaming something that happened about a week ago, my parents telling me about the resort. I looked to the side and noticed my suitcases were packed, mother must've packed them.

She really is a big help. I looked at my clock and saw it was 4 am in the morning. I sighed and decided to take a shower, there was at least five hours until I had to be at the airport.

When I got in my mind started to drift. I clenched my fist when I thought about those people. I would get my revenge, oh I will. I don't care what I have to go through until they pay.

I'll make them pay because of the humiliation I had to face; even if I fought back it isn't enough.

I got out and went to my room to change.

The next few hours passed by in a flash.

Before I knew it I was boarding the plane, alone for the first time.

I woke up and found out there were a few minutes left until we landed.

I admired the inside of the airport it looked nice, it had some restaurants.

I looked around for the guide that was supposed to take me to airport.

I spotted her and walked over.

This was my new beginning.

A/N: See? I said there was going to change in this. In the end I completely rewrote stuff. There might be fewer chapters than before, but I hoped you enjoyed this. P.S sorry if I offended anyone that sleeps with a pink stuffed unicorn and is scared of the dark.