A/N: Well, I did promise a new Story.
This one might be a bit more crappier, but it's one of my best (written well, plot is...complicated)

Tony. Tony Tony Tony Tony freaking Stark.
That was the only name that echoed over and over in Steve's mind.
Tony wasn't even his type.
He was a geek, okay? Or at least that's how he called him. The rest of the students called him a genius.

But he and Steve came from completely different places.
Tony was rich, he wasn't.
Tony was interested in science, he was the captain of the football team.
Tony could walk in the halls like he owns the place (something that won't surprise Steve) while Steve didn't like dragging too much attention.
Tony was a playboy, which meant he was straight, Steve was a closet gay.

Nobody knew, not his friends, not even his family.
And he preferred it this way.
Not once his friend, Natasha Romanov, tried to set him up with her friend, Sharon Carter.
And Steve said no every time.

"Why not?" Natasha complained, "she's cute, she's smart and she's funny."
"I don't want a relationship now Nat." Steve said, a bit annoyed and took a sip from his drink.
"Steve, please."Natasha lifted an eyebrow, "she's the hottest girl in here, and you tell me you don't want her? Only someone gay won't want to date her." She complained.

Did he mention she was homophobic?

That's one of the reasons Steve never told anyone what he is. He was afraid from their reaction...
It's not like he can walk to his friends and announce: 'hey, guys turn me on' and such. It's not something easy to say.
It never is. And because of Tony Stark, it became even harder.

So, it started like this.
Steve woke up in the morning, brushed his teeth, dressed up and then he woke his roommate, Clint Barton, who clearly had a hangover.
Clint just groaned annoyed and begun to stand up while Steve packed his bag.

"You got a class in an hour, try to hurry." He said and walked out of the room.

Everything was normal. He walked to his classes, talked with his friends, and then, he went to a practice.

He noticed Clint together with Natasha. They usually came to watch his practice. Or more like Clint dragged Natasha since she got nothing to do.
But this time, they got two more people with them.
One was Tony, which Steve recognized straightly. So he assumed the other was his friend.

While he put his shirt on, he looked at Tony, who was talking with the other guy. They seemed close.

Only when Tony looked back, Steve realized he's staring.
Tony simply smiled lightly at him, but Steve knew he's amused for some reason. That smile and look made him feel something inside. Something…weird.
He quickly wore his shirt and joined the rest of the team.

Well, the practice sucked, he could tell that. He had such a hard time concentrating, especially when he saw that Tony was looking at him the whole freaking time that he didn't know what to do.

So they finished practice earlier, Steve gave a lame excuse for why he can't continue and said they'd continue tomorrow.

"Hey, what was that?" Clint asked as he stopped Steve. Steve just looked away and continued walking, so Clint followed him.
"Steve, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Clint asked confused. He never saw his friend like this. Steve wasn't the type to miss training, and he wasn't the type to run away from one.

"I just...didn't feel good." Steve said quietly. He didn't know what else to say, though he really didn't feel good. He didn't feel good at all.


"Just...leave it alone Clint." Steve said a bit annoyed and walked away, leaving Clint behind.

"What. Was. That?!" Steve said annoyed as he slammed the door behind him. It was just a look! But...his smile thought...it was warm…
And...Tony looked quite good...
The sunlight hit perfectly his messy dark brown hair which blended well with his skin.
And his clothes...he dressed well, Steve had to admit. The plain dark T-shirt, the leather jacket he wore on top of it and the ripped jeans...
Maybe Steve called him a geek, but he surely didn't act or dressed like one.
But...it's just a smile.

He needs a shower.

For the next week, Steve bumped into Tony every time he walked somewhere that he could swear the guy is doing it on purpose. They barely saw each other before that cursed practice.
Why Tony was there in the first place? And why the heck he was the first one to make Steve feel something that he never wanted to feel!?

It was frustrating. But Steve won't hide just because of Tony.

A/N: A really...really, short chapter for start.
Tell me what do you think and...I'll see if I'd continue uploading :)