A/n- sorry for the late update folks but I have been visiting the hospital frequently in these past few months. I had to get stitches and all. So painful guys! Anyway continuing.

And when I said in the last chapter that bella ran to Edward when he got back I meant to say that she hobbled over to him sorry for any confusion this might have caused.

Chapter 9


Waking up in Edwards arms after he ravished me last night was truly a great feeling. After the stressful day I had yesterday he managed to make me feel better once again.

Today is the day that Marcus, Demetri and Alec were due to arrive and we were going to plan how to take Aro and Jacob down. I was a little excited about getting revenge on Jacob for causing the death of my father. The way I see it is he stole someone precious to me so im going to make him pay an eye for an eye if you will.

Aro was a different story all together though. I know Edward wanted a crack at him because he sent his men after me but Im afraid that Edward will act rashly. I just got him I couldn't afford to lose him now.

As I was led there contemplating all this I felt Edward begin to stir. I snuggled closer into his side and sighed quietly. Apparently it wasn't quiet enough as Edward shifted slightly to look at me.

"Are you okay love? How are you feeling?" Edward murmured. His voice still hoarse from sleep.

"I'm just thinking about everything that's happened in these last few days. I know that you are set out for Aro but im scared that you will do something rash without thinking first I don't want to lose you Edward, I've already lost my dad I can't afford to lose you too I would never survive" I whispered the last part scared of his reaction.

Edward sighed and pressed his lips to my head. "I know you've been through a lot Bella in these last few days I want to promise it will get better but at the moment I can't promise you that for sure, I don't want to you false hope love, as far doing something rash I can promise that I won't do anything rash unless you're in danger" Edward turned my head up to look at him and brought his lips to mine in a hot kiss.

I smiled into the kiss happy that Edward had reassured me about his rashness.

"Come on love time to get up ready for the day, were going to meet Marcus, Demetri and Alec in Seattle" Edward said before swinging his legs of the side of the bed and standing and taking his gloriously naked self into the bathroom.

Whilst he took a shower I sat myself up and began to climb out of the bed. I stopped short once I saw the blood on the covers. I looked around quickly for my dressing gown and slipped into it when I found it hanging over the back of the black leather couch in the corner.

I hobbled back over to the bed slowly, my foot still a little sore from where I dropped a knife through it the other day. I stared in horror at the blood, I knew that the first time for a girl causes a bit of bleeding because of the hymen breaking but this was mortifying.

I felt my face heat up at the thought of Edward seeing this and of course because luck is never on my side Edward chose that exact moment to walk back into the bedroom. He rushed over noticing my panicked expression.

"Baby whats wrong?" he gripped my shoulders lightly shaking me a bit.

"S-sorry I kind of ruined your s-sheets" I stuttered out stupidly. He looked at me confused before looking over to the bed. My face reddened when he looked back at me.

"Are you okay? Are you still bleeding? What do I do? Are you in any pain? Shit erm you need a bath, okay ye I can run you a bath" Edward rambled nervously. I had to smile at my cute confused boyfriend. He was incredibly adorable when he was flustered.

"Edward im fine just a bit sore a bath sounds great though" I smiled reassuringly at him. He looked a little sceptical at first until I nodded at him assuring him once again that I was honestly okay.

"Okay princess ill run you a nice bath" he smiled before heading off to the bathroom again still clad in a towel and nothing else.

10 minutes later I was soaking in a nice hot bubble bath that Edward had run for me. I led there for about an hour before the water started to get cold. I hopped out and wrapped a towel around my body and my hair. I headed into the bedroom only to find a set of clothes already picked out for me.

"Damn Alice" I muttered but headed over anyway to get dressed for the day.


I left Bella in the bath and headed downstairs to find my mum, Alice and Rose already in the kitchen.

I walked over to my mum and kissed her on the cheek.

"Morning Edward, wheres Bella?" my mum asked smiling at me.

"Shes just in the bath, she should be heading down soon though" she nodded and went back to whatever she was cooking. Whilst her rose and Alice started talking i went in search of my dad, Emmett and Jasper.

I found them all in my dads office.

"Whats going on guys?" I asked as they all looked up at me coming into the office.

"Nothing just yet Edward, we'll be meeting Marcus, Demetri and Alec in Seattle at the hotel at 4 o'clock" Carlisle said. I nodded my head and sat down in the only other available chair.

"When we get to Seattle were going to start planning on what to do with Aro and Jacob" I said and Emmett and Jasper nodded along with what I was saying.

"Ye sounds fine is Bella going to be involved in the planning?" Carlisle asked. I sighed and ran hand through my already messy hair.

"I don't want her to be involved in this its too dangerous but shes instant that she be involved, she wants to be the one to get black after what he did to her dad, I don't like it one bit but if I don't let her then she will end up going after him on her own and I can't have that. At least this way I can keep my eyes on her" I sighed again. Bella was such a stubborn woman but it really was best that I let her in on it.

Carlisle nodded to agreeing with what I was saying.

"Very well, now you boys go and have some breakfast then we will make our way out to Seattle" we boys nodded and stood up to go for some breakfast.

Upon arriving downstairs I got the shock of my life. Bella was sat on the couch with a ps3 pad in her hand, a concentrated look on her face, in the middle of an intense game of black ops. Most surprisingly of all though was that she was actually really good at it.

I looked over at Emmett and Jasper who both wore looks of shock and disbelief.

"What the fucking hell Bella!? You never told me you was a fucking god at black ops" Emmett boomed, scaring the living day lights out of Bella. She looked up and blushed at being caught playing the game.

"Sorry Emmett I didn't think it was important" Bella shifted nervously under his intense stare.

"Well what the fuck are you waiting for, give me a controller and move over" Jasper smiled and headed over to sit beside my beautiful girlfriend who laughed and went back to the lobby to add jasper in.

I smiled and turned around to head into the kitchen to grab some breakfast. I chuckled to myself when I heard Emmett's voice.

"I play the winner" Jaspers deep laugh and Bella's giggle sounded through the house.

I entered the kitchen to find my mum had already plated everyones breakfast. I smiled and thanked her before shouting for the rest of them to come and get there breakfast.

"Hey everyone get your slow asses in here for breakfast im fucking starving" my mum elbowed me for my language causing me to chuckle.

I sat down at the table and soon Bella, Jasper, Emmett and Carlisle had joined us. The girls were already in here from before. Bella sat down at the side of me and I smirked before leaning over to whisper in her ear.

"Seems I worked up quite the appetite last night" I threw my head back and laughed as she stammered out some sort of response.

Breakfast was a hoot and a half. We all had bacon, sausage, eggs and French toast. I got poked a lot of Bella for stealing bits of her bacon. I defended myself though saying that she wasn't eating them. her response was to stick her tongue out at me.

As soon as breakfast was done we all helped tidy up before we got our shit ready for Seattle.

There was Bella, Emmett, Rose an myself in one car and Jasper and Alice rode with mum and dad.

When we were on the road Bella switched the stereo on and smiled a bright smile as a song came on. I didn't recognise the song but it was a sweet tune. Made even better by her singing along with it. I smiled as we continued to head to Seattle.


I was sat in the passenger seat of Edwards's car with Emmett and rose in the back. We were about 10 minutes into the drive when I decided to switch the stereo on. A song that I loved on and I smiled brightly before turning it up. I listened as the first lyrics came out and I began to sing along.

Listen to the song here in my heart

A melody I start but can't complete

Listen to the sound from deep within

Its only beginning to find release

Oh the time has come for my dreams to be heard

They will not be pushed aside and turned

Into your own, all 'cause you won't listen

Listen, I am alone at a crossroads

I'm not at home in my own home

And I've tried and tried

To say what's on my mind

You should have known

Now I'm done believing you

You don't know what I'm feeling

I'm more than what

You've made of me

I followed the voice, you gave to me

But now I've gotta find my own

You should have listened

There was someone here inside

Someone I thought had died

So long ago

Oh I'm screaming out

And my dreams will be heard

They will not be pushed aside or turned

Into your own

All 'cause you won't listen

Listen, I am alone at a crossroads

I'm not at home in my own home

And I've tried and tried

To say what's on my mind

You should have known

Now I'm done believing you

You don't know what I'm feeling

I'm more than what

You've made of me

I followed the voice, you gave to me

But now I've gotta find my own

I don't know where I belong

But I'll be moving on

If you don't, if you won't

Listen to the song here in my heart

A melody I start, but I will complete

Now I am done believing you

You don't know not what I am feeling

I'm more than what you've made of me

I followed the voice you think you gave to me

But now I got to find my own, my own

I smiled when the song had finished. Silence. I looked around at everyone. Edward was smiling radiantly at me, Emmett was looking at me with his mouth hung open and Rosalie was looking equally as shocked.

"What?" I asked self-conscious as I blushed and put my head down.

"Bella you have a kick ass voice! You're fucking amazing!" Emmett Bellowed and Rosalie smiled and nodded along agreeing with him.

I blushed even harder and thanked them. Another song began to play and this time it was Emmett who decided to grace us with a performance.

This is why I'm hot [2x]

This is why [2x] Uh

This is why I'm hot (Uh)

This is why I'm hot [2x] Whoo

This is why [2x]

This is why I'm hot

I'm hot cause I'm fly (fly)

You ain't cause you're not (Mims)

This is why [2x]

This is why I'm hot [2x]

This is why I'm hot

I don't gotta rap

I can sell a mill saying nothing on the track

I represent New York

I got it on my back

Niggas say that we lost it

So I'm gonna bring it back

I love the dirty, dirty

'Cause niggas show me love

The ladies start to bounce

As soon as I hit the club

But in the Midwest

They love to take it slow

So when I hit the H

I watch you get it on the floor

And if you needed it hyphy

I take it to the Bay

Frisco to Sac-town

They do it everyday

Compton to Hollywood

As soon as I hit L.A.

I'm in that low, low

I do it the Cali way

And when I hit Chi

People say that I'm fly

They like the way I dress they like

(They like my) my attire move crowds from side to side

They ask me how I do it and simply I reply...

This is why I'm hot [2x]

This is why [2x] Uh

This is why I'm hot (Uh)

This is why I'm hot [2x] Whoo

This is why [2x]

This is why I'm hot

I'm hot cause I'm fly (fly)

You ain't cause you're not (Mims)

This is why [2x]

This is why I'm hot [2x]

This is why I'm hot

Catch me on the block

Every other day

Another bitch another drop

16 bars, 24 pop

44 songs, nigga gimme what you got

I'm in there driving cars

Push 'em off the lot

I'm into shutting stores down so I can shop

If you need a bird I can get it chopped

Tell me what you need you know I get 'em by the flock

I call my homie black meet on the ave

I hit Wash Heights with the money in the bag

We're into big spinners

See my pimping never dragged

Find me with different women that you niggas never had

For those who say they know me know I'm focused on my cream

player you come between you'd better focus on the beam

I keep it so mean the way you see me lean

And when say I'm hot my nigga dis is what I mean

This is why I'm hot [2x]

This is why [2x] Uh

This is why I'm hot (Uh)

This is why I'm hot [2x] Whoo

This is why [2x]

This is why I'm hot

I'm hot cause I'm fly (fly)

You ain't cause you're not (Mims)

This is why [2x]

This is why I'm hot [2x]

This is why I'm hot

Shorty see the drop

Ask me what I paid and I say yeah I paid a guap

And then I hit the switch that take away the top

So chicks 'round the way they call me cream of the crop

They hop in the car

I tell 'em "all aboard"

We hit the studio they say they like how I record

I gave you black train and I did you wrong

So everytime I see 'em man they tell me that's their song

They say I'm the bomb

They love the way the charm hanging from the neck

And compliments the arm which compliments the ear den comes the gear

So when I hit the room the shorties stop and stare

Den niggas start to hate rearrange their face

Little do they know I keep 'em things by waistside

I reply nobody gotta die

Similar to Lil wizzy 'cause I got that fire

This is why I'm hot [2x]

This is why [2x] Uh

This is why I'm hot (Uh)

This is why I'm hot [2x] Whoo

This is why [2x]

This is why I'm hot

I'm hot cause I'm fly (fly)

You ain't cause you're not (Mims)

This is why [2x]

This is why I'm hot [2x]

I laughed throughout the whole thing. Emmett started doing these crazy hand gestures. The he started fanning at himself like he was hot and rolling his shoulders whilst head bobbing. I was in complete hysterics at the end. I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard.

"Your welcome ladies and gentleman" Emmett bowed dramatically. Rosalie was also in hysterics whilst Edward was trying really hard to keep control of the car he was laughing so hard.

We spent the rest of the journey talking amiably between ourselves. Emmett had someone managed to persuade me to go clubbing with him and Rose tonight and naturally Edward wasn't going to allow me to go out by myself so he was coming to. No doubt Alice and Jasper will also join us.

I was actually really looking forward to tonight. I hadn't been out to a club before so this was new to me. The only thing I wasn't looking forward to was Alice and Rosalie playing Bella Barbie with me.

We had just pulled up to a hotel called new moon. We all got out of the car and grouped together in front of it waiting for the rest of them to join us. A couple minutes later and Alice, Jasper, Esme and Carlisle walked over and joined us.

Edward linked his hand with mine and together we with the rest of the family walked into the hotel. The guys headed over to the reception to retrieve our room keys while we girls sat in reception.

"So Bella, Emmett, Edward and I are planning on going to that new club that has opened you know the one called eclipse, so we wanted to know if you wanted to join us" Rose said to Alice and Esme.

"Yayy clubbing! I love clubbing of course jazz and I will come" Alice squealed jumping up and down whilst clapping her hands to.

"I don't know girls clubbing isn't really my thing anymore" Esme said.

"Oh don't worry Esme theres 4 different floors to it and I think the top one is a restaurant that plays classical music" Rose explained and Esme smiled.

"Okay then of course Carlisle and I will go" Esme said and I smiled glad that she would be joining us.

"Bella I know you don't like shopping so I kind of took the liberty of already getting you a dress" Rose shifted slightly as if afraid of how id react.

"How did you manage that we only discussed coming on the way to Seattle" I asked completely baffled as to how she knew I'd need a dress.

"Oh well I kind of planned this already and I just knew that you wouldn't have a dress" she smiled smugly at me and I rolled my eyes causing Alice and Esme to giggle.

"So you ladies are to be in my room at 8" Rose demanded and we all nodded.

The guys walked back over a moment later and we all piled into the elevator. Apparently this was Alec's hotel and family had a whole section just for them. When we got to our floor we all went to our rooms with orders to be waiting in the reception at half past 3 ready to go and meet Marcus and everyone at the restaurant.

Me and Edward walked into our room and damn was it luxurious. It had a blue and silver colour scheme running through out it and holy hell the bedroom had everything you could possibly think off.

The bed looks incredibly comfy and I just wanted to see if I was right in my beliefs. I walked causally over to the bed and stood at the end of it. I looked over at Edward and he seemed confused by my behaviour. I smiled and walked slowly back a few steps before running over to the bed and jumping onto it, landing on my stomach and my head bounced into the pillows. It would have been a lot harder to run had my foot still been badly injured but Carlisle had looked at it quickly before we left and pronounced it fine to walk on now.

Edward howled with laughter as I tried to straighten myself up. I finally managed to right myself and turned to look at Edward sheepishly. He grinned all boyishly back at me before lunged for me on the bed. I squealed and hopped of the bed trying unsuccessfully to escape him.

His long arms quickly wrapped around my waist and he hoisted me up onto the bed and moved us around until I was led beneath him and he was positioned in between my legs.

"Your so fucking beautiful baby" Edward murmured running his hands up and down my sides. Edward began kissing my jaw and slowly working his way down my neck to my collar bone. I moaned loudly as he sucked on a sweet spot in the crease on my collar bone and neck.

My hands raked through his hair and scratched down his back causing his to groan and thrust himself against me. I gasped and Edward reached up to swirl his tongue into my mouth. We continued our heated make out session and was just beginning to rid the other of their clothes when we were interrupted.

"E, B get your asses out here you can fuck all you want later" Emmett shouted. I blushed and groaned as Edward got up and went over to the door.

"Do you have to be so fucking loud?" Edward questioned as I righted myself on the bed.

"Yes I do how the fuck are you supposed to hear me with all the moaning and groaning going on In here?" Emmett asked sounded completely serious. I blushed ten shades of red.

"You heard us?" Edward asked sounding shocked. Emmett boomed with laughter.

"No I simply assumed" Emmett laughed at the relieved look on my face. "anyway get your asses downstairs were all ready to go"

Edward sighed and closed the door behind Emmett as he left. He turned and looked at me his lips red and slightly swollen from all the kissing we had done.

"You ready princess?" he asked and I nodded my head standing up and grabbing his hand. Together we walked to the elevator and made our way to meet the rest of the family in the reception area.

"Finally I thought the two of you would never stop fucking" jasper rolled his eyes clearly amused with our appearances.

"Fuck you jazz" Edward retorted.

"Come on lets head out" Carlisle said leading our party out of the building and to the cars. We had the same driving arrangements as this morning so we all piled into the cars and we were off to a restaurant that was called twilight.

We pulled up not 10 minutes later. Carlisle and Esme led us over to the hostess station.

"Hello welcome to twilight how may I help you?" the hostess asked politely.

"Hello we have a reservation for 11 under the name Cullen" Esme smiled at her.

"Of course mam, this way" she led us over to a large circular table in the far left corner. "Your waiter will be with you shortly" she smiled one last time and headed back to her station.

We all sat around the table and got comfortable. 5 minutes later in walked Demetri, Alec and a man I had never seen before. This must be Marcus.

He greeted Esme, Alice and Rose affectionately with a kiss to the cheek and patted all the guys on the back. He sat down directly across from me and smiled at me.

"Well your just as beautiful as Edward said you were, my name is Marcus im Edwards grandfather" Marcus leant over the table picked up my hand and kissed the back of it. I blushed obviously.

"Nice to meet you" I smiled and he winked at me.

"Hey old man eyes of my fucking girlfriend" Edward said to his grandfather.

"Sorry Edward but damn" he winked at me again.

Edward rolled his eyes and chuckled. The waiter arrived not long after wards and we all ordered our food. It didn't take too long to come and it was delicious. Marcus was hilarious and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

After we had finished Marcus brought up what had been on everyones mind.

"So what are we going to do about Aro and Jacob?" he questioned. Edward sighed and ran a hand through his already messy hair.

"Well we haven't decided yet were going to start planning tomorrow tonight though were all going clubbing because of Rose" he just had to throw that jab in at rose. She was unaffected though and just smirked and gave him the finger.

"Okay that works for me, I'll just be staying at the hotel I don't fancy clubbing" Marcus smiled.

"Getting to old for this shit old man?" Edward asked teasingly.

"No of course not I just figured you didn't want me to spend too much time with the beauty at your side she might realise im the Cullen she should be with" he winked at Edward and smirked when Edward huffed at him. I giggled and Edward smiled down at me.

"Alright lets head back to the hotel then" Esme said and we all stood up and made our way back out after Carlisle insisted on paying the bill.

"Do you want to ride with me sweet cheeks?" Marcus asked me smiling smugly when Edward responded for me.

"No she doesn't go find your own woman old man this one is mine" he retorted. Marcus grinned at me and blew me a kiss as he drove off. Edward huffed and we got in the car. I giggled when Edward muttered about an old bastard trying to steal his girlfriend.

We reached the hotel and I was sent to my room with strict instructions to be showered, shaved and be in Rose's room at 8. It was half 6 now so we had plenty of time yet. When we got to our room we headed into the bedroom and I walked over to the suitcase I had brought. I hadn't got around to unpacking it yet.

I took a white lacy bra and panty set out and set them down on the bed, I then took my dressing gown and toiletries in to the bathroom for when I went to have a shower. I walked back into the bedroom to tell Edward I was jumping in the shower.

"Hey Edward im jumping in the shower ready for going to Rose's?" he turned around and smiled and nodded his head before walking into the kitchen.

I headed back into the bathroom and hopped in the shower. I was out within 15 minutes, hair washed, legs shaved and just completely clean. I put my dressing gown on and headed back into the bedroom. Edward was led on the bed topless with his hands behind his head and fuck me he looked sexy.

I scrambled on to the bed beside him and leaned over to kiss him as hard as I could. I used his chest to steady myself as I flung one of my legs over his hips so I was straddling him. I ground my hips into his and Edward groaned at the pressure.

I broke the kiss because I needed to breathe and Edward led there also trying to catch his breathe. He lifted his head to smile at me and his eyes roamed over my body, before finally settling on my chest.

"Hmmm baby girl I can see every bit of you" he then hooked his finger through my tie that kept the dressing gown together and pulled loosening it up before staring shamelessly at me. I blushed and got off of him.

"I need to head over to Rose's to get ready" Edward pouted but nodded his head anyway. He insisted on escorting me over to make sure no guys were in the room. As soon as I was in the room Rose slammed the door shut and led me over to see my dress.

Alls I could think was I could pull a dress like that off. I was so dead.


After I walked Bella to Rose's I made sure that no guys were there especially me ass of a grandfather and left to go back to my room.

The girls were going to meet us down in the reception area at 9 so that left me to get dressed and showered. I got showered and got dressed. I decided to just chuck some dark jeans and a blue shirt with a black button up suit coat.

After I had finished I headed down to the reception area to find Emmet, Jasper and Carlisle already there waiting.

I sat at the table with them and they had already gotten me a drink which I took a gulp off.

"So wheres this club at?" Jasper asked.

"Its down town about 15 minutes from here. Theres 4 floors one of which is a restaurant that plays classical music I think that's where mum wants to go" Carlisle nodded his head yes that it was where he and Esme were off. We were sat there for about half an hour before we noticed that a lot of conversations had stopped in the lobby.

I turned my head and my eyes widened and my jaw dropped at the sight in front of me.

Fucking perfect.

There stood the girls but the only girl I could focus on was my Bella she looked absolutely fucking radiant.

She stood there in a skin tight purple halter dress that reach mid-thigh and made her boobs look fantastic. It had an intricate silver patter along the bottom and her back was completely bare. She had on a pair of fuck me black stilettos. Her hair was curled into ringlets down her back with a few tendrils pinned back with these little silver flower grips her make up was kept light and looked gorgeous.

Before I even realised what I was doing I was already half way across the room towards her. When I reached her I crashed my lips to hers and kissed the hell out of her. When I pulled back she was gasping slightly with a red blush spread across her cheeks.

"Holy fucking shit baby you look divine." She blushed even more and smiled up at me.

"You look pretty fucking great yourself" Bella said and I smiled and grabbed her hand leading her back to our table in the reception area.

"Damn B you look fucking gorgeous" Emmett boomed and everyone nodded along with him.

"That dress is going to cause some peoples death though" Jasper added.

"Im not going to fucking kill anyone ass wipes" I hissed at them. Carlisle smirked at me.

"No? check out the dude about ten feet in front of her in the blue shirt" Carlisle said. I looked where he was gesturing to and some soon to be dead guy who was checking out my girlfriend. He was stood there openly staring at her chest.

I was fuming I stood up ready to head over there and teach the prick some manners.

"That motherfucker needs talking to" I stated before beginning to make my way over only to be pulled back by my mum.

"Edward Bella is a beautiful young lady shes going to have people looking at her and you cant threaten to kill anyone who looks at her" Esme admonished lightly.

I huffed muttering under my breathe that I can damn well try.

Carlisle then informed us that the limo was out front waiting for us.

We all stood and headed out to the front of the hotel with far too many admiring glances cast at my Bella.

We all got in the limo and it took of taking us to the club eclipse. I was enjoying the feeling of having Bella so close when the driver informed us that we were here already. I was disappointed that I had to let go of Bella but oh well whatever.

We got in the club quickly as the bouncer knew of us and we were led to the VIP section on the second floor. Carlisle and Esme had already headed off to the restaurant on the fourth floor. As we were in the VIP section we had a server assigned to us so she would get us drinks whenever we needed. We guys all order whiskys while the girls had cocktails. We had just got our drinks when a song came on that apparently Bella liked because she sat head bobbing along to it.

I asked Bella if she wanted to dance and she said she would so we headed down to the dance floor and I turned Bella around so he back was pressed to my chest. I started rotating my hips and Bella followed my movements swaying her hips seductively and grinding into my already hard cock.

We danced through the song and into the next one and she brought her arms up around the back of my head and began playing with the hair there will swinging her hips amazingly.

We were grinding and out of breathe when the song finished so we headed back up to the VIP section for a drink. We sat there and watch the others dance. It was really quite mesmerizing to watch the way the bodies moved.

I noticed Bella's drink was empty and was about to call the server over but she was already there passing Bella a pink cocktail with a note attached to it. She read the note over and her eyes widened and she began breathing deeply.

I pulled her into my arms panicked at the state she was in.

"Bella! Baby what is it?" I asked her while trying to soothe her breathing.

"The n-note Edward, r-read it, he-hes here" she stammered out. I grabbed the note and read through it getting more furious with each word I read.


You're a sight to behold in purple.

I like the way you move, will you save me a dance?

I can't wait to get you alone.

Enjoy her while you can Edward.


I looked around quickly trying to find the bastard in the throng of people. He was nowhere to be found. I picked Bella up and carried her to the limo, I wanted her as far away as possible from that asshole. Once in the limo Bella began to calm a bit but all too soon we were outside the hotel parking garage.

When I opened the door to get out of the limo things went from bad to worse.

I barely had time to duck before the first gun shot went off.

A/n- I hope you all enjoy it don't forget to review. I tried to make the chapter a bit longer this time as I know they are usually quite short. Don't forget review please.