HEY GUYS! ITS ME, BADA555W0RD! Sorry I went missing, but I'm back now. Man, I had to read up on this to catch up! So, how about we get started, yeah?

I only own my ocs. Everything else belongs to their rightful owners and I am thankful they let me use them.



Sweet Apple Acres.

Aura was snoring peacefully on a haystack in the barn. Applejack insisted that he slept on her bed, but Aura declined. A rooster roosted and woke up Aura, who then stretched and advanced inside the farmhouse. He opened the screen door and took out a microwaveable Apple flavored waffle. After heating it up, he poured some Apple syrup on top and started eating it.

'Doesn't this family get tired from eating something...apple...at least thrice everyday?' Aura thought. He shook of the thought and continued eating his waffle. He heard a familiar yawn and smiled.

"Up Aw'ready?" Applejack said as she walked to the fridge to get her own Apple waffle. Aura watched her every move, almost looking at her "cutie mark area" until he stopped himself. "Yeah, sure." Aura replied, still smiling. Applejack got her waffle out and started eating it plain. "Good." She replied. "Cuz we gotta bucka ton of apple trees ta buck." Aura looked out the window to see an endless sea of apple trees to get apples out of. Aura sighed. "Can we go do something instead?" He complained. All of a sudden Applejack smirked.

"Oh, askin' me out, huh?" She teased him.

Aura blushed slightly. "Uh, no, not like that." He protested. "I just wanted to...uh...do something before we worked, you know?" Aura smiled sheepishly.

"Uh huh." Applejack said smirking, obviously enjoying teasing the poor hedgehog. "Ya know, I woulda said ya if ya were askin' me out, but if not, then we should jus' gotta work then. Unless ya changed ya mind." She said the last sentence with a tad bit of seduction.

Aura blushed even more. "Uhhh..."

"Well, What isit then?" Applejack said smirking again.

Aura was just clustering until Granny Smith butted in.

"Applejack dear, stop teasin' the poor feller." She said trotting to get a cup of coffee. "'Edgehog's gettin' redder than 'is own fur! Now if yer done with ya breakfas', then get workin'!"

Applejack chuckled a bit. And rose from her seat. "Ya heard her, hot stuff. Time to get bucking." She winked at Aura teasingly. Aura just sat there thinking one thing.


Ponyville Library.

Gold was sleeping on the couch when he felt the annoying rays of the sun as the two continued their rivalry. Eventually, Gold lost the battle, and sat up. "I will get you next time sun!" He half-shouted at the sun. He then looked at Glimpse who was preparing outmeal for the four, while Tails had a HUD showing something dark and Blade.

Twilight came down and yawned. She humbly accepted the oatmeal, ate it swiftly, and went into the bathroom. Unfortunately, Gold did not notice and he was heading towards the bathroom (there was only one in there). Tails was about to say something, but Glimpse "coughed," smirked, and shook his head. Tails nodded and smirked. Gold was whistling a little tune and opened the door.

"Hmmhmm, hmmhmm, hmmhmm..."

"Huh? GOLD!"

"Huh? OH JEEZ!"


"OK OK!" Gold closed the door with a giant face of red after a bar of soap, a rubber ducky, and a scrubbie was thrown at him.

Tails was Laughing his butt off, while Glimpse chuckled and said, "Dumbass."

Gold went back to eat his oatmeal and said, "Shut up."

"How did you not notice her?" Glimpse asked, still chuckling.

"I just didn't!" Gold said, still blushing.

"Looks like we know who Twilight is mad at today." Tails said wiping a tear off.

"WHY ARE YOU SIDING WITH HIM!?" Gold asked his Fox friend.

"Not important. Anyway, Glimpse, aren't you sparring with Blade, Brian, and Sora?" Tails asked.

"Oh yeah. Those amateurs are going to lose." the hedgehog replied.

"I dunno." Gold said. "Me and Tails both known that Blade and Brian are pretty much experts at what they do, and we don't even know what Sora is capable of."

"Don't care." Glimpse said.

"Well, don't make a fool out of yourself, the whole town's watching."




The "four warriors" are in four corners of a makeshift arena about the size of a baseball stadium. Each of them were doing a stretching routine. Glimpse was performing sword techniques against air, Blade was doing various dynamic stretches, Brian was doing various static stretches, and Sora was doing Yoga while listening to his music. An hour of listening later, they were given dummy swords that are a replica of theirs (Sora was using a traditional keyblade) so they won't accidently kill each other. Nevertheless, they lined up in their corners.

"HOPE YOU ARE READY WARRIORS!" Pinkie said. "READY...SET...GOOEY MACORONI!" The four took off but then halted themselves after they relized "go" has not been said. "HA, GOTCHA!" Pinkie laughed. "OKAY, FOR REALSIES THIS TIME! READY...SET...GO!"

[Play 300 Violin Orchestra-John Quintero]

Blade "wuld nah kested" towards Brian, since he was the closest to him, and brought a downward slash towards him. Brian blocked it, but then Blade brought the second sword towards him. Brian, thankfully, caught the arm and threw the hedgehog out of the way. Meanwhile, Glimpse teleported behind Sora and cleaved downward. Sora rolled foward, making the sword only clang against ground, and turned around, slashing at Glimpse, who teleported away, behing Sora. The ultrahog suspected much, and continued his slash in a circle. Glimpse blocked it with his sword, and both mobians side kicked each other, Sora hitting Glimpse's side of the knee, and Glimpse hitting Sora's hip. Both grunted in pain, but otherwise ignored it.

Blade and Brian were in a parry fest, Blade emphasizing quick strikes, while Brian emphasized powerful strikes. Brian was unable to channel his powerful holy energy into the sword, it being a dummy, and even though him being a paladian gave him more athleticism than Iron Man participators, Blade was still much more athletic than him. Stronger, faster, and more reflexive. However, Brian prayed to God before the royal, and that gave him enough confidence to beat Blade, for He is more powerful than a trillion Blades put together. Brian, however, also knew that Blade is ruthless, and won't surrender until the job is done. And Blade's toughness will make this a long fight.

Unless he gets another person fighting him. Brian grabbed the hedgehog (since he is seven times heavier than Blade is) and threw him into Glimpse. The green hedgehog and the brown Ultrahog were in gridlock when Blade crashed into them. Glimpse took it as a threat, and immediantly attacked Blade while he was down, while Sora attacked Brian, knowing he would sneak attack one of them if Sora doesn't engage him. Brian swore under his breath, and parried a charge.

This would be a long battle.

Meanwhile, at the moon.

A collection a black smoke, that if you touched would feel like tar, somehow smirks. This smoke is the nightmare force, and it has grown strong enough to attack Equestria again. It left the moon and entered the planet, heading towards the new body it will possess.

Back to our royal.

Blade has managed to "fus roh dah" Glimpse and get back up to his feet. He "wuld nah kested" towards Glimpse. Glimpse parried him down toward Brian. Brian took a baseball like swing at Blade, who blocked it, but the strength of the blow pushed him towards Sora. Blade performed a flip and kicked Sora in the face. Sora spat out blood and took a might swing at Blade's head and connected. For a normal mobian, the force would've caused a concussion, but Blade is far from normal, and the hit was nothing more than a playful punch for him. Blade smirked at him, and lunged, releasing a typhoon a strikes, for which Sora blocked them all. But thats all he can do, block. Blade has gotten so aggressive that Sora can only block. Thankfully, Glimpse teleported above and cleaved down, seperating the two. Brian also managed to "sneak" behind Blade and strike out both his knee joints that actually managed to stun Blade. Blade sucked it up, and swung wildly and Brian, smaking his liver. Brian stumbled side ways, clenching the side. He was almost about to puke, but kept it in. He looked up, and saw Sora in front of him, swinging the dummy keyblade at his face. He managed to duck, roll, and cleave down at Glimpse, who was focused on Blade. Caught by surprise, Glimpse fell onto the ground, and was engaged again by Sora. Blade engaged Brian with another endless storm of attacks.

However, the long fight was showing signs of fatigue from all the warriors. Glimpse was breathing hard, Sora had to back away, Brian was grunting, and Blade was slowing down. Brian saw a clear opening from Blade's attacks, and took it, smaking Blade like an uppercut, though not as mighty as his other attacks. Sora swung at Glimpse, though it was very blockable since it was so slow. Glimpse did, but since Glimpse's arms were like jelly, the block made him stumble back. Seeing this, Pinkie decided the fight was over.

"DING DING DING!" Pinkie yelled over her megaphone. "FIGHT'S OVER! TIME TO LOOK TOWARDS THE JUDGE'S CARDS TO SEE WHO WON!" All the warriors were breathing heavy, panting even. Blade walked over to Brian. "One hell of a fight, man." Blade congradulated Brian. "Aggressive as always." Brian told Blade. Sora walked towards Glimpse and shook his hand. "You put up a great fight." Glimpse hmphed in reply, but did not congradulate Sora.

After some water, the warriors lined up in the middle of the arena. Pinkie took up the megaphone again.


Suddenly, the sky became darkly cloudy. Not dark grey, black. The ponies and mobians wondered why the sudden weather change, since the pegasi were told it was going to be sunny all day. Rainbow was bewildered, wondering what the hay was going on. And then Blade got a really bad headache.


Well, that was put lightly.

Blade fell to the ground, clutching his head and screaming in pain. What was going on inside his head was that his recent nightmares are pounding against the very edge of his brain.

Everyone saw what was going on, and Brian and Aura got an even better glimpse (no, not the hedgehog) at what was going on. Everyone was scared, some yelled call a doctor, but what they needed was an exorcist, and luckily, Brian, the next best thing, was there. He kneeled down and bellowed, "Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti." This, translated to english, was "The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit." Then he said a prayer, and the black cloud seemed to roar, and was struck with white inside. This was a battle between the power of God and the Nightmare force. The two Wills going against each other.

However, because God has to keep the universe balanced, lost to the other godlike entitiy. Brian was struck by an invisable force, and flew back into the wall, as the dark cloud surrounded Blade, and consumed him.

"What was going on?" Gold asked. Tails pulled up a HUD and saw what was going on. "Oh shit." That was the first time Tails cussed.

After "Blade" "absorbed" the black cloud, he was completely different. His quills were black, he was as tall as Brian, and his swords were now like Cloud Strife's swords. He opened his eyes, which were now an evil shade of purple, and laughed in a devilish double voice.

"Um...Blade?" Fluttershy asked from the megaphone.

"Blade is no more!" Blade said. "Nightmare Blade is here now."

HOLY SHIT! OVER 2000 WORDS! LETS GO! Nightmare Blade is here., and this story is going to go extremely dark right now. So get ready, readers, for next chapter, the poop's hitting the fan. Have fun!