Isaac was loving it. There was something weird about Daniel and Derek and he was going to take advantage of it. After all, this was too good to pass up. They split up with Scott and Stiles in the Jeep, who were probably high fiving, if Isaac knew those two. Now was the time he was going to make Derek squirm for all those times he was a jerk during training. Derek was fair during training but did sneak in a cheap punch or too. He claimed no one would go easy on them and even though he was right it didn't stop Isaac from being annoyed with his alpha. This was Isaac's time for payback.

"Sooo Derek how was your night?" he smirked as he sensed how uncomfortable Danny felt. Oh this was going to be great.

"It was fine," Derek's fingers tightened on the steering wheel. Good thing Isaac knew he'd never hurt is precious Camaro or he'd be worried about the car. Daniel leaned forward and turned the up radio not looking at either of them. They pulled in and continued walking already seeing Boyd and Erica waiting at the edge of the woods. They'd probably been waiting a while because Erica looked bored, yup this would be good.

"Just fine? I mean I think you probably had a very good night judging by the smell. You didn't even have time to take a shower," Isaac made a point of saying loudly as they neared the other betas.

"DAMN IT," Erica looked as pissed as Isaac had expected and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"You're cleaning," Boyd didn't sound too smug but looked like he was trying to hold back a laugh.

"Couldn't have held out a little bit longer? No guess not. It was getting bad even for us just watching. At least one thing good came from this you finally got laid," Erica said giving Derek a mischievous look. She ignored his small growl knowing it was more from embarrassment than from actual anger.

"Did you guys seriously have a bet going on when they would hook up?" Daniel finally spoke up.

"I forget that you haven't been here long but come on you've been around these two," Erica gestured to Derek. "Plus you're from the future you had to have seen it coming, I mean we did," she gave him a searching look as if she could predict the future based on his facial expressions.

"Umm," Daniel looked at Derek for back up.

"We're not talking about it," Derek reinforced putting a little bit of his alpha voice into it.

"Blah blah time change," Erica rolled her eyes. "I need to ask. How do I turn out in the future?" she leaned in close as Boyd chuckled behind her. Thrown off, Daniel couldn't help himself and grabbed her by the shoulders and looked her straight in the eye.

"You're the most beautiful person I know," he said truthfully. It had been close, they almost lost Boyd and Erica at one point and he couldn't shake the concern from his voice. He didn't want to think of a time where Erica and Boyd weren't part of the pack. Back in his own time they were most likely safe and sound but had been pretty banged up when he'd left. Everyone in the group could tell something was up wrong but didn't acknowledge it. The look of sad understanding hit Erica's face that something would happen to her. Daniel knew he couldn't fix it by telling her. He opened his mouth without really thinking what he might say but luckily they were distracted by a noise coming closer.

"Is that Scott and Stiles?" Isaac tried to zone in on the sound.

"No they texted to tell us they're picking up Lydia," Erica said softly.

"And Allison?" Derek asked.

"Already here," Ethan said walking up. Aidan was slightly behind him with eyes zeroed in on Daniel. The Argents weren't far behind with Chris looking uneasy at all the wolves gathered. Allison looked just as focused on Daniel.

"You have information for us," he said.

"What do you mean by information?" Daniel tried to stand his ground. These guys were huge but he instinct to fight back was kicking in.

"Where is the other one?" Aiden demanded.

"The other one you met was my sister right?" Daniel spoke to Ethan despite the glower he was getting from Aiden.

"Wait whoa there's more of you here?" Erica's head whipped to Derek as if he might offer an explanation.

"How many of you are here Daniel?" Allison asked in a voice Daniel knew was supposed to be soothing. He has heard that tone used too many times before, he knew it was her 'information' voice.

"No it was just her I promise. We're not like invading or anything. She's different that me she can do things I can't let's leave it at that. She was going through some things but we fixed it don't worry," Daniel looked between the two hunters hoping they might ease up.

Allison still looked pissed and Argent didn't look much better. Jesus what did George do to these two.

"Fixed it how?" Chris finally asked.

"I can't tell you," Daniel repeated holding his ground.

"Maybe not them but you owe us answers," the twins who Daniel could have sworn were further away were suddenly much closer than he was comfortable with. Derek was watching with the rest of the pack almost like he was testing Daniel's reaction. Good old dad same as always. Daniel tried to hide his annoyance but had to let it out on someone.

"Jesus is that a thing you all do?" he snapped.

"Not all of us," Stiles said from behind him.

"WHAT," Daniel almost fell forward much to Isaac's amusement. "You shouldn't be able to do that. You are all a bunch of weirdos and it's homey it really is but I miss my own weirdos. Are we ready to do this? I'm expecting Deaton to pop out of a tree next," Daniel looked around.

"Pop out of where?" Deaton's calm voice sounded amused as he drew near.

"See there you go. I'm done and so ready to go. It's been fun guys really but I need to get back to my own time," he looked up to see Derek smirking at him.

He gave him a look that clearly meant something along the lines of you are so Stiles kid.

"You don't say a word, with those eyebrows I get it and I've had enough," Daniel responded to which Erica and Stiles burst out laughing. Even Deaton looked like he might crack a smile.

"Are you finished?" Derek sighed almost smiling himself.

"Yeah," Daniel looked around realizing everyone was staring at him. None so as intently as the twins.

"First you owe us the talk," Ethan gave him a look.

"We'll need a bit of time to set up and then you can come back but be quick boys," Deaton turned.

"Fine, ok let's get this over with. None of you get to follow us. None of you get to know because you already know too much," Daniel said the spiel in case any of them still had ideas.

"I could actually use help so if any of the pack could help out." Deaton looked around. Everyone followed even Chris who looked a little put out at being referred to as pack but soon they were alone.

Daniel felt uneasy. It was hard for him to look at the twins, he knew their pain and knew what it was like to try and figure out all this shit on their own. Worse he knew that they were alphas, all that power and no way to channel and control it must have been hell. He really wanted to help them but he didn't want to take any experiences from them. He knew it would be both the good and the bad that might be effected and there was no telling how much they might actually retain after the memory wipe.

"What do you want to know? You get limited information," Daniel started.

"You own us something," Aiden argued.

"Something but not all," countered Daniel.

"Fine. How do you switch? Can we do it too or is it something that only you can do?" Ethan started.

"I don't know how that's going to help you we can switch but we're a special case. We had a rough time figuring things out too," Daniel tried to understand. This had to be more about switching. They didn't have a problem with shifting like George had.

"Rough? My brother and I ended up killing everyone because we couldn't control it. We had to trust a lunatic because he was the only one we could trust at the time," Aiden tried to intimidate Daniel but it wouldn't work not when it came to this.

"Look all I remember is feeling it. The need to switch to be something more than us as separate people. We didn't even know what was happening. When we switched it hurt like hell. I remember everything was on fire it and I was in so much pain. I tried clawing my skin and then I realized I couldn't shift which freaked me out even more. It wasn't until after I realized I almost burnt our house down. My sister was ten miles away before they caught her, she out ran our alpha and was freaking out with all the new senses. I know ok? I know how much it hurts and how much pain you guys go through," when Daniel stopped he knew they understood each other.

"Then how do we stop it?" Ethan finally asked. "How do we make it so we don't feel the pull anymore?"

"You've got in under control right you can do it already?" Daniel was confused. Sure their upbringing was shit but they at least knew the basics.

"How do we stop feeling the need to change?" Ethan emphasized. Then it hit him.

"You want to get rid of it forever," Daniel realized. "You don't want tips to control it you want to get rid of it altogether."

"No one can know. Even if we have to stay together while we work on it, we want to be separate have our own lives," Aiden explained.

"Our own thoughts," Ethan finished.

"You're in each others heads just as much as me and George aren't you?" Daniel waited but their silence was answer enough.

"I can't help with that with getting away from it. Even with us being so different we can't escape it," Daniel explained.

"What do you mean different? More different that werewolf twins who switch bodies?" Aiden did have a point.

"My sister and I were a special case. She doesn't turn. When we switch, it's not like we come together like you do. It's kind of like a mind meld, we've never really been able to explain. Something clicks and we're finally able to access parts of ourselves as if it were normal. I end up with magic and she shifts, it's a connection we're still figuring out. We don't have the need you do but we feel the pull we control it," he finished. Daniel figured he could be a little kinder in helping them out. Twins had to look after each other after all. Ethan looked like he was thinking the words over meanwhile Aiden still looked frustrated.

"How. Does. It. Work?" Daniel could tell their patience was wearing thin. See this is why he wished just one was here. He pitied anyone who had to work with Gina and him at the same time. They probably got a much whip lash as he was getting right now.

"You need to get someone to make something for you. Like an anchor but a physical object. It was a kind of training wheel. It helped us until we could wean off each other I remember how it was the need to be around each other and if you weren't it was like growing feral" Daniel felt the twins look at him in understanding.

"Derek tried that. Peter said it was junk," Ethan explained.

"The triskelion? It was. I'm talking about something more potent, something that actually helps," Daniel explained.

They looked at him sharply, then at each other.

"Where do we get this?" Ethan asked.

"Druid. It's hard charm though. We have a powerful one back in my time but it was something they needed to figure out and quick. You guys seems to have it slower than us. I don't know how they did it but it can be done," Daniel wished he could help but that was another thing beyond him. Even George had a hard time explaining it.

"Then we can look for an established pack," said Aiden.

"And see if any of them can help us," Ethan finished.

"We'll do it then," they looked at each other determination in their eyes.

"Good luck."

Stiles was getting a weird vibe aimed his way. Not from Daniel, not even from Derek but Deaton. Being with werewolves made Stiles more perceptive to certain things maybe not in the way Scott could but there were things you got good at noticing. The way Deaton was acting was definitely one of those things.

"You're going to have to help with this Stiles," Deaton turned and gave Stiles a look that made it seem like he could tell what he was thinking. Most of the time when they were working on finding whatever was currently trying to kill them it was helpful but right now it was a little creepy.

"Why Stiles?" Argent asked giving Stiles a side eye. The magic druid man was giving the hunter ideas. Great. He would probably be the next thing Chris hunted when things went bad again. Derek was frowning at Chris probably thinking something along the same lines. We're going to be ok. Stiles heard in his mind and remembered last night. Thinking back to that made him feel good but confused. He still didn't know what he and Derek were. They'd spent way too long arguing when they could have been together. Then again Stiles liked the back and forth, someone who would call him on his shit but be there when he needed the support. His mind started to go back to the night before but it might have affected him a little too much because the next thing he knew, Scott nudged him in the shoulder. Oops.

"We'll need all of your help for something like this but Stiles has more of a spark that isn't present in wolves. As much as I'm sure you'd like to help you've spent so much of your life hunting down the supernatural, the Nemeton might not react in the most favorable way," Deaton finished. Stiles didn't know if that was true or not but it certainly shut up Argent. Even Allison looked a little put out. Not surprising since she was still balancing the line between hunting and helping anyone outside the pack.

"If you could all get around the Nemeton," Deaton started to arrange them and there was a buzz in the air. Stiles wanted to swat away the source but it was inside his head.

"Is this part of the thing?" Stiles tried shaking his head but the buzzing only made his head go fuzzy.

"Yes," said Deaton but there seemed to be more to it. His voice was too tight to be comfortable.

"I don't like it," Erica's hands were over her ears. Stiles finally looked around and noticed all of the wolves looked to be in more pain than he was.

"No but it is necessary so we'll do it," Deaton said. "Do you feel it?" he looked around the circle. As he arranged people in place the feeling got stronger.

"Yes," Stiles looked around. Colors were vibrating now. Everything was getting more intense but more blurred at the same time. Trippy.

"No," Scott replied at the same time. "I hear it. It's so loud." Isaac even let out a bit of a whine as he cupped his own hands over his ears, as he was guided into place. Next was Allison.

"It's kind of there but not. A feeling and a sound mixed into one," she said.

"Interesting. You seem to be something in between," Deaton led Argent over.

"I don't hear anything," he said.

"Ah so you are closed off. Not too surprising but it's still something we can work with. If anything happens it'll be you who has to break the circle understand?" Deaton asked. Chris nodded solemnly looking over worried at Allison. Meanwhile Boyd, Erica and Isaac were all holding hands, faces scrunched in pain. Derek looked like he was holding it all in, trying to be strong for his alphas. As worried as he looked to Stiles, most of his concern seemed to be aimed at Cora as she was lead into place.

Deaton went around and left an entry for the last three still missing. When they showed up the twins looked slightly less murdery, go Daniel. Stiles started to realize that his mind was bouncing, not like his ADHD but something different.

"Despite our feuding and fighting we are all connected," Deaton started.

Stiles didn't like to think about being connected to the stump. He was starting to fight to concentrate.

"We're all going to pull everything together in unification to get a stronger path for Daniel to return home," the doctor continued. Daniel looked pained but more worried that everyone else was hurting.

"Why isn't it hurting me is it not working?" he looked panicked.

"We are sending you which means your energy will be used trying to make it through, not opening the portal. Energy will be pulled through the Nemeton and through us to help you make it. You should be feeling it soon-" there was a howl as Deaton was cut off.

Stiles looked at Daniel who was wolfing out.

"NO," Derek started to turn as well and tried to struggle.

"Don't break the circle. Chris keep us grounded," Deaton ordered. The rest of the wolves looked like they were struggling under some intense weight but didn't turn.

"I can feel it pulling me back," Daniel started to shake. He shut his eyes and when he was able to open them again they were alpha red.

"I can feel your guy's power. I can see them," he looked at the Nemeton in astonishment.

Stiles felt a gust of wind sweep around them. He also felt a pulling like Daniel mentioned. It was like there was a person on either side of him trying to grab him away. There was a light and Stiles had to close his eyes. Judging by Derek's growl, he'd seen it too but when he opened his eyes it seemed like nothing had changed with everyone else. They were sill concentrating. Meanwhile Stiles' attention was focused on the Nemeton.

There was that girl, the one from before who must be Gina. Stiles thought he felt more under control but he still couldn't believe his eyes.

It was him.

There was an older Stiles holding the girl's hand. Staring intently ahead until there was a flash of recognition as they realized they were staring at each other. It was surreal to see an older him with flashes of runes on this neck beneath an assortment of odd necklaces. It wasn't as surreal as seeing Derek on the other side of the girl. He was looking past Stiles to the Derek on their side. They looked almost exactly the same with the exception of the gray that had crept into older Derek's hair. They all looked at each other transfixed until they heard Deaton's voice as if from far away.

"Do you see something?" he asked.

"Yeah it's-" Stiles started.

"Don't tell them," came a voice, it was other Stiles. "I have a way to make them all forget but it'll mean you all have to stay connected. Don't worry they'll be fine," older Stiles eyes glowed not red but had an outline on the irises that scared Stiles. What kind of future was this?

"You can do it dad," Daniel's voice came stronger now.

"Just let go Stiles," it was his Derek. What the fuck.

"It's going to be ok," older Derek confirmed. Stiles felt a tingle and there was another blinding light before everything finally stopped.

Sties woke up feeling weird. He had a crazy dream about the woods. Wait had he been in the woods? Stiles tried to remember if it was a full moon or not.

He checked his phone and saw there was a text from Scott. Before he could answer it there was a knock at his window and looked to see his best friend peering in.

"Hey man what's up?" Stiles asked as he opened the window. Since when did he lock it?

"Alright where have you been?" Scott tilted his head to the side curious.

"I think I knocked out after what happened but remind me again what happened?" Stiles just couldn't remember what happened.

"We were training last night and you got body checked by Derek. You kind of hit a tree and stormed out. I knew you should have let my mom take a look at you. Derek was pissed the rest of training. If you can't remember though should we get my mom?" Scott was looking pretty concerned at this point.

"Yeah I mean no I must have just tried to repress it I mean Derek? I'm surprised he didn't knock me out right then. He's like pure muscle and brooding." Stiles rubbed his head.

"You feel okay though?" Scott asked concerned.

"Yeah I don't know I just feel weird for some reason. Was it Daniel?" Stiles surprised himself by the question.

"Dude Danny will kill you if he hears you use his full name. C'mon want to play video games before your dad gets off shift."

"Yeah sure," Stiles didn't even point out Scott only wanted to finally finish his getting 100% on some game or another. He was still wondering his weird feeling when he heard Scott from downstairs.

"Hey when did you go through all the trophies I'm missing?"

So this is it my friends. I know I haven't uploaded in forever but it's because I had a weird attachment to this fic. I wrote it while I was studying abroad and finishing while I'm back home. I'm finally done so I can move on and hit other prompts I've been really wanting to work on. I'll come back to this world eventually. If you want come say hi at fanflailingmss on tumblr I love when people send me prompts