Chapter 1


I walked into a small diner of Forks Diner with my duffle over my shoulder and my army uniform on. There was about twenty people in the diner as I walked over to the bar and sat down on the stool setting my bag right beside me. I was nervous since this was my first deployment and I just got done with Boot Camp three weeks ago. My father, Charlie Swan was a Lieutenant and told all kinds of things about the army that made me get excited about it, but he died when I turned six years, so I promised myself that I will continue my dad's work until I reach my limit.

I just sat there until the bartender walked over with a menu in hand.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" I look up at the man, he seemed to be in his mid-forties as he set the menu down right in front of me

"Coke will be fine." The man smiled and made his way to the kitchen. I signed and picked up the meau to find something that sounded good. I heard 'Courtesy Of The Red White and Blue' playing over the speakers making me sing along.

"And it'll feel like the whole wide world is raining down on you. Ah, brought to you, courtesy of the red, white and blue." I sang with the song. I loved this song. It also made me feel stronge no matter where I am.

"You like this song too?" I heard a voice right behind me that made my heart feel like it was melting. I slowly looked over my shoulder to meet the eyes of a beautiful man who also had a army uniform on and a duffle bag over his shoulder.

I seemed like I was staring at him for hours until I was able to speak. "Y-yeah, I listen to it all the time." I smiled right at him. He smiled right back at me showing me his white teeth.

"It's one of mine too." He walked over to a empty stool right next to me and stood behind it. "Is this seat taken?"

"No, no please join me." He dropped his bag and took a seat, as I look back through the menu. Just a second later the bartender came walking up setting my glass of coke on a napkin and pulled out a pad and a pen.

"What can I get for you?" I did not really have time to look through the meau, so I picked out something that my eyes first landed on.

"Umm can I have the burger with fries no onions." The man wrote down my order and turn to the man right next to me.

"Anything for you? Oh right I did not put a menu down for you, I'm so sorry let me go get you one." The handsome god waved his hand letting him to stop.

"No it's okay, I will have the same thing as her, but with onions." The wrote down his order.

"Did you want coke as well?"

"Yes please."

"Alright, I'll back with your orders." He smiled at us and disappeared in the kitchen once again. I turn back to the man sitting right next to me who was smiling at me once again. He then held his hand out like he wanted me to take it.

"I'm Edward Mason." I stared at him before looking down at his hand for a second and taking it.

"Isabella Swan, but you can call me Bella." We sat there in silence not letting go. We saw that we were still holding hands and with an awkward silence between us. Edward cleared his throat before letting go. He scratched the back of his neck, as I look down at my lap.

"So Bella, why did you join the army?" I looked right at him not really knowing what to say, but he seems to be someone that I can talk to for hours.

"It's a long story." Edward chuckled at my responce.

"Well we have two hours until the bus comes and we have about six hours until we reach base I think we have time." I was happy to know that someone was intrested in my life. I never really had friends to talk to since I was mostly alone since my father died. I was always picked on by others just for being different and my mother; she turned abusive when she drinks, so I never talk to her.

I open to start my story but stop when the bartender came back with our food on a tray.

"Here you are." I smiled at the food as it was placed right in front of me and Edward. "Enjoy." He then left us. I took a sip out of my coke before grabbing the salt and shook some on the napkin to not make it stick against my glass. I grabbed my burger and took a bite out of it. I chew two time before I felt like I wanted to throw up when I tasted the onions. I quickly swallowed the chunk of food in my mouth. I turn to Edward and tapped him on the shoulder as he was salting his fries. He saw the disgust look on my face.

"What's wrong?" I wanted to talk, but I wanted to get the taste out of my mouth. I quickly grabbed my glass of coke and chugged it down. I can smell the onions that my nose burn. I chugged half the glass until I knew the taste was out of my mouth. I set the glass back down and turn to Edward who kept looking at me.

"This one is yours." Edward turned back his burger and lifted up the top bun and chuckled. We quickly switched plates, but I let Edward take a bite out of mine to make us even. "So, are you going to tell me about the life of Miss Bella Swan?" Edward asked as he reached over and grabbed the katchup.

"Do you want the long version or short version?"

"Which ever makes you comfortable." He passed me the katchup.

"Well, my father was a Lieutenant in army, he died when his team got ambushed. I just turned six." My covered my fries with the ketchup as I talked. "My mother took the turn for the worse after his death. She first started drinking, then it turned to yelled, then it turned to abuse. I been leaving home early to do my exercises like my dad wanted me to do. After burying my dad I decided to join the army for the medical feild, been training ever since." I smiled proudly at Edward as eats and listens. I turn back to my food and began eating my fries.

I jumped when I felt a hand cover mine. I turn sharply to Edward and saw the sadness in his eyes. "I'm proud of you Bella. You will a great doctor up there."

I stared in his eyes. "Thank you, what about you. Why do you want to join?"

To be continued