Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who.

A/N: So you know how I totally, totally, TOTALLY, ship Rose and the Doctor? I watched GiTF again the other day and felt like inflicting some pain on Ten. This is a Post-GiTF AU in sorts, I guess. Point is, Reinette ends up on the TARDIS but she is evil. Pure evil. This will be dark in parts because Ten deserves it.


Rose stood just at the end of the corridor. She had her arms crossed over her chest watching the Doctor and Reinette. The Doctor looked thoroughly interested in the topic while Reinette just looked thoroughly interested in him. A voice that sounded strangely similar to her first Doctor was telling her she should go slap him back into his last regeneration. At least her first Doctor wouldn't have left her. Tears pricked at her eyes. Rose knows that she doesn't have any say in the Doctor's life but she thought that they were... well... but apparently not. The TARDIS sent an apology through their bond Rose smiled slightly and put a hand on the wall before walking back to her bedroom.

The Doctor looked up from his spot beside Reinette. He could feel the angry messages the TARDIS was sending him. He knew what he did was wrong. He had to do something. Mickey wasn't keeping Rose away from him and even when he was it only managed to make him jealous. By inviting Reinette, he hoped to put a buffer between him and Rose. He lo- cares for Rose. He just doesn't want to lose her. If they distance each other than they won't lose one another and it won't hurt as bad when he does. He let out a sigh. Why does this have to be so difficult?

Rose looked up from her book. "Come in." Mickey's head poked through the door. "Hey, Micks." He smiled.

"Hey, Rose. How are you holding up?" Rose knew Mickey would see right through her lie but she tried anyways.

"I'm doing good." Her smile didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Why don't you come watch some movies with me and we can eat some snacks." Rose gave him a genuine smile and nodded. She followed Mickey to the media room the TARDIS built specifically for Rose. The room itself was white with fluffy pink and black chairs. She provided Rose with all sorts of machines; ice cream, cotton candy, popcorn, drinking, etc. In the front of the room is a large flat screen that takes up about a quarter of the wall. The TARDIS equipped it with the most modern speakers. Rose dropped herself into one of the pink fuzzy chairs.

"So, what movie?" Mickey shrugged. Mickey sat by Rose and gave her a double chocolate ice cream. "Ta." She smiled. "TARDIS, love, could you put on a movie that will cheer me up?" The screen in front of her flicked on. Rose smiled. "You sure do know how to spoil a girl, thanks." The TARDIS hummed affectionately in Rose's mind. The Lord of the Rings began playing on the screen. Rose knew that even without the Doctor she could still be happy. She had the TARDIS and Mickey. It still heart that the Time Lord replaced her but she wouldn't let that ruin this moment. She knew what he was doing anyways. The TARDIS had told her, reassured her. The Oncoming Storm's not as sly as he thinks. Rose grinned to herself. Her and Mickey sat in comfortable silence for the rest of the movie.

"Time for bed." Mickey announced at the end of the movie. Rose stifled a yawn before getting up. The walked out of the room to be greeted by two doors. One to each of their bedrooms.

"Thanks, girl." Rose said to the TARDIS. "Night, Micks." He smiled at her.

"Night." He disappeared behind the door. Rose put her hand to the doorknob but stopped. Something was making the back of her neck tingle. It was almost like something was in the TARDIS. The TARDIS sent her a wave of reassurance. Rose shook it off before entering her room. The TARDIS had done major redecorating after the Game Station. Her room was no longer pink and girly but totally Rose. The room is quiet large with a 20 foot ceiling where the TARDIS often puts projections of different stars. Her bed lies in the middle. It is a large canopy bed with golden sheets flowing over it like a veil. Her walls fade from gold to white as they go down. on the wall behind her bed is a large mural of a lone wolf howling at the moon. The walls are lined with bookshelves. Rose never mentioned it to the Doctor but after the whole Bad Wolf thing, she got a knack for learning. The TARDIS told her it was all part of changing but she didn't really understand what she meant. Rose walked to the bathroom. Isn't that a sight for sore eyes. In the middle is a golden tub of Roman design. The actual plumbing of the tub is from the 57th century. There's a large mirror on the far side of the wall in the outline of a wolf. Rose has always loved the look of her new room. After taking a long, much needed, bath, Rose lied down in her bed. She promised herself that she would plaster a smile on her face and keep cool no matter what tomorrow. She would make the trip enjoyable for Mickey and Reinette. She's going to do it for Mickey's sake more but Reinette doesn't have to know that. With the beautiful song of the TARDIS singing in her mind, Rose slept.

A/N: I want to apologize, I really make prologues short. I don't know why. Anyways, I'll try to get this updated completely as quickly as I can. I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!