*******Author's note at the end**********

After prepping for the victors to come, she went shopping for clothes and other necessities. The day went by too slow for Effie. Upstairs in the study there is a window with a seat, and it becomes a favorite part of the house. She watches the children outside, playing without a care for the world. Their parents sit on the front patio chatting with neighbors. It's like there is no rebellion, like nothing else exists but this neighborhood. Effie knows she should go outside, and get some fresh air.

The click of the door opening and closing brings Effie out of her trance. She heads downstairs, to see which visitors she has. Her breathing stops when she takes in a battered Peeta, Johanna, and Annie. Johanna looks her with so much hate, that Effie wonders if she should go in for a hug. Peeta looks at her not comprehending who she is. Annie is the one to great her with a hug. Effie melts into the hug taking her into her arms. Annie silence turns into sobs, and Effie just holds her.

"I'm here, Annie. I know I may not be Finnick, but I'm here," Effie says tears welling up in her eyes. Annie holds her closer, but her sobs turn into silent cries. Something sparks in Peeta's eyes, and he runs to her as well. Trying to keep her balance in heels is one thing, but supporting the weight of two other people while in heels is a task she has yet to master. Nevertheless, Effie embraces him, and Peeta too starts to cry.

"I thought they killed you," Peeta whispers. Effie's breath catches in her throat, her heart almost drops to her knees when she hears that.

"I'm not going down without a fight, I couldn't let you guys go so easily," Effie says. A few tears escape her eyes, and fall into the boy's hair. Effie takes a look at Johanna, and beckons her over into group hug. Johanna rolls her eyes, but joins the embrace. Effie notices the tears and sigh of relief that Johanna gives, but doesn't say a word.

"Alright enough of this sadness, how about we get cleaned up and something in our bellies?" Effie says.

They nod, and Effie shows them upstairs to their respective rooms. Effie retreats to her bedroom, to get ready as well. Knowing that she had nothing else to do, but watch over her victors, she decided to dress in something comfortable. A shirt with jeans, and a pair of black flats. Effie skipped out on the makeup, and did her hair in a messy bun. Leaving her room she notices Annie sitting on the bed in the clothes she came in.

"Annie, darling, are you alright?" Effie asks entering the room.

"I can't get in the water...after what they did. I can't. I tried , but I can't. I'm sorry, ," Annie says almost in tears.

"Listen to me, that is nothing to be sorry about. How about I help you, and I have some dry shampoo so we can wash your hair without getting your hair wet. How does that sound?" Effie suggests.

"Thank you," Annie says. Effie helps Annie undress, and can't help but gasp. Annie is a thin girl, but she wasn't as thin as this. If she turned sideways, no one would be able to see her. Effie grabs a soft towel from the linen closet, and turns on the facet. She makes sure the water isn't too cold or too hot before touching it to Annie's skin. Annie sits on the toilet, and Effie starts her work. The bruises that mark her body are still there, but fading. Effie can't help but the notice the wince that Annie gives whenever the towel grazes against the discolored skin. Effie moves on from washing to her hair. Annie seems to enjoy this part relaxing as Effie massages the dry shampoo into her hair. Effie fixes Annie's hair into a ponytail, and when Annie looks in the mirror a smile grazes her face.

"Alright now why don't you get dressed and get some rest, while I start on dinner," Effie says going downstairs. Effie decides to make pasta, to help get their energy up. Grabbing ingredients from the fridge, and pantry Effie starts her task. In about an hour dinner is ready, and she's calling the three victors to the table.

"I didn't know you cook,"Peeta says.

"Of course I cook, how else do I eat when I'm at home," Effie laughs.

Peeta chuckles, and pulls the chairs out for the ladies before he sits down himself. The tension is thick, and Effie can't help but notice.

"Are you guys okay?" Effie asks.

Johanna swallows her food," This is too good to be true. Why are you doing this? You getting money for this?"

"I am doing this because I have come to love you guys. I couldn't stay here, and know that you guys were being tortured in cells. I have come to know some things, and I don't like being alone. There is so money involved, and there never will be. Just safety until this rebellion is over, no matter how long it takes,"

It's been a year since I updated, and this story is two years old. I am so sorry for leaving you guys hanging for so long. I promise I won't do it again. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you enjoy my other stories be on the look out for their update. Thank you for reading, and don't forget to review. Much love to you guys!