Here is my Historical PTB HW assignment, Lesson: Historical Romance by Elise de Sallier

Here is my Romance scene written in the 1800's. Not beta'd but read by the wonderful Noel OhgeeFantasy. She tried to help. I dearly love period pieces but writing them is sooo hard!

Isabella Swan stood stick straight as her Abigail tied her corset tightly around her person. It was a daunting task being a young lady in England the year of our lord eighteen hundred, and sixty-five. Once the Abigail was done torturing her Isabella strolled over to her yellow day dress. Edward had not seen her in this dress in the time of their short courtship.

She had been in a courtship for the pass six-months with The Duke of Forks, Lord Edward Cullen. She expected a proposal any moment. A young lady should always be ready for a proposal. Once her dress was adorned, and laced up, her Abigail made sure every curl of her dark brown tresses were in perfect order. Isabella gracefully made her way down to the parlor where she knew her Duke was waiting.

Duke Edward Cullen paced in front of the Earl of Westchester, Charles Swan nervously awaiting his permission to have his daughter's hand in matrimony. He had waited the allotted time now he wished to propose to his intended. The love he felt for Isabella was surprising to say the least. He originally went into the courtship with the sole purpose of making a good match to a fine lady with good breeding, and an outstanding reputation. The lady would of course need to have a small dowry to be worth his salt, and it would've been very pleasing if she were comely.

Comely did not due his Isabella justice, she was more beautiful than he anything he could ever fancy. From the moment he saw Lady Isabella Swan at his cousins Alice garden party, he knew that he would not rest until he had her hand in his.

Earl Swan cleared his throat, standing up to stroll over to the Duke. The Duke was indeed of higher birth than the Earl, but for Charles Swan to grant him permission to marry his only child was a decision the man did not take lightly.

With a heavy heart Earl Swan presented his hand over to The Duke. "I would be most honored to have you join my family, Duke Cullen."

Letting out a breath he was not aware he was holding, Duke Cullen smiles at his soon to be father-in-law. "Please use my given name, Edward, we will soon be related, if Miss Swan agrees."

"I am sure you will no objections from Isabella." Charles states, as there is a timid knock on the closed parlor door. "You may enter." The Earl says as Isabella strolls into the room.

"Good morning father. Good morning your lordship." Isabella curtsies to both gentlemen.

"Daughter, how happy I am to see your lovely countenance this morning." The Earl places a kiss on his daughter's cheek.

"Good morning, Miss Swan, you look quite lovely today." Edward says as he bends down to press a light peck on her gloved hand.

She shyly smiles at Edward her heart aflutter in her chest at the site of him kissing her. He was a very handsome gentleman, indeed. He was quite fetching in his dark banyan, his cravat tied around his neck

"Would you do me the honor of taking a turn around the garden? If it pleases your father, of course." Edward turns towards the Earl waiting for his permission.

Earl Charles Swan smiles at the young couple, reflecting on when he was a young Earl in search of a bride, and how he had fallen in love with Lady Renee at first sight. It had been nearly two winters since she succumbed to the influenza, but not a day has passed when he did not dwell on all that she has missed with Isabella.

Isabella strolled through the garden with her shawl wrapped securely around her person. Edward strolled by her side with his hands intertwined with hers, hidden away from prying eyes. Duke Cullen was acting very uncouth, he was extremely silent, and he seemed fidgety to say the very least. Coming upon the settee bench in the garden, Edward urge her to sit as he nervously stands in front of her.

"Edward, is something amiss?" She ask becoming nervous herself from his strange behavior.

What if he was ending their courtship? What if the mere fact that she does not have a mother to teach her how to be a wife has affected his decision?

The thought of the injustice of it all brought on a melancholy she hasn't felt since she lost her mother. Edward stills from his pacing and bends down to one knee before Isabella can discern what is happening.

Taking her hand gently in his he looks into her beautiful brown eyes.

"My darling, from the moment I laid eyes upon you, you have become the very air I breathe. Would you grant me the greatest honor of becoming my wife?"

Isabella blinks silently at him not believing her eyes. She took a deep breath, taking in his worry appearance; she hadn't realized that she was taking time to answer.

"Oh! Edward. It would be my upmost pleasure to become your wife." She smiles at him as her tears fall freely.

Edward stands up gently pulling her into his arms. "My darling, you have made me the happiest of men. May I be so bold to seal it with a kiss?"

She nodded in agreement, closing her eyes as she leans into him. His grip around her waist increases as his lips met hers in a gentle but firm kiss. Their first kiss sends a thrill through both of them as Edward parts his mouth swiping his tongue across her bottom lip. She slowly opens up for him inhaling his wonderful scent as his tongue slowly massages hers out of hiding.

Her fingers take hold of his wild bronze hair as their kiss becomes more frantic. She sighs from the pleasure of his mouth on hers. Never feeling anything like this in her life, Isabella threw propriety to the wind as the passion Edward invoked in her drove her simply mad.

Pulling away before he ruined his fiancé's reputation, he exhales giving her one last chaste kiss upon her lips.

"I love you, dearly Isabella. I cannot wait until you are my wife." He steps back allowing the distance between them to calm his nerves.

Isabella places her hand upon her chest, smiling dearly at him. "I love you as well, Edward and I cannot wait to become truly yours."

The comment that held a deeper meaning awakened a desire in Edward that he did not know he possessed. Pulling her into him he placed a searing kiss upon her lips savoring the taste of her. Their wedding day would not come soon enough as he desperately yearned for her and she him.

The End.