Requester: indraniFOREVER
Slight smut/lemon/lime (whatever you call it) is in this chapter.
Disclaimer: I do not own beyblade, OC or the plot.
Chapter 5: Birthday Suit
"Come on Indrani, let us see your outfit, everyone isn't here yet and it's only me and Hilary!" Ray whispered loudly at the door, on the other side was a girl twirling in her white cami-dress she bought on the weekend, waking up extra early to put loose curls in her jet-black long wavy hair, her liquid black eyes giggled as she opened her bedroom door to let the two come in.
"Wow, you look beautiful Indrani." Hilary compliments, make her twirl around whilst Ray smiled .
"I agree with Hilary, oh happy birthday Indrani, growing up so fast." Ray says to have a 'what-the-fuck' look thrown at him by Hilary.
"Arw, thank you guys, but do you think this dress makes me look… bigger?" Indrani asked them both, looking at her dress and then to them they shake their heads. The dress still showed off Indrani to-die-for curves men drool over when she didn't even know it.
"It doesn't, if anything you classy and glamourous." Sitting on her bed as she took those compliments into mind whilst she puts on her long-waited shoes to finally wear out of the box, a pair of white ankle strap heels she was highly excited to put on.
Looking down at her manicure feet and nails she was glad to have French pedicure and manicure and nothing else.
Getting up with her new shoes on, Indrani felt like a woman, her curves still showing through the dress as it was mid-thigh length she felt more confidence. And she knew confidence is sexy but don't go too far.
Everyone started to arrive later on the day and Indrani felt more and more nervous, she knew the people that were coming, it was just the butterflies eating her up. It was 6 o'clock now and Indrani felt like she's in her room for ages, opening her bedroom door to hear everyone talking and having drinks and snacks she walks down the hallway to open the door as the lights were off all of sudden she closes the door to just stand there in the darkness until the lights came back on.
"Happy birthday Indrani!" Everyone yelled whilst Indrani was nothing more than shocked, she held on the door handle tightly for letting go as she smiled.
"Ooh, look at you and your outfit, you look adorable babes." Mariah says as she was dress in a baby pink skater dress as Hilary was in a yellow floral playsuit.
"Arw, thank you Mariah, your dress is so you." Indrani replied back as they both giggled.
"I know right." Bursting into a laugh, Indrani looked around for Kai, wondering where he went or if he was here.
"Happy birthday Indrani, damn if I was Kai I would be in my birthday suit all-day for you." Brooklyn whispered into her ear as Indrani felt a little un-easy, she didn't like Brooklyn that much, not after how he bladed against Kai.
"Thank you Brooklyn -."
"Anything going on?" Tala asked, glaring at Brooklyn slightly as Indrani shakes her head.
"Nope, Brooklyn was just telling me that he would be in his birthday suit all-day for me if he was Kai." Indrani said blatantly, not really realising what she had just said whilst Tala smirks at his best-friend naïve-ness but glares at Brooklyn for bringing an idea like that.
"Ignore him, Kai would have a better idea than that… common you have to cut your cake now, I'm starving!" Tala says before putting his hands on Indrani shoulder and moving her into the kitchen.
After Indrani cut her cake and the slices were given out, music went on as games were played like twister, truth or dare, beer pong between the "manly" guys, and karaoke. Indrani slipped away from the crowd before walking into her room, collapsing on her bed her head hit her pillow but it was uncomfortably poking her head. Sitting up as she lifted her pillow to see a wrapped gift and card, Indrani opened the card to notice it was Kai hand-writing and his card given to her.
To Indrani
Happy birthday, I hope you enjoy this party everyone planned, and I hope you enjoy my gift to you. Wear it and meet me outside the royals, I'll be waiting there…
Kai Hiwatari x
Blushing deeply as she opened the 2 gifts she noticed there. Opening the big one to see it was a perfume, Indrani felt excited as she sprayed it onto her inner wrists, base of her throat, behind the ear lobes, onto her chest, inner thighs, behind the knees and inner elbows she sprayed it into the air as she allowed it to mist over her.
Sitting back down as she opened the second gift which was a little box, inside the little dark velvet red box was a ring and necklace, the necklace was a heart with a message carved on it saying 'belongs to Kai Hiwatari' as the inside message in the ring says 'Yours K.H'.
Smiling and blushing deeply she put the necklace on and the ring on her right hand finger next to her pinkie, she grabbed a denim over-sized jacket before putting these away safely Indrani opened her bedroom door to look around the hallway.
"Shh, come this way." Tala says as he knew she was going to Kai, looking outside to see sunset, Indrani followed Tala outside, and somehow they made it outside the dojo.
"Thank you Tala!" Indrani said before hugging him as she ran towards the place her and Kai first met, outside the royals where he bumped into her and not apologising for it, and until they got re-introduced but as soon as they passed Indrani grew strong feelings for Kai, but she became too nervous to talk to him or approach him scared that he might snap at her.
Running and crossing the streets, Indrani felt excited, her heartbeat sped faster and faster as she turned around the corner to see him standing there, hands in his pockets looking around whilst Indrani fixed herself and got her breathing normal as she walked towards Kai, in the corner of his eye he saw her, his heart skipped beats as he watched her approach him, smiling.
"Thank you for the gifts Kai." Indrani says as he smirks, being taller than her and most people as he was 6'4 whilst Indrani was 5'4 with the heels on she was 5'8, Kai walked to her as he grabbed her waist and pulled her into a kiss. A very passionate kiss.
Feeling his lips against hers was a dream come true, he kept it dominant yet gentle as he licked her bottom lip, not opening her mouth just yet she kissed back with the same passion before pulling back.
Kai could feel her heartbeat beat against his chest, smelling the perfume Kai brought for her he felt happiness rise inside of him, letting go as she was blushing like crazy, not expecting that from the lone wolf he is.
"Come on." He said before grabbing her hand as he locked his fingers with hers, walking into the hotel they went up the elevator whilst Indrani took her jacket off for feeling too hot.
The doors opened as Kai grabbed her hand, walking towards the room he booked he opens the door before letting her walk in, locking the door behind him he puts on the bed side lamp, taking his scarf off she sat down on the bed.
She looked up at him innocently, taking her heels off Indrani walks towards the window to pull the curtains apart, seeing the night-sky come in.
Kai watched her as he removed his jacket and tank top to stand there topless.
"Indrani." He says as she turns around to blush as she looks away.
"Look at me." He orders as she looks at him, standing there topless across the room she looks at him.
"Why me?" He asked, Kai wondered, every time he would try to get close she would disappear before he knew it, he always watched how shy and timid she was around him, but he wanted to see her crazy happy loud side everyone else gets to see. She looks out the window before sighing.
"There's so much to say, I've always loved your confidence, the pride you keep high, you're never scared about anything, you take risks and still try even if you lost, I've always and still will adore you, you put everything else first before you take care of yourself, after everything you've been through here you are standing strong knowing what you'll being doing next, at first I felt my heart beat when I met you, but I pushed that to aside knowing a guy like you wouldn't take interest, but afterwards when I got know you, those feelings remained and grew from afar, I was just scared to approach you in case you'll snap at me or just ignore me and feel like I'm one of those fan-girls." Smiling she looked at Kai before taking a breath in.
"You've given the best present I could ask for, and Kai." She looked at him in the eye as he was him in awe.
"I will always love you, no matter what sin you do; I will always be in love you, not what you do, just you being the way you are." Indrani confessed as she was blushing anymore. She smiled as Kai ran a hand through his hair before saying.
"Why didn't you tell me this earlier? All this time I thought you was scared of me, I didn't think you would like a guy that I am, you've seen my cold sides but now I want to express my feelings for you." Kai said as he walked up to her before pulling Indrani into a hug, lifting her head to look at him, he picked her up as her legs wrapped around his hips to get pulled into a kiss.
They both kissed each other with the same passion until Kai licked the bottom of her lip to be granted with access as they both played with each other tongues, the lips kept lip locked whilst Kai started to walk towards the bed as he put Indrani on her back, her hands ran through his hair whilst Kai hands roamed around her body.
Taking hold of her shoulder straps, Kai pulled them down as he was between her legs, allowing him as she panted whilst they let go, her breathing was heavy as Kai removed her dress whilst she was left in her white lace panties. Planting a kiss on her neck down her chest before making contact with her nipple Kai tugged, licked and sucked whilst Indrani was really sensitive before he stopped, looking at him get lower and lower, Indrani covered her face as she started to blush.
"Don't be embarrassed." Kai says as he grabs the side of her panties.
"You okay?" Kai asked as she looked at Kai before at the ceiling.
"Don't ask if I'm okay, just do it." She said as Kai chuckled, pulling her panties down as he split her legs apart to bite his lip.
"Look at me Indrani." Kai says as he hovers over Indrani, rubbing her woman-hood as he grabs both of her wrist with his left hand as he pins her, feeling her jerk to his touch he pushes a finger through feeling her gasp at another finger.
Changing position as Kai took his trousers off along with his boxers; he laid on his back with her on-top. Kai licked his fingers as she watched him, moving forward to kiss him as she tasted herself on his tongue, Kai slowly inserted, knowing she was a virgin until now.
Feeling him enter as he started to move up and down, he quickened his pace and power whilst Indrani moaned before having his lips latch on hers.
"I love you too Indrani." Kai whispered into her ear whilst the night stayed young.
And, I'll end it there, I didn't want the love scene to be too detailed or then it would get moved into the rated M section, I don't know though, I think later I'll change the rating to rated M since I'm accepting smut one-shots.
Anyways… What do ya think? Goddam I was giggling through this like crazy! XD
I hope you enjoyed this indraniFOREVER!
ShortBusHero ~ Oh my god, same here! Whenever I read Kai with another guy I'm like… WHY? My most recent notice is seeing most cute/fit/hot guys turn gay, I mean when you see a cute guy walk down the street and then he links hands with another guy and pecks… WHY YOU DAMMIT! Anyways thanks for the review and request! X
Kiscia ~ Haha I love ya too :3, yeah that was my first time writing yaoi and I feel proud of myself accomplishing that, I felt a little uneasy writing Kai with another 2 guys but it's all good now, lol I'm glad you enjoyed it, if you have any more requests, just let me know and I hope you enjoy this update. Thanks for the review and awesome request. *hugs back* X
Superrbia (ch3) ~ Yeah, I didn't see your review but I'm glad you still reviewed for chapter 3. Lol, Calm down girl! You need to slow down 'because I'll be joining you, you get Hiromi and I'll get Kai ;P
Superrbia (ch4) ~ *passes tissues* damn you okay? Lol do you want to know how I feel writing all this one-shots and having Kai be a dirty boy in them. XD I feel like a big pervert and creep! XD Haha thank you for your intriguing review. X
indraniFOREVER ~ Wow… you kissed your cousin because of truth and dare? Daammnnn! Lol if I was there I'll be routing for ya both! XD Yeah I get what you mean, but I would like a gay-friend who's girly and all to talk to and shit… Hehe no more dying now, lol I hope you've enjoyed your request, if you have anymore, feel free to let me know ;) oh and thank you for your lovely request and review. X
Rebelle Boss ~ Haha I'm sure everyone would do too! XD I'm single and ready to mingle and for Kai of course I'll be taking every chance I get! Thank you for your review. X
MasterExpose ~ Oh don't you worry, I'm having fun writing these ;D I have A LOT of time on my hands since I haven't got much to do on my summer break, 6 weeks off with nothing but writing fan-fiction of Kai. Thanks for the review hon! X
IceIceFire ~ Haha my first time writing yaoi and yay it didn't suck so bad XD oh my god the things well do if they were alive. O.O I'd say the ideas everyone have is just purely toture. Thank you for da review! X
My ramble & rant … You can read it if you want to, you don't have to… Eh…
That's all of it for now and I hope you enjoy your first week of your summer break if you're in the UK… and I hope you are enjoying your summer break if you're in the USA… I don't know about the rest of the world but yeah… ENJOY THE SUMMER GUYS!
But in the UK, I'm dying, I can't sleep because it's too hot for me, its funny how people in the USA are like that's so cold! When I message about the temperature and here I am with 6 iced water bottles to help me through the night, how can it be cold? It's boiling here and seriously when me and my mates went to Drayton Manor (theme park) for a day we was waiting in line for the ride 'Ben 10' because we're so badass like that *sarcasm* oh my freaking lord the line was huge! It went round in a circle and then through this tunnel thing and then in a zig-zag and let me tell you, we wasn't waiting outside, it was in a building and it was hot I felt like my make-up was going to melt off.
But during that two bitches think they're so higher than everybody I mean common, you're in a waiting line with A LOT many people and you don't expect to get nudged bitch? Haven't you been in a concert? Haven't you been in big shopping mall? I mean I'm a college student, but this bish was a primary or secondary school teacher and she was like 'for fuck-sake I've been nudged 3 times, calm the fuck down' and I was like 'bitch please, this is a line with a primary school behind us waiting with hype little kids, and I've had people step on my foot many times and elbowed, nudging isn't an excuse'. I got in my zone afterwards but I swear jnwijenrfbhwjfnziwe!
The second bitch was like, not towards me but towards my bisexual girlfriends when all they did was peck and the women goes 'can you not do that nasty thing here?' that's all I heard I was like wtf? If it was a straight couple she wouldn't care but because it was two girls, why you have a problem? My mate just laughed in her face, but I would have been like… Who are you to me? Yes you're a stranger, and I don't remember my mom telling me to listen to strangers so yeah, mind your damn business.
Ruined my day but we didn't let it get to us.
But if you ever have a chance to go on a stand-up ride, take it! It will be the best thing you can ever do!
That's my rant… Did anything happen with you guys? Something like my problem somewhere? I swear I'm nice, it's just some people bring the worst out of me.
Anyways… Sheezus sending cyber huggies and kisses! Take care! XO