Fire and Ice 4: Survivor

AN: This is the last chapter. I know... I'm sorry. I was going to write a prologue but I didn't think it would fit!

Anyway, on with the story!

Chapter 6

Arthur, Gwaine and Leon quietly made their way to the decaying tower. Morgana had taken Merlin here.

Finally, they entered the building, swords drawn and ready to be used. What Arthur saw shocked him. Morgana lay on the stone table her knife raised. She plunged it into her stomach without a second thought. He ran over to his half sister and held her head.

"Morgana," He whispered.

"I... I'm... sorry... for ev... for everything... I've... done to... you..." She gasped, tears falling from her eyes. . Her head lolled to the side and her eyes drooped. Her chest that had once been rising and falling stopped and she became silent.

"Sire, Merlin's not breathing." Leon exclaimed. Gwaine kept pressing against Merlin's wrist, franticly trying to find a pulse. Nothing.

"Merlin... Come on you bloody idiot!" Arthur cried. Suddenly, Merlin coughed and sat up, his eyes darting from Arthur to Gwaine to Leon to Morgana.

"What happened?" He asked. Arthur chuckled, his earlier worry disappearing.

"It's a long story!"


As the knights, King and Merlin made their way back to the sun seemed to come out, as if the darkness and hatred in the world had disappeared.

"So, you're saying, Morgana the evil sorceress took me to the Isle of the Blessed and sacrificed herself for me?" Merlin asked incredulously. He honestly couldn't remember a thing.

"Yes." Arthur replied bluntly. Merlin rolled his eyes.

"I don't believe that for one second."

"Are you questioning the King?" Arthur asked, faking shock.

"Oh no! I would never do that... Sire," Merlin said sarcastically. The knights laughed as Merlin and Arthur continued their usually banter.

Arthur snorted.

"I wouldn't! I cannot believe you think I would do such a thing!" Merlin said his eyes wide. He was actually quite a good actor.

Arthur grinned.


Gwen and Gaius rushed out of the castle to see Merlin, Arthur and the knights dismount their horses.

"Merlin!" Gwen exclaimed, running forward and hugging him.

Merlin hugged her back, a smile stretching across his face.

"We missed you, we were all so worried." Gwen gushed. Camelot was still in total destruction from the fire. Houses were being rebuilt and the streets were being cleared. The castle was a different matter. The hallways, well most of them, were practically ruined. The walls were crumbling apart.

"Merlin, you have some chores to do." Arthur said clapping Merlin on the back.

"What!?" Merlin cried.

"Fine." Arthur said he thought about it for a moment before saying, "Meet me in my chambers in 10 minutes."

He left, heading for the doors to the castle and he heard Merlin shout behind him.

"How is that any better?!"

Arthur didn't answer. A smile spread across his face and he shook his head slightly.


Camelot was fixed up pretty quickly. Since Morgana had sacrificed herself, things had gone pretty smoothly with only a few attacks in the last few months. Arthur and Gwen had recently found out they were expecting a baby and that made everything better. Although, Arthur had appointed Merlin as nanny seeing as he 'looked and acted like a girl and was unbelievably good with children.'

"Arthur," Merlin called, running down the corridors. They had just come from a meeting.

"What?" Arthur halted unexpectedly and turned around causing Merlin to almost crash into him.

"I found this!" He exclaimed. Nothing was actually there so Arthur just rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Wait! I need to show you!" Merlin exclaimed.

"I need to get back to Guinevere." Arthur sighed. He let his head drop back and let out another exasperated sigh as Merlin dragged him off and down to Gaius' chambers.

"Hurry up Merlin!" Arthur complained.

"Well it would help if you walked yourself instead of me basically dragging you!" Merlin told him. Arthur groaned and followed Merlin.

When they reached Gaius' chambers, Merlin burst open the door and let out an excited 'TA DA!'

Sitting in the middle of the room was a wooden cot. It was small and had a small mobile hanging from the top. Arthur let his jaw fall to the floor.

"What?" He asked slightly confused but happy all the same.

"I made it!" Merlin said.

"You... You made this?!" Arthur walked over to it and looked at the mobile. It had a king, queen and a small man with a funny wizard hat. It also had a knight with his sword and shield in his arms. A black horse was also attached to one of the strings.

"Merlin this is... this is amazing!" Arthur murmured, his hand running along the smooth wood of the crib.

"Look at this." Merlin's eyes flashed gold and the little men on the mobile were hanging in mid air, the strings completely forgotten about. They were surrounded in gold dust but the dust began to change and tell a story, turning into forests and castles.

"Merlin..." Arthur watched the little characters start to move as if acting out a play.

"Of course I'll need to be there to do that but otherwise it's pretty useful." Merlin ranted. "I mean, the little people are kinda cool but they can be a little annoying. It's what I had when I was younger except I made the little people by myself-"

"Merlin I love it!" Arthur exclaimed. He looked at his servant, nanny, advisor but most of all, his friend.

"You're a good friend Merlin."

"I know." Merlin smirked.

Arthur rolled his eyes.

"But you're still an idiot."

"You're still a prat."

"You will always be an idiot. A clumsy, stupid, ignorant, idiot." Arthur went on.

"Okay I get it." Merlin muttered. They walked out the room, pushing and shoving one another until Merlin accidentally pushed Arthur too hard. His eyes widened and he ran out of the room.


So that's it! They end of my series! I know... sad... sad... sad... I have other stories planned and I'll try and get them up asap!

Thank you to everyone who read and reviewed I honestly couldn't have done it without you!

Special thanks to HollyDawn and Lunatris262 who have stuck with my writing since the start. I mean like the very first chapter! They reviewed even if my writing was really rubbish and they always brought a smile to my face! So thank you for your help and devotion to this story!

Thanks guys! See you soon... hopefully!

Bye x