A Journey to Mobius
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from Sonic. I only own my OCs.
Chapter 1: A New Beginning
(Ivan's POV)
It all started on a hot summer day in the year of 2014. I was coming back from getting some nice fresh air while I'm riding my bike. After about an hour of bike riding, I decided to visit my uncle since I have time to visit him before I head home. I rode my bike down to my uncle house when I went inside, and strangely, I didn't see my uncle anywhere.
"Uncle Josh, are you home?" No response. 'Hmm, he must be in the basement working on a new project.' Oh right, did I mention my uncle is a scientist? He's a bit deranged and eccentric, but I wouldn't say that he's a mad scientist.
I went down the stairs to my uncle's lab. Seriously, this guy could be the next Leonardo da Vinci; he has sketches of machines literally EVERYWHERE. Along with the abundance of sketches, there are several contraptions that I can't even understand. I find some of his creations to be rather interesting. There's the machine that creates a ball of electricity, a simple volcano structure that reacts with baking soda, or so I thought. The volcano structure was filled with ACTUAL lava; how he was able to contain lava inside the structure without it collapsing in on itself is beyond my comprehension. I have to admit, I found that to be pretty damn awesome. I continued walking through the basement, and I saw two rather large chambers; one was empty and the other one had a small hedgehog in it.
'I wonder why that hedgehog is in there' Letting the curiosity getting the better of me, I stepped inside the empty chamber to inspect it. Suddenly, the entrance closed automatically.
"Wha-what the?! Help! Uncle where are you?! HELP!" I'm panicking at this point and I start to fear for my life. I hear footsteps in the shadows. It was my uncle.
"Ah thank god you're here. Can you get me out of here" My uncle began to cackle.
"Ah Ivan, I knew you might come to visit today, so I decided to surprise you. So, what do you think of your personal chamber?" My uncle sneered.
"Your surprise sucks uncle, now please get me out of here." I pleaded.
"Silence! I was doing some tests for my new fusing machine that I had built recently. I just need one more key component. My calculations tell me that I need a human sized specimen for this machine to work." He looked at me as if he was scanning me.
After he was finished looking at me, he grinned. "Hmm, you seem to be the perfect size for this experiment."
"Did you ever think of going inside the chamber yourself? I mean, we're about the same height and weight." My uncle shook his head in exasperation.
"Because I can't turn on the machine from the inside you fool! Seriously, I knew you were stupid, but I didn't think you were this stupid. Now then, shall we begin our test?" My uncle went over to the control panel that was connected to the two pods. I see him push a few buttons, and then a big red button pops up.
'That is so fucking cliché.' I say to myself. He pushed the red button as he cackled like a madman. I start to hyperventilate as I hear the deep hum of the machine coming to life. The noise gets louder and louder and a bright light shines at the top of the chamber. The light gets brighter and brighter and I'm thinking that I'm about to die, but then there was…nothing. It was as if the machine broke down. I sigh in relief, but then a searing pain shoots throughout my entire body and I collapse. As I writhed in agony, some sort of wormhole appeared in the center of the chamber and began to suck everything in the basement like a vacuum. Eventually, I'm sucked into the portal and when I go through it, I'm in the sky; roughly 1,500 feet above the ground. At this point, I didn't think there was anything I could gain from screaming or being afraid. I knew I wouldn't survive this fall. When I see the ground becoming more visible as I plummet, I see that my hands changed. It looked like there was…was it fur? I disregarded it as a hallucination and looked up, and then, all I saw was darkness.
A/N: So, what did you think? If you want more, leave a review and I'll get started on the next chapter. Thanks for reading the first chapter of A Journey to Mobias!