Disclaimer: What rock have you been living under if you think I own Pokémon?

Hey guys! To be honest, I was inspired to write this by an episode of Dimond and Pearl and decided to write about the hardships of man, and how they keep trying(at least, Brock does). So enjoy this lovestruck, on one knee, Crogunk-jabbing fanfic! (and did I mention the candlelight dinners?)

"Oh Nurse Joy, thank you for healing my Pokémon! Now, please heal me of a broken hear-"

"Crogunk!" the purple frog cried out as he jabbed Brock in the stomach, causing the usual collapse. "I think I'm good now!" he finalized. Nurse Joy looked at the frog, and he nodded as if to say This guy is a bachelor.

Brock woke up on the floor, still in a daze. He saw a pink shape in front of his face. "Nurse Joy?" he said groggily. "Hap Happiny!" the pink shape cheered.

Brock took in his surroundings as his vision cleared. He was in his room in the Pokémon centre. Crogunk sat on the bed, and Happiny was dancing around him. "Hap Hap Hap..."

"Come on, Crogunk! This felt like the one!" he complained to his Pokémon, who just stared into the Disortion World, his cheeks inflating and deflating. "Croooo..."

"Crogunk? Can you hear me?"


"Are you even listening?"


Brock sweatdropped. At least I have Happiny. But I was so close to getting a date with that beautiful, sensitive Nurse Joy! Why must Crogunk ruin my love? An idea struck him almost as hard as a Poison Jab. Wait! I could still end up with that powerful but caring Officer Jenny! But I must do this without Crogunk noticing...

Brock glanced at his purple frog, who continued to stare off into space. Please Palkia, let him stay that way! Brock stood up, and Crogunk did nothing. Brock recalled Happiny, and Crogunk didn't move a muscle. Brock silently tiptoed to the door and left the room, not noticing Crogunk's head turn. "Croooo?"

Brock smiled to himself. He was ready this time. He bought a pack of mints and a red rose, and had written a poem to confess his love to the blunette beauty. All he needed to do was find her. He suddenly spotted her down the street, giving out parking tickets.

He ran up to her and grabbed her hand while going down onto one knee.

"Oh Jenny, your beauty is indescribable, your hair is so blue,

It's one of the things that make you seem like you.

You have cousins and sisters and look-alikes all around,

But I love you and that's why I'm kneeling on the ground.

Your hair is short but your eyelashes are long,

There is no part of you that seems wrong.

Your eyes are stunning and your skin is fine,

Why oh why, Jenny, won't you be mine?"

He stopped reading, and a clap could be heard.

"Crogunk!" his Pokémon cheered. Jenny looked confused. "Have I met you before?"

"Of course not! But I have a photo of your delicate beauty preserved in my jacket."

He pulled out his photo of all the Jennys in Sinnoh. Jenny almost handcuffed him then.

"Where did you get that? Only Officer Jennys have that photo!" she cried out, half freaked and half angry. Brock shrugged like it was so simple. "I bribed the photographer."

Brock's vision went black, courtesy of his "one true love".

Brock woke up on the floor for the second time today. His cheek was burning. He sighed.

"Maybe tomorrow. Right Crogunk?" Brock asked his frog, but didn't hear the answer as a pretty girl with brown hair walked by. No time like the present!

He never learns. I feel bad for Crogunk, who has to stop Brock from freaking out young women. Anyway, if you want me to continue, review or PM. Or, just tell me what you think!

Bye, Ty8