Titanfall: Survivors of Demeter

Chapter 5: We're being watched...


I just love a good story, don't you? (Laughs) Worry not, this tale is nowhere near any sort of end.


Xiana shuddered as she got the feeling again. The feeling of being watched, of being hunted. She hadn't asked David if he had had any similiar experiences, but she was afraid she would be mocked for 'being a paranoid girl'. That happened a lot back in the IMC.

She was sitting in the main office, which was in the east wing, the only wing that was being powered by the backup grid. She turned back to her revolver, and continued to clean it, the disassembled firearm gleaming with oil.


David sat next to Devon, who was still holding on, and had even managed to keep some I-Rations down earlier. He was sitting in a chair in the main quarters, which were well lit up and clean. They had turned it into a makeshift infirmary, with an entire crate of medical supplies next to him and several beds made.

Xiana still scared him, but he felt a bit more calm when she was around, due to her having a fully loaded revolver and the skill to shoot a can off of a box at two-hundred yards (They had gotten bored one day).

He suddenly heard a quiet clang and whipped his head around, only to see... nothing.

"I must be going insane..." He said to himself as he took another sip of coffee.


Devon woke several hours later, screaming about someone named Marcus and how everything was going to be alright, before he coughed and looked around, fear in his eyes. He remembered what had happened to him and lay back down.

"Everything going to be just fine." He muttered, dozing off again. If only he knew...


David was walking down the hall when everything went black for a momement, the power grid flickering again. Who knew when this thing last had a check-up.

He suddenly felt a presence behind him, and he spun around, only to take a gun-butt to the forehead. He groaned as he went down like a sack of potatoes.


Xiana was watching Devon when she heard a thwack and a thud, and she quickly drew her pistol and turned to the door, walking slowly to it before turning the corner.

A Spectre stood in the hall, David crumpled and unmoving at its feet, a large bruise forming on his head. Xiana quickly dodged a burst of carbine fire and shot back, the bullet punching a hole in the drones shoulder joint, but failing to have much effect.

She ducked back into the doorway, weapon ready as the Spectre opened up, bullets whizzing past her and down the hall.

She spun around the corner and went to kick the robot, remembering too late that these things weren't human targets. Her foot bounced off and she hit the ground hard, while the spectre loomed over her, aiming the carbine.

Then its metal faceplate exploded.

She felt hot pieces of metal bounce off her armour as she looked down the hall, only to see Devon standing there with his Hammond Pistol held up, the barrel still smoking.

Then he fell over.


Man, I have a bad tendency to beat up my characters, don't I. No, I'm not a sadist, I just like my characters to be human, and feel pain. If they were just supermen who ate glass and drank blood, they would be boring since there would be no threat to their well-being. Thanks for supporting me,

Scribe out.