Hi! This is my first fanfic and I don't have anyone to edit it soo if it isn't that good sorry! Please be gentle with me!~

It was his own fault. He shouldn't have thought Gou's idea to come to Haru's house unannounced for a 'meeting'. They shouldn't have just assumed that Haru was doing nothing, just was in the bath or something. He should have known better.

Running ahead from the others, Nagisa arrived first. Oddly the door was already partly open. He slid the door more to let himself in. Haru's name was at the tip of his tongue when he stopped himself. Clothes were scattered He was certain that he could hear muffled noises coming from upstairs.

Nagisa jumped as he heard a loud slap and scream echoed in the house. He wasn't sure what to do. He was curious and wanted to know who Haru had upstairs with him but he couldn't bring himself to move. He heard Rei calling him as he ran up the stairs along with Gou. When they reached him, Nagisa turned to them and smiled. Gou-chan, can you stay out here for a bit? I'm not sure how Haru will react to us coming uninvited and don't want you to feel his wrath if worse comes to worse! Haha!"

Gou was about to tell Nagisa that she could handle Haruka-senpai but stopped when she saw how fake that smile was. She looked towards Rei and saw that he looked just as uneasy as she felt. "O-Okay, just don't take to long!"

"Rei-chan, come with me, Haru-chan listens to you more about these kind of things!" Rei reluctantly went inside. When he was in, Nagisa closed the door behind them. "Nagisa-kun, I don't understand what you're thi-"

"Rei-chan, Haru-chan isn't here alone and.. h-he's umm"

He couldn't speak, this was embarrassing even for him. Just thinking about his taciturn friend with some girl upstairs freaked him out. He didn't even think Haru-chan was interested in that sort of stuff. Normally he would joke around and tease Rei-chan about this sort of stuff but now that involved someone other than himself, he felt his face flush with embarrassment.

"Nagisa-kun I demand you explain to me what's wrong!"

"Haru-chan has.. h-has-"

A thud was heard from upstairs, as if someone fell.

Nagisa whispered "Haru-chan has company... lady friend company" Rei was still looking towards the ceiling but his blush visible from Nagisa's angle. "O-Oh umm, then I guess we'll have to reschedule our meeting for another day. We should be going."

"R-Right haha poor Gou-chan doesn't have a chance with Haru-chan huh?"

"We aren't even sure if this lady is in a serious relationship with senpai so we shouldn't say anything until he wants to"

After going back outside, Gou rushed backed over to them.

"Are we good?"

"Ahh no Haruka-senpai isn't home, we looked around didn't find him."

"Hmmm that's weird, senpai doesn't usually go out unless Makoto-senpai or us are around."

"Maybe Haru-chan had to go buy groceries, I mean he can't just live off of mackerel no matter how much he wants too! Orrrr maybe he's with Rin-chan!"

"Onii-chan would tell me if he was going to be with him! I didn't plan this 'meeting' without seeing if he had plans with him first! Anyway lets just go. We can call him later"

As they were going down the stairs, Nagisa remembered why Makoto couldn't be with them.

"AH! Rei-chan, Gou-chan! I'm gonna go visit Mako-chan! You guys go ahead!"

"Makoto-senpai specifically said NOT to visit him while hes sick!"

"Yeah he doesn't want to infect us with what he has!.. And it's KOU"

Nagisa just looked at them with feigned humble stare.

"Im sure all he needs is some good company and he'll get better! Rei-chan, I want you to come but you have to walk Gou-chan home! You don't want to be rude right?"

"O-Of course not! But that doesn't mean that YOU should ignore Makoto-senpais request!"

"Yeah yeah, I'll be fineee you guys, Just go already."

Eventually he convinced them to leave him. He walked over to Makotos house and paid his respects to the goldfish that makoto has buried. When he was finished he went to the front door and rang the doorbell. He could hear the twins trying get to the door. But at the end the one who opened was Mama-Tachibana herself.

"Good Evening Mama-tachibana! Hows Mako-chan?"

"Nagisa-kun! What a pleasant surprise! Um, I'm not sure he hasn't been home for about a few hours now."

"Oh. Do you know where he is?"

"Yes, he went with Haru-chan to get groceries, you know that boy needs to eat better! He can't just eat mackerel and pineapples, I always invite him to eat dinner with us but he refuses at times! But that was earlier today, he said after that he would go to Haru's house and do homework together."

"Ok! Thank you."

'Mako-chan lied to us? Lied to his mother?! This isn't like you!'

Nagisa wasn't sure what to do at this point. Right now he was sitting on one of the stairs staring at his phone. He tried calling Makoto but he didn't answer. For all he knew Makoto could be hurt or in trouble! Or maybe he didn't lie? Maybe he did go grocery shopping with Haru but what after? I mean Haruka was with a woman right now. Unless.. No. No way. No. No.

'The clothes didn't look like they belong to a girl.'

Stop it.

'The thud... it also sounded too heavy for a girl.'

But Makoto is too innocent for that kind of stuff. He's probably old fashion, waiting until he's married to have sex. Nagisa's eyes widen in alarm.

'He screamed.. Mako-chan screamed. Haru-cha- Haruka slapped him. If Mako-chan doesn't want it. Haruka wouldn't, he couldn't have'

With that thought in mind, Nagisa stood up and turn towards Haruka's house. He had to be sure. He needed to know if Makoto was safe. So he ran.

First chapter done! Reviews and criticism would be very appreciated. I just update when I have time, so there isn't a specific day that I update. If anyone would want to help me with this story just message me here or on tumblr: shiikun23