Hey guys! Sorry it took us so long to post the first chapter last night, we were both kind of crazy. This chapter is a lot longer so we hope you enjoy it.
Also, if any of you are on Tumblr feel free to follow us, our URL's are sleepdeprivedweirdo and futurecompanionwizard. The latter will be posting fan art of Three Hearts.
The Runaway Bride
The Unexpected Arrival
"What?" Rose squeaked in surprise. The Doctor flew around and looked in shock at the mystery bride.
"What?" The bride stared at the pair of them.
"But-" The Doctor began.
"Where am I?" She interrupted.
"But that's-" Rose started.
"What the heck is this place?!"
"What?!" Both the Doctor and Rose exclaimed at the same time.
"But you can't do that it isn't-"
"We're in flight!" Rose added.
"That is physically impossible- you can't."
"Tell me where I am." The bride interrupted him yet again.
"But you can't just-" Rose attempted yet did not get to finish.
"I demand to know where I am!"
"Inside the TARDIS." The Doctor answered her.
"That's not even a proper word!" The bride shot back, obviously fed up with what she thought was a mean trick.
"It's the name of our ship." Rose tried to explain, "It stands for time and relative dimension in space."
"Space? You mean to tell me we're in space?" The bride asked, not believing a word of it.
"How did you even get in here?" The Doctor asked.
"Well, obviously when you kidnapped me." The bride retorted, "Who was it, who's paying you? Was it Nerys? Oh my gosh, she's finally got me back. This has got Nerys written all over it!"
"Who's Nerys?" Rose questioned.
"Your all's best friend."
"Hold on, what are dressed like that for." The Doctor asked, Rose rolling her eyes beside him.
"I'm going ten- pin bowling. What do you think?! Dumbo, I was halfway up the isle!" She screamed at him, "I've been waiting all my life for this, I was just seconds away, and then you two- I don't know, drugged me or something!"
"We haven't done anything!" The Doctor yelled defensively.
"We're having the police on you two, me and my husband- as soon as he is my husband- we're gonna sue the living backside off ya!" She then noticed the TARDIS door and started running towards it.
"No wait a minute! Don't!" Rose warned her, but the bride didn't listen. She threw the doors open, only to find herself staring into the supernova.
"I wasn't lying when I said we were in space." Rose said, as they both walked towards her.
"And we weren't lying when we said you were in the TARDIS either, it's our ship."
The bride just looked baffled, "How am I breathing?"
"The TARDIS is protecting us." Rose said simply, knowing how hard it can be, adapting to life in the TARDIS.
"Who are you guys?" The bride asked, turning around to look at the two of them.
"I'm the Doctor and this is Rose. You?"
"Human?" The Doctor asked.
"Yeah." Donna said, wondering what kind of lives the two of them must live where they have to ask those kinds of questions, "Is that optional?"
"Well, it is for him." Rose said, jerking her thumb in the Doctors direction. Donna stared at him, baffled once again.
"You're an alien." She said, beginning to accept the idea.
"What about you, are you alien?" Donna said, looking at Rose.
"No, we just travel together."
"Just you two?"
"Yeah, there used to be others, long time ago, just us now."
Donna looked at the supernova again, and then said simply,
"It's freezing with those doors open."
The Doctor and Rose looked at each other, each took hold of one door, and closed them. The two of them then ran back up to the console.
"I don't understand it, and I understand everything!" The Doctor said while he was running. Rose laughed.
"You keep telling yourself that." She said, patting him on the back. He looked at her and then back at Donna. She could already tell they were close.
"There's no way a human being can lock itself onto the TARDIS and transport themselves inside." He turned around, searching for something in his trench coat pocket, muttering to himself.
"Impossible – must be some sort of subatomic connection?" He said, now peering into Donna's eyes with some sort of instrument, "Maybe pulling you into alignment with the chronon shell? Maybe something macromining your DNA with the interior matrix? Maybe a genetic-"
SMACK! Donna's hand collided with the Doctor's face in a painful slap. Rose gasped, the last person she'd seen do that to him was her mum.
"What was that for?!" The Doctor yelled.
"Get me to the church!" Donna yelled right back. Rose had to admit, she was enjoying seeing them banter, it's not every day you meet someone who isn't completely enthralled with the Doctor.
"Right, fine, we don't want you here anyway, right Rose?"
"Hey, it's nice finally meeting someone who might be able to humble you a bit." The Doctor looked over at her before turning back to Donna.
"Where is this wedding?
"Saint Mary's, Haven road, Chiswick, London, England, Earth, the Solar system." Donna obviously wanted nothing more than to go back home.
"Right, Chiswick!" The Doctor yelled and started towards the door.