
(Third Person's POV)

As fifteen year old Prince Phobos takes his daily walk through the village, a middle age couple runs up to him and his guards immediately stop them.

They yell "Prince Phobos! Prince Phobos! Please help us!"

The white haired prince turns to look at them. The woman has long light brown hair with pale green eyes. The man has short blond hair with blue eyes.

The woman says "Please your highness. Our daughter is deathly ill." The coldhearted prince agrees and follows them into their small house.

He then sees a girl that has blood red hair that goes a little bellow her shoulder, deathly pale skin and dead looking green eyes. She is in her bed and looks scared when the Prince comes into her room.

He then sees a girl that has blood red hair that goes a little bellow her shoulder, deathly pale skin and dead looking topaz eyes. She is in her bed and looks scared when the Prince comes into her room.

The Prince says "How old are you girl?"

With a hoarse voice she says "I just turned fourteen my prince."

"What is your name?" He says as he puts his hands on her to heal her.

"Scarlet your highness." She says with a better voice.

"How about you call me Phobos? And I will call you Scarlet." He says

The girl nods and once the Prince is done healing her, her skin becomes a beautiful snow colored skin. And her eyes become liquid gold.

She says "Thank you so much you high…" He raises his eyebrow and she says "Phobos."

"Your welcome Scarlet, Now excuse me for a moment. I have to talk to your parents."

The girl nods and he goes into another room to talk to her parents.

He says "Now I would like Scarlet to come live in the palace with me when she turns fifteen. And when she turns eighteen she will become my queen."

They look at each other and the woman says "No! No way!"

The Prince looked hurt, but then smirked and says "I wasn't giving you a choice. She will become my queen and I will fuck her so hard on our wedding night, that the only name she will remember is Phobos."

They all heard a gasp and turn to see a very pale, wide eyed Scarlet standing in the door way.

At first the Prince doesn't know what to do, then goes up to her and says "Well you heard me Scarlet. And just so you will always remember me…" He pulls her sleeve down to he can see her left upper shoulder and he marks her with his seal. The Seal of Phobos.

"There." He says. "Now you will always be mine. No matter what."

She pulls her sleeve up and says "I hate you. I hope you rot in hell."

"Now is that anyway to talk to your fiancé?" he asks as he circles her. "And your prince." She starts to cough and falls to the ground. "I control if you die or not Scarlet." He then turns to her parents and says "Now I hope you have a great year. I will come and have guards collect her."

He starts to leave and takes Scarlet and kisses her on her mouth. She gasps and her eyes widen in fear. He releases her and says "Goodbye my love. See you in a year." He then leaves her standing with her hand over her mouth, breathing hard, and her eyes widen and a scared look on her face. And her parents holding on to each other also with scared looks on both their faces

(Eleven months later)

Scarlet's parents have been looking for a way out of Meridian for eleven months now. It was almost time for Scarlet to be collected for the vain prince.

But then they found a woman who went to another Dimension called Earth. She agreed to bring the family to Earth for them to hide them from Prince Phobos.

They were brought to a woman who has no hair and is very, very pale and she created a potion to help Scarlet loose her memories of this place and has put fake ones of Earth in her mind (A.N. Sorry, I don't know her name. So don't hate me.).

They brought her to Earth in a place called Heatherfield. There they settled in another town very close to Heatherfield. The main reason was because of Elyon, the Prince's younger sister. If he ever found Elyon there, then they would find Scarlet.

The potion also made it so no human and she wouldn't be able to see the Seal of Phobos on her upper left arm.

After Scarlet turned seventeen her father got a job transfer to Heatherfield. At first they were worried, but then decided to move.

After they get moved in Scarlet meets her new neighbor, Cornelia Hale and her family. Then Cornelia said that the next day when Scarlet has her fist day at school.

The night of her first day Scarlet dreams of a boy with long white blond hair and grey eyes.