A/N: Thank you all for reading my story and hanging in there with me as I continue to try and update this piece. And I'd like to give a shout out to Muffcakeloverxiii, every review you leave makes me smile and I love-love your support!

Now onto to some Kagami and Kuroko moments…

The lady at the counter quirked an eyebrow as she passed over the tray, barely able to be seen behind the mountain of cheap fast-food burgers. A red haired boy nodded to her, taking the tray and heading for one of the nearest tables. Kagami Taiga unwrapped one of his hamburgers and drifted off into the thought. Basketball tryouts hadn't gone like he had suspected. The freshman and the second-years played a mini game against each other.

All had gone well for the first part of the game, Kagami had been owning the court, then the second-years started to double – even triple – team him. It had gotten to the point where none of the other freshman wanted to pass him the ball to him in fear that it would just get taken. They had lost 21-48. It had been miserable. To top it all off he ended up getting in trouble with that coach girl – what was her name again? – for yelling at one of the other first-years. His defense was that it wasn't his fault they were all too stupid to put their trust in him.

It was clear that Kagami probably didn't make the best impression in the world, but hey, he didn't have time to worry about how he was perceived. Taking a big chunk out of his sandwich he sighed, scratching at his head and turning to face the window. That's when he saw the reflection. His head slowly turned, and when he saw the light blue hair, he yelped and jumped two feet in the air. The boy was sipping at a cup silently, just watching Kagami freak out and spit some of his food to the ground. "What the hell! Don't sneak up on people like that, show some manners."

He wiped his mouth with his sleeve, still glaring. "My apologies, but I didn't sneak up on you, I was sitting here the whole time."

Kagami narrowed his eyes. "Yeah, whatever." He opened another burger. "Just, go somewhere else."

"I was here first."

He sighed and rested his forehead in one of his hands. "Fine, just don't…come out of nowhere like that again."

The boy nodded, watching Kagami eat and casually sipping at his straw. "Your uniform, its Seirin's right?"

"Yeah." He said with a full mouth. "You're is Tōō's, no?" The boy nodded. "What's your name?"

"Kuroko Tetsuya."

Kagami nodded and introduced himself to the boy. "You don't look like a high schooler." Kuroko just shrugged. Kagami glared. He didn't like it when people didn't talk a lot. It annoyed him. Mostly because he liked to talk and he didn't want to be the only one babbling on about things. It was awkward.

The boy set his cup down, finally, and tucked his hand down below. "Do you play basketball?"

Random question… "Yeah."

"You seem the type Kagami-kun."

What's that supposed to mean? He felt his eyebrows twitch. "Do you?" Kuroko nodded. Kagami wondered how desperate Tōō was to allow someone like Kuroko on their team. Then again, a lot of people of shorter stature were really good at basketball, most of the reason being they had a special skill of some sort. He wondered if it was the same for Kuroko. "You don't seem like the type." He joked, smiling.

Kuroko just stared at him, standing up without a word and going to toss his cup away. Kagami watched him, surprised to see how no one seemed to pay much attention to the bluenette despite the fact he pushed his way through a small crowd to get to the trash can. He came back and took his seat again, folding his hands on the table. "I have nothing to do. Do you want to go play some basketball with me Kagami-kun?"

"Uh, sure…but I don't have a basketball with me."

Kuroko pulled out his cell phone and flicked it open, typing something in and shoving it back in his pocket. "It's not a problem."

Silently Kuroko waited for Kagami to finish all of his food, following the tall red head to the trash can and out the door of the fast food joint. "I take it were going to the park?" Kagami asked, only getting a hum of confirmation in return. He nodded, spooked by how little the short boy spoke, and sent a message to his parents that he would be home later than usual.

The sun was dropping and some of the street lights were flickering on, illuminating the sidewalk here and there. The park came into view fairly quick, already standing out like a light bulb in a dark room, the basketball court occupied by one shadowy figure, ball under arm, hand occupied by a cell phone.

"Kagami-kun, how good are you?"

"Huh?" He was caught off guard by the question, raising a brow at the other boy. "Uh, good? I mean, better than most of the people at Seirin."

"Where did you go to middle school?"

"A school in America."

Kuroko tilted his head and then nodded. "How do you feel about losing?"

"Excuse me?"

"Kagami-kun, I want to make sure you're not going to throw a fit if you lose."

Taiga felt the anger boil up as Kuroko talked. Who the hell did this kid think he was? "You talk a lot of shit for a small kid." Kuroko shrugged and crossed the street with a still angry Kagami trailing behind him. "And I won't lose, not to anyone." He growled, grabbing Kuroko by the shoulder and turning the top of the boy's body so he could look him in the eye. "I will become the best in Japan. Which means I can't have even one loss."

The boy blinked at him. "Good luck Kagami-kun." He stepped out of Kagami's grip and pushed the gate open to the basketball court.

"Don't say it so condescendingly bastard!" Taiga shouted behind him, throwing the gate open and stomping in after the bluenette.

"What the hell Tetsu? I thought you wanted a game of one-on-one. I got excited for no reason?"

Kagami watched with curious eyes as Kuroko walked over to the figure he had seen before, taking the ball out from under this new guy's grip and holding it with both of his hands. "Kagami-kun, this is Aomine-kun." Kuroko indroduced them and threw the ball at Kagami.

The red head stared at Aomine. He was tall, about his own height, had dark skin, eyes that seemed to be digging into his innocence, and dark blue hair that was mussed around. He could see Aomine stare right back, smirking and folding his arms over his chest. "Really? Tetsu I'm gonna destroy this guy in a second and you know it."

"Of course you would," Kagami opened his mouth to say something, only to be cut off by Kuroko throwing his jacket off. "But I'm playing with him too."

Aomine's smile got bigger and his eyes crazier. He began to remove his tie. "Now this is a challenge." Kuroko removed his own tie, and the two made a pile by one of the benches. Kagami watched them, carefully taking off his jacket and unbuttoning the top of his dress shirt.

"Two versus one? Is that really fair. Seems like a no brainer who's gonna win."

Aomine laughed. "Yeah, it'll be me!" He rolled up his sleeves. "Tetsu you throw the ball." The short blue haired boy grabbed the ball from Kagami and went to stand in the middle of the court, beckoning the red head over. "What storm drain did Tetsu pick you up? He's always had a thing for stray animals."

"What's with you people from Tōō, all talking shit like you're big news."

"Go!" Kuroko threw the ball in the air and stepped back, watching Aomine and Kagami instantly jump and raise their arms.

"It's because," Aomine's fingers scraped the edge of the ball. "We are." He smacked and sent in flying to his side of the court, dropping quicker than Kagami and running after it. The red head recovered quickly, bolting off after the dark skinned player.

Aomine got to the other end of the court and reached out for the ball, only to have it flung over his head and back towards the way he had come. "Tetsu!"

Kagami caught the ball before he saw it, staring at the round orange thing in his hand as if it was an alien substance. "Kagami-kun, please move." Kuroko ran past him.

"Uh, yeah, yeah." He started dribbling and caught up to Kuroko rather quickly, he grabbed the ball with both hands, jumped and raised his arms above his head.

"No you don't!" Aomine jumped in front of him, arm stretched out. Kagami's eyes widened, watching helplessly as the other boy's fingers pushed the ball forcefully out of his hands and behind him.

"Dammit!" He dropped to the ground, turning around in enough time to seem Aomine dunk the ball with a loud bang of the backboard. He was breathing hard - and with such little play too - and he wiped the sweat off of his face with the collar of his shirt. Kuroko came up behind him and tapped on his arm. "Yeah, yeah, I won't throw a fit. Pisses me off, but the guy's good." He smiled. "Good enough to be a challenge too."

Aomine threaded the tie through the bent collar of his shirt, not bothering to even try and tie it, and grabbed his jacket. Kuroko rushed over and grabbed both ends of the tie, quickly and expertly tightening the thing to Aomine's neck. "Tch, you brought a weak player Tetsu."


"Yeah, yeah, stop being so arrogant." He let Tetsu finish and then headed for Kagami, reluctantly holding out his hand. "Thanks for the game, no matter how short it was." He gave him a smug look. The red head stared at Aomine's hand and laughed.

He shook his head. "Whatever," He took Aomine's hand. "Just know that soon enough I'll be the one kicking your ass."

Aomine rolled his eyes. "In your dreams Bakagami."

"What the fuck did you just call me?!" He growled, baring his teeth like a dog would.

"You heard me."



Kuroko grabbed them both by the arms of their shirts, giving Aomine a 'shut-up-or-else' look and Kagami a 'don't-stoop-to-his-level' look. "Daiki-kun, if you would please, my mother send me a message wondering where I was."

"Okay," Aomine flung his arm over Kuroko's shoulders and flipped Kagami off before heading out of the park. "Keep the ball, you're gonna need some practice."

Kagami wondered what made that bastard so full of himself. What a dick. He was so angry he was sure that if it weren't for the fact that Kuroko stepped in he would've have beaten the shit out of Ahomine. Or at least he would've tried to. He seethed. The two other players were already a block down, Aomine's arm still around Kuroko. Kagami thought it weird, not many friends walked like that. He wondered just how close they were.

He was answered when Aomine leaned down and grabbed Kuroko by his chin and pressing his lips forcefully to the other boy's. Kagami felt his face heat up. Chances were they probably didn't want him seeing this – but they were doing it so openly! He scratched at his neck. Kuroko seemed like a nice kid, what the hell was he doing with that bag of dicks?

Wait. Why does he care?

He doesn't.

Does he?

…No. He doesn't care?

Kagami rests his head in his hands. Kuroko seemed to have an effect on people, and frankly it was pissing him off.

A/N: Sorry for the late update, I've had a lot going on lately.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter ^.^ It might be a bit farfetched so I might end up scrapping the thing in a couple of hours…depending on whether or not you guys enjoyed it, because as we all know. Authors serve to please O.e

Also, if you have time head to my profile and there is a poll at the top for this story – who should Kuroko end up with? Obviously there are only two choices….

Anyways, until next time, please read and review!