Summary: "Look Yukino! We beat Fairy Tail!" Sting told her with a childish grin on his face. "That's great Sting-sama," Yukino replied, giggling at his childish behavior. When he showed her the page on Sorcerer Magazine, Yukino paled.

Rated: T, one-shot

A/N: Here is the first story for my collection of one-shots (or longer) for Sting and Yukino! Ratings will vary and I may add in Rogura if I'm feeling up for it! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail

It was more of a ruckus in the guild than usual as Sabertooth held yet another pool party at their guild. This time they invited other guilds in addition to Fairy Tail.

"You upgraded the pool Sting?" Rogue said in disapproval.

"Yeah! What other guild has a pool like ours?!" Sting replied cockily, not getting the hint that he spends too much money on trivial things.

"Yo! Twin fanboys!" a voice hollered to them.

Both Sting and Rogue turned their heads and smirked at who they saw. It was Natsu and Gajeel, the people they admire yet want to surpass. It's been a while since the Grand Magic Games, and both Sting and Rogue have been close with the Fire and Iron dragon slayer. Much to the chagrin of their guilds, every time they met up something always had to be repaired.

Across the guild was Lucy, Yukino, and Levy, chatting away when the area near the pool seemed to get livelier. All three girls immediately sweat dropped, knowing exactly who was causing the commotion.

"I hope they don't cause any damage we have to pay," Lucy whined.

Levy sighed in agreement, "I just hope they don't come near us and bring the commotion with them..."

Yukino giggled. Both Lucy and Levy looked at her in bewilderment. "Aren't you concerned they'll break the pool!?" Lucy asked.

Yukino stared at the dragon slayers with a twinkle in her eye. Although it appeared that Natsu and Gajeel barely had the upper hand, Yukino didn't miss the gleeful smiles on Sting and Rogue's faces. Ever since she returned to Sabertooth, seeing her guild mates happy made her just as happy as well. It may also relate to the fact that she admired Sting's smile—not that anyone would know.

"Hello~? Yukino?" Lucy said, waving a hand in front of Yukino's face.

"Oh! Sorry Lucy-sama...what was it that you asked?" Yukino shyly asked.

Lucy gave her a reassuring smile, "It's no problem! I was just wondering if you're concerned about the destructive force of those two."

"Ah, of course! But Sting-sama and Rogue-sama look so happy..." Yukino trailed off.

Just then Sting was thrown out of the pool followed by a laughing Natsu instigating him: "Is that all you got!?"

"I'm just getting started Nastu-san," Sting replied with a smirk. Before he got back in, he looked around and locked eyes with Yukino, and gave her a quick smile before getting dragged back into the pool by Natsu.

Yukino immediately blushed. She turned her head to see if Lucy or Levy saw and both had a knowing look on their face.

"U-Um, why are you two looking at me like that?" Yukino questioned timidly, her face getting even more flushed.

"I didn't know you and Sting are an item Yukino~," Levy lightly teased.

"Did you see the way he looked at her?" Lucy continued.

"E-Eh!? I-It's nothing like that!" Yukino stammered out, averting her gaze from the two girls.

"Oh? Then why did he smile at you like that?" Lucy teased.

Yukino looked down and began to twiddle her thumbs. Even I don't know, she thought to herself. Although her face was flushed, Yukino couldn't suppress the smile that spread across her face which she tried desperately to hide from the two girls.

Levy placed a contemplative finger on her chin, "You know, it kind of reminds me of the look Natsu gives you, Lu-chan."

Yukino's ears perked up upon hearing that bit of gossip. "I didn't know you were an item with Natsu-sama," Yukino mocked.

Both girls giggled as it was now Lucy's turn to blush.

"H-Hey, wait a minu—" Lucy began.

"Hey Lucy!" Natsu called out.

"Speak of the devil," Levy whispered to Yukino and Lucy as Natsu motioned for Lucy to come to him.

Lucy sighed. "I'll be right back," she told the girls as she walked over to Natsu.

From their distance, Yukino could tell that Lucy, Natsu, Gajeel, Sting, and Rogue were fussing over a magazine: Natsu looked angry, Lucy looked embarrassed, Gajeel looked satisfied, Sting looked elated, and Rogue looked surprised.

Before she could make her way over to see what they were fussing over, Sting went over to Yukino saying, "Look Yukino! We beat Fairy Tail!" Sting told her with a childish grin on his face.

"That's great Sting-sama," Yukino replied, giggling at his childish behavior.

Sting held up the magazine page for Yukino to see and she immediately paled.

Indeed, number 1 belonged to them...Sabertooth's Sting and Yukino...for cutest couple in Fiore!?

Yukino felt her face get hot and looked at the rest of the list:

2. Fairy Tail's Natsu and Lucy

3. Blue Pegasus' Hibiki and Jenny

4. Fairy Tail's Gajeel and Levy

5. Fairy Tail's Gray and Juvia

6. Fairy Tail's Alzack and Bisca

7. Blue Pegasus' and Lamia Scale's Ren and Sherry

8. Quatro Cerebus' and Fairy Tail's Bacchus and Cana

9. Fairy Tail's Mirajane and Laxus

10. Sabertooth's and Mermaid Heel's Rogue and Kagura

Yukino eyes widened at the last one. Before she could question any further she heard the familiar shrill voice of none other than Sorcerer Magazine's editor, Jason.

"Coooooooool! It's Fiore's number one cutest couple!" Jason fanboyed.

Yukino got nervous. When did people start suspecting we were a couple!? Not that I would mind...but still! I-It's not official...yet–ugh stop it Yukino! She frantically reprimanded herself.

Yukino glanced at Sting, who was taking pride in being number 1...even if it was for cutest couple. She saw him making faces at Natsu, and she once again couldn't help but share his pride seeing him smiling like that. Before she could get carried away by looking at him, Jason's voice brought her back to reality.

"Could you guys kiss? That would be cooooooool!" Jason asked excitedly, getting his camera ready.

Sting's eyes briefly widened before settling back into a cocky expression. He turned towards Yukino and smirked upon seeing her slight frantic expression. How adorable...he thought.

"Why not?" Sting said nonchalantly as he leaned in towards her face.

Yukino began to blush and took a step back as she murmured, "H-Hold on, Sting-sama..."

Sting stopped in his tracks and stepped back. "Do you not want to kiss me Yukino?" he teased, slightly pouting.

"T-That's not it at all!" she quickly replied.

"Then what is it?" he insisted.

Yukino looked at the floor and said in a quiet voice, "I've never been kissed before..."

She said it quiet enough so that only Sting heard. Upon hearing it, Sting was shocked. He knew the girl was innocent, but he didn't know someone who had an ethereal beauty like her never been kissed.

Sting and Yukino turned towards Jason, who was waiting patiently for the kiss. Sting nodded towards him and turned back towards Yukino. "Just follow my lead," he told her.

What?! Yukino screamed inside her head. Right now? In front of everyone!? Yukino raised her hand to stop Sting but he quickly grabbed them and held them in place. As he leaned in closer, Yukino closed her eyes and accepted the fact that her first kiss was going to be with Sting—not that she mind—she just wish it wasn't in front of the guild, much less put into the next Sorcerer Magazine.

Instead of feeling his lips against hers, he felt his lips place a chaste kiss on her cheek.

"Save me your first kiss another time Yukino," he whispered.

Yukino's eyes widened and her face flushed a shade of crimson. Sting chuckled at the sight in which Yukino puffed out her cheeks and said, "Sting-sama!"

"Cooooooooooool!" Jason yelled at he took the picture.

Sting took a step back and winked at the blushing girl. Yukino smiled at him as both ignored their guild's collective cooing, whistling, and applause.

"There's a floating lantern festival coming up, why don't you come with me?" he suggested, giving her a toothy smile.

Yukino's eyes softened and she nodded, "I'd love to Sting-sama."

Lucy and Levy both looked at the couple with a smile gracing their faces as they sighed out of longing. Natsu and Gajeel looked at them, perplexed at their reverie-like expression.

Tch. I can be a Casanova like that kid both thought to themselves.

Rogue watched the amusing scene from afar and smirked. Now he had new things to tease Sting about. He made a note to himself to tell Lector about the lantern festival so he could follow them...with a camera. As he made his way towards Lector a figure stopped him. It was none other than Kagura.

Rogue immediately blushed, remembering the 10th couple on the list and inwardly groaned. Why couldn't it be someone like Rufus and his hat?

Rogue was surprised to see a slight blush on Kagura's face as they stood in silence.

Rogue let out a nervous cough, "Ah...are you enjoying yourself?

Kagura nodded. More silence. Before Rogue could speak Kagura interjected: "Pick me up at 7" she ordered, her blush being more prominent on her face.

"W-What?!" Rogue said, blushing at her request.

"I-I refuse to be the 10th couple..." Kagura responded averting her gaze from Rogue.

Rogue smiled. She's pretty cute like this...

Rogue contemplated the idea for a moment. It wouldn't hurt going out with a pretty girl like Kagura. Especially if he got to see the mighty Mermaid flustered like this.

"Okay. Be ready by 7," Rogue confidently said as he walked away.

Kagura's blush rivaled the Titania's hair as she watched him walk away, not expecting the agreement from the Shadow dragon slayer. Suddenly Milliana came, asking to hang out and watch a movie.

"Sorry Milliana, I-I have a date," she replied.

"Kyaaaaaaaa! Is it with Rogue-kun?" she teased.

"Stop that!" Kagura angrily said.

A/N: "OMG WHERE IS JERZA AND WHERE IS LYON X MEREDY?" Well...since the list is in Sorcerer Magazine, I couldn't really put those pairs in a public magazine for obvious reasons *sweat drops*

Anyway, I used a floating lantern date because Tangled is such a cute movie and that scene with the lanterns will always be my favorite.

I notice I tend to always end it with Rogue x Kagura. Oh well! I hope you liked this cute little one-shot, tell me what you think!