A couple of you asked me to expand on the baby thing. Guess what? I am. ;) So sorry that this took so long too.

We both collapse onto the bed, sweating and panting from our activities. I scowl as I feel Aomine's cum start to dribble out of my entrance. The bluenette sits up, rubbing small circles on my back. I groan and let my muscles relax.

"Hey, Taiga."

"Mmm?" My eyes start to close as I let my head sink into the soft pillows.

"We should shower before going to bed." I nod lazily, groaning as I get up. My partner chuckles and slides out of bed, coming over to my side to help me up.

"C'mon. Let's get cleaned up." I rest my chin on his shoulder as he carries me into the bathroom, turning on the water. I stand up and lazily step into the warm spray, Aomine coming in after me. He closes the glass door and nothing more was said for a long while. That is, until the bluenette grabbed a washcloth and began to wash my shoulders, slowly moving down my back.

"O-oi...what are you doing?" I arch and groan as he starts to clean my entrance, chuckling as he did so.

"You don't want my cum to dry inside you, do you?" I gulp and look back at him, knowing exactly what he was doing.

"Bullshit. If you really wanna go another round, don't just make up stuff." Blue eyes lighten up and tan arms wrap around my waist, pulling me close to his warm body.

"Why didn't you say so?" I roll my eyes and put my hands on his cheeks, pulling him down to meet my lips. He snorts through his nose, his hands running down to grope my ass as he starts to push me up against the wall. I nip at his lower lip, lapping at in apology. His tongue snakes out of his mouth, plunging into my wet cavern, rubbing it sensually against my own. I lifted up until my feet were barely touching the ground, making me instinctively wrap my legs around his waist.

We parted our lips, taking deep breaths of the oxygen we desperately needed. Aomine leaned down to start his attack at the crook of my shoulder, slowly licking up my neck. I bite my lip to keep back the embarrassing sounds that almost escaped my mouth. I clench my fingers, feeling my nails digging into the flawless skin of his shoulders. Instead of winching, he groans in pleasure.

"Taiga," he breathes, his voice deeper and huskier than usual. I smirk and do it again, gentler this time. I get the same reaction out of him.

"Hmm, never knew you were such a masochist, Daiki." He growls against my neck, flipping me around and pressing my chest against the wall so hard that it almost started to hurt. A small, pained gasp slips past my lips and I squeeze my eyes shut.

"Daiki...please..." As soon as I plead with him, the pressure is gone and Aomine is back at his attack.

I feel the tip of his member prodding my ass, almost as if he was asking for permission first.

"Taiga, can I?" I nod, wincing slightly as he enters me in one go. A groan claws it's way from the back of his throat. It took a moment before he started to slowly rock his hips back and forth. Slowly, he gains speed and his thrusts become deeper until I felt him hit my prostate dead on. I cry out, my head falling back. Then, Aomine couldn't hold back.

He started to ram into me, moans slipping past my lips every time he hit my sweet spot. He rests his chin on my shoulder, panting into my ear.

"Taiga, I love you so much," he moans out.

"I- love you t-too, Daiki!" As these words escape my mouth, everything came to a complete halt. Puzzled by this, I look behind my shoulder and wait for his gaze to find me, in hopes he would keep going.


"I really want a kid." My eyes widen as I take my senses back from the pleasure I had been feeling.

"C-can we talk about this later? W-we're kinda in the middle of something."

"No, you'll just avoid it." I sigh at how stubborn he can be and twist around, looking him straight in the eye.

"Daiki, I'm pinned to the wall, your dick is in my ass, and I really need to cum. Can we please talk about this later." My eyes widen as a feral smirk dances across the bluenette's lips, he lifts my legs holding me up thrusting straight into my sensitive prostate. I scream out my moan and quickly wrap my limbs around him, my legs around his cut waist and arms clinging to his ripped shoulders as my body begins to shake.

"I'll let you cum when you agree to the surrogate idea." I open my mouth to protest, but only a strangled gasp comes out as he pushes forward again, the new position allowing his head to rock directly against my prostate.

"D-Daiki...I told you n-no."

"Hmm, not what I was hoping to hear..." Slim fingers wrap around the base of my cock, squeezing it tight. I pout and punch his shoulder weakly.

"D-damn it..." Aomine chuckles and kisses my cheek, starting to move painfully slowly.

"Now, listen to me. We would be perfect parents. We actually want a child!"

"N-no! Y-you want a child!" He scowls, his thrusts becoming too rough. I yelp in a mixture of pain and pleasure as my cock strains against his makeshift cage, glaring at him. This only results in a tighter grip and an even slower pace, his deep and steady thrusts only proving to drive me crazy in lust.

"D-Daiki, p-please," I attempt to beg but only achieving a wicked grin promising me more heavenly torture. He runs the pad of his thumb over the tip of my cock, a gasp slipping past my lips.

"Taiga, I know you're scared," he starts, his thrusts becoming gentle and his touches turn from aggressive to loving, "But please. I wanna start a family with you. I love you. And plus, if you keep trying to block out what I'm saying, I'll continue like this."

"N-no…" Aomine stands up straight, still holding me so I won't fall, looking at me with eyes filled with love and sincerity. A lump in my throat forms at the sight, making my mind start to consider what he was asking for.

"Please, Taiga." I look away, shaking from pleasure and pressure. I squeeze my eyes shut and take a deep breath before I make my decision.

"Okay, Daiki. You win." Without a moment's hesitation, the fingers squeezing my dick are gone and Aomine's thrusts became faster and deeper. My head falls back and I moan, feeling myself getting closer and closer.

"I love you, Taiga. I love you so much," Daiki keeps repeating, reaching down to pump me in time with the snap of his hips.

"G-gonna cum!" Open mouthed kisses are planted all over my face and neck, making all the sensations even more pleasurable.

"Yes, cum for me, Taiga." As these words were whispered in my ear, I was pushed over the edge. I cry out as my semen spurts out, covering Aomine's stomach. I rest my head on his shoulder and try to stop my shaking, small and quiet whimpers tumbling out of my mouth as my lover cums deep inside me. We both stayed there for what felt like an eternity, just holding onto each other without a word.

"Hey, Taiga…"

"Hmm?" I listen closely to Aomine's fast beating heart and his slow breaths.

"I...I'm sorry."

"For what?" He sighs and hugs me closer to his chest, the water finally turning cold.

"For making you agree to something you didn't want to do...we don't have to do it if you really don't want to." I smile and shake my head, looking up into his eyes.

"It's okay. I think we should do it. I'm just...scared. But I can get over that." The bluenette smiles along with me, reaching up to move some of my wet hair out of my face.

"I love you, Taiga."

"I love you more, Daiki."

Wow...that was hot. XD Again, sorry that this took so long. I've been...well, having a rough time. But, it'll be fine. :) So, without further a due, until next time!
