Are you ready for...TELL ME!? Well, here it is! Chapter 1 of Tell Me! If you haven't read A Canadian Secret, this is the sequel to it, so go read it or you won't understand this book :P Enjoy!

(Julie's POV)

I sit on the plane, staring blankly out into the world. Thinking, about everything and anything.

"Hey? Julie?" I hear someone say. I snap back into reality as I look around. I see a flight attendant with a cart full of food and Carissa, looking at me.

"You okay?" She asks me. I nod.

"I'll have a Coke, please..." I say. The flight attendant nods and gives me the drink. I take it and sip on it as I continue to look out the window.

"What happened? You're really quite, and that means something is wrong..." Carissa says. I look at her and nod.

"Tell me...what happened?" She asks with a concerned face. I take a gulp of my Coke and look back at her. I sigh as she looks at me with hope in her eyes.

"Fine...I'll tell you...but it's not your average story..." I say. She nods.

"Tell me."

(Mitch's POV)

I bury my face in my hands as I sit on the curb. I take out my phone and call Rob.

"Hey dude!" He says. I start crying. "What's wrong, Mitch?"

"Pick me up. Please..." I sob into the phone. He stays silent for a bit then answers.

"Okay. I'll be right there..." Rob says. I hang up the phone and bury my face in my hands again.

"Julie...I miss you already..." I say to myself.

(Rob's POV)

I get in my car and drive to the restaurant. I see Mitch sitting on the curb and crying in his hands.

I quickly get out of my car and run to him.

"What happened? Where's Julie?" I ask him. He cries even more.

"She left. I told her who I was and she left..." He says.

"That's it?" I ask, confused.

"I accidently also said that I dont love her..." He mumbles.

"Why the hell would you say that?!" I say to him.

"I wasn't thinking...please" He says through sobs.

I can't just leave him. He is my best friend and he's heartbroken. But he did the wrong thing...

"Come here..." I say. He gets up and I hug him.

I pull away and we walk to the car and I drive back to his house. I sit him down and I get out my phone. I call Julie.

Hey! This is Julie! Can't get to the phone right now! Please leave a message after the beep!

I sigh and look and Mitch.

"Hey Julie! This is Rob! Where are you? What happened? Please call me back!" I say. I sigh again and hang up. Mitch looks at me with pink eyes and then buries his face again.

"Tell me...what exactly happened?" I ask him. He looks up at me and then down to the floor.

"Mitch...tell me..." I say. He nods as he looks back up at me.

"I screwed up..."

(Carissa's POV)

I listen to Julie's story, feeling sad for her. How much she loved Mitch, and how much he loved her back. Then just like that, gone.

Hello all passengers. This is your captain speaking. We are arriving in London soon. It's sunny at a low 70 Farenheit with clouds. Please buckle your seatbelt and flight attendants, prepare for landing. Thank you for flying with American Airlines!

Me and Julie sit in silence, until I finally break the silence.

"So why are you going to London?" I ask her. She looks at me and smiles.

"I'm visiting a"

"Also visiting a friend..." I answer. She nods and we stay silent until we land.

"It was nice meeting you!" I say. She smiles then nods.

"You too! Bye!" She says, and like that, she was gone.

(Ashley's POV)

I walk to the door and see Carissa standing there.

"Carissa! Hey! Come in!" I say to her. She comes in and sets her suitcase down.

"Hey Ashley! Like your new house!" She says. I smile as she goes upstairs to her room.

I sit on the couch and watch some TV, until I hear my bell ring. I get up and walk to my door, fixing my poofy hair real quick. I open it and open my mouth in suprise.

"Julie?!" I say. She runs to me and hugs me and I hug her back. I hear her sniffle and I pull away. I look at her. Her eyes are red and her hair is a big mess.

"Ashley..." She says. She starts crying as I start hugging her again. I close the door as I lead her to my living room. We sit down and she lets go of me.

"Hey, Ashley. What do you have to eat, I'm-" Carissa says as she comes down the stairs. She looks at me, then Julie. Julie turns around to face her and Carissa starts smiling.

"Julie?!" Carissa says. She runs down and sits next to me and Julie.

"Wait you know her?" I ask confused.

"Yeah. We met on the plane..." She answers. I nod my head, but still a bit confused.

"Julie. Now, what happened?" I ask her. She looks up at me with her big red eyes.

"Please. Tell me..." I say again. She sighs and looks down.

"Julie. Tell me."

Did you like it? Anyway, I'm a stupid buttnugget and I accidently deleted some OC's, so If I don't say your name, please send me your OC again...

Jade(Ty's cousin and has a crush on Bodil)

Carissa Roberts(Ashley's friend)

I know I lost the OC of Alejandra, Aquaria, and I can't remember the name of Ashley's boyfriend(Anthony, Andrew?)

Please help me out on this, I know I'm a buttnugget.

Anyway, enjoy the next chapter!