Someone requested a Raph x April drabble. So here's Raph, trying to get noticed in the crowd.
April's in the kitchen when he goes to grab a juice, tapping madly at her laptop. "Hey," she says, as he turns to leave.
He didn't think she'd noticed him. "Hey," he says, leaning casually on the counter. "So, what are you-"
Donnie bursts into the kitchen. "I found those references you wanted, April." He dumps a printout on the bench next to April.
Raphael rolls his eyes and heads for the dojo to do some training. He's sweaty and hot by the time April walks in. He wipes the sweat out of his eyes, hopes he doesn't smell too bad. Casual voice. "So, want to-"
"April." Leo walks in after her. "Sorry, I'm ready now. Let's go over that form again."
Raphael gives up on training and heads for the shower. He's watching TV in the pit when April comes out of the dojo and flops down on the bench with her laptop. His gaze wanders to her screen. She's back to the essay.
"How was training?" he says.
Mikey thumps into the seat beside her "April! Whatcha doin'? Oh that looks boring. Want to watch SMRFF?" He looks around for the remote.
Raphael sighs and tosses it to him. For a place that's so big, the lair feels awfully crowded sometimes.
It's quiet after she leaves. He waits until he thinks she should be home, then pulls out his phone.
Did you make it home in one piece?
Of course. Like I do every night.
It's not safe out there. Maybe I should walk you home tomorrow.
The reply is a long time coming.
Sure, if it makes you feel better.
See you tomorrow, then.
Night, Raph.
He tucks the phone back in his belt with a smile.