Hello readers! So sorry on the long wait for the update, I just kept swishing this story in my head and decided I had to re write it. Hopefully this is a better read and this will be updated regularly so don't leave me lol. The beautiful cover art is by tumblr user Viria, btw go check her out she's amazing.
Disclaimer: I do not and will never own this. Sadly.
Enjoy version 2.0 of The Life and Labors of Leo Valdez!
After the war was won, all heroes return to camp and live there for about a month or two before this takes place. The gods had stuff (not really, they were just being lazy) to do.
Leo's POV
The war was over, the Earth was in an eternal sleep as it should be. No more quests, no more near-death situations, everything was clearing up and everything should be perfect from now on. But I can't ignore the hole at the bottom of my stomach. It was Reward Day, where the gods promised us a fine reward for all our hard work in defeating the Earth Mother and creating balance between the two camps. As predicted, no one wants to become a minor god; Jason wants to reunite with Thalia and spend time with her, Percy wants immunity from future prophecies (like the gods'll keep their word on that one), Annabeth wishes a spot in Roman College and a house in New Rome, Hazel just took what they offered her, freedom from her curse. I was a runaway, a nobody, it's not like I was ever that important to the group anyway. I have one chance to not screw up my 'Free Wish'. The gods called me in, it was my turn. I mean this and I mean business, I will not accept 'no' for answer! Just gotta march in there and demand for my well-earned reward! Here goes.
"Leo Valdez, for your incredible-" Zeus started
"You can stop right there big man because I want one thing and one thing only,"
"A request? Not uncommon, what do you want hero?"
"Calypso's return" About half the room sighed and the rest of the heroes were thrown out. I was standing in middle of the 12 with courage I never knew I had before. I promised to go back for her and I fully intended to keep that promise. The fact that the River Styx would torment me for the rest of my existence if I didn't also added some courage. "You promised Percy that you would free her after the last war. She's still there and I won't let it slide this time," Fire formed in my hands from the anger I gained for Percy through Calypso.
"Calm down Leo," Hephaestus spoke
"I agree that if you wish to save her you must do it through a quest. Not through the Oracle though, but through us. See we don't give prophecies, we tell you exactly what you must do," Hera spoke with evil in her eyes.
"Do you agree to this Leo Valdez?" Zeus spoke
"What do I have to do," I agreed.
Hermes was the first to speak "Well you got to find it first. The island will be made physical but still able to move. You may not ask for any help in finding it,"
"To find Ogygia you must repair your ship," My dad really came through these tasks were doable but there were still many yet to come.
"Your ship can travel through both water and air, but you may only sail by the seas. I cannot guarantee protection but it will be the only way to find the island again," Poseidon spoke
"She has to leave through her own will, I will not have you take her and run. She must consent to all of what you ask of her," Artemis said. There was a pause in the room, everyone probably thing of the worst they could do to me.
"I've got nothing. Just plant a garden on Ogygia in my honor before you leave," Demeter gave me her worst.
"A hero as great as you should travel alone on this rescue mission," Athena said
"Love is not always easy but it is very necessary. You must prove your love for her to me," I expected nothing less than that from Aphrodite.
"Bed her," My ears turned bright red and it spread to my face the entire room looked at Dionysus.
"He is still a child!" Hera screamed across the room.
"He's a hero! She should be honored to do it!" Mr. D said back. I stood still, mortified how I would explain all this to Calypso when the time came. They kept fighting whether this was a valid task or not.
"Enough!" Zeus shouted "Dionysus you shall get your task,"
"What!" I screamed, accidentally letting it escape. You think they'd have better things to do than plan out my sex life.
"But it'll be outside of the time limit,"
"Time limit-" I thought to myself
Ares cut me off "To enter this mortal world, she herself must be mortal. You have to kill her immortality,"
"WHAT!" I shouted again.
"Relax hero, she will live as a human but a transformation must be made. You wish to free her, you have to do it,"
"After you kill her you must maintain her health, so she doesn't die as a human," Apollo spoke. I couldn't think. Kill her, heal her, bed her. Calypso might not even want to be freed, was I making the right choice to go through with this?
"The two of you must make a great pair, for you are her life line. You must stay together forever, or until one of you dies." Hera said
"So she can never leave my side? What if I have to-"
"Not exactly. Just remain close in a physical and emotional way," If I wasn't asking for Calypso's life I would have set blaze to Olympus right then and there. Obviously I have strong feelings for Calypso but to have these gods tell me how I am to live my life with her makes me furious beyond belief. You always feel like you're in control, nope never. Not with these guys.
"As mentioned before Dionysus' request isn't under the limit. You have two weeks to complete your quest or Calypso gets sent back to her island no matter where she is. Your time begins now."
I was sent to Camp Half-Blood and ran to where I was keeping my beauty of a warship. I had a feeling it would come to this, I never stopped making repairs on the Argo II. It's in no shape to set sail now but she should be running in two days max. No time for sleep, no time for me. This is about Calypso and I will rescue her, even if that means killing her.
"Holy Hephaestus I don't even want to know how that will turn out. She's gonna have to consent to me killing her! How's that for the worst reunion ever,"
"People are gonna think you're crazy if you keep talking to yourself," I jump into the Argo II from surprise. These will be the longest two weeks of my life.
"Jason! How many times do I have to tell you not to interrupt my work, you almost gave me a heart attack!" I clutch my chest is efforts to slow my beating heart.
"Ah yes we can't have a repeat of what happened last time,"
"I'm still trying to pick out all the bolts from the kitchen sink,"
"Nothing says full breakfast like metal in your pancakes." We both chuckle in memory and sit on my work bench "So what's this about a reunion?" I never had time to tell him, I never got the chance to tell anyone! Jason knew something was up ever since I came back from Ogygia. If there was ever someone I'd tell, it'd be Jason.
"Remember that time I was blown off the ship?" Jason nodded and I told him about my sweet Calypso, a damsel in distress waiting for her rescue. I was in a hurry so I just skipped the 'her hating me' part and went straight to the kiss she left me with.
"The raft came right after. She has to have feeling for me, I have to save her. Not only 'cause I think she just might be my shot at a perfect girl, but I swore on the Styx. She needs someone who'll fulfil all her empty promises,"
"I applaud you on your determination and bravery. I'm guessing this was meant to be a solo mission?"
"Yes, the almighty powerful gods have declared so,"
"Is there anything I can do to help?" My stomach growled, now not from the anticipation of a council with the gods but from full-on hunger.
"Wanna get me some dinner?" Jason smiled and turned away "Hey Jason!" I caught him at the door, "You mind not telling the others? I don't want them worrying over something they can't help,"
"Leo, you can't expect them to just not notice when you sail off for this nowhere island," Jason stopped at the door. He had a point. But I mean I have a right to keep some things private from the rest of the gang, I should be entitled to use it when I want.
"You can tell them I have one last mission that I have to do. Alone. I don't want them to know and they should respect that,"
"You're the man Leo," Jason walked out I looked at my clutter covered desk in search of the original blueprints for the Argo II. It was damaged heavily during the last battle but that just gives me more space to add on. The new GPS I made worked fine in the battle and wasn't damaged as much as the Captain's room so I just needed to configure Calypso's stone to locate the island. Hope this isn't cheating.
As Cabin 9 Counselor, I set my ship as highest priority on our project board. This way Cabin 9 noobs can do the easy stuff like replace the burnt wood or melted metal while I indulge in the beef and cheese burrito Jason brought me. "Lookin' good boys, how much longer will the small repairs take Chief?"
"Oh Leo you shouldn't call me Chief, I'm not even in charge," Becky was one of the newest and youngest additions to the Hephaestus House and didn't let go of my hand as I (Cabin Counselor) showed her around camp. She was 9 years old and ran away from her abusive mother. Becky just clung to me for some reason and I have officially stated her as the cabin's little sister and Chief (just 'cause it's a cool title).
"That doesn't mean I can't call you Chief!" Becky rolled her eyes and gave me the project clipboard.
"All the basic were finally finished today and we can officially start on your interior designing tomorrow," Becky said with a hand on her hip. Adorable little 9 year old.
"Thanks Chief" I ruffled her curly brown hair "Listen up everyone! Congratulation on finishing the basics but we are on a rush schedule now so I want to see all of you up and early to finish, well everything tomorrow," There was a groan in the audience.
"Why are we doing this Leo?" Jake Mason, former Cabin Counselor spoke "The war's been over for about a month now, there's no need for a warship!"
"Jake, calm down. This war happened right after the last, it's not a crime to want to be prepared. Up until now I have never asked of you more than you were willing to freely give,"
"Yeah well you're not sanding wood or tightening bolts like the rest of us!" Jake said
"You're not rewiring the mainframe! I've sailed this ship and I know the best way it should run! So please forgive me if you get a splinter while I make sure Festus doesn't start eating people again!" Jake gazed the floor and I lowered my voice. It's not like me to establish authority on personal matters but this was Calypso "Look guys, I know that this has put a delay on our normal camp activities, but I need this finished now more than ever and I hope you can take my word that after tomorrow I'll never ask for a group ship maintenance again and I am so so grateful for all the work that you've put in. If agree with Jake that this is bull and want to quit working, I completely understand and it won't affect how I see you at all. If you don't mind giving one last day I advise you to get a goodnight's rest and come with full energy on our last day of work. I'll be staying down here finishing up some work. Thanks for your time guys" I clapped my hands and with that Cabin 9 dispersed. I walked over to my blueprint table and sat down. I needed to finish the redesigns on the Captain's room, dining room, kitchen, the bedrooms aren't priority so I'll leave those 'til later-
"Jake shouldn't have yelled at you, we're all happy to help," Becky handed me the clipboard
"Na, he's just mad I left crumbs on his bunk again. He's the only one with an ocean map and I get hungry. Don't worry about it, he'll get over it soon," I stood up from my seat and took Becky's hand to walk her back to Cabin 9 "And what are you still doing here hmmm? It's not safe for you to be walking alone this late at night,"
"Leo, you haven't slept in the Cabin in weeks! You should get some rest too,"
"I will Chief! But I have to finish some things first. It'll be back to normal as soon as she's finished,"
"Promise. Now go to sleep," I walked her to the Cabin door and headed back. One more day. Just one more day and I'll be off in search of my Calypso. Don't know if I should sing 'Here Comes the Sun' or 'You are my Sunshine'
A/N: Hey! How was it? A looootttt more depth than last time right? Please review and tell me what you think. I have high hopes for this story.
Yes Dionysus request is legit, I thought it would be hilarious, but no the rating will not change and it will not be featured in this fic, probably lol.
No I do not plan on making a Luke/ Annabeth thing with Leo and Becky, but she'll be used later on.
Reviews make writers very happy and I will respond to all I get.
Updates will be every Monday starting next week, so don't miss out :)
~Writer of Time