Remember that Justicykes fic MadFox mentioned in You're Fine? Yeaaaah… It kinda got a biiit out of hand. This is what it ended up becoming - sorry to all you Justicykes fans out there.

We eventually decided on a letter fic, like MadFox explained in the fic summary that nobody reads other than checking for fluff and ships… What? You know it's true!

Each chapter will focus on one of the characters of the Wright Anything Agency: Phoenix, Apollo, Athena and Trucy, in that order. The first letters of the chapters will eventually spell a word, but whatit is, I can't tell you! (MadFox: Wow Can. So sneaky XD)

Well, that's enough rambling, it's about time we get into the story itself, ahaha. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! It's the culmination of all of our efforts - it couldn't have turned out half as well without all the rest of our co-writers.

- CanHalfEmpty


POV: Phoenix Wright

A whole new story was starting where the last one had left off. It was refreshing, knowing the old one was coming to an end. It had been one of the more stressful ones. Everyone was smiling for the first time in a while- Athena was aquitted both in the eyes of the law and the perception of Justice, Trucy was safely in my arms, and we'd avenged Clay's death. Just sitting behind the defense bench with nothing left to object to was refreshing- but the question of "Now what?" rang in my ears.

Well, I had to leave the courtroom, for one.

Once we made it into the defense lobby, a familiar face made his way to us in midst of all the ruckus.

"There's quite a bit of a commotion out here, ja?" Apollo raised his eyebrows, evidently not expecting to see his own courtroom rival there.

"Prosecutor Gavin? Um... how long have you been here?" He asked, his voice cracking. I tried not to chuckle.

"Not even a minute. One of my trials just ended."

"Oooh, did you win?" Trucy asked, a grin on her face. I could hear my protégé mumble, and the prosecutor continued.

"Ja. That man was a killer, no doubt about it. It feels good to prosecute a guilty person once in a while, ja?" he replied. Upon hearing that, I managed to catch a faint smirk on Apollo's typically stoic face. "I would assume that you won your trial as well?"

"Ja!" Athena replied enthusiastically. "I was the defendant, actually..." she added sheepishly.

Gavin frowned. "I heard. Just another reason to question Herr Fulbright's sanity, I suppose." I couldn't help but smile at the prosecutor's apparent faith in Athena.

"You know, that's really funny," Apollo commented, "Given the fact that he's behind bars now."

The comment led the prosecutor to raise his eyebrows. "Herr Fulbright?"

"Ja." She repeated cheerfully.

"I suppose his song always seemed a bit too sweet to me." he mused. I understood what he meant, and Apollo nodded his head in recognition. Athena, however, seemed a bit lost. I suppose she has a bit more to learn. I watched as she shrugged it off, Widget flashing a bright green around her neck, despite all that had happened. Or maybe we should be learning from her. We've all been through dark times, but she's the only one I've ever seen shining brighter than she was before she went in.

"So, Daddy, you're taking us out to noodles, right?" Trucy asked with a grin, interrupting my train of thought.

"Yep. It's tradition," Apollo jumped in, smirking. I know you've had a rough day too, but you don't have to encourage her.

"I'm a bit hungry, ja? Perhaps I could join you," Klavier said. Woah! Objection! I can barely afford to feed four people!

"I don't know if you could handle it, Prosecutor Gavin. They're some pretty insane noodles." Athena. Stop. You're only making him more determined. Her grin told me that was the point.

"Yeah, don't famous rock stars go out for dinner every night?" Apollo teased. "You probably couldn't handle normal people food."

"As if I could simply walk into a restaurant to eat. I eat as many microwave dinners as I know you do."

"They must be pretty luxurious microwaveable dinners." Apollo laughed. Klavier shook his head with a smirk.

"Sorry, Prosecutor Gavin, but we all know you're far from normal," Athena added. Apollo rolled his eyes.

"Really, though, you should totally come with us!" Trucy said with a grin, and the musician nodded casually. Everyone looked at me, and for a moment, everyone was quiet as I contemplated how strong of an objection was appropriate. Finally, an awkward cough caused everyone to turn and look at the two prosecutors standing at the edge of the group, unsure of whether to stay or leave.

Edgeworth adjusted his glasses. "... Wright, I suppose you want me to come with you as well, if I'm not mistaken." That depends. Are you paying?

"Of course!" Trucy confirmed. "And you too, Mr. Blackquill!" Trucy, you do realize that the more money I spend on other people, the less I can spend on you?

"Hmph. Very well, I will join you. I haven't eaten noodles for a long time, and I'm sure Taka would enjoy some as well." Simon said, stroking his precious bird.

"Then we should hurry up! Eldoon's closes at ten!" Athena called.

"No, let's take our time! There's no hurry," I tried to reassure them, only to be turned around and shoved out the door by Trucy.


"Wright," Edgeworth blurted out as we approached the familiar cart. It was stopped, indicating that Eldoon already had a customer. "Duck."

"Huh?" was all that I could let out before an all-too-familiar face tackled me in a painfully tight hug.

"Niiick! Edgeeeeey!" the man wailed as Edgeworth and I both groaned in unison.

"When something smells…" I muttered under my breath. Out of all the people I could have met at the noodle stand, it just had to be Larry.

"Boss? Who's this?" Athena asked.

"... He's an ... acquaintance of mine." I eventually replied, unable to summarize Larry in a few words. "Ignore him, Athena. It'll be for the best," I added, cringing as he released the hug and inspected my female companions.

"Oooh, Nick, still managing to keep so many chicks around you all the time?" I rest my case.

"Larry, cut it out," I hissed. You haven't changed one bit… With complete disregard for my warning, he approached Athena with his usual cocky smirk.

"Hey, cutie! So what's the deal between you and-" He was quickly cut off by a faceful of hawk. Although I tried to mask my relief, I was more than happy that we didn't have to hear the end of that.

"Prosecutor Blackquill, I was under the impression we had agreed that your hawk would refrain from assaulting people." Edgeworth muttered dryly, although I could sense the same relief in his voice. Prosecutor Blackquill crossed his arms and leaned up against a tree, his eyes glinting as Taka landed back on his shoulder. Edgeworth's annoyed gaze turned to Larry.

"E-Edgey! Quit staring at me like that!" The prosecutor's eyebrows had furrowed even more than usual in sheer disgust - it almost looked as if he was glaring holes straight through Larry's head.

"Boss, just who is he?" Athena repeated her question, half amused and half confused.

"... It's kind of a long story… He's an acquaintance-"

"C'mon, Nick!" He interrupted. "After all I've done for you!? Me and Edgey did stand up and prosecute you back when you got accused of robbing people and everyone was being mean to you, don't you remember?!"

Edgeworth twitched. You could've at least gotten the details right… I thought in exasperation. A quick look towards the prosecutor told me that we were thinking along the same lines.

"Larry, your complete disregard for logic is giving me a migraine," Edgeworth eventually said with an audible groan.

"Edgey…" Larry was unshockingly in tears. "How can you be so mean to me?! We've been friends for so long, and this is how you treat me? No wonder you two don't have girlfriends yet!"

I sighed. Larry… It's no wonder that girls run away at the sight of you.

"I'll take care of him," Edgeworth mouthed. I nodded, silently mourning for him, and turned back to my assistants.

"I think his mood swings gave Widget a heart attack," Athena commented, observing the wildly strobing screen of Widget.

"I think he's going to give me a heart attack, too…" Apollo mumbled. Some might say that meeting new people can change you for the better, I thought. Meeting Larry simply makes you lose your faith in humanity.

I looked over to see Edgeworth criticizing a sobbing Larry and thanked my lucky stars that Trucy had dragged him along, even if it meant less money for me. A thought occurred to me, and I frowned. Larry had better be paying for his own noodles.


The only one who seemed unfazed by the recent turn of events was Trucy- although that didn't surprise me one bit. Trucy had brushed past Larry and gone straight to Mr. Eldoon and his noodle cart.

"Hi, Guy!" she said with a grin.

"You brought a whole crowd with you this time, didn't you?" He examined the group with satisfaction. "You all want noodles, huh?"

"Yep! And make sure Polly's is extra salty, becau-"

"Objection! Don't… Err… Don't question Eldoon's sense of taste. I'm sure he puts in the perfect amount of salt already," Apollo interrupted sheepishly.

"Don't be silly, boy! The salt's what makes these here noodles what they are! I'll add some extra salt for a dollar." Woah, a normal amount of salt is just fine!

"That's not necessary, Mr. Eldoon. I'm fine with the normal amount of salt," Apollo replied, trying to weasel himself out of a certain two-bowl death.

"Aww, Apollo, don't be a wimp!" Athena called, no doubt having caught onto his intentions.

"I'm not being a wimp, it's just that today's trial already raised my blood pressure enough for one lifetime!" he complained.

"You know, Pollo's Spanish for chicken…" Athena replied with a smirk.

"I'd like to see you have extra salt in your bowl, then!" Apollo retorted.

"All right! Make my noodles extra salty, too!" Athena told Eldoon. There's 2 dollars down the drain...

"Hey! I really can eat it, I just thought it was a bad idea."

"Prove it, Pollo," she mocked.

"...I want extra extra salt, Mr. Eldoon." Apollo ordered, a dangerous glint in his eye. Looks like my wallet isn't the only thing dying today.

"That'll be an extra dollar," Eldoon replied nonchalantly.

"I want extra extra extra salt!" Athena called. If two bowls could kill a man before, I don't want to see how this plays out.

"Athena! We got you off the hook so that you wouldn't have to die!" I reminded her, admittedly in no small part to conserve what little was left of my wallet.

"A little salt has nothing on me! I'll be fine!" she replied. I only raised my eyebrows, knowing it was a lost cause.

"All right, Mr. Eldoon. I'll match her in terms of salt. We'll see who can have more," Apollo confirmed. His hasty tone told me that he didn't want to raise the salt content any more, however.

"All right, there you are!" He placed two bowls on the counter. They looked as if they were filled with ice, but closer inspection revealed that the ice cubes were, in fact, pure salt that hadn't been able to dissolve in the already saturated broth. Apollo's eyes widened, but he didn't say anything.

"Ten times the original salt content. You're either brave or dumb. We'll see in a few minutes," Eldoon said seriously.

Thankfully, everyone else got their bowls without further emptying my wallet - other than Trucy. "Uh, I think I'll have extra salty, too. Not extra extra extra, but just extra. You know, just to be sure it's salty!" Eldoon was happy to oblige, telling her a little extra salt could do no harm, and I groaned. The whole Agency is out to get me, isn't it?

I picked up the bill, and I had to restrain myself from fainting. 71 dollars in noodles?! This is almost as bad as when I paid for that feast at Gatewater Hotel!

Once again, Trucy didn't seem to care. "There's nothing better than a good bowl of salty noodles!" she exclaimed in delight. At least she's enjoying herself. She shoveled a fork in her mouth, and winced. "That's pretty salty."

"Why did you order extra salty, then?!" Apollo exclaimed.

"I wanted to make sure it would be salty!" She protested.

"It's Eldoon's! Of course it's going to be salty!"

"You can never be too sure," she replied with a wink. Apollo let out an exasperated sigh.

Everyone else was savouring the salty noodles peacefully… well, maybe not everyone. Neither Apollo or Athena had bothered to touch their noodles yet. Edgeworth glared at Larry as he slurped up his noodles noisily, his own bowl untouched. Edgeworth, if you aren't going to pay for your own noodles, you might as well eat them.

"So, are you guys ready?" Trucy asked.

"Ready for what?" Apollo retorted.

"You haven't eaten your noodles yet, duh!"

"I'm getting mentally prepared," Apollo complained.

"Oh, I was waiting for you! You know, I didn't want to start before you did," Athena retorted.

"You've had enough mental preparation, Polly," Trucy complained. "On your marks, get set, go!"

Apollo took a single noodle out of his bowl and began to eat it slowly, a disgruntled look on his face. Athena, on the other hand, took the whole bowl and began to slurp it up, shoveling noodles in her mouth with no hesitation. She dropped her fork, her face puckering and tears welling in her eyes.

"You okay, Athena?" Apollo said, his voice dry and raspy. I looked at him with concern. He only had one noodle, and he's doing this bad? I turned to look at Athena. She grabbed her stomach, tears flowing from her eyes. She leaned over and began to puke. Apollo's eyes widened, and he rushed over with a couple of napkins.

"Well, I guess Polly wins," Trucy finally commented, interrupting the silence. "Mr. Eldoon, do you have any water that's not salty?"

"I sure do. It'll be two dollars each." I cringed. Why do I frequent this place, again?

"Daddy, do you have six dollars?"


"Some for them, and one for me!" she innocently replied. Heaving a sigh, I forked over a ten dollar bill. "Thanks, Daddy!" she came back holding five bottles of water. She placed four on the table, and proceeded to pour one into her bowl, presumably to water it down. Eldoon grimaced as he witnessed the scene, clearly unhappy about the contamination of his culinary masterpiece.

"Trucy, I thought you were just going to get three!" I complained.

"But you gave me ten dollars."

"I wanted the change…" I pouted.

"Wright, don't hassle her over four dollars. If it's that big of a deal, I'll pay you," Edgeworth jumped in. Show-off.

Trucy had given the waters to Apollo and Athena. Athena was still crouching over and holding her stomach, and Apollo was making a pathetic attempt at rubbing her back. Athena took the bottle of water and drank a few sips, the grip on her stomach slowly releasing.

"Feeling any better now?" Apollo asked.

"Yeah, I think I'm good. Except for the fact that you beat me, anyway." Athena grinned weakly.

"I didn't really beat you. You sort of beat yourself." Apollo shrugged, still rubbing her back. As they went on, Pearls walked up to them shyly, making sure that the edge of her dress didn't get covered in puke.

"Um… Are you special someones?" She asked.

"Wha- No!" Apollo blushed madly, and Athena burst out laughing.

"Herr Forehead, are you quite certain?" I looked over to see Prosecutor Gavin trying not to laugh. He'd probably told Pearls that they'd make a cute couple.

"...She's just my friend, I swear!"

"I believe that the last time you described her it was as a 'co-worker', ja?"

"Oh, Apollo's not that suave when it comes to girls," Athena jumped in. "If he liked me, he'd probably be too afraid to touch me."

"Where did you get that impression?!" He stared at her in disbelief.

"It's pretty obvious," Athena mused.

"Yeah! Thenie-Weenie's all mine!" I looked over to see that Larry had recovered from whatever Edgeworth had done to him and sighed.

"Can you all stop probing into my non-existent love life?!" Apollo huffed.

"Ach, don't reject her so harshly, Herr Forehead. You have to be kind when you deny your love for someone," Klavier chuckled.

"Yeah! You're gonna crush her dreams!" Pearls pulled up one sleeve of her dress in anger.

"Yeah, Apollo! You have to let me down nicely!" Athena laughed. Poor Apollo looked more than a little embarrassed. I'd feel bad if he hadn't helped Trucy rope everyone into coming to dinner.

Larry walked up to me "secretively". "Nick!" he whispered. "Is it working?"

"What? What's working?"

"Flirting with the hot ginger! Duh!"

"I don't think it's working, to be honest." That was a massive understatement, of course.

"What do you mean?!" Note: Be more blunt when confronting Larry.

"Well, first off, Athena doesn't seem interested in you… at all."

"First impressions aren't everything, Nick! You gotta believe in me!"

"Larry… You do know she's about fifteen years younger than you, right?"

"C'mon, you know they say age is just a number!"

"And so is the number of women who have broken up with you."

"Do you think I'd do better with the magician chick?" Larry continued, and I winced in disbelief. "She's a total cutie patootie, and I bet she'd look even cuter without the cape and hat!" Larry… And Trucy...The next thing I knew, I was choking on my noodles, and Trucy approached me with a bottle. No, Trucy! Leave while you still can!

"See, Daddy? There's no harm in having a few extra water bottles! But I never knew you ordered extra salty, too…" She remarked, her eyes full of naïve concern. Without a further word or clarification, she grabbed my bowl, took a strand and tasted it.

"Huh, you've tried saltier noodles than that before, Daddy… You're not swallowing before munching, are you?"

"T-Trucy, it's fine," I started. The last thing I needed was a reason to have her around him. "I just-"

"Hang on…" Larry interrupted, a scarily focused look on his face. Oh, no, he's thinking - this can't be good. "NIIICK, YOU DOOOOG! YOU HAD A KID AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME?!"

"Trucy, go. Now." Trucy nodded, and Larry tried to follow her. I grabbed his arm. Hard.

"Nick… c'mon, just look at her!"

"Larry Butz. If I see you within ten feet of my daughter, I will kill you," I threatened.

There was a long pause.

"I'll help, if you need a defense attorney." I looked up to see Apollo, and I got the feeling that he was being completely serious. I hope he doesn't really think there's going to be a murder here tonight...

"Get in line, Apollo!" Athena growled.

Larry walked up to Athena and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Oh, don't be that way~" Her eyes widened, and Apollo winced, knowing Larry had just crossed the line. Next thing I knew, my "acquaintance" was flying through the air. He landed head-first in the grass, and didn't move. Athena gasped, and ran over to him cautiously. "Oh, he's still breathing."

"...Daddy, do you think he needs water? I've still got some," Trucy said.

"Don't waste it! Er… I mean, I'm sure he'll be fine."

And so, Larry was left passed out at the side of the road as the festivities continued.


"I wish Mystic Maya was here," Pearls mumbled. I nodded; I missed her too.

"Mystic Maya?" Athena asked. "Who's that?"

Oh no. "She's this girl I-"

"She's Mr. Nick's special someone!" Apollo and Athena looked at me with eyebrows raised, while Edgeworth stifled a laugh.

"You? With a girlfriend?" Athena asked, bewildered. Is it that strange to imagine me with a love life?!

"Maya is just a friend of-"

"Mr. Nick! You love her!" Pearls insisted, determined as ever.


"You're a lawyer! Do you have proof?" she interrupted, bristling with her own wrath. Do I have proof?

"Athena. Get out the Mood Matrix," I commanded.

"What about my bracelet?" Apollo asked, clearly not wanting to be outdone.

"I don't think your bracelet counts as proof to Pearls, sorry." Apollo frowned.

"Ok. So, without any interruptions, who is this 'Maya'?" Athena asked.

"Maya is just a friend that I've had for… What, ten years now? Something like that. She was my assistant back when I was a brand new lawyer."

"... Huh." Athena looked at the screen, tapping her earring with her finger.

"What is it?" I asked. I don't really have a good feeling about this...

"Well, you have a lot of joy when you're thinking of her. I kinda forgot that it's difficult to tell the difference between love and friendship on Widget."

"My bracelet could've worked better," Apollo grumbled. He has a point, I have to admit...

"See, Mr. Nick? You could love her, and I know you do!" Pearls concluded.

"Argh! What kind of guy likes a girl for ten years and doesn't make a move?"

"That sounds exactly like something you'd do," Apollo laughed. Says the one who's had a cute girl drooling all over him for months now and hasn't done a thing… Athena looked at me smugly and we both laughed, clearly on the same wavelength.

"Wright?" Edgeworth asked. "I think I've had enough for the night. I'm quite exhausted." He had a touch of - ...sympathy?! - in his eyes, and I could tell it was his own way of changing the topic for my benefit. That makes up for the untouched bowl of noodles, I suppose...

"Aww! Well, it was fun having you here!" Athena called. I nodded.

"I'll see you later then, Wright." Edgeworth nodded and turned to walk down the street.

"I should return home as well, ja?" Klavier added.

"Wouldn't want to miss out on your beauty sleep," Apollo retorted with a smirk.

"Nein. You could use more of it yourself," he chuckled. I tried to stifle a laugh, but still got a glare from Apollo.

"I get plenty of sleep, thank you very much," Apollo said.

Trucy coughed in a way that sounded suspiciously like "Three hours tops." Klavier laughed and walked down the street, vanishing into the darkness.

"So, what do we do after this?" Athena asked. Go home and start a Gumshoe diet until my wallet fills itself up again. "Boss, is something wrong?" she added.

"Ah, it's nothing, really."

Athena gave me a skeptical look. "Okay, whatever you say…"

"Mr. Wright, are you sure?" Apollo said, rubbing his bracelet.

"Wright-dono doesn't get a large check in the mail this week," Blackquill commented.

"P-prosecutor Blackquill?! I forgot you were still here!" Apollo gasped.

"Did you think I went home?" Blackquill snickered.

"Why wouldn't you?" Trucy asked, oblivious... then it hit her. "Oh! You just got out of jail!"

"Oh, congratulations, dude!" Larry said, patting the prosecutor on the back. Everyone jumped. "I've been there before, it'll get better!"

Blackquill stared at Larry, a look of skepticism written on his face. Apollo raised an eyebrow looking at me. You don't want to know, Apollo. There was a long pause as we looked around at each other awkwardly, all wondering when and why he woke up. Athena cleared her throat.

"Anyway… Simon, do you want to stay over at my house for the night? I know you'll probably stay at Aura's house, but I'm guessing that's easier said than done, huh?" Athena asked.

"I appreciate the offer. Yes, I'd like that."

"Ooh, can I keep Taka for the night?" Trucy pleaded as Apollo shook his head in response, waving his arms overdramatically.

"I'm afraid that Taka needs special care, Magic-dono."

"Aww." she pouted.

"Well, I think we should get going, if that's alright with you," Athena said. "It's been a really long day."

"Yeah, with the whole jail experience and all," Apollo added.

"Says the only person who hasn't been in jail," Athena said.

"Hey, Pearls hasn't gone to jail, and neither has Trucy!" Apollo objected.

"Yeah, but you're old," Trucy said. "You've got to get the whole jail experience!" If Apollo's old, what am I?!

"A blade is only sharpened under pressure," Blackquill agreed.

"You don't really want me to go to jail, do you?! Apollo protested.

Athena laughed. "Come on, we should get going."

"Waaaaait!" Larry ran up to her. "I didn't even get your nuumbeeerrr!"

"I thought you were chasing after Trucy," she laughed, glancing at the blushing lawyer.

"I only did it because I loved you!" Larry wailed. What is that supposed to mean?!

"Come, Cykes-dono. We mustn't linger around such incompetence any longer." Larry chased after them, only to come face to face with a hawk for the second time that night. Larry came back again, his spirits dampened.

"Athena's in good hands," Apollo commented.

"He's scary, but nice," Pearls agreed.

"Oh hey, Trucy-woosy! You're still here!" Larry sang, with a lopsided grin plastered on his face.

"Oh, um, hello there." Trucy responded, stunned. Wow, she could take Dr. Hotti's "examinations", but even she can't take Larry.

"Larry..." I growled.

"N-Nick… after all we've been through…" His eyes began welling up with tears.


"Fine! I'll just go somewhere else and look for another girl as perfect as her! Even though that'll never happen!" He ran off sobbing, leaving a half finished bowl of noodles and his bill. Great. Though I'd rather pay for his noodles than let Trucy be corrupted by him.

"Wait!" Trucy sprinted after him.

"Trucy…!" I growled. She looked back at me and winked. What on earth is she up to?!

"You need a good-bye hug, Mr. Larry." she insisted, catching him by surprise.

"R-really?" Trucy wrapped her arms around his waist, and the man grinned. When she let go, he skipped off joyfully. She walked back to me triumphantly.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I just got a little souvenir to remember him by." She held up his wallet, and I laughed. Part of me feels bad for him, but… She began flipping through it. "Aww, he's only got twenty bucks."

"I think he'd pay twenty bucks for a hug," I replied. Trucy snickered. I looked at Larry's bill- eight dollars for one bowl of noodles. I handed Eldoon the twenty, and he gave me back 12 precious dollars. Gotta love my daughter. Trucy whispered something to Apollo, before both of them burst out laughing. I shook my head and turned to the last person standing.

"So Pearls, are you coming home with us again?" I asked.

"Um, yeah. Is that okay, Mr. Nick?"

"Yay, another sleepover!" Trucy called. And just when I was hoping nobody would hear my sniffling over my wallet tonight.

"You have to actually sleep this time, girls."

"But that's the point of a sleepover! Sleep is over!" Trucy whined.

"Not when you're having sleepovers for a week straight," I warned. I looked over at Apollo.

"Good luck with those two," he said. "I'm going home."

"All right. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. See you then."

And 65 precious dollars were lost that day…

I reached into my pocket and sighed. I felt something inside, and pulled out a small envelope.


Thank you for everything you've done today. I'll give you your legal payment for Athena's defense later, but I wanted to relieve a bit of stress from you after today's events.

~Prosecutor Blackquill

Attached were two bills - a $50, and a $20. I smiled. The Twisted Samurai has saved the Neo Olde Wright Anything Agency once again.

A/N: (CanHalfEmpty) About the price, we decided that each bowl costs $8, making Phoenix's total bill $(8²) + (6 + 1) + (10 - 4) - (20 - 8) - in other words, $[(9 * 8) - 7]; 72-7=65. Thank you, and good night.

A/N: (MadFox) Me and Can spent a solid hour debating this, just in case any of you actually cared.
Shenanigans happen when you co-write. Here are my favorite quotes so far:

(Can's rough draft)
"ohno" aploo sed "clay ded wat do"
feenic laffd "how bout noodlz"
truuci laffd 2 "yeh noodlz r cul"
eggie frawn "no wii wach stel smuarri it best shoe"
en so dey wach sleet saumurai en dey laff de END

"...Some days I wonder if we have actual lives." - Aceredshirt

Try and picture Kristoph snuggling for a moment. It does not work.-Aceredshirt

"Also this means that this is going to be 69 dollars, now…" - CanHalfEmpty

- The Conversation That Led Us Into Debating Phoenix's Total Bill Like Obsessed Nerds -