Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

A massive thank-you to my readers and reviewers.

This is chapter is for the wonderful, smart Callie.

All the heads of houses had gone to Dumbledore pleading with him to talk to most recent troublesome students.

The Weasley twins, Neville Longbottom, Ella Lestrange, Callie Black and Hermione Granger.

All were gathered into his office.

"I know that you all know why you are here," Dumbledore told six students.

"Actually I don't," Hermione said, there were murmurs of me neither from the others.

"Miss Granger you here for writing to Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange suggesting that they get together,"

"They already are together," Callie and Ella said in sync.

"Really?," Hermione asked.

"If they weren't, I wouldn't exist. Their my parents," Callie explained.

"Miss Black, Voldemort is not your father," Dumbledore said.

"Actually he is, ever wondered why she has my mum's maiden name and I don't. Same mother, different fathers," Ella said, smirking at her younger sister.

"I think it's better if you get back to explaining why the rest of us here," Fred suggested.

"Right, well you two and Mister Longbottom are here because you plan to create Slytherin eating plans," Dumbledore told the red headed twins who were grinning and Neville who shuffling his feet.

"Miss Lestrange, is here because she missed potions again,"

"I was having a staring contest with an owl," Ella told the headmaster, as if that were perfectly normal.

"How'd you get on?," George Weasley asked.

"I lost, stupid thing wouldn't blink," Ella said, pouting.

"I lost a staring contest against a snake once," Hermione told the Slytherin princess.

"It wasn't a snake, it was a white sock with eyes drawn on," Neville muttered.

"I hate to interrupt, but I'd like to know why I'm here," Callie said, her tone much like Bellatrix's. A tone that said messing with me is a bad idea.

"You flooded the Great Hall," Dumbledore said.

"I did not, a goat broke into Hogwarts did it," Callie told the headmaster.

"That sounds the most logical explanation as to how the Great Hall got flooded," Ella said, siding with her sister.

"No it isn't. The logical explanation is that Miss Black did it. Which she will be serving two weeks detention for. Mister Longbottom, you're not to create a Slytherin eating plant."

"Mister Weasleys you are not to create a Slytherin eating plant, No student is allowed to create a Slytherin eating plant."

"Miss Lestrange, having a staring contest is not a good enough excuse for missing potions and you will make up the work you missed."

Miss Granger, you're not allowed to write to Bellatrix Lestrange or Lord Voldemort suggesting they become a couple. Because apparently they already are, " Dumbledore said addressing all the students at once, trying to show he was in charge.


47. Neville Longbottom is not allowed to assist the Weasley twins in creating a plant that will eat Slytherin.

47a. The Weasley twins are not

allowed to create a plant that will eat Slytherins.

47b. No student is allowed to create a plant to eat anyone.

49. Not allowed to write to Bellatrix Lestrange and Lord Voldemort suggesting they should get together.

69. "I was having a staring contest with an owl" is not a reason for missing Potions.

117. "A goat broke in and flooded the great hall" is not the most logical explanation as to how the great hall got flooded.