Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Ginny Weasley was sitting in potions, listening to Professor Snape going on about how useless everybody in the class was at potions.

She'd heard this speech several times and was bored of hearing it. Which why when the mischievous side of her started springing up she did nothing to squash it.

Instead she put her hand in the air and began squirming in her seat to gain Professor Snape's attention.

"Miss Weasley, unless you are about to burst into flames, sit still," Professor Snape ordered.

"But Professor, I need to buy a hat so can I please leave early?," Ginny asked, with the same sparkle in her eyes the twins got whenever they interrupted Snape's lesson.

"Miss Weasley, twenty points from Gryffindor for interrupting my lesson and no, you cannot leave my lesson to buy a hat," Professor Snape said, giving Ginny the famous Snape glare.

"Okay, then can I leave to turn the cooker off in my dorm room?. Because I forgot to do it this morning. Which is your fault," Ginny said, narrowing her eyes accusingly at Snape.

"Miss Weasley, stop interrupting my lesson. No you may not leave to turn off your cooker, you shouldn't have a cooker' in your dorm room to begin with and the fact that you didn't switch the thing off is in no my fault," Professor Snape said through gritted teeth.

Fine, but I really do need to leave to help Fred and George break into Dumbledore's office. Usually I wouldn't help them do it, but this lesson is really boring," Ginny whined, the other students were really beginning to struggle to stifle their giggles.

"Miss Weasley, you are not leaving this lesson until I say so. Maybe you find it boring because you're too dense to understand the skill needed for potions," Professor Snape hissed.

"I'm not going to lie, the fact the you called me dense' hurts my feelings. But I forgive you for being mean," Ginny said, clutching her chest in mock hurt.

"Miss Weasley, twenty more points taken from Gryffindor for your inability to keep your mouth closed. Now please keep your mouth closed for the remainder of the lesson," Professor Snape ordered.

Ginny made a zipping gesture on her lips, she'd bug him again at a later date.

She didn't want to lose too many points and she'd her fun anyway.


82. You cannot leave class to buy a hat.

82a. You cannot leave class because you left the cooker on in your dorm room.

82b. Not allowed to have a cooker in your dorm room.

82c. You cannot leave class because you find it boring and you want to help the Weasley twins break into my(Dumbledore's) office.