A Father's Love by The Creepy-Psycho-Loner

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

AN: I tried to make it cute XD

"Daddy! Daddy!"

Splinter turned from the meal he had fixed for his children. He looked down to see his youngest child, Michelangelo, staring up at him. His cheeks were flustered red; he was trying not to cry. Splinter picked the distressed child up. Just then, his other three children ran into the kitchen.

"Daddy, Donnie said that if we be bad and talk bad, that you won't love us," Raphael explained, tears already staining his face.

"And I said that he was lying but he showed us a book and it said that mommies and daddies don't love kids that are bad," Leonardo confirmed. His face was furrowed but determined. "But that's lying," he looked to his father hopefully, "... right?"

The mentioned turtle, Donatello, remained silent. He looked to the floor, his embarrassment unmistakable. He ground his foot into the floor, his hands clasped behind his shell.

Splinter sat Michelangelo down at the kitchen table. He urged his other sons to do so, and they did. Splinter wiped the tears off Raphael and Michelangelo's faces.

"My sons," he began, his voice soft, "I will never hate you. Never." He placed bowls of food in front of each son.

Michelangelo perked up at this. "Even when I break something or don't listen?"

Splinter rose an eyebrow. It was interesting to know his son made a conscious decision to disobey. "No matter what you do."

"Even when I sometimes say bad words?" Raphael asked, skeptically.

Splinter nodded. "No matter what you say."

Donatello almost had his spoonful of food in his mouth until he dropped it eagerly. "What if I turned into a three-headed dragon?"

His brothers laughed with him at the silliness of that but Splinter simply roughed his head. "I will always love you," he looked at each of his sons. He thought about how unique they were; how much he couldn't live without them. "In every single way."