I don't own Danny Phantom or any of the characters. They are doing a life sentence to their original owners without the chance of parole. Enjoy part 12 of My girlfriend is the harlequin.

Costume party

Upon hearing what Undergrowth had to say Harley despite the severity of the situation couldn't help but laugh at what he was saying much to the former's amusement.

"You really think Red, and Gothy would join you? I know Red better than anyone, and she would never join someone like you. Especially seeing as you are the being who used Gothy as a pawn." Harley replied while dodging his vines.

"Not to mention Sam wants nothing to do with an overgrown weed. In fact I think it is time I get this problem by the root!" Danny replied before firing a strong ice beam at Undergrowth freezing him solid.

Sadly for Danny less than 5 seconds later Undergrowth broke free from his icy prison with no negative backlash.

"Foolish halfa, did you really think the same trick would beat me twice?" Undergrowth asked only for Danny to disappear undergrowth.

Like the first time around Danny went into ice beam overdrive firing at all of Undergrowth's roots however, unlike the first time where Undergrowth continued to grow weaker, his roots broke free of the ice leaving the Chlorokinetic power ghost unharmed. Having had enough of this Undergrowth summoned a new ice proof plant to capture the young halfa and bring him to the surface much to Harley's dismay.

"Danny! Let him go now or else I will make you!" Harley hissed earning a laugh from the overgrown plant ghost.

"You really think I am going to let this weed in the garden of life go? Not on your life flesh bag! Though…" Undergrowth replied as he summoned a mind vine. "I will have plenty of use for you as food for the children when you are ripe." Undergrowth finished as he tried to attach the mind vine to Harley only for her avoid it. "As for you young halfa, that plant you are trapped in is parasitic one. It will suck the power out of you until you are nothing more than a wilted husk of yourself."

"We will see about that… Can't use my ghost energy this plant is blocking my power, can't go intangible either!" Danny replied much to Harley's dismay.

Seeing that her lover was trapped in the grip of a parasitic planet Harley reached into her cleavage, and pulled out what appeared to be a green marble like object and threw it at the plant holding Danny. Upon impact the marble's contents splattered onto the killer plant causing it to turn into goop in milliseconds while releasing Danny for his prison. However, even with his freedom Undergrowth seemed less than concerned.

"Foolish human even if you managed to free him you still have no way of beating me! Especially now I have my queen and daughter by my side." Undergrowth replied just as two tulips appeared revealing a now mind controlled Sam, and Poison Ivy by her side.

"Red? But why would you join him?" Harley replied causing the plant ghost to smile.

Flash back 15 minutes prior Poison Ivy's greenhouse

"Join you? Please after what has happened to her as well as what you have done to me in the past we would never join you!" Sam spat only for Undergrowth to surprisingly smile.

"I would have to agree with my student. Even though it is my dream to make the earth as beautiful as was before… ugh mankind ruined her, I have no interested in partnering up with you especially after what you have done to my pupil!" Pamela explained before snapping her fingers.

With the wordless command Poison Ivy's guardian plants became active, and despite him being a plant like them went to attack the unknown intruder. Sadly for her Undergrowth unleashed a series of mind vines and with one connection took over Poison Ivy's plants.

"While your powers are beautiful they are nothing compared to mine and my daughters. But don't worry I won't harm your children seeing as we share a kin. But I can offer you more a lot more than what this world has given you. In fact I can give you back what you lost my queen seeing as unlike your powers mine and my daughter give the highest level of healing and regeneration." Undergrowth replied once again causing Pamela to raise an eyebrow.

"Don't listen to him Pamela, he just wants to use you just like he did me. You said it yourself you weren't the naive young student you were when Jason used you and made you what you are now. Don't let Undergrowth manipulate you!" Sam pleaded concerned for her mentor/friend.

"I know you hate being barren my queen. Join me, and I will use my powers to undo the damage that was done to you. I can even promise you that when we find the one who did this to you I personally promise you that you will be the one to feed him to children when he is ripe." Undergrowth continued.

Upon hearing Undergrowth's offer Sam due to her abilities began to worry about what Pamela would do. She was able to feel Pamela's emotions in the past, and knew that she had a major hostility towards Jason for how he used her. She also knew of her desire wanting to be a mother her own children despite her hatred for men.

"You know what Undergrowth? Both of those are very tempting, and the things I could do with an upgraded version of my powers could make it where the world would never fall back into the state that it is now. I also have something personally special for the man who did this to me so you know what? I will be your queen." Pamela replied completely shocking Sam.

"Pamela please think about what you are doing! What about the quack? While I still wish she would leave my friend alone, she is the one person who stayed by your side through thick and thin. She cares for you as I know you care for her. Doing this would be signing her death warrant." Sam explained.

"Harley while she is my friend would also understand why I am doing this Sam." Pamela replied before turning to Undergrowth. "But before I become your queen I would love to seal the deal with a kiss my king." Pamela replied before unleashing a wave of sleep spores on Sam causing her to get drowsy.

"Pamela… How could you?" Were Sam's last words before she fell into a state of unconsciousness.

'I hope you can forgive me for this if we come out of this but this is the only way.' Pamela thought to herself.

End flashback

"So you see child, my queen came of her own free will. While it is a shame that I had to activate the influence of my Chlorokinetic powers to control my daughter once again she will with time see enjoy ruling over the new urban jungle."

"You mean turning her into your puppet once again!" Danny spat.

"He isn't controlling me Danny, he has just made me see the error of my former ways. Humanity as a whole a waste of space compared to the beauty of an urban jungle." Sam said in a surprisingly sultry tone.

"Sam this isn't you! You need to fight his control over you…"

"No Danny, it is you who needs to stop fighting father and mother. They want what is best for the planet, and seeing as I am their daughter I am the next to inherit the earth. Come on Danny leave the quack to my mother, join us and when I become queen you can rule with me." San explained in the same sultry tone.

"Gothy, you have a boyfriend, and even though it is clear as day you have feelings for mine, you can't just go and…"

"Harley look out!" Danny replied before scooping her up bridal style before several vines could grab her.

"Come on Danny, leave the quack, rule with me and mother, and everything in the world will be right a rain again." Sam replied before sending her vines toward the couple.

"If you mean acid rain then you are right Gothy, but for now… Danny get us out of here!" Harley replied before Danny teleported away.

"There is no place on this planet you can hide! I am everywhere!" Undergrowth replied only for Sam to frown.

"Father he isn't in the human realm. He must have gone into the ghost zone." Sam said with disappointment in her voice.

"Don't worry about it daughter he will be back. If there is one thing we all know about him he has a hero complex and he will stop at nothing to free this town from me. So all we have to do is wait." Undergrowth replied with a smile.

"He is right about that Sam. Soon we will have him and Harley right where we want them." Pamela added.

Pandora's realm

Danny and Harley reappeared in the center room of Pandora's realm, and upon seeing it Harley could help but whistle due to it's massive size. Unfortunately for her it also attracted Pandora's pet Cerberus who from the looks of things wasn't in the mood for strange company.

"Heh heh nice doggie." Harley replied only to get a growl from the mighty dog.

"Cerberus calm down we aren't here to steal from Pandora. Don't you remember me?" Danny asked while flying over to the giant dog and scratching it under it's three chins.

Harley watched as the giant three headed dog went from angry beast to giant teddy bear and couldn't help but be astonished.

"That's a good boy!" Danny replied in a playful tone while Cerberus continued to wag his tail like a puppy waiting for his master.

"Who is out there?!" Pandora's booming rage filled voice asked causing Cerberus to run and Harley to worry.

"Danny are you sure this place is safe? Monster three headed dogs are one thing, but the owner of that voice sounds like she is extremely scary." Harley replied worried only for Danny to smile.

"She might sound extremely scary but buried deep underneath all that rage and anger she is truly a kind and thoughtful gal who just so happens to be one of my allies." Danny explained as the raging Greek ghost made her appearance.

Upon coming out of her bed chamber Harley could help but feel like she took a major blast to the past upon looking at Pandora. The woman stood 30 feet had four arms, and blue skin. She wore a golden battle helmet, has flowing pink hair went all the way down past her behind and was very wild and untamed. The Greek dress she had a mixture of black in the chest to stomach area, light gold and dark gold color for the rest of the dress.

Sensing two other presences in her realm Pandora looked down with a harsh glare causing Harley to once again look worried. However upon seeing that one of the guests was in fact Danny her expression softened.

"Pandora sorry to come unannounced like this, but my world is once again under attack due to Undergrowth, and seeing as I had to get my girlfriend's to safety I choose your realm over Frostbites." Danny explained earning a frown from Pandora.

"So this is your girlfriend? I didn't think you were into blue skinned vampires who lack modesty but…"

"Now hold on a minute Greeky, I might not be dressed modestly, but I only dressed up like this because I was taking my man out to a costume party!" Harley replied completely forgetting her fear from a few moments ago before turning to Danny. "We have to save Gothy, Red, and the rest of planet. She is my best friend and I don't want to lose her!"

"I know, my best friend is under the control of that freak as well. But my ice powers aren't working like the last time. Plus with Pamela and Sam who are both plant experts on his side it is going to be that much harder to stop him." Danny replied not liking the situation.

"And it is not like I could beat him with these anti-plant marbles Joker made. While I have 90 more left on me, they won't be enough."

"Maybe, not if used the way you used them, and depending on how strong they could weaken him enough for me to beat him…"

"Oh no you don't Danny we are doing this together! I am not taking the chance of losing you to his Red wannabe." Harley replied.

"That goes double for me, minus the romantic sense of course. Besides if you are going to do what I think you are going to do you will need a distraction, which I can very well provide." Pandora replied.

Danny was about to protest, however seeing the 'note the serious face' looks on both Harley and Pandora he relented knowing he wouldn't win.

"Fine you win. So here is the plan." Danny started before explaining what he had in mind.

Human Realm at this moment 3 hours later

Amity park couldn't have been worse to wear. Undergrowth, Pamela, and Sam had rounded up the remaining humans within the town including their family and friends and like the first time wrapped them into plant pods to ripen them up to feed to the carnivorous plants.

Undergrowth seeing Sam to the left of him, and Pamela to the right of him couldn't help but smile seeing as he finally had what he wanted. Truth be told while he did want the world to become an urban jungle of plants again, he had also wanted a family to carry on in his work with. It was the main reason why he had taken over Sam, and given her some of his powers the first time around. At first he was pissed off that he had failed thanks to his daughter's crush, but now he couldn't have been happier. Because now he not only had his daughter, but his green skinned plant loving queen as well.

It was just at this moment that Sam felt a presence come back into their little kingdom and a smile appeared on her face.

"Mother, father, the Quack is back, and she has brought company." Sam replied earning a smile from Pamela and Undergrowth.

"This is true daughter, but I don't feel that little weed in our garden of life that stopped us the first time around." Undergrowth replied with concern.

"It has to be some sort of plan. If so he reminds me too much of my own goody two shoes from my own home." Pamela explained.

"It matters not my queen. As long as his ice powers can't harm my roots he has no way of stopping me let alone the two of… AH!" Undergrowth replied as he was struck with several fireballs and lightning bolts.

Pandora not letting up on the assault made the skies rain with her lightning sending several more bolts at the overgrown plant ghost causing several fires to be set to his roots. Unfortunately for Pandora Undergrowth transformed his roots into a (1) blue gum eucalyptus which in turn repelled the flames.

"Foolish Greek ghost, you can't harm a being who can not only regenerate, but convert himself into any species of plant they desires!" Undergrowth boasted.

"Pandora, those are blue gum eucalyptus plants. They are resistant to heat normally but under his power I am guessing they made him fire proof." Harley replied from the Greek ghost's shoulder earning a slight smile from Pamela.

Sam seeing that Pandora was messing with her father, summoned her plant powers and send forth several (2) sequoias plants and proceeded to cause them to sprout and cover the entire area where they were fighting.

"Father I have covered the area and sequoias plants. With these her fire and lightning powers are useless!" Sam explained causing undergrowth to smile.

"In cause you don't know sequoias like blue gum eucalyptus is fire proof. Your best bet would be to surrender." Pamela explained only for several ice energy disks to hit Undergrowth causing him to freeze up.

"Ha I was right! While you can change your resistance, you can't keep up both!" Danny screamed as he fired several more ice beams at undergrowth only for Pamela to block with several (3) winter Jasmine plants to block the cold.

"Nice try Danny, but you won't win even with your plan. Me and Sam can block whatever you can throw at us with the correct plants for the situation." Pamela said in a condescending tone.

"However, if you surrender now, I will convince mother and father to let you live. It isn't too late Danny, surrender to us, leave the quack to mother, and rule with me." Sam replied once again only for Danny to shake his head.

"Surrendering to that overgrown piece of cabbage and that traitor to humanity? Never going to happen! I would rather be fed to the 'children' than surrender to them!" Danny spat as he charged yet another beam of energy at Undergrowth not only scoring a direct hit, but shattering the ice encasing him. "Pandora use your fireballs now!" Danny replied while firing his ice beam.

Sadly for the halfa Sam hearing this summoned her frost resistant plants to block Danny's ice beam, while Undergrowth due to shifting towards his heat resistant form tanked Pandora's fire.

"You can't win Danny, we can counter all your attacks, yet you can do nothing to us. Just surrender and end your suffering." Sam replied once again only for Pandora to send more fireballs at Undergrowth.

Having had enough of these games the horrifying plant ghost summon several heat and cold resistant Piranha plants and vines. Pandora seeing the plants coming once again sent several strong beams of lightning at her opponent's servants, sadly even though they did catch fire, the plants were unaffected by the flames. Seeing that their elemental attacks weren't working Pandora and Danny opted for their regular energy attacks which unlike the others had some effect. Sadly for them the plants like Pamela, Sam, and Undergrowth regenerated as quickly as they were cut down.

"Danny this isn't working. With Red and Gothy helping him it is only a matter of time before we fall." Harley said dejected.

"Your blue skinned companion is correct child, and normally I would feed you both to the children. However, seeing as my queen and daughter have some affections for you I will let the two of you live if you surrender to us right here and now! However this will be my last offer of mercy." Undergrowth replied with a tone of superiority.

"Sorry but it isn't over until the fat lady sings, and I refuse to give up as long as there is the chance to win! I didn't want to have to do this, but it is either this or failure." Danny replied before taking a deep breath.

"Father while I know you can regenerate at a high level me and mother can't, and if Danny hits us with what I think his is going to use you will be queen and daughter less!" Sam warned before summoning encasing both herself and Pamela in extra durable (4) snake plant casings.

"Greeky what is Danny about to do that has Gothy worried?" Harley asked concerned.

"He is about to use is Ghostly wail. It is a powerful sound attack that can tear apart almost anything. Other than Pariah Dark himself none of Danny's other foes have been able to withstand his attack." Pandora explained before Danny unleashed his best attack.

As the extremely powerful sound waves exited Danny's mouth all the plants around even the toughest ones were ripped apart by the sheer power of his attack. Even the pods Sam placed herself and Pamela in began to crack quickly, and both Sam and Pamela had to work overtime in reinforcing the cracking shells of their pods in the hope of protecting themselves against Danny's greatest attack.

Undergrowth on the other hand wasn't so lucky and like the rest of his plants were torn apart like a wet paper bag. Fortunately for Pamela and Sam just as their shells were about to crack due to Danny wail the attack stopped with Danny looking dazed out. This was mostly due to the parasitic plants that drained the halfa of some of his powers as well as the energy used prior to wailing on his opponents.

No sooner did the wailing stop did Undergrowth regenerate himself while simultaneously Danny reverted back to his human form and plummeted out of the sky.

"Danny no!" Harley screamed as she watched her boyfriend fall out of the sky only to land in one of Undergrowth's thorny hands impaling him in the process.

"While I will admit that attack had a lot of power behind it, it couldn't do anything to a being who can regenerate himself! However, what you have done to the children with that attack is unforgivable!" Undergrowth hissed as he once again summoned one of his pods and placed the weakened and now bleeding Danny in.

"Father please leave his destruction to…"

"No daughter not this time! He has insulted our kind for the last time and must now be made an example of!" Undergrowth replied cutting off his daughter. "Now child any last words before your body becomes nourishment for our children?" Undergrowth asked only for Danny to surprisingly smile at him.

Undergrowth, Sam, Pamela and Harley gasped in shock when they watched the Danny Undergrowth had fade into nothingness. The two former were shocked because they had no clue he could do this, Pamela for the fact that she they had been tricked, and Harley because Danny never informed her of said plan.

"A duplication? Then where is the real ghost child..." Undergrowth never got the chance to finish his thought as despite not actually having one Undergrowth clenched his chest as if he were having a heart attack.

"It seems Danny's true plan has come into fruition." Pandora replied causing Harley to raise an eyebrow.

"What are you talking about? I thought the plan was to go all out and use your elemental abilities in hope for an edge." Harley replied.

"While that was part of the plan, it was also meant as a distraction to keep them busy so the real Danny could do the real plan." Pandora explained as Undergrowth started to wilt and turn black.

"Yeah the real me went inside of you viva intangibility and proceeded to use my powers to block off several of your plant arteries mostly the ones that sent your ectoplasm and chlorophyll to your major plant organs." Danny continued.

At this point in time Undergrowth grew so weak that all the plants, and mind control slaves he had broke free of his control leaving Sam with the feeling she had the first time around.

"Ugh what happened? Why do I feel like I took 500 shots of wheat grass without any of the wheat?" Sam asked finally free of Undergrowth's control and in her Gothic black and purple outfit only to look at the wilting Undergrowth. "Woah I haven't seen any of your enemies worked over this bad since the last time someone caused…"

"AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Undergrowth screamed as the majority of his form and vital plant organs exploded from the inside leaving him extremely weak as the rest of his offspring died with him.

"Oh did I forget to mention that I also encased the same anti-plant marbles within the blocked areas and had them set to explode?" Danny continued causing Sam to gasp in shock at the level Danny went.

"You… think you… have won child? My daughter… might not be… under my control… anymore, but… my queen fought… along side me… of her own… free will she… will avenge me!" Undergrowth said extremely weak.

"Danny now would be the time for you to capture him so he can go back to the ghost…"

"Sorry daughter… but I won't… be going back… there this time. That last attack was a lethal o…" Undergrowth never got the chance to finish his sentence as his form completely wilted and all but the ectoplasmic energy that was within Sam herself faded along with his consciousness.

It was at this moment that the people within the plant pods finally broke free of their prisons and upon seeing the wilted jungle along with Danny Phantom standing they cheered due to their hero's victory. However, Sam herself was not in the cheering mood. Sure she was freed from Undergrowth's control, however both her best friend and mentor in her eyes betrayed her.

Pamela for siding with Undergrowth willingly, and Danny for violating the pro-life beliefs. Before either could say a word Sam walked off in the direction of her house not bothering to talk to either of them. Danny was about to go after her when both Harley and Pamela stopped him.

"Danny while I am no mind reader or psychologist like my friend I can feel the emotions of plants and Sam's aura oozes feeling betrayed by the both of us." Pamela explained causing Danny to glare at her.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Pamela asked.

"I will talk with you about it when we are back at Harley's." Danny replied before looking at his ghostly friend. "Thanks for your help Pandora we couldn't have stopped him without you." Danny replied before grabbing both Harley and Pamela and teleporting away from the scene.

Gotham city Arkham Asylum 7 hours later

"Are you seriously going to do this Penny? While I want revenge against that plant bitch don't you think doing that is going too far?" Ember asked concerned.

"We want revenge, and so far no matter what we do that bitch and her friend seems to get better of us. So we need to turn the tide to favor us. Besides with this edge we are 100% grantee to not only get the drop on the two of them, but get rid of our other mutual enemy. So we have everything to gain and nothing to lose." Penelope explained trying to sway Ember.

'She does have a point the worst he could have done was kill us but we are already dead. Plus if Penny is right about this guy he will help us get our mutual enemy with nothing to lose. But still I would much rather have it be me, Kitty, and Penny then who she is going after. That guy is more dangerous than even some of baby pop's other enemies.' Ember thought to herself before nodding her head.

Penelope having a feel for the layout and knowing that the staff was ill prepared flew through the nut house unseen and unheard as she and Ember looked through each cell. On her way looking for the specific person they wanted Ember saw what appeared to be a pile puke behind an air tight seal, a while skin bald male in a cell that looked like the far frozen, and even a man who was talking to a wooden dummy.

'And here I thought I saw it all in my life and afterlife. These guys look even freakier than some of the rejects I know back in the ghost zone.' Ember thought to herself as she continued to look for the one she hoped would be there.

On Spectra's end she came across a man who was flipping a two headed coin, a man who looked like a masked wrestler but was a total shrimp, and finally a gray skinned reptilian man who in Spectra's opinion would fit in perfectly in the circus.

'It seems the local hero of this town has been busy if 6 of the most dangerous criminals of Gotham are all locked up here at the same time. But still where is the one we are looking for? I know I heard the guards say he was captured yesterday.' Spectra asked herself as she looked through the prison cells.

"Penelope these guys are giving me the creeps, and I am a ghost. Where is the person we are..."

"HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! You guys think you can sentence me to death by the end of tomorrow? No prison has ever been able to hold me for long!" Screamed an insane voice that earned a smile from Spectra.

"Don't tell me that..."

"Yeah we found our tool for revenge. Wait till they get a load of him back home." Spectra replied before grabbing Ember and flying towards the sound of the voice.

When the two finally got to the holding cell they were surprised to see the massive lengths they went to hold the prisoner in. Not only was he in a stray jacket, but he had chains around his legs, tranquilizer darts read to fire if he broke out of the former, and even knock out gas bombs ready to explode if he got passed the others. The guy in general had pale while skin that looked like he was spent too much time bleaching, green hair that went halfway past his neck, and blood red eyes that would scare most normal people. However, the most disturbing thing that Ember noticed was that his face has scars that made it look like he had a permanent smile on his face.

"Are you sure about this Penny? This guy looks like he doesn't play with a full deck." Ember asked in concern.

"Funny you should use card puns seeing as he is named after one. Ember allow me to introduce to you to clown prince of crime The Joker himself." Spectra replied causing Ember to actually snicker.

"That is his name? I mean seriously with a name like that how am I not supposed to think of him as a joke?" Ember asked causing the man in general to look in the direction of the voices he was hearing.

"I must really be cracking up! I am hearing voices of my Harley's old mentor and some other female." Joker said looking in the direction of the voices.

"For once Joker, you aren't cracking up. In fact I am quite happy to see you even if you can't see me. So tell me how have you been since I last heard from you?" Spectra asked making small talk.

"Not much, just robbing a bank here, putting some permanent smiles on people's faces there, and current I am now turning turning every redhead and blonde in Gotham city into human salad's or my personal favorite human pudding!" Joker said in a manic tone causing Spectra to raise an eye brow while Ember tried her best not to lose her lunch.

"He is kidding right? Please tell me he doesn't seriously turn people into salad's, or pudding." Ember asked causing Joker to laugh.

"Penny, your friend doesn't know me well because if she did she would know I am a man of my word! Heck one of the redheads I got just recently was the police commissioner's daughter Barbara Gordon! Oh I wish you could have seen the look on Police commissioner's Gordon's face when I sent a him large bowl of salad sprinkled with Italian salad dressing, the remains of his only daughter and a copy the video of me doing it for a fond memory! It was so funny that I wish I had a camera to record the expression on his face when he got my gift HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Joker laughed manically without the least bit of remorse for his crime.

Ember hearing enough finally lost her lunch and proceeded to vomit on the floor while Spectra who was used to joker's brand of mayhem as well as killing people held up better while making the area where Ember puked intangible.

'Can't have any evidence for his other half to follow when he learns of his escape.' Spectra thought to herself. 'But just to stay on his good side...'

"I am guessing he didn't like your joke did he?" Spectra asked getting an insane laugh from Joker.

"The swear the guy must have a 10 foot pole stuck up his ass. I mean seriously how could he not see the humor on me turning his one and only daughter along with every other redhead in Gotham into a salad, or me turning every blonde into human pudding? Guy got so pissed that he decided to execute me tomorrow evening for the world to watch and even put me in this 'escape proof' cell." Joker said using quote fingers.

"But guess what? As I said earlier no one has ever made a prison that can hold the clown prince of crime for long! But if they do and I am executed, I swear in the name of (5) Thalia I will not rest until that bitch Poison Ivy is tortured to within an inch of her life before killing her, and Harley is back in my grasp where she belongs! Oh the things I will do to her when she is back in my grasp will be the crown of all jokes! Just the thought of it get me excited HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Joker laughed manically not caring who was hearing him.

"Oh shut up Joker, you time is up! You went too far when you went on your killing spree of all the redheads and blondes in Gotham!" Another inmate spat. "But then again after your latest crime of turning a fine piece of ass like Harley into a dyke you deserve to die!" The nameless inmate continued striking a nerve with The Joker.

"Well I guess Thalia is smiling upon you Joker, because guess what? Not only are me and my girlfriend hear to bust you out, but we also want to put Harley back in your grip where she belongs. I propose we make an alliance. Not only will you be able to get your Harley and revenge on Posion Ivy, but also give you a new town that knows nothing of your special brand of humor. Best of all you won't have to worry about your other half coming after you just a snot nosed kid. So what do you say Joker, Want a get out of jail free card?" Spectra asked with a dark smile on her face.

If Joker hadn't already been insane in the membrane he himself would have thought he had gone nuts. It seemed too good to be true. Not only did Harley's old Mentor who was supposed to have been dead years ago come back, but she wanted to extended his life, give him a fresh start, and even wanted to make it where he got what he wanted back.

If he refused he knew his goose was nearly cooked unless by some miracle he pulled a Harry Houdini before the next evening. Seeing that he had nothing to lose and everything to gain the clown prince of crime smile a bigger grin than before.

"Spectra baby you got yourself a deal. Just get me out of here, so the show can go on." Joker answered smiling happily.

"Ember, crank the power of your guitar on max because I want you to use a permanent forget song on everyone in this place. We can't have the world's greatest detective ruining our revenge now can we?" Spectra replied smiling.

Complying with her request Ember cranked the power up to max and with one string of her cord hit the entire prison minus Joker, Spectra, and herself with a forget song completely wiping everyone's memories. Seeing that her work was done, Spectra became intangible and with one touch made Joker invisible and intangible before pulling him through the ceiling of his cell.

Outside of Arkham

"HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! I knew Thalia wouldn't let me down! Now with my newly gained freedom the show can and will go on!" Joker said with a cackle.

'While I wished it didn't come to this, as long as I get what I want in the end I couldn't careless about what happens. Heck he can lay waste to the entire town of Amity and leave them with permanent grins for all I care because that bitch Harley and her little boyfriend will finally get their just desserts!' Spectra thought to herself happily due to knowing she had the key to results.

'Penelope I hope you know what you are doing, because I am beginning to wonder was releasing this guy who would fit in perfectly with (6) ICP was the brightest thing to do?' Ember thought to herself before grabbing Penelope and Joker before disappearing into a whirlwind of flames.

Stage out

1 A plant that is can survive high temperatures without harm

2 A plant that is thrives in high temperatures including fire

3 A plant that can survive winter like conditions.

4 A plant from west Africa that has good durability

5 The Greek Goddess of Comedy

6 Insane Clown Posse

Sorry for the lack of update but I had some writers block with this one. I had a few other things planned for this chapter but I decided to cut them out for now seeing as they will be in later chapters. Oh and for all those who guessed that the other DC character I was going to use was going to be the Joker congrats you guessed right but then again it was obvious. Though I will give you one spoiler. The story if you haven't noticed already is going to take a dark turn of especially with the newest DC character joining the mix. Any thoughts comments concerns? Send them to me Viva PM or leave them in a review.