
Itachi arrived home. He was very tired.

His day had been hard but uneventful. In other words, frustrating.

He unlocked the door and opened it. His nose was immediately caressed by the soft scent of his wife's cooking. He smiled.

"I'm home," he called softly, only to hear the musical voice of Sakura replying, "I'm in the kitchen, dear."

Itachi hung his coat in the wardrobe and made his way to the kitchen. The beautiful pink-haired woman with whom he had decided to share his life with just a year before smiled at him. "Welcome home, dear. How was-?" But when she saw his face, she giggled lightly, while sighing at the same time. "That bad?"

Itachi sighed as well. "Yeah…" he admitted, while coming closer to Sakura to embrace her from behind. His arms went around her waist and caressed her body softly. She leaned into his embrace, perfectly content, all the while keeping an eye on the pot.

Itachi then released her from his arms, ignoring her protest with a smirk, and took some dishes to set the table. When they didn't have any guests, they usually ate in the kitchen.

While they worked together, they stayed in a companionable silence, occasionally smiling at each other when their gazes met.

Eventually dinner was ready. They sat down, enjoying the meal, and as usual, Itachi told Sakura that her cooking was fabulous. And as usual she blushed and smacked him lightly, mumbling that he just said that to make her feel special. He smirked and didn't deny it.

During dinner, Itachi told her about his day and she listened, giving him sympathy and understanding. Then he listened to her talking about her medical surgeries, and gave her the same attention.

After they had eaten, they washed the dishes together, engaging in small talk.

Then they went into the living room and sat down on the sofa. There was still some light coming from outside, and the room was still a little bright. Sakura curled in Itachi's lap, with her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. After a while, she had to stand up to close the curtains, and when she came back to sit on the sofa, Itachi was the one who put his head in her lap. She began to caress his hair, softly and caringly.

Being there, in his wife's arms, enjoying her love and her affection, Itachi felt happy.

He didn't know what he had done to deserve a peaceful, quiet and wonderful family life, but he was incredibly grateful for it.

He was sure he couldn't wish for anything better.

He was sure nothing could happen to make his life better.

"Itachi, dear, I'm pregnant."

He had been wrong.


I needed to write about some love and peace. This is what came out.

NOTE: this is not part of A Deal For Peace.

Thank you for reading!
