AN: Heyyy. Soooo, guess who said they weren't going to take a year to update but did? Yeahhh. Sorry about that. I've been leaving you guys hanging on that David cliffhanger for years, I know. I'm absolutely evil. As evil as they come mwahaha. But honestly it's taking this long because of two things. One, writers block. Oh how I love writers block, it's such a wonderful thing you know? All those frustrating hours of rewriting sentence after sentence and not know what to write next. Such a joy! But eventually! I overcame the beast! Yes I did it. But then came problem number two - I'm a bit of perfectionist. So it took a lot of time to make sure I got this chapter just right for you guys. You waited this long so you deserve a good chapter and luckily it a pretty long one as well. So enjoy :)

Btw OH MAH GAWD WE MADE 100 followers! Not gonna lie this really pushed me to finally get this chapter done. And again all your lovely reviews are amazing! They really do keep me motivated and give me a good dose of guilt to keep writing, so keep them coming! Such an amazing achievement you guys! I'm bloody stoked! Thank you so much xx :D

Anyway, here we go. Be forewarned, there's another pretty awful cliffhanger on this one. I can't help it, I'm just too evil mwahahaha,

Fear. It was a powerful thing. Depending on the person, on the situation, fear could bring out the worst, the ugly, the cowardly...or it could bring out the brave. David was currently teetering on that edge. His heart- hearts were thumping madly like a bass drum as he stared down at the dark fate right before him. Would he let this paralysing fear get the best of him? Or would David be one of the few that could use their fear as a power to rise up? Oh it would be so easy to panic, to go on an irrational tirade of trying to prove that none of it was real, and yet that would effectively do nothing but seal his death. David did not think of himself as a brave person, but death was a pretty big motivator and he would not let it claim him.

He had a family to get home to and David would do his damn best to find a way to get back to them. No matter what it would take.

With his decision made, the actor took a deep breath in, closed his eyes and clenched his fists at his sides.

"David." River Song called softly, the slightest hint of concern in her voice as she took a small step towards the frozen man. David's eyes snapped open at her voice and a sudden fierceness washed over him.

"Right." He asserted, turning to face everybody. "There's only one thing I can do. One chance to save us all, stop the Vashta Nerada and get us off this planet. And I'll tell you what, I am very very lucky. Do you want to know why?" He paused as he took in a deep breath, reaching into his pocket to grab hold of the sonic screwdriver.

"Because I am very good at what I'm about to do." He declared with fake confidence.

"And what exactly is that?" The curly haired Professor enquired curiously. With a fake smug grin and a strong determined face David answered her.

"I am going to be the Doctor. "

River frowned, not quite sure what he meant by that. She knew that David was a man full of surprises. He was stronger than what he let on, but this man right at this moment was only at the beginning of his journey. He had yet to grow into the man of whom she knew, a man who was so like the Doctor in many ways but in the same ways completely not. Now he was only an actor who had yet to experience all the wonders and horrors that the future beheld for him. He barely even believed the existence around him, so how on the suns of Gallifrey would he be able to be the Doctor?

"Professor Song, with me." He commanded, plucking the sonic screwdriver out of his pocket. River followed without any hesitation, although still confused on what David's plan entailed.

"Hang on. Just wait a minute! Since when are we taking orders from him? He was just ranting on crazy a minute ago and now we're gonna listen to everything he says?! Can we please not forget that this is my expedition!" Mister Lux vented out, frustrated and slightly frightened at the way this mission had turned out.

River stopped behind David and turned around to address the obnoxious man.

"I trust this man with my life and right now he's the only chance we have between life and death. So I'd do your very best to listen what he has to say. " She defended firmly.

David was taken back in surprise. She sure had a lot more faith in him than he expected. He'd understand if he was the actual Doctor, but right now he was only a man trying to fill in some shoes, some very very big shoes he might add. Not to forget that he was trying his damn best to conceal the fact he had absolutely no bloody idea what he was doing. He was completely winging it as he was going along, hoping for the best...and that truth scared him like no other.

"Right. It's time to get moving. This way!" David commanded in a rush, guiding the professor towards the little souvenir shop. As soon as he burst through the door he went directly to the terminal stand situated in the middle of the room.

"Now, this leads down to the computer core of the planet, correct?" David verified, not entirely sure if it could.

"Yes. It's only a short range teleport but it should be able to reach the core." She explained in her answer, trying to piece together the importance of all this.

David sighed in relief, glad that he'd assumed correctly. He handed out his sonic towards her, wanting her to take it.

"Good cos' I need you to go down there and save 4022 people."

River's eyebrows shot up into her hairline, completely baffled at this unexpected statement.

"I'm sorry, what?" She replied dumbly, needing more clarification.

David rolled his eyes and sighed impatiently, he wasn't exactly running on much time here.

"The library computer saved all the people that were here originally into the data core. I need you to go down to the main computer and figure out a way to retrieve them and beam them out of the system. Make sure to tell CAL that everything will be alright." He explained quickly, shoving the sonic into her hands.

"Who's CAL?" River asked, handing the sonic screwdriver back over.

"The computer. What are you doing? You'll need this." He insisted urgently, referring to the sonic screwdriver she just shoved back to him.

"Have you forgotten sweetie? I've already got my own toys." She retorted with a flirty smirk, holding up a screwdriver of her own.

"Yes. Right. Forgot about that. Anyway haven't got much time here. You ready to go?"

River stepped up upon the gravity platform, placing her helmet on her head.

"The question is are you ready, David?" She retorted back, a flirty smile concealing the concern she held for him.

David stared back at her in consideration. Was he ready? Did he really have what it would take to save everybody and be the Doctor?

The answer was very simple and yet most illusive. He didn't know.

He gulped down the ever rising nerves as he answered her.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

There was a moment when they both stared at each other, frozen in time as they realised how truly precarious the situation had become. David quickly turned away, unable to face the foreboding feeling he had. He glanced down at the terminal, a series of round nobs and switches laid bare before him. His eyes wandered around the panel in search for something familiar...something that he could...

"Well get on with it." River urged when the silence lingered. David's head snapped upright at the sudden interruption of his thoughts.

"Yes. Right. Of course..." He answered, his head nodding up and down like a bobble head as his hand scratched the back of his neck. He glanced down at the terminal again, his eyes darting back and forth between buttons and switches. " wouldn't happen to know which one of these...turn it on?" He trailed off sheepishly, gesturing towards the panel.

Professor Song sighed in exasperation. Did she have to do everything herself? Oh she just hated working with him so young.

"Hopeless." She muttered under her breath, marching over to where David stood and nudging him aside as she input the coordinates to the terminal.

"Right. Just switch that one there when I tell you to and it'll send me off. The data core you said?" River questioned as she moved aside and back onto the platform. David nodded in reply, taking note of the switch she said and memorising it to his best capabilities.

"4022 people are in the hard drive ready to be teleported out. CAL's doing her best to keep them saved but she doesn't have much storage space left. She's nearing her capacity..."

There was something he was forgetting, something that was itching at the back of his head but he couldn't quite figure it out.

"David...what about you?" River asked, genuinely worried about his safety. She honestly had no idea what he would do and she was beginning to doubt the trust she had in his abilities to look after himself. He was just so inexperienced...

"I...I'll figure something out." He answered vaguely, his confidence lagging slightly.

It didn't strengthen River's faith in him whatsoever. Yet, despite all this, the Professor still found herself nodding her head at him, accepting that his fate was in his own hands. There was only so much she could do right now.

"Right, you ready to go?" David asked once again, observing her readied stance. It suddenly occurred to David that he was practically sending River Song to her death. He hadn't thought of it before because he had been too absorbed in fixing one problem at a time. And now that he really had time to think about it his hearts grew heavier and heavier; he had no clue what to do about it.

All too soon David was questioning the decisions he was making. Could he really send someone essentially to their death? How could he let that weigh on his conscience? But what else was there to do? River Song said it herself, you have to let the timelines run its course. But so many things had already changed, couldn't he at least change another?

'You may have knowledge from your other universe don't know how to tell what's in flux and what's fixed...'

No he didn't. And River's death could almost very well be fixed. It was almost certain.

David sighed, his mind tormented as he looked down at the switch which would seal River's future.

"Yes. I'm ready." She answered confidently.

David smiled at her sadly, she had no idea of her fate; the fate he was leading her to. His hand hovered over the switch, but hesitated to turn it.

"Well then. Geronimo." He farewelled awkwardly although feeling it was apt. River smiled widely at the familiar word. It felt as if it had been ages since she last heard it spoken.

"Geronimo." She repeated fondly before being engulfed in a wave of light.

David's eyes lingered vacantly at the space she had just occupied. He couldn't believe he did it. He actually sent her to...what had he done?

"Oi Spaceman- I mean Doct- oh whoever you are!"

David's head snapped up immediately at the disturbance of a certain loud ginger.

"What the hell is going on?!" She continued. David just stood blankly, not sure what to say. Not that he could get a word in or anything anyway for Donna was quick to go on a much needed rant.

"First you say your not the Doctor. Then you say you are the Doctor and then bloody go off and run to god knows where! And what does having two shadows even mean? Is it alien? Is it dangerous? What can we do? What can I-"

"Donna! Donna." David interrupted, walking over to the red-headed companion and placing a hand on her shoulder. "Look I can't answer all your questions right now. And I know you must be confused and scared and god knows more but I haven't got much time. I know it might be asking a lot but I just need you to trust me. Just for now. And then later we can talk about all this, I promise. Can you do that for me?"

Donna looked at him earnestly, searching his eyes for something to reassure her. She was torn between her want of answers and her trust in her best friend. But was this really her best friend? Everything was just all so confusing and complicated, she didn't know what to think. Her mouth opened several times to speak but the words were never able to come out. The conflict battled within her on what to do. And then like a flick of a switch, her face changed into one of firm resolve. She had made her choice.

"Okay. Just for now. But that's it. I want my answers alien boy." She affirmed, determination set in her eyes.

David nodded his head, glad that he could settle those issues later rather than sooner.

"And you will get them. Soon." He answered her appeasingly before quickly grabbing her hand and heading back to the rotunda.

As soon as he and Donna entered the room, everyone straightened up from their positions, trying paint a picture of innocence. The expedition team shot troubled looks to each other when the professor hadn't yet returned, concerned about their missing teammate and weary of the two travellers.

"Where's Professor Song?" Anita questioned in worry. David began to answer her as he strutted to the middle of the room, looking up at the skylight to see how much time they had left before dark.

"I sent her to the main computer so that she could retrieve the saved people from the data cor- "

"But isn't that dangerous? What about all the shadows you were talking about?" Other Dave interrupted, eyeing David distrustfully. David's head shot down from looking above as his attention refocused onto the speaking man.

"Well you see-"

"Why should we even trust you? How do we even know that you're not a part of this somehow? I mean you're the only one with a second shadow." Proper Dave intruded in accusation. David winced at the reminder of his deathly situation and became very worried at the obvious dissension that was rising in the room.

"Hey, just wait a minute..."

"I knew it! I told you so from the beginning, he's part of this!" Mister Lux jumped in eagerly, ignoring David completely.

"That doesn't make sense though. He said that the shadows hunt by attaching themselves to your shadow. Why would the shadows kill him if he was with them?" Anita counteracted logically. David sighed in relief at that. At least someone was on his side...

"Exactly. Thank you. Now that we have that under wraps..." He continued on but was once again interrupted by Proper Dave.

"But you have been the only one with the knowledge of these shadows. It only makes sense that you're connected somehow. And you were here before us. Who knows what you were doing before we arrived..."

David growled in frustration. He didn't have time for this.

"Just because I have knowledge about them doesn't mean I'm with them for god's sake. If you had knowledge about donkeys I wouldn't assume you were an ass..." David snapped sarcastically rolling his eyes. "...or then again maybe I would." He scorned, his eyes piercing directly at Proper Dave.

"Doctor. Not helping." Donna chastised through her teeth, elbowing him in the side as she observed Proper Dave's spluttering.

"Why" The offended man squawked indignantly, struggling to provide a witty retort to David's blow.

"Okay that's enough!" Anita interrupted before anything became too out of hand. Things were already going completely off the rails as it was...

"Quit this nonsense! It's not gonna do us any good." She affirmed eyeing off all her team members, lingering slightly more onto Proper Dave.

David nodded in approval, a grin slowly growing on his face. Oh was he liking Anita more and more.

"I completely agree. See if only you'd all just listen for one sec-"

"Don't even start mister. You're the one that's started all this in the first place. If it wasn't for Professor Song, I'd not have one inch of faith in you. I trust her with my life, so if she says you're good then you're good. But if anything happens to her, anything, you'll regret it for the rest of your continued existence. That is a promise. You got it?" She threatened with deadly conviction.

David swallowed the slowly rising catch in his throat as his eyes remained glued to the woman's intimidating glare. If he'd thought guilt couldn't weigh any heavier, then he was wrong. He nodded his head jerkily.

"Yep. Crystal clear."

He quickly turned away from her analytical look, afraid that his guilt would be revealed all too easily.

"Good. That good enough for everyone?" Anita verified determinedly, making eye to eye with every member of her team. It was a heavy moment of pause but eventually everyone nodded their heads in consent of trust, although hesitantly. She gave a resounding nod and then turned to the man of which they all agreed to risk their lives for at the moment.

"Now...what do we do?" She queried David earnestly, giving the reigns back over to him. He nodded in gratitude at her help and then straightened his face in determination.

"First, I need another chicken leg." He commanded. Anita nodded, turning to Other Dave and giving him a look that said to follow what the actor instructed. Other Dave obeyed without question and went rummaging into his lunchbox in search for some meat, too afraid to meet the wrath of the fiery woman.

David sighed a breath of relief, glad that the drama was over...albeit there was still some lingering tension in the air. It was laced with the darkest grips of humanity, a cold chilling sensation that of which none could escape - unbounded fear. They were absolutely terrified.

They had every right to be, David suddenly thought. He could understand why they had been so defensive and wary of their trust. Here they were facing death itself and they had no idea whatsoever how to deal with it. And all they had was the help of a complete stranger; a stranger whom had no evidence to show that he was even in a sane state of mind. It was a bloody petrifying situation. Anyone would be blind not to see that.

"Here. I don't know how many more we have left. It could be the last." Other Dave informed in concern, handing what was left of the chicken over to David.

He took it gratefully and thanked him sincerely before turning around to face the shadows. It was time. He took in a deep breath as he realised that it was now or never. This was the deciding point of his plan, to see whether he shall live and have the chance to see his family again...or die.

"What's it for?" Donna questioned quietly, her head tilting in the direction of the chicken leg in his hands. David looked down at it for a moment in thought, fiddling with the chicken nervously before looking back up to answer her.

"It's to make sure that the Vashta Nerada are still in the room." He responded heavily as he finally let out his deep breath. Donna watched in confusion as he knelt down to the floor at the edge of the light and threw the chicken out to the shadows. They both froze chillingly as they observed the meat get instantly vaporised to the bone.

"Didn't you already do that earlier?" Donna asked, her eyes unwaveringly fixed on the carcass that was left over from the piranhic air.

"I had to double check they were still here. They're a very fickle bunch. Might've decided to follow River Song. But I guess all the meat in here is too tempting..." David explained ominously, warily eyeing off the second shadow attached to his own.

"Meat as in..." Donna trailed off fearfully for confirmation. David stared long and hard at her in answer and then indicated his head into the direction of the others in the room. A shiver ran down her back as the truth settled down into her stomach like a slab of concrete.

"Right." She whispered, gulping down whatever remained of her confidence. It wasn't like she hadn't already known. The Doct- whoever he was, did explain it beforehand, but it only really hit home until now - they were in incredible danger. Deathly danger...even more so than usual. Donna could only hold onto the hope that they would make it out of this mess just like all the other times.

"So...what's the plan?" She asked matter-of-factly, getting straight to the point before she could let her doubts get the better of her. David stood up from the ground and let out a deep sigh.

"Well...I'm gonna have a bit of a chat with the shadows."

Donna snorted in disbelief and David looked down at her funnily, surprised at the quick reaction.

"What? That's it? What are ya gonna do, invite them over for tea or something?" She joked good-naturedly.

David shook his head and let out a half-forced laugh at her attempt of humour, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. But all too soon it tapered down into a strict line as his demeanour changed into one of rigidness

"No. If only it were that simple." He mumbled stoically.

He eyed the line between darkness and light, his toes only just centimetres away from the all-consuming shadows. His double heartbeat pounded loudly in his ears as he clenched his fists in preparation. He did his best to let the mask he was so desperately trying to keep, stay into place on his facial features. On the outside he was a man of complete confidence, sturdy and fierce. On the was a different story altogether.

"I'd like to address the Vashta Nerada. The entity in the shadows. I know you can hear me..." He started off strongly despite having to fight against the tremors that wanted to leak into his voice.

"What is he doing?" Proper Dave not so quietly whispered to Anita. She shushed him before he could interrupt David once again. There was no need to create another ruckus and it's not like she could answer him anyway - she had as much a clue as anyone else in the room.

"I understand that these are your forests and we have disturbed them and I am sorry. I truly am sorry for that. We all are. It was all a misunderstanding. I get that. But in no means does that allow you to use us as your meat." David glanced at the shadow behind him, resisting the shiver that was trying to crawl up his back.

"And before you go on thinking that these are your forests, your meat yada yada should know that all I'm trying to do is save you. To save us all."

He took a moment to observe all the others in the room. He could feel their gaze burning into his back as he was talking. Their fear, the tension- it was so palpable he could almost smell it- actually he could smell it. A rattling concoction of cortisone, adrenaline and perspiration releasing into the air and it was practically attacking his senses. It was distressingly distracting. He shook his head and cleared his throat before he could let himself become too overwhelmed.

"You see, in just a moment, CAL is about to activate the self-destruct sequence. BOOM! There goes the planet and everybody on it. No chance of survival." Everyone startled and shot concerned looks to each other, panic just nearly bursting over the edges. But David paid no mind and continued on.

"So hypothetically, if you kill us, you're dooming yourselves to the same fate. But..." He

paused dramatically for emphasis. "If you let us live- give us a day, just one day to save the people stuck in the computer drive and let us leave this planet. Then, we will stop the countdown sequence and prevent the planet from exploding, leaving you and your forests in peace and more importantly alive."

Again, silence lingered on as David allowed what he'd just said to sink in. The actor, although feeling as if anything and everything could go wrong at any moment, knew at least that he was well-skilled in what he was doing now. Every word that came out of his mouth was both clear and direct, as if already calculated or practiced. This here was his element - acting. For many years he had refined the arts of articulation, emotion and performance. He had played this character- hell been obsessed with this character since a wee child. So if there was one thing that David knew how to do, it was to become someone he was not. To become the Doctor- or at least bluff his way through it...

"Don't believe me? Oh but that is a big mistake. You are very much in danger. Big big danger. Trust me, you don't want to ignore me. You don't have the time for it." David strutted around the edge of light, his gaze intent on the darkness as he tapped his wrist mockingly. An alarm blared suddenly, startling all the occupants in the room. They murmured to each other in terror, well aware what the sound of that particular siren promised

"Autodestruct enabled in twenty minutes." The monotone voice of the computer alerted.

Everyone froze, as if cold water had been thrown down their backs. Well, everyone but one...

"Ha." David laughed in mad satisfaction. "That is brilliant! Couldn't of timed it better." He happily proclaimed.

Mister Lux ever so confused and frightened, went up to David in a mad dash.

"What on Earth are you doing?! You're gonna get us all killed!" He yelled into the face of the cheerful actor, unnerved at the blatant nonchalance displayed by the man with the fate of destruction.

"No. I'm going to save us all. Weren't you listening?" David clarified, brushing the trembling man aside. He had no time for another quarrel.

"Okay, where was I? Oh right! So there we are, as promised! Death in twenty minutes. Total annihilation let us go. I think that's a pretty good deal don't you? I would take it. Don't you think they should take?" David turned to Donna conversationally. She looked like a deer in headlights but nodded anyway, going along with whatever he had planned.

"Yeah I would take it. It's such a generous offer, you want to know why?" David stepped up, his eyes like fire and ice; cold yet burning.

"Because I am the Doctor. I'm a 900 year old Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey. Protector and destroyer of worlds...and I do not give second chances. This is your chance. Your only opportunity. You've got the entire library database in your hands. The Doctor. Look. Me. Up."

David's eyes never strayed from the darkness, intently watching for any changes, any signs. If he was being honest with himself, he had no idea what would happen. One of the many flaws in his plan was the fact that there was no way for the shadows to communicate back. He hoped for some kind of sign or indication, anything to show what the Vashta Nerada were thinking- to know if they accepted what he was offering...or whether they were just intent to kill them all regardlessly. In the show it was different. The Doctor was able to get the Vashta Nerada to use the voice's of the people they killed. He was able to convince them to give him time. David did not have that luxury.

Would they believe his act? Would it be enough to frighten the flesh-eating species to let them go?

Unfortunately there was only one way to find out.

"Doctor." Donna broke the silence, walking up to the very still man. "What happens now?" She asked quietly.

David didn't even flinch, still frozen in place - his mind running to a thousand different places.

"Dave. Other Dave. No more chicken left I suppose?" He asked out of the blue, ignoring Donna's question. Dave straightened up suddenly at being called out and then quickly rummaged through his bag to get the lunchbox. He paused once he opened it.

"No. Sorry sir." He replied once he saw salad only, no meat.

David sighed in resignation, his eyes closing and shoulders slumping ever so slightly.

"Of course. Should've known." He muttered wryly. He took a deep breath in as he prepared himself for the unknown fate that awaited him.

"You didn't answer my question." Donna stated firmly. David took a quick glance back to make eye contact with the concerned woman.

"No I didn't." He replied with a swallow, the fear in his eyes most likely very prominent. Donna hesitated once she saw them, her heart pumping adrenaline through her body. It was not often that she saw such panic in the Doctor's eyes...and it absolutely terrified her.

"What are you going to do?" She almost didn't want to know.

"I have to know whether the Vashta Nerada have accepted my offer or not...and there's only one way to do that."

David stepped even closer to the darkness, just the slightest movement and his skin would be touching the shadows. Donna sucked in a breath as she realised what that step indicated.

"No. You can't." She protested, grabbing his arm and pulling at it. David's hearts' pumped so loudly that he wouldn't be surprised if Donna could hear them. He stared down at her hand, yearning to be able to let her pull him back, but he knew what he had to do. There was no turning back.

"I'm sorry. It's the only way." He earnestly replied, his eyes glazed with tears that wanted to fall. He had to be brave. He didn't want to be but he had to be. He gently pried her hand away and turned his head around.

"No! You can't know. You can't possibly know if they'll let us go." The frantic companion persuaded in borderline panic.

"No. But I at least have to try." David reaffirmed, trying to convince not only her but himself. His mind desperately tried to keep hold onto the tethers that controlled his body, tightly restraining it from running away. He couldn't just give up now.

The actor firmed up his resolve, his shoulders tensing and his fists clenched.

"Okay. It's time." He whispered.

Fear. It could bring out the worst, the ugly, the cowardly...

Or it could bring out the brave.

David took one step forward...and then darkness consumed him.

AN: I have no regrets ;). Soooo, because I've not been he greatest updater and because I left you on that ending, I decided to give you guys a bit of a treat. So here is a sneak peak of the next chapter. Enjoy :)

Georgia stared down at the phone in her hands, concern washing through her as she contemplated what had just happened. She tapped onto the favourited contact, bringing the phone up to her ear. Her hand drummed against the side of her thigh as she listened to the droning ring, hoping dearly that he would pick up.

A voice answered and Georgia immediately perked up.

"Hey, I know you're probably busy but I need to talk to you. It's about David." She paused as the other person on the line asked what was wrong.

"Well David, well he thinks he's the- well I know it's going to sound mad, but he actually believes he's the Doctor. And it's not like some joke or prank or something, he actually believes it. It's like he's gone mental! I don't know if it's stress or the baby or- or something else. Honestly I just don't know what to do..." Georgia blurted out in distress, her hand rubbing her temples to try and rid of the upcoming headache she was feeling.

"Don't worry darling, I'm already on my way to see you. I'll have a chat to David once I get there. I'll see what's going on."

Georgia sighed in relief.

"Thanks Dad, I guess I'll see you soon."