Hello! Seems like everyone enjoyed the last chapter and I'm glad that you guys are excited about this (possibly) brief return. Thank you so much to those who read the new chapter and much appreciation to those who left a review. Here's part two, which is M-rated in the beginning. So let's get to it, shall we?

Only a couple of days before what was likely to be historically named "The Christmas Eve Dinner From Hell, Which Shouldn't Even Take Place But James Wants Everyone to Get Along and I Love Him So I Would Do Anything to Make Him Happy Just Like He Does for Me". Long title but it gets the point across. And just in case this dinner goes all bad like I think it will, I've had to spend all week sexing James just in case I had to hold out while being pissed at him for this stupid idea.

Adrenaline still pumping, Idina had asked Walker's sitter to stay overnight before she and James started the clumsy journey to his bedroom, leaving a trail of clothes on the floor all the way to his bed. Idina left in nothing but her panties, James' warm mouth kissing all over her chest, was the cause of many moans. Taking a hard nipple into his mouth, James let his hand wander down into her panties, his fingers going straight to the source of wetness. He felt Idina's hand on the top of his head, pushing it towards the throbbing between her legs, which was always a dead giveaway that Idina was beyond in the mood.

It was one of those nights.

He followed her silent command and removed her panties, which were damp with her arousal. James kissed his way to his destination, but the forceful hand still on top of his head was telling him that his fiancée was in no mood for sensual sex.

As soon as his tongue sturdily licked a path from her entrance to her clit, her hand took up residence on the sheets, gripping them, and her mouth wouldn't allow anything other than "Oh!" to escape. As James' tongue went to work on the swollen pink nub, Idina's free hand landed on her breast, nipple still wet from James' mouth. She looked down at him and made eye contact when he looked up at her. He knew that drove her wild.

She was disappointed for a millisecond when the licking stopped, but then she felt the sucking commence. James had taken her clit into his mouth and began sucking, knowing she wouldn't last much longer after that. And he was right. After going back and forth between licking and sucking, he heard a chorus of moans and curses fall from her lips. As she was coming down from her high, fingers still playing with her nipples, James slipped out of his boxers.

Finally getting her breath under control, Idina rolled over onto her stomach, perfect ass looking just right for James. She looked over when she heard James rambling through his nightstand drawer.

"I'm waiting." she said, biting her lip.

"I…uh, no condoms."

"Don't worry about it. I haven't missed a pill."

Neither of them trusted Idina to remember to take the pill every day so they used condoms every time they were together. So this took James by surprise because a baby wasn't in the plans within the next year.

"Are you sure?"

"Do it before I change my mind." Idina said with a sexy grin followed by a moan once James climbed back onto the bed and positioned himself over her, his left stretched out on her left side with his right leg on the other side of her.

She slightly lifted her butt when she felt his hand grip it, placing the tip of his penis at her entrance. Just having him behind her was driving her mad and so was the anticipation. They simultaneously released salacious moans when he slowly and fully entered her. James placed his left elbow on the bed, pushing his upper body up while sliding in and out of Idina's deliciously wet center.

Every sense was heightened. Every small pleasurable thing didn't feel small at all. Every time he pressed into her, the engorged pink nub between her legs pressed against the bed. Every "Oh fuck.", "Mm. God." and everything in between was urging James to speed up the pace, moving easily thanks to her arousal. He leaned down, kissing her mouth the best he could. The both of them doing a sloppy job and taking breaks to moan when they couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Make me scream like you did the other night." Idina said, half begging and half commanding. "Make me scream." she moaned more desperately.

James was more than excited to give Idina what she wanted, what she needed. Idina felt his body pressing against hers before she felt his left hand snake its way to her still sensitive clit and his right hand gripping her hip. His fingers making sturdy circles on her clit and pounding into her, he could feel her core start to tighten around his member. James lifted himself on his knees, bringing her hips with him, staying inside of her, and his fingers still doing their work.

"Oh shit!" was only the beginning of Idina vocally expressing her appreciation.

James took the instruction to make her scream very seriously. And nothing sent him crashing over the edge like hearing Idina being sent over hers. After they both caught their breath, they laid next to one another, Idina's head resting on James' chest. She could only hear his steadying breath and heartbeat until he spoke.

"Just trusting in the pill, huh?"

"Only for tonight." she answered, looking up at him. "Because I've been craving you all day. And I'm not finished."

It was most definitely one of those nights.

Damn near too exhausted to get out of bed the next morning, James and Idina woke up and said their goodbyes to one another before Idina left to go back home. Walker had fallen back asleep on the couch after breakfast, which she was thankful for. It gave her time to shower and get dressed, call the caterer and confirm the menu for tomorrow evening's dinner, and get a little rest herself. But all that was running repeatedly through her mind was how wrong things could go.

The next morning was a little better. Taye had come over and spent time with her and Walker, who was beyond excited to show his dad the stocking that was made for him. Taye also had to tell that the dinner would go just fine. She had a two o'clock show and once she got to the theatre, the dinner was the last thing on her mind…until James brought it up and ended up having to calm her down again by telling her the dinner would go perfectly.

"Walker, no dinosaur pajamas at Christmas Eve dinner please." Idina said, she herself still getting dressed. "I put your clothes on your bed. Put them on."

He wasn't happy about it, but he did as she said.

I pray to whoever will listen that this goes great. I love James and I know it would mean a lot to him for Jacqueline and me to get along. I know it made me happy once I saw that he and Taye liked one another. This will be fine. As a matter of fact, I can't wait to see Jacqueline.

A knock at the door pulled Idina from her thought.

I didn't mean that. Please don't let that be her.

She went and opened the door, seeing the face of the person whom she would absolutely need tonight. She gave James a kiss and led him inside, shutting the door behind them.

"I'm freaking out." she admitted.

"It smells really good in here."

"I know. They brought the food and set it all out before leaving. Did you hear me? I said I'm freaking out."

"I heard you and to be honest, you didn't have to tell me in order for me to know. But I also know that you're freaking out for nothing."

"Says you." Idina responded, rolling her eyes.

Her attitude didn't have much effect on James anymore, only making him laugh.

"It's not funny." she whined, his laughter now bringing a smile to her face. "I'm so nervous it's crazy."

"There's nothing to be nervous about." he reassured her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "You look very beautiful by the way."

"Thank you." she said, bringing their lips together. "You look mighty handsome yourself."

Before she could kiss him again, she saw Walker out of the corner of her eye and it took everything in her not to laugh at the fact that he had his dressy clothes on under his pajamas.

"I changed clothes."

"I see." Idina said, giggling. "But could we maybe lose the pajamas all together, Walker?"

"Let's go get handsome and make your mom happy." James suggested, picking Walker up and taking him to his room.

Idina was about to walk back to her room and finish getting ready, but she heard another knock on the door.

Please don't be her.

Idina slowly walked to the door and opened it.

"Merry Christmas Eve." Taye greeted.

"Thank you." she said, hugging him and inwardly jumping up and down with excitement. Not because it was Taye, but because it wasn't Jacqueline. She planned on letting James do the honor of letting her in.

"Let me go get Walker and hopefully he doesn't still have his pj's on."

Idina went to Walker's room, releasing a breath of relief now that Walker had changed clothes.

"Awesome. Now both of my men look very awesome." she said with a smile. "Someone's waiting to see you, Walker. Go see who it is."

Walker ran out of the room before she even finished her sentence, already knowing it was his dad that she was talking about.

"Have you calmed down now?" James asked as he stood up from Walker's bed.

"Just a tiny bit." she answered before she heard a knock at the door, which threw that tiny bit of calm right out of the window. "That's her."

James laughed at the fact that Idina was whispering as if Jacqueline was standing only a few feet away from them.

"That's also Oliver and you like him, don't you?"

"Of course I do." Idina replied.

"Well, he's also on the other side of that door so let's go open it and have an awesome dinner." James said, giving her a quick kiss and grabbing her hand.

The smile on her face quickly disappeared before a forced one took its place when she saw Jacqueline standing in her living room.

"I answered the door. I hope you don't mind." Taye said.

"Of course not. It's nice to see you, Jacqueline."

"Hi, Idina." Jacqueline greeted in a much nicer voice than the one she had the first time they had met. She smiled when she saw Oliver reaching for his dad.

"Hey, kid. Come here." James said in a playful voice, taking Oliver into his arms.

"I hope everyone's hungry because there's tons of food that I worked hard…ordering."

Everyone laughed including Jacqueline, which made Idina feel like the night was starting off on a good foot. Now that her guard was slightly lowered, a real smile graced her face and she was ready to give getting along with Jacqueline a real chance. That ended up being a great decision because everyone had a great time during dinner. Idina, James, Taye, and Jacqueline laughed and talked together and had more than a fair share of wine.

Hours went by quicker than they noticed and no one seemed ready to say goodbye. Walker was asleep in his bed and James had left to walk Taye downstairs to catch a cab, both of them a little past tipsy. Idina walked from the kitchen to the living room, where Jacqueline was rocking Oliver to sleep. She sat her almost empty glass of wine down on the side table before taking a seat.

"I guess we should get going."

"Oh, no. You can get him to sleep first." Idina offered.

There was a bit of silence before Idina decided to say something that was on her mind.

"I really do appreciate you coming tonight. It meant a lot to James and it meant a lot to me. I really do want us to get along."

"Idina, I owe you an apology." Jacqueline admitted. "When I met you, I was rude and you didn't deserve that. You haven't done anything but love James and I've loved him so I should've understood. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I get it. I have an ex-husband and a son too and I know that I am very protective of them. I wouldn't want to see them hurt, but I promise you I will never hurt James. I will love him and Oliver. I will love them enough to work hard at us getting along."

Jacqueline smiled. "I really do appreciate that. It means a lot."

They had found their common ground when they saw one another with their children. Seeing Walker interact with Jacqueline and Oliver joyously giggling with Idina opened their eyes. Their children saw things in an innocent but honest way. They were in each other's lives and they should be thankful for it. Jacqueline kissed Oliver's head softly as not to wake him.

"Alright, guest number two. Let me kiss the kid goodbye." James came in and said, walking over to Jacqueline and picking Oliver up as both Idina and Jacqueline stood.

"Thank you again for coming."

"Thank you for the invite. I really did have a great time."

Might as well go for it.

Idina walked over to Jacqueline, both of them going into a friendly hug at the same time.

"I'm going to walk them downstairs. I'll be right back." James said, bundling Oliver up.

"Okay. See you later, Jacqueline."

Jacqueline waved goodbye before putting on her jacket and walking out in front of James. Idina sat and finished her glass of wine, too tired to get up and pour another. She slipped out of her shoes and sighed, relaxing and pondering on well the night went. She felt herself slipping into sleep by the time James came back in.

"Is someone tired?" he asked jokingly.

She had a sleepy grin on her face and answered without even bothering to open her eyes. "Someone is very tired."

Her eyes jerked open when she felt James lift her up bridal style and she let out a giggle. Once she got over the surprise of it, she rested her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck. They undressed and climbed into bed, perfectly comfortable in each other's arms, sleep hitting them both before they knew it.

So we started with some smut and ended with some family love. I say that makes for a pretty good chapter. Lol! So there's part two! I hope everyone loved it. Tell me what you thought by leaving a review. Now it's time for me to do some serious thinking about continuing the story or not. Either way, I hope you all enjoyed these two chapters. I for sure enjoyed giving them to you guys. HAPPY HOLIDAYS and I LOVE U!