A/N: I'm watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and I'm crying because Dobby.


On November 1st, the Wizengamot held the trial of Albus Dumbledore. It was closed to the public; however, a small mosquito found itself clinging tightly to Lucius Malfoy's dress robes. He sat in the seat of Lord Malfoy as Lord Gaunt sat beside him. Lord Rhodetheus Lestrange, father of Rodophus and Rabastan, sat opposite.

The Dark Lord had glamoured himself and claimed the seat rightfully after hearing that the Wizengamot would be trying Dumbledore for his heinous crimes.

The room went silent as one of the most renowned wizards of their time was led in wearing shackles. He seemed far frailer than they'd seen him before - but Voldemort knew why.

He'd been away from his precious Hogwarts for far too long. It was Hogwarts itself that provided him power and vitality. As Headmaster, he was keyed in to Hogwarts itself and could tap into her power. Not many knew it, but Hogwarts was sentient. She could feel her students and staff, and connect with the Headmaster or Headmistress.

The headmaster was seated in the middle of the room and felt all eyes on him. He swallowed audibly in such a situation. Albert Runcorn, the Chief Warlock in his place, began immediately.

"Albus Dumbledore, you are hereby charged with with the following crimes: endangering a Wizarding childe, negligence of a Wizarding childe, possession of exactly 297 Dark artefacts, uses Dark Spells, and Uses of Dark Potions. In response to these charges, what say you?" Runcorn barked. Dumbledore smiled benevolently.

"Why, not guilty of course, my dear boy!" he cheerfully declared, though his smile didn't quite reach his eyes. Runcorn gave a small snort and motioned for the prosecutor to begin.

Sterlin MacDonald stood, crisp black robes automatically smoothing themselves. He walked to a small table and held up a small recording device.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the Wizengamot, in this trial, I will not only show you today why our beloved headmaster is not only guilty of these charges presented, but also why he is the darkest wizard of our times. In my hand I hold the recording device used when Professor Dumbledore was questioned with Veritaserum. Ladies and gentlemen, please watch closely." he stated matter-of-factly.


The members of the Wizengamot were appropriately horrified when the video ended. MacDonald smirked smugly and motioned for the defense to begin their rebuttal to the evidence.

"I request Dumbledore be questioned with Veritaserum once more!" defense attorney Monroe Davids demanded loudly. The man in question was about to disagree until Llewelyn Shacklebolt stood and demanded the same. The elderly man's jaw was forced open and Veritaserum was administered.


The barrage of questioning ended at long last. All members of the audience were shocked that their dear Headmaster could do such things. Runcorn banged a gavel against his desk in an attempt to regain order.

"Order! Order, dammit ORDER!" he shouted above the noise. Eventually, the noise died down enough that Lucius could stand and speak without screaming or casting a sonorous charm.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he began silkily, "I believe we have heard enough, and can begin voting. Shall we?" he sat back down as Rhodetheus stood up to second his motion.

"All in favor of a guilty vote, please raise your hands!" Runcorn announced. All but six hands rose.

"All opposed?" those six hands rose.

"I believe we have a verdict! Albus Dumbledore, you are found guilty on all charges. Shall we proceed to the sentencing?"


After several hours and arguments over the sentence, it was decided in a majority vote that Albus Dumbledore should receive the Dementor's Kiss for his crimes. An uproar ensued as he was dragged away, shouting.

Lords Malfoy and Gaunt shared self-satisfied smirks and promptly proceeded to the Apparating chamber, where they returned to Draco and Harry respectively, eager to see the children they so loved.


A/N: Very short chapter but it had to happen!