A/N: So, I don't know where this idea came from. Really, I don't. This is just...strange, rather frankly. Voldemort was not actually killed when the killing curse rebounded on him. It did in face remove his soul from his body, but he easily found a way back with the help of his Potions Master and second in command. He holds no grudge against Harry and instead wants the child on his side. For every birthday Harry has, Voldemort sends him a gift useful to help him with the hurt the Dursleys cause until he turns seven. When Harry turns seven, Voldemort himself comes to collect the boy and make him his heir. Smart!Harry, Dark!Harry, eventually SSxHP.


"He must be left with his muggle relatives, Minerva. For the greater good. He will be taken care of, and when he joins the magical world, we will be able to guide him. You must trust me, Minerva." Albus Dumbledore told his Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall as they left one year old Harry James Potter on the doorstep of 4 Privet Drive with nothing but a warming charm to defend him from the damp chill in the air. Minerva looked at the child of two of her former students sleeping peacefully in his bassinet, scar still fresh. It honestly made no sense. The Killing Curse never left a mark. So why did this child have a lightning bolt shaped scar. She shook off her thoughts and turned to the trusted headmaster.

"I trust you, Albus, but don't you think we could at least wake his relatives so he could be warm, instead of just laying out here all night?" Minerva questioned, concerned for the Boy-Who-Lived's safety. All throughout the wizarding world, cheers were going up for James, Lily and Harry Potter. The former two gave their lives for the sake of their son and the wizarding world while their son killed the mot evil wizard to exist since Grindelwald. Her friend and fellow Hogwarts employee shook his head.

"This will be enough, Minerva. This will be enough. For the greater good." Albus murmured and cast a quick tempus. The time read 3:41 AM. The Dursleys would wake in approximately four hours and find the small orphan on their front step with a note explaining his presence as well as James and Lily's deaths. Albus patted the Transfiguration professor's shoulder and disapparated. Minerva cast the small child a final backwards glance before disapparating herself.


Today was July 31st, 1982, otherwise known as Harry Potter's second birthday, the first he would celebrate without his parents or godfather. Instead, a pure black raven swooped down the chimney as the clock struck 12:01, flying directly to the cupboard that housed the savior of the wizarding world. Even as a baby, he lived in the small, cramped closet in a small, musty crib. The raven phased straight through the locked door, carrying a small package. It dropped the package and ripped it open with his sharpened talons, revealing a green blanket and pacifier. The bird placed the blanket around the child and the pacifier in his tiny mouth before flying back off to its owner. The next morning, when Petunia came to feed the birthday boy, she shrieked in surprise, horse-like face contorting as she realized a wizard must have come to give her nephew gifts.


On July 31st, 1983 dawned on 4 Privet Drive, Harry Potter awoke in his small, dirty bed to find a package waiting for him. Knowing it wasn't from Aunt and Uncle, he excitedly ripped the green paper off the box, discarding the note because he couldn't read. When he opened the box, his mouth formed an "o" of pleasure and shock. He had a coloring book and crayons just like cousin Dudley! He looked deeper into the box and found...a toy car! And it zipped around by itself! Magic must be real! But...who would give him such gifts? Freaks don't deserve gifts. Aunt and Uncle taught him that he was Freak and Freaks do not receive nice things.


A newly four year old Harry sat weeping in his cupboard, holding his wrist to him. He'd burned it on the stove after Aunt tried to make him cook. But he was too short to see what he was doing and badly burned his hand. Uncle had been angry that his dinner had been delayed and refused to help a crying Harry, instead sending him to dinner without supper. As Harry fell asleep, he could've sworn he saw movement in his small cupboard, but that was impossible. His cupboard was locked from the outside with several locks so that he couldn't sneak out at night to get food. He was naturally shocked when he awoke the next morning to a small green package lying innocently beside him. He tore at the paper with his good hand to find some sort of lotion in the box. He read the outside of the container, saying it was a magical healing cream for burns. Harry applied it to his hand and wrist and gleefully watched as the burn slowly faded, along with the pain. He internally grinned when his aunt and uncle stared shocked at the hand that had been burned only the night before.


As the clock struck midnight on July 30th, 1985, soon-to-be five year old Harry Potter counted down sixty seconds until his birthday "officially" arrived. He waited to see if his mysterious gift-giver would send anything this year as they had in the past. He gently stroked a small spider that crawled along his bed, covering himself with his thin, ratty green blanket. When he looked up next, he was face-to-face with a large raven, holding the same emerald green package he received every year. Carefully, as to let it know he meant no harm, he held his hand up, cooing to the bird.

"You're pretty aren't you? I'll bet you're from my gift-giver. I'd feed you, but I myself haven't been fed in two days. It's horrible living here, you know? I wish I could leave, but I'd have nowhere to go!" Harry mumbled to the raven as he untied the strings from its talons, leaving it free to go. It let out a soft caw, which was shushed by Harry, and flew through the door. Harry quickly read the note attached to the box.


I am sorry you cannot know me yet. You'll have to wait, but one day, I will extract you from your relative's grasp. You and I are not so different, child. I will take you as my own and you will never know pain and hunger again. I hope you enjoy your gifts, my little raven, and I will see you as soon as possible.



Harry didn't know who this "TMR" was, but he must be a very kind person to say such things. He tore into his gift as he did every year and found not only food, but also books. He had to control himself to keep from crying out happily. He loved to read, even if he had to read the books Dudley threw out. But these, these were books of his own! Now, only to find a place to hide them so Aunt won't stumble onto them when she got him up to do his many chores.


A six year old Harry sat waiting for his yearly gift. He'd been waiting since midnight, but the raven he'd seen last year hadn't come yet. It was nearing two AM and he was getting tired. He yawned and stretched, rubbing his eyes after he finished. When he sighed and opened his eyes again, he found the raven sitting silently on his bed, staring at him with intelligent beady eyes. Harry gave the bird a smile and pulled the package from its talons. This box was slightly different from the previous years. It was tall instead of square and seemed to be padded. Harry carefully opened the top and pulled out a vial of a blue liquid. The note attached explained its purpose.


I have discovered that you have trouble with your vision. Please, take this potion. It will correct your eyesight. You will no longer require glasses. I had my own potions master brew it, so I can guarantee no harm will come to you by taking it. Drink the entire vial before you go to sleep and when you wake, you will be able to see clearly without the assistance of your spectacles. Happy birthday, child.


Harry didn't understand many of these things, but he sat the vial on his bed beside his pillow. He pulled out a bit of bread he'd been given for dinner that night and broke off a piece, feeding it to the raven before it took off through the door once again.


Harry sensed this birthday would be different as he sat on his bed contemplating. He felt strange. He'd turned Aunt's hair purple earlier when she'd made him mop the entire house because his birthday was the next day. He sat in his cupboard with no supper for another night. But this time, he had two other punishments. First, he got a beating from Uncle. This was a typical occurence, but it always got worse around his birthday. Uncle said it was his "gift." Secondly, the lightbulb was taken out of his cupboard. So Harry sat shivering, pulling his tattered blanket closer to him. He didn't mind heights, dark spaces, even bugs, but he was terrified of being left in darkness.

The rustle of wings brought Harry out of his thoughts and alerted Harry that his raven had arrived once more. This time, it was carrying a rather large package. Harry excitedly climbed out of his bed and sat by his door where a crack of light existed. Aunt and Uncle left the light on in the hall in case Dudley had to use the bathrom in the middle of the night. They didn't want him to scare himself or trip and fall in the dark.

The attached note read:

Dear Harry,

It is time. Tomorrow, I will be taking you from your dastardly relatives. Expect me at approximately ten AM with one of my associates. His name is Lucius and he will assist me in getting you settled. He has a son your age and I believe you will get along. Please wear the clothes I've given you and pack everything you own in the bag I've included. My little raven, you will be free! I hope this is a welcome birthday gift.


Harry quaked in excitement. The raven, which was still sitting on his bed, tore at the wrapping around his gifts, revealing a bag and very soft cloth, upon inspection. Even the light at his door wasn't enought to see, so he'd have to wait until the next morning when he was allowed to use the restroom. As the raven flew from the room, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to sleep.


A/N: What do you guys think thus far? I think either next chapter or the chapter after, the motive for attacking the Potters will be revealed. Thank you in advance for the reviews and such!