A/N This is it guys. The last chapter. Read it slow and take it all in okay?!

Starfire and Robin had just finished lunch when Robin got the call from Beastboy. In seconds they were all piled into the T-car and racing downtown. This was their chance to get everything sorted out. Mumbo had fixed his wand and made his appearance, now all that was left was to convince him to change them back. Robin already had several ideas of how we going to approach this when Cyborg spoke up.

"Yo Robin, I gotta tell you something about Mumbo. I ran into him a few days ago…" Cyborg paused to let that sink in. It took a few seconds for Robin's mind to catch up.

"And you didn't tell me? Or even bring him in? Did he get away or something?"

"No actually, I talked to him and we struck a deal. If I could find the pieces of his wand he would change us back. The only issue is… I sort of told him that we wouldn't take him if he did it."

"Why would you make a deal like that?!"

"It seemed like the best option at the time! It don't matter anyways, he's going against the deal by attacking first." Robin took a deep breath.

"Let's worry about getting ourselves back in the right bodies first." It didn't take much longer before the car pulled up to the business district of downtown. Mumbo was standing proudly on top of an oversized ATM machine waving his wand and allowing chaos to ensue. Beastboy and Raven were in the center of it all. A whirlwind of money was swirling around the pair like a green tornado. Beastboy was using his telekinesis to pull sections of the storm to the ground but new bills would quickly take their place. Raven was trying to fly out of the storm but was attacked by a volley of coins every time she made the attempt. The two didn't seem to notice the storm of money was getting tighter and tighter around them. Robin, Starfire, and Cyborg all leapt out of the car and assumed attack positions.

"Titans, go!"

"Mumbo, we had a deal!" Cyborg shouted.

"There's been a slight change in the show!" Mumbo aimed his wand at Cyborg and unleashed three large metal rings which wrapped themselves tightly around the half-robot. Robin took the opportunity to fly up behind Mumbo and kick him to the ground. He wasn't expecting the Mumbo he kicked to the ground to be made of cardboard. He heard the characteristic snicker from behind him and quickly turned only to spray back a large amount of water. Robin landed on the ground with a thud, drenched in water, but quickly recovered. He saw Raven and Beastboy were now tightly wrapped together by thousands of dollar bills. The only thing visible was their eyes and up. Starfire ran over and pulled out her birdarang and began trying to cut the money away.

Cyborg, having freed himself from the metal rings, aimed his sonic canon at Mumbo and fired. He hit the magician and sent him flying back into the brick wall of the building behind him. Mumbo slowly got up but Cyborg and Robin were on him before he could move. Robin grabbed Mumbo's wand and Cyborg grabbed the lanky Magician by the back of his collar.

"It's over Mumbo, change us back and your punishment won't be as bad as it could be."

"What makes you think I'll actually do what you want?"

"Because if you don't you're going to be spending so much time in a jail cell you'll forget what the sun looks like." Robin's eyes were now glowing emerald green through the mask he had on his face. Mumbo shrunk back, obviously intimidated by Robin's threat.

"Alright, alright… I'll do it." Cyborg set Mumbo back on the ground but kept a hand on the man's shoulder to keep him from going anywhere. Robin handed him back his wand cautiously. Mumbo waved the wand and the swarm of money around Beastboy and Raven dropped lifelessly to the ground. The two fell apart from each other and quickly got to their feet and joined Robin and Cyborg; Starfire was right behind them. Mumbo, still looking a bit upset, waved his wand and uttered the famous incantation.

"Mumbo Jumbo!" A strange sensation came over Robin's body and his vision slowly faded to black.

Starfire awoke shortly after she blacked out, and sat up cautiously. A new burning sensation was present all over her body. She looked down at her arms and saw that they were actually her arms, although a bit red. She flew into the air and did a twirl out of joy and excitement.

"Glorious! We are normal!" She pulled the mask off her face and helped the others get up.

"Finally." Raven pulled her hood up and stood a bit back from the group.

"I missed my body! And my powers! And being a dude!" Beastboy looked like he was going to start crying he was so happy. The cops soon arrived to take Mumbo away. Nothing was said over how the Titans seemed to be back in their correct bodies. The team piled into the T-car and headed back to the tower. Starfire, now feeling a bit sore, decided to rest in her room for the remainder of the day. She didn't realize that she'd fallen asleep until a light knock on her door scared her awake. She sat up quickly and then regretted it as the pain in her arms and legs made itself present to her.

"Come in." She said weakly. The door opened to reveal Robin. It was relieving to see Robin as himself and not as her anymore, although she couldn't deny that she had sort of enjoyed being in Robin's body for the last few days.

"Hey Star, how ya feeling?"

"I am fine." Starfire attempted a smile but the look on Robin's face told her it wasn't working. "I am not sure how you fought in this condition. It is most uncomfortable."

"I suppose the adrenaline made me ignore it." Robin stood there for a moment, looking at her.

"Is there something you need Robin?"

"Oh uh… the others are gonna go out and get pizza and I came to see if you wanted to go?" Starfire wasn't feeling the best but she felt that she couldn't miss the opportunity to spend time with her friends in celebration.

"I most certainly would!" Starfire slowly got up out of her bed and joined Robin at the door. Together they rode to the pizza parlor where they often went for celebrations. They ordered the usual and sat around talking about the week. Beastboy and Raven discussed their part of the deal with Mumbo, which Robin sat through with an unhappy look on his face. Everyone seemed very content to be back in their own bodies. The conversation lasted until about 8 at night when the Titans finally made their way back to the tower.

"Regular training will resume tomorrow so get some rest everyone." Robin made his way to the gym to work out. Beastboy and Cyborg excitedly grabbed controllers and began playing a video game while Raven quietly observed from the edge of the couch. Starfire watched the two play and did her best to cheer at seemingly appropriate times. After about an hour she decided to head up to the roof.

It had been a very strange week and a lot was on her mind. She felt that she had learned a lot about Robin and that he was being more open with her. She was having a harder time ignoring some of the feelings that she was beginning to feel for him. She found a good spot on the roof and laid down to get a good view of the stars. It was a very clear night and so she could see a lot of the stars. The view on Earth was never as good as the view on Tamaran, but she liked it nonetheless. She wasn't out on the roof very long when she heard footsteps behind her. She sat up and turned to see Robin making his way onto the roof. His hair was a bit disheveled from working out and she couldn't help but think he looked very cute like that.

"Whatcha doin out here?"

"I came here to do some thinking of course."

"Mind if I join you?"

"I was actually going to go back to my room, I am very tired from today."

"Ok well I'll walk you back." Robin held the door open for Starfire and walked with her back to her room. She paused at her door and turned to face Robin.

"Sleep well, friend Robin."



"I… I wanted to tell you… I like you Starfire."

"I too like you friend Robin?" Starfire was not sure why he was sharing this with her.

"I… I mean that I like you… as more than just a friend." It was beginning to dawn at Starfire what the boy wonder was getting at.

"Oh I… I too feel in that way for you Robin." Starfire was doing her best to contain her excitement and not stumble over her words. She had been hiding these feelings for years and now Robin was finally admitting to her that he felt the same way.

"I was wondering if you would be my… girlfriend." Starfire let out a small squeal of excitement before pulling Robin into a bone-crushing hug.

"Of course Robin!" Robin mumbled something that she couldn't quite understand and so let go of Robin. He paused to catch his breath before smiling at Starfire. The two stood there awkwardly, not entirely sure what to do next.

"Um… goodnight Star." He turned to leave but Starfire grabbed his hand and pulled him back to her. In one swift movement she pressed her lips to his in a kiss. She pulled away smiling and Robin had a slightly dazed look on his face.

"Sleep well Robin." With that she entered her room and closed the door behind her. She couldn't believe that it took switching bodies to finally get him to admit that he liked her.

A/N Sorry for the cheesy ending, I suck at endings. I didn't really want to make the Rob/Star and BB/Rae stuff happen on the same day but I just was not able to stretch it out long enough so oh well. I hope you guys liked it! Thank you for sticking with me through this whole story! I'm considering doing a sequel or oneshot-recap eventually but don't expect anything too soon. College writing has put a bit of a damper on my creativeness and so I have been having a hard time writing lately. Thank you for all the positive reviews, I really appreciate the support! This is my first big story and so I'm glad to see it got so much positive feedback. That's all folks!