Mira: I don't really see Freed and myself together in the future.

Me: Oh you'll see.

Mira: I much prefer matchmaking not being matched.

Me: Well maybe it was time you were.

Freed: Hi Dawn-sama, Mira-sama.

Mira: *Blush*

Me: SEE! Oh yay by the way I do not own Fairy Tail.

They trekked for most of the day. Lucy didn't have a good feeling about this. Some strange magic was involved that was for sure. And to further prove her point the trees seem to bend around them and close behind them so that their trail would not be traced. The most unsettling thing about all of this is that every so often their was a flash of vibrate green in the trees as though someone was watching them. Astrid didn't acknowledge this so Lucy decided not to bring it up.

"Gray-sama. Are you happy for you will see Aqua-san again," Juvia asked while clinging to his arm?

"Juvia, you don't need to use sama. Just call me Gray. Wait are you clinging onto my arm. HELP!" Lyon suddenly appeared behind the pair and forced Juvia away from Gray. Holding her bridal style he sprinted away with a shocked Juvia. "Lyon get back here with Juvia!" Now Gray was left with Juvia's suitcase and his own satchel. He sprinted up to Erza and left them secretly on her wagon.

Now that he had his hands free he caught his way up to Juvia. Kicking Lyon in the groin Lyon dropped Juvia. She fell to the ground and landed with a hard thunk on the dirt path. When she looked back the boys they were fighting hand to hand and had yet to use their ice magic. Juvia slowly got up and stumbled to the front of the group.

The line abruptly stop as Astrid spun around on her heels. A dark glow emitted from her as she stared daggers at Gray and Lyon. The young mage signed and made some hand gestures to some nearby trees.

"Ice Make, Snow Cannon." A single wave of snow shot out from the trees directly at Lyon. It stuck him dead center just barely missing Gray. Shocked Lyon bolted back up and started to look for the attacker. Assuming Ultear did it to separate the two he rounded on her.

"Ice Make, Snow Tiger," Lyon yelled. The tiger formed out of thin air and charged at Ultear. Ultear with her back turned to Lyon and talking to Merdy she didn't see the tiger. Fortunately the tiger was intercepted by another snow cannon and thus never made it. Ultear however did see the after effects and immediately bashed Lyon on the head like U.I use to do. She also bashed Gray on the head for picking a fight during a vital mission to get one of his guild members back.

A figure emerged from the thickest part of the trees. Unlike Astrid she had no cloak on and it was clear that this was Aqua Fullbuster. She had a dark blue dress on similar to Juvia's but with the sleeves hanging off of her arms. She had pulled her hair up into a small bun at the nape of her neck with a bow on the left side of her head.

"Hello mother-sama. Father-san. Aqua is very happy to see you," Aqua spoke giving a small wave.

"Aqua-sama did they find out what year we are stuck in," Astrid spoke from behind her. Aqua spun around and nodded her head vigorously.

"Astrid-san. We are stuck in four years earlier than targeted."

"Thank you. But we will have to leave soon. I will take them back and we will jump ahead seven years so we can give the crushing blow in the war."

"Astrid-san. This is when they first start to rise. If we do some careful maneuvering we can end the war before it even beings."

"Good point. We should locate the seven tablets." Evergreen was starting to get impatient with all this waiting. She had always been a quick tempered kind of woman but waiting was one of the last things you wanted to make her do if not to ignite her quick temper.

"WHAT WAR! You owe us an explanation," Evergreen exploded! All eyes fell upon her and she quickly put her fan in front of her face to hide her blush.

"You owe us an explanation. Men. It is the least you can do Erza's daughter. Men," Ichiya commanded while sparkling. Everyone turned to see two fiery red-heads and one very pissed off Jellal. As if on some unknown spoken word they attacked Ichiya.

"Darkness Cage," Astrid hissed as runes ran from her fingers and bond Ichiya giving Erza an easy target to punch. Knock unconscious the rest of the Trimens ran to help him. He wasn't bleeding or had any visible injuries upon inspection. Jellal cautiously approached a now fuming Titania. He tentatively placed a hand on her shoulder and pulled her into an embrace.

When she had calmed down Jellal rounded on her daughter.

"How do you know Darkness Cage! That is Dark Magic," Jellal burst out!

"Mira-sama and Freed-san use Dark Magic," Astrid retorted her hands on her hips.

"That is different!"


"Because it is technically defined as "Dark Magic" though some consider it just magic."

"But it is still defined as Dark Magic!"

"It isn't truly dark! Darkness Cage was met to suffocate a person to death as its original purpose!" Jellal signed trying to release some of the tension that had built up between them.

"I learned it from the Magic Library's hidden cove."

"What hidden cove?"

"In the library. I call it the dark void. Simon followed me while I went there and well we learned some black art magic." Stunned Jellal merely stared at his daughter. The only other time he had learn't of this was with Ultear and how she learned Arc of Time magic. But she had told him in direct quote 'After we were finished the Grimiore Heart's master destroyed the tunnel there and sealed it shut with a dozen of complex spells.' To think that two of his children could potentially have the power to unlock the unnerved him. Only counter-spell mages could even have a remote chance at break all those spells. Well they could have gotten a Decrypt- a Decrypt is a tool that allows one to open locks and perform counter-spells if set on the right frequency of the lock or spell.

It would at least explain some of it. He had one that belong to the guild and it was possible that the two "borrowed" it and used it to get into the dark void and learn those spells.

Jellal quickly shook off these thoughts and proceed down the twisted tunnel of tree with the rest of the hoard. Astrid followed a bit later nodding to Aqua as she went. The tunnel closed up behind Astrid leaving just Lyon, Gray, Juvia, and Aqua in the clearing with no visible way to escape. Doing so created an awkward silent in the clearing.

Aqua was the one to break the tension by clearing her throat and doing so caught the adults attention.

"Lyon! Stop trying to court my mom! If you do it again I swear by the name Fairy Tail that you will regret it," Aqua yelled stunning all three adults. She quickly dashed off with the trees magically parting for her and the tunnel reopening for the others to follow.

"That was... unexpected," Lyon spoke.

"Lyon," Gray whispered.

"Yes Gray?"

"Stay away from Juvia, Lyon." With that Gray headed back into the tunnel carrying a stunned Juvia bridal style. Lyon just looked shocked, never before had Gray been so serious about protecting Juvia.

Sorry about the sternness of this chapter. But again I'm not one for humor stories. I'm not really humorous at all. And the story is a written version of the writer. In other words a story is a small part of the writer.

Oh and I posted a separate "story" with all the OCs' profiles in it. Also I might add some spells in there that I invented.