A/N: No excuses for the absolute lateness of this update, but I am sorry. Just as a reminder: This takes place four months after the battle with Badger's people. You may need to take some time to do a re-read, however, just the last two chapters should have you up-to-date as this arc is now shifted with the introduction of Jesus. Okay. Picking up where we left off. Enjoy!

"Michonne?" the man asked, looking stunned.

"I can't believe it," she offered, before rushing to embrace him. The group who had gathered looked on in bewilderment. Rick raised his brow and was speechless a moment, before he regained his senses. He did not like this stranger holding his wife. He stepped forward and placed a hand to Michonne's arm. She drew away from Paul and glanced at Rick.

"So, you two know each other?" Rick asked the obvious question.

"Yes," Michonne replied, her eyes still locked on the man known as Paul.

"Well, one of you needs to give me an explanation," Rick said, not affording either of them time to speak. "Before I end him."


The privacy that the Council Chambers gave was ideal for Michonne to explain how she had known the prisoner.

"It was not that long after the Turn," she offered. "We were staying at the same refugee camp. It was still pretty bad on the outside, but it was better. Things had finally started to fall into a routine. When the supplies ran low, Paul and I, plus a few others were the ones who'd go on runs."

"How long were y'all there together?" Rick asked as he eyed the younger man.

"A couple of months," Paul answered since the older man was staring straight at him. "When it was overrun by walkers, a lot of us were separated."

"That's right," said Michonne. "Most of us went off on our own. Others stayed together. That time was – rough."

Rick gave Michonne a knowing, sympathetic look, before turning his attention back to Paul.

"Where do you stay now?" asked Rick.

"I found another community." Paul explained, before turning to Michonne. "I'm glad you did, too."

She gave him a gentle smile and nodded her head. Rick redirected the question.

"This other community," said Rick. "Where is it? Why aren't you there now?"

"It's a few hours west of here," said Paul. "And I'm scouting."

"For what?" Rick asked.

"For friends," Paul proffered. "Looking for other communities to build alliances with. Where I live, we have food and medical supplies, but we don't have firepower. Our bullets ran out a long time ago. We're looking for other communities to trade with."

"Why'd you come here?" asked Michonne. "What have you heard about us?"

"Heard about this place from a few travellers," Paul admitted. "Said they passed by. You weren't really taking on any newcomers, which is understandable. Times are tough out there. It's smart to be resourceful. We figured, if you're being resourceful, you'd be open to trade."

"That's all well and good," said Rick. "But why'd you try to rob us out on the road?"

"I didn't actually know you were from this community," Paul said. "I ran into you on my way here. Robbing you was my way of being resourceful."

Michonne smiled a little, but Rick was not very impressed.

"What does your community have to offer besides food?" asked Rick. "As you can tell, we actually do alright with growing our own."

"Medical supplies," Paul added. "And access to a doctor. We also have a substantial number of people."

"We have people," Rick replied.

"I see that," Paul offered. "And a decent governing body. You're organized. That'll come in handy."

"For what?"

Jesus scratched at his creased brow and then asked Rick, "Have you had much to do with other communities out there?"

"Not a whole lot," said Rick, not wanting to show all of his cards. "Why?"

"Well, y'know how this community is organized, and so is mine?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"There are other communities," said Paul. "Other groups who have good numbers; strong fighters; who have firepower. And these other communities aren't like yours or mine. They don't stick to themselves and focus on living through this. No. They go out of their way to strongarm other groups. To take what they have. To lord over them. There are groups out there who would run through this whole community, kill people, take what they need. There are dangerous people out there."

"We're dangerous," said Rick, even though he was listening to what Paul had said.

"I know," said Paul. "But you're obviously good people."

"How do you know?" asked Rick.

"I know Michonne," he said, glancing to his friend. "And she wouldn't be here if you all were bad."

They shared another small smile before Paul said, "And I know you can take care of yourselves, but it's hard to find friends and allies in this world. And, quite frankly, we all need friends. No matter how dangerous or strong we are. Because there are stronger and more dangerous groups out there, just waiting to take what we've built; just waiting to claim what is ours for themselves."

He looked back at Michonne and added, "You know me, Michonne. You know what I'm about. I'd never come looking for trouble. I'm just here to try and bring our communities together in the interest of safety."

Michonne turned her gaze to Rick, who studied her expression.

"I know," she finally said. "I know you're a good person."

"People change," Rick interjected.

"That's true," said Michonne. "We've all changed. None of us are the same as we were at the beginning of all o' this. And the world is different. So, I can absolutely see why there's a need for us to branch out and work with other communities."

"You think we really do need to explore our options with forming an alliance?" asked Rick.

"If there's a chance to trade," said Michonne. "Then yes. And if what Paul says about others growing in power, and abusing that power, then we need a united front. We need friends."

"And you vouch for this guy?" Rick queried, as he tilted his head in Paul's direction.

"I do," Michonne replied. "We've been through a lot together, and I trust him."

"Alright," said Rick. "I trust your judgement, but I don't know him. I ain't been through anything with him, so, if this alliance is on the table, I'm gonna need to see his community for myself."

Rick turned to Paul and asked, "Can you take me to your community?"

"Yes," said Paul, glancing between Rick and Michonne. "Can take you there as soon as you want to go."

Michonne stepped closer to Rick and placed her hand on his forearm.

"Do you have to be the one to go?" she asked.

He placed both hands to her shoulders and took in her worried expression, before saying, "If I'm gonna agree to this; if I'm gonna be the one to agree to opening up our community, I have to see firsthand what the other group is offering."

Michonne sighed, and said, "So it has to be you?"

"Yeah," said Rick, offering her a reassuring smile. "It has to be me."

A/N: I know I left this too long, so if there's anyone out there who has read this update, thank you!

More to come.