Hinata woke up with a huge headache, she groaned as she looked around, eyes squinting. She rubbed her head as she looked around. " Where am I?" She muttered as she sucked in a deep breath, continuing to look around. The last thing she remembered was that she was with Naruto and he fell on top of her- wait. Naruto! He feel on top of her! Or was it a dream? She needed to find out, and she was going to find out now. Hinata pulled the covers off of her as she began to get up but sturdy hands grabbed her shoulders.

" Hey take it easy Hinata." A familiar voice soothed. Hinata turned her hand to see Kiba holding her shoulders. " K-Kiba?" She whispered with uncertainty.

" Hey you're awake!" A happy voice called out. Ino? Hinata recognized that voice anywhere. " Ino!" She said frantically, looking around for her friend. She needed to give Ino all of the details. Detention wasn't that bad, well it wasn't bad until she slipped on that paint.

" Woah calm down." Ino answered, walking into Hinata's view with a soft smile and a coffee mug in her hand. " Are you up to drinking some coffee, or no?" Hinata felt herself smile as she nodded her head eagerly. " Yes and I have to tell you what happened at detention!" She squealed, trying to contain her excitement.

Ino and Kiba made eye contact for a few seconds before Kiba nodded his head. " Okay, I'm going to leave you two alone. I'll be in my apartment if you need me." He said, leaving the room and shutting the door quietly.

Hinata glanced at Ino with a smile. " Okay, spill." Ino said with a giggle as she settled beside Hinata. Hinata giggled herself as she smiled at Ino, taking a small breath. " Okay so in detention we had to paint the locker rooms," Ino smirked at Hinata. " Funn."

" So," Hinata continued. " Naruto insisted we do the boys' locker room first. We had to paint it this blue color. He and I got in an argument about girls giving up easier than boys and stuff." Ino snorted at this before she waved her hand for Hinata to continue.

" I accidentally flung paint on him." Hinata said as she bit her lip with an innocent look before smiling and continuing. " And then we had a paint war and then that's when I slipped and fell down. And I could've swore Naruto fell on top of me too!" Ino's eyes widened. " No way!" She said before giggling. " So when you passed out was it because you hit your head or you fainted?"

Hinata took a deep breath as she thought about this. " I honestly don't know, but my head does kind of hurt." Ino studied her for a few seconds before a knock came at the door. " Well in that case you've talked enough and you need some rest. I'll go get the door too." She said with a wink before leaving.

Hinata didn't know who was at the door, she didn't find out either. Because by the time the person at the door came in she was already deeply asleep.

Tenten gave Neji a hard stare before grabbing her bag. " I'm leaving, I'll be back later when you can get your act together." And with they she was gone. We're in love with eachother, then why do we fight? She wondered, but it wasn't anything big. Tenten and Neji usually fought once every 3 weeks and it was never anything huge.

Tenten rubbed her eyes as she walked down the street, taking a deep breath as she pulled out her phone out of her pocket. " Who should I talk to?" She muttered as she fumbled through her contacts. " Temari is busy today. I heard Hinata had some fall or something and Ino's with her. Sakura, she's alone." She whispered to herself as she found Sakura's contact.

' Hey what's up? Can I come over?'

Tenten rested on a bench as she waited for Sakura to reply. It's Friday night and I have nothing to do. Hopefully Sakura will let me come over. She thought before looking back at her phone, waiting for Sakura's reply.

' Uh. I'm not really in the mood.'

' Come on Sak you can't get rid of me that easily. I'll be there soon.'

Whatever was wrong with Sakura she was about to find out. Sakura never really acted like this. Usually she was either angry or happy. Although today at school she did seem gloomy and didn't sit with Ino or Hinata.

When Tenten arrived at Sakura's house she put on a smile and knocked on the door. She was surprised when Sakura answered the door. " Where's your mom? Usually she answers the door 2 seconds after I knock."

Sakura just sighed. " She's gone on vacation with my dad, the house is mine." Tenten stared at her for a few seconds before frowning. " Come on Sakura tell me what's wrong so I can help you. "

Sakura grumbled as she made her way towards the couch, Tenten following. " I don't want help with it." She protested as she lifted her arms in the air with a frown. " It's nothing important."

Tenten sighed before nudging her friend. " Yes it is, just tell me. I won't judge." Sakura stared at her a few seconds before finally giving in. " Okay so you know that trip that the school is taking us on next week?" Tenten nodded her head wondering where Sakura was going with this. " Well we get one other partner, but I asked Sasuke to go with me and he said no that he wanted to go with a different girl. But whatever it's just some stupid trip."

" That trip isn't that stupid when we get a break from school, but did you say Sasuke wanted to be another girl's partner?" Tenten asked. Sakura nodded her head defeated. " That's why you're so sad.." Tenten said before bursting out laughing. Sakura jumped as Tenten laughed before narrowing her eyes. " What's the big idea?! You said you wouldn't judge!"

Tenten wiped her eyes before looking at Sakura with seriousness. " O-okay sorry sorry! It's just that you're getting worked up over something so stupid! I thought it would be like you're pregnant or something!"

Sakura narrowed her eyes at her friend before heaving and turning to lay on her side, arms crossed as nostrils flared.

" Okay," Tenten said gently, placing her hand on Sakura's side. " I'm sorry for laughing. And how about this, I'll help you get Sasuke to go on that trip with you so you guys can ride every single ride together. But you have to ride the Slingshot." Sakura's eyes widened as she glanced at Tenten. " The stupid ride that shoots you in the air and records you? No way! I'll look like a fool infront of Sasuke and I won't be able to stop screaming!"

Tenten fell back with laughter. " You have to or no deal! I want to watch the video of you riding it so badly!" Sakura scrunched up her nose before finally replying. " Fine, fine I'll ride that stupid ride. As long as you get Sasuke to rhe my partner. You get him to be my partner and you have a deal."

The corner of Tenten's lips curved into a smirk. " I'm going to make sure that boy goes with you. I've been waiting for ages to see you ride that Slingshot ride."

When Hinata awoke she instantly heard the voices of Kiba and Ino. " I want to talk to her when she wakes up." Kiba growled. " About what?" Ino asked with irritation. " Naruto obviously."

Hinata's eyes widened as she took a deep breath. Kiba wanted to talk to her about Naruto?

" Hinata are you awake?" Kiba's voice sounded from the doorway. Hinata considered pretending to be asleep but instead she nodded her head and replied. " Yes I am."

She took a deep breath as she watched Kiba enter the room. What did he want to say to her about Naruto? Did she even want to hear it? She began to recall the fight they had earlier today. Better question how did she even get back home? And what did the principal say about the mess they made?

" I have to talk to you," Kiba said, pausing as he neared my bed before continuing. " It's about Naruto."

And at that moment she knew she should've pretended to be asleep.

| What to look forward to in the next chapter; Will Sakura be able to pour oil over troubled water between two people? Suspicions are raised. Will mostly be in the POV of Hinata. A small part of it will be in Sakura's POV. |

| Down the road; A hint of what Ino and Kiba's secret is comes out. |

| I know I already posted today so that's why this chapter is shorter than the rest. I just wanted to get this chapter out of the way. :) and I'll be gone next week and this weekend on vacation but I'll try to update at least once, if not, then I'm very sorry.|