Okay, so it's my first fanfic, so don't judge me too harshly. Please read, or, or, or *smiles maniacally* I will set those weird lizard thingys, you know the ones that smell like roses, kill Finnick *sobs dramatically* those ones. You get the point.

DISCLAIMER: Sadly, I own nothing. Only Suzanne Collins does.

"Primrose Everdeen!" Effie Trinket called in her high, shrilly voice. It took me a moment to realize she meant me, and when I did, I slowly moved towards the stage, eyes staring at the coal dust-coated ground, not wanting the whole of Panem to see my tears. Katniss suddenly ran in front of me, pulling me behind her. What was she doing? Couldn't she see I didn't want to make a scene? I reached my hand up, pretending to wipe my nose, whilst wiping the tears from my eyes, before looking up to see the back of my older sister's head. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my face projected on a big screen, and I looked exactly like I felt: lost,innocent, in need of my mother and Katniss' reassuring words and hugs. The sound of Katniss' voice, firm and confident forces me to tear my eyes from the screen, so that I can look at my sister as she gives what I am sure will be a long speech.

"I may look like an unimportant teenage girl to you, all you artificial Capitol freaks, but I believe the point that I am about to make is very valid and important. You see, sending kids off to slaughter is inhumane, but sending a young, frail twelve-year-old girl to certain death is both shallow and monstrous, especially when her family has been through constant hardships." she pauses, both to let out a sob and to catch her breath, before continuing, "Prim's life was ruined by the death of her father at age seven, and I vowed that, from that day on, she would not suffer anymore! And here you are, getting ready to take her to some fancy arena where the whole country will see her unjust death on live television! All I can say is, your cruelty has been noted and the price for it is very high." I crumbled as soon as she mentioned our father's death, and now I am gripping Katniss for support, wailing screaming like a two-year-old.

"Well, now, I know that this is a shock to you, but, well, being chosen for the Games is an honor, and I am sure you will soon see that Primrose has been given the biggest opportunity of her life: the opportunity to - " Effie begins, and I want to puke due to the way she sugarcoats the Games, however Katniss finishes Effie's sentence for her.

"Kill people in the most despicable way, before dying a dreadful death herself." I still can't believe the defiance my sister is showing her, and I can't help but feel lucky that the Peacekeepers here are not the kind to reinforce the cruel laws that basically everyone breaks. Suddenly, I am fearful that her little 'speech' may lead to punishment, most likely a horrible experience in the arena that my sister will be, to her undoubted dismay, be forced to watch. I am, for once, thankful when Effie Trinket's shrill voice calls out, "Well, now it's time for the boys!" I use the time it takes her to pull out the fateful slip of paper to get onto the stage, where I wipe my tears away.

"Peeta Mellark!" shouts Effie, and, although I don't recognize the name, I can see the flash of recognition on Katniss' face, and a quick scan of the crowd of boys shows who is most likely Peeta. He looks to be my sister's age, and his blue eyes, almost matching to mine, are frozen in terror, but he tries to position his blond hair, yet again so like mine, to hide his fear, clearly not wanting to seem weak to his opponents that will undoubtedly watch the other Reapings later today. In all the buzz of Katniss' speech, I forgot about the recap of the Reapings, and now am ashamed of myself for looking weak on camera. But then I remember Johanna Mason, who won a few years ago, looked weak until towards the end of her Games, and I decide that I will play the same card.

As Peeta starts to walk towards the stage, hear two words that take a while to sink in, before I realize their meaning: "I volunteer," Gale's unmistakably rough voice shouts, louder than I thought it was possible for him to speak. Katniss' eyes grow wide in fear, before calming herself down. "I volunteer as tribute." Gale says.

It doesn't take me twenty seconds to realize why he did this. A) So that he could protect me in the arena, and to get me back home, even thought the cost will be his own life, and B) So that Katniss realizes his love for him that he suspects she has (It is no secret Gale like-likes Katniss, and that he wants her to feel the same way.)

Effie, who seems to have perked up due to the occurring of such a rare event says, "I believe we have a volunteer! Congratulate uh, um Mr. - "

"Gale Hawthorne" I say, and I can't help but look at him like he has just made the biggest mistake of his life, which in a way, he has.

Effie Trinket, whose hair is a brilliant pink, who makes me want to be sick at the mere sight of her, smiles at me, a real, reassuring smile, not a fake, staged one that she feels is mandatory. "Yes, Mr. Hawthorne, congratulations on being District Twelve's first ever volunteer!"

Gale smiles at me, though I only glare at him. Now with my older sister's best friend thrown in the mix, any shred hope of winning the Games, however small, has now been snatched away from me. I would never live with myself if I let Gale die, or, even worse, kill him.

"Well, I present District Twelve's tributes for the Seventy-Fourth Hunger Games: Miss. Primrose Everdeen and Mr. Gale Hawthorne!" Effie Trinket says, before ushering Gale and I inside. We have about an hour before we must say goodbye to our families and friends; an hour to cry all my tears. Gale takes my small, sweaty in his large, rough one and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

Note: I am a through and through Peeniss Everlark fan, and that is where I hope the story will go, but who knows. Other Hunger Games couples I like:

Haymitch + Effie = Effmitch Trinathy

Annie + Finnick = Annick Cresdair

Gale + Madge = Gadge Underthorne

Prim + Rory = Priry Everthorne

President Snow + Alma Coin (What, they're both equally evil, and both equally dead) = Presima Snoin

What are your fav Hunger Games couples? Maybe if you tell me them, I will use them in the story!

