Link took the Water Dragon's scale to mean that he had to go somewhere in the water. He went to the only spot in the woods with a considerable amount water and swam around. He couldn't help but think of the numerous times he and Zelda swam in the pond in Skyloft, not to mention how excited she would have been to get to swim in a new pond she'd be able to actually explore. Perhaps, maybe, she had already swam through here before him.

He noticed a hollowed out part in the ground that looked like a tree root had created and he swam through it. It was a particularly long underwater tunnel, and swimming in it did not comfort him at all. However, he noticed that as he swam, it took him a very long time to ever feel out of breath.

Maybe this is what the Water Dragon's scale grants? The ability to hold my breath for a long time. That's convenient…

After he had finally made it through the tunnel, Link came to a clearing. He swam above the water, looking up to realize he was in the middle of the Great Tree of Faron Woods.

"It's completely hollow," he mumbled to himself, in awe.

It took a while to scale the tree. He had to move past various (dumb) monsters to reach the outside branches through a hole in the trunk. After climbing from branch to branch, Link finally reached the top, where he noticed a sleeping kikwi.

"Master, I have spotted a new kikwi," Fi said as she popped out of the sword.

"Awh, he's asleep," Link told her.

"I suggest you wake him up if you want to find your next heading, Master," Fi replied.

Feeling kind of guilty, Link shot a seed at the kikwi, startling him.

"What's the big idea?" the kikwi cried, looking around for its waker. He spotted Link on the branch below him and oohed.

"A real life human! Haven't seen one of you in a while! I'm Yerbal. I'm a bit of a hermit you see, but I watch over this here forrest! That is, when I'm not nappin'," Yerbal chirped. "Now, I don't know how you wandered all the way up here but let me ask you something…can you really see me?"

"I…well, yes, I can," Link replied.

"Well give yourself a pat on the back, kwi! Most other kikwis can't even see me! Anyway, besides all of that, what brings you to these fine woods?"

"Actually," Link started, wondering how to explain his situation. "I was wondering about the whereabouts of a sacred flame."

"You need the sacred flame to enhance your sword? What ever for, human?"

"For Zel—for my friend," Link answered. "She was taken, you see. And I have to rescue her. But I have to enhance my sword before I can do that." Link begged the answer would suffice to the kikwi, since he himself did not have any more answers to what seemed like hullabaloo anyway.

"A sacred flame to save a dear one, hmm? How about that. Well, I'll tell you something if you can promise not to breathe another word of it to anyone, kwi!" Yerbal told him.

"On my word," Link held up his right hand.

"Alright, I'll tell you but remember—it's a secret to everybody. That flame you seek is Farore's Flame. That story begins long ago when the Goddess was still with us. The Goddess gave that flame to the Water Dragon who presides over Faron Woods. Evidently, she left the flame in the care of the Water Dragon so that one day the mighty dragon could pass it on to the 'one from the sky.' You see, I've got a hunch that the Goddess was talking about you, lad."

"That seems to be the word on the path," Link replied, scratching the back of his head.

"Then you must go find the flame and seek out the Water Dragon, young one!"

"But, how do I get to her?"

"Her lair is deep in a lake in the south of these woods. She watches over the flame there," Yerbal informed him. Link didn't like the words "lair" or "deep" very much, but he supposed he'd come this far.

"Alright, I suppose I'll head there. Thank you for all of your help," Link replied, turning on his heel and heading out.

"Oh, wait!"

Link spun around.

"Her Excellence, the Water Dragon, is VERY persnickety about manners, so be sure to watch yours! I've heard stories of folks who caught her in a fussy mood. They ended up as midmorning snacks, kwrk!"

Link gulped.

"That being said, don't tell her I told you about the flame! And remember, when you're in her hall, you'd better be on your best behavior and be a gracious guest!"

"Alright, I will," Link said before he waved and took off, trying not to think about what might happen.

It'd be a shame to have gone through all of this only to be swallowed by a dragon for not saying "ma'am."

Link made it through the gate to the falls in the south of the woods. A large stone bridge laid across the abyss to a the other side of the forrest that was a giant lake. He sprinted, held his breath, and then jumped straight off. Three giant waterfalls poured into the lake.

Zelda would lose her mind in here.

Link swam through the lake and found the tunnel that lead to the Water Dragon's hall after meeting a (frankly adorable) sea horse. After listening to her talk, Link found out that a supposed weirdo that he assumed to be Ghirahim brought in a band of monsters and attacked the Water Dragon.

"Is she alright?" Link asked once he was above water.

"She's healing now, but she needs more healing water. Maybe you can help her!"

"I can try," Link replied, worried that Ghirahim's power was strengthening faster and faster if he could take on a dragon.

Link reached a center platform that stood out of the water. He pulled himself onto it, not knowing what to expect considering he'd never seen a dragon. But when he got there, he was shocked. This "fierce fighting" dragon was small enough to fit in a tiny pot.

"Ah! You there, human!"

Link confusedly pointed at himself.

"Yes, you! You have trespassed into my sacred home! This is no place for one such as you, and yet here you stand! You will explain how you got here, and quickly!"

"I-I'm in search of the Water Dragon, ma'am," Link stammered.

"That is myself. Those with manners address me as Faron, warden of the woods. I was appointed by the goddess herself. Though, my current stature is less than intimidating. Still, know that you stand in the presence of a loyal servant of the goddess! I am capable of—," Faron stopped and stared at Link's chest from which the scale hung.

"I say," she interrupted herself, "That's one of MY scales you have there!"

"Yes, it was given to me from the Goddess after I completed the trial," Link told her.

"That would make you the chosen hero then, yes?"

"…that's what I'm told," Link sheepishly replied.

"I see. Well then, that also means you have come seeking the sacred flame, yes?"

"Yes," Link nodded.

"Still yet, a shrimpy boy like you doesn't exactly look the part. In fact, I shall implement a test in order to prove you're everything you say you are."

Link cursed in his mind.

Not like I'm short on time or anything…

"After that pompous demon lord stormed in here and tried to take over, I had to recuperate in this pot of healing water to try to heal the wounds I took in the process of our fight. But my water's power is diminishing. Bring me some more healing water, and then we will talk. What say you?"

"I can do that," Link replied.

"Alright then! Off you go, one does not keep a dragon waiting," Faron said before retreating back into her water basin.

Link took off into the woods once more to find the water Faron needed, which he hoped would be close by. Fi, thankfully, enhanced his sword with the dowsing ability to find it, but he never knew how far away it was.

Much like the rest of this situation. I know where to head, I just have no idea when or where I'll find her…

"She's a Water Dragon, can't she just find the water herself?" Link asked Fi once they were outside, far of ear shot.

"She is wounded, Master Link. Much like humans when they are wounded, dragons cannot be as mobile when injured."

"You're telling me," Link replied, thinking of how many scars he would have on his body.

"Even the Spirit Maiden in her holy state can still be wounded or ill," Fi reminded him.

The clouds gathered in Skyloft and the sky became dark.

"Zelda, I really think we should go in, it's going to rain soon," seventeen year old Link told her.

"It is not," Zelda waved off. "It hardly ever rains in Skyloft. Besides, I saw this awesome crystalized rock thing around here somewhere and I wanted to show it to you."

"Can't you just show me when it's not raining?" Link argued.

"It's not gonna rain! And I can't show it to you later, I have to study!"

"Then show it to me tomorrow!"

"No, I'll forget about it by then," Zelda said, crawling around on her knees in the grass.

"Then why are you showing it to me now if it's so insignificant that you'll just forget about it tomorrow?" Link yelled at her.

Zelda sat back on her feet and looked at him. "I didn't say it wasn't significant. I just said I'd forget."

"You are so hard headed," Link shook his head, unable to suppress his smile anyway. "Even when you contradict yourself."

"I don't contradict myself, you contradict me and you lose. So that sounds like a personal problem," she said as she continued looking for her crystal.

"You're a personal problem!" he yelled at her.

"Yet, here you are!" Zelda yelled back, gesturing to him still standing next to her.

"Fine, you win!" Link looked down at her, but from he angle he was at he could almost see down the collar of her dress since she sat crawling around. His heart rate quickened and he glanced behind him to peel his eyes away from her.

Get ahold of yourself, she's still Zelda. And you're not Groose.

Link sat down next to her. Zelda's small hands bent the grass backward, looking for her stone.

"Why didn't you grab it when you found it?" he asked.

"I was about to but then I realized what time it was and I heard you call for me from up there so I just ran off and forgot to grab it," she explained, gesturing toward the bazaar above them.

"That's unlike you."

"What?" Zelda looked at him.

"To come running when someone calls you," he teased her.

"It wasn't just someone, it was you," Zelda said, pushing her bangs out of her face.

Link's heart jumped when she looked at him. Her hair blew back in the strong breeze and her dress fell at just the angle to reveal the outline of her legs.

A clap of thunder broke his trance.

"Oh no," Zelda mumbled.

Link snapped his head toward her. "Oh yes," he grinned. He loved being right.

A drop of rain landed on his shoulder and then her face.

"Shoot," Zelda hissed. She hated being wrong just as much as he loved being right. "It's not raining yet, just let me find it!"

"Zelda," Link started.

"Hey, if you don't want to get wet then go inside. I know how much you hate messing up your hair," she couldn't keep from laughing at her own joke.

"Uhh, I resent that!"

"Because you know it's true?" she asked.

"No, because you and I both know I haven't brushed my hair in days!"

While they bantered, neither realized the sky opened up and it had started raining.

"You only say that because you like knowing your hair looks good without you having to do anything to it!" Zelda retorted.

"I never said that! I just said I hadn't brushed it, you're the one who says it looks good!"

"Oh don't give me all the credit, Karane and Orielle can't keep their mouths shut about you so I have plenty remarks of theirs to steal!"

"Karane is into Pipit, you know that," Link waved off. Zelda noticed he didn't contradict her statement about Orielle, though.

"She might be into him, but she's not dead!"

"Why don't we finish this argument when it's not pouring outside?" Link yelled over the rain that picked up.


The two of them stood up and began sprinting back to the Academy. With the hills in Skyloft, water ran off the grass quickly and made for very slick conditions. Link was careful to avoid hitting a slick spot, still trying to remain quick. Zelda kept his pace for a while, but since her legs weren't as long she tried to clear a spot as easily as he did and she missed, her foot making no traction and causing her to fall hard on the ground.

She let out a cry of pain that grabbed Link's attention. He hadn't noticed her fall since he was watching his feet. Link spun around to see Zelda trying to pick herself back up. He sprinted to her, shouting her name.

"Zelda! Zelda, are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" she yelled, but her keeping one foot off of the ground told him otherwise. "Go on, it's okay," she waved.

"I'm not leaving you out here," he grabbed her arm, pulling her to him and sliding his arm around her waist.

"I can manage!" she yelled, trying to maneuver out of his grip in order to walk.

"You can't even stand on it!" he shouted back at her.

"I can to! I was just getting my bearings!" she squirmed in his arms.

"Stop wriggling!"

Zelda grunted in frustration.

"You are the most stubborn—,"

"Shut up!" Zelda yelled, wincing from the pain.

"Where would you be if I hand't come back for you?" Link yelled over the rain as he held her close in his arms, careful not to move her around too much.

"And where would you be if I hand't come back for you?!" she screamed back, referring to a time, long long ago, when she first extended her hand of friendship to Link. "Somewhere out…girling and…brawling and dodging the flight laws!" she could barely get her insults out through winces of pain.

"Let's examine my flaws at a more convenient time, shall we?" he said as he approached the Academy.

"No!" she yelled before he opened the door. "I've got all the time in the world, let's do it right now!"

Link stopped under the pavilion of the Academy. The two of them were soaking wet and breathing heavily from either shouting or walking, for Link. Although, he noticed how easy Zelda was to carry, even soaking wet. He didn't mind having to keep a tight grip on her the whole time.

He stared down at her, drops of rain falling off of his hair. Zelda looked up at him, a few raindrops dangling off of her long eyelashes. Water trailed its way down her face and her nose. Her clothes stuck to her like chu jelly, leaving hardly anything to the imagination.

Zelda, for reasons she couldn't explain, reached a hand up to Link's face and brushed his sopping wet hair out of his eyes. For the first time in all the years of knowing him, she had to restrain herself from leaning up and kissing him right there. She wanted to taste the rain trickling down his face to his lips. She wanted to feel the smoothness of them on hers.

Not the first time, she thought to herself. This defiantly isn't the first time you've thought about that…

"I'm sorry you couldn't find your crystal," Link said in a quieter voice.

"I'm sorry I called you irresponsible and made you carry me all the way here anyway," Zelda replied.

Link broke eye contact with her, confused. "You never called me irresponsible," he told her.

"I did in my head," she admitted, a smile spreading forming on her lips.

"You're ridiculous," Link laughed, close to her face.

"So are you," she replied.

Link silently made his way into the academy through the upstairs entrance. The other kids would surely be around and the last thing he wanted was to be seen carrying Zelda around in his arms. That would only cause a mess of comments he couldn't hear right now.

He took her to her room and sat her on her bed.

"You've got to change clothes, you can't get that thing bandaged until you're dry," he told her.

"Well, I can't very well do that with you in here," Zelda said, her eyes anywhere but meeting Link's. He was glad too, because he was afraid of what facial expression he might be wearing.

"Agreed," he chocked out.

He went to Zelda's dresser and pulled out her favorite, comfortable dress. He tossed it to her on her bed.

"Here. I'll go grab you a towel to dry off with and then I'll go change too."

"Okay," she said she she attempted to stand up, using her bed for balance.

Link ran to the bathroom and grabbed a towel from the cabinet before returning to Zelda's room and throwing it at her head.

"Good one," she said as she pulled it off of her head.

"Thank you," he smiled. "Meet you back up here in a minute. I'll tell Owlan about your ankle."

"Thanks, Link," Zelda smiled sweetly, and Link knew she really meant it.

After he changed clothes, he ran up to Owlan's room and knocked on the door. He noticed a note taped to it.

"Gone to the bazaar. Be back soon. -O"

He must have gotten caught in the rain, Link thought.

Link went back to Zelda's room and told her about Owlan's absence.

"That's okay, the pain isn't as bad now," she told Link.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I can hold up for a while. I just can't walk around."

Link remembered Zelda saying she needed to study. He got her books out of her book bag and handed them to her. He then went to his room and got his own before returning to Zelda's. He sat down in her floor, leaning against her bed, and the two studied together for the rest of the afternoon, listening to the rain that hit the stained glass window in her room.

"I doubt she will have to worry about getting hurt with all of her powers now," Link told Fi, snapping himself out of his stupor. For some reason, anger welled up inside of him.

"That, Master Link, is far from the truth," Fi stated with a tone of seriousness Link had yet to hear from her. And that was saying something.

"Why, Fi? You saw the whole thing. Both times I've found Zelda, she has run from me because she has some "job" to fulfill. She hasn't needed my protection this entire time and she hasn't even really needed me at all. She's the only reason I'm doing any of this, but what's her reasoning?" Link felt his breath shorten as he spoke.

Fi continued staring, expressionless.

"Perhaps, Master, you are her reason. Your livelihood rests in her hands just as hers rests in yours. You easily forget the numerous times she and the Guardian Impa have had to be saved by you. Had you not shown up when you did the previous times, the world would have already fallen into the enemies clutches. Just because you haven't saved her in the manner in which you wish to, Master, does not mean you have not saved her at all."

Link studied Fi for a while, soaking in what she said. No matter how hard he tried to come up with a rebuttal, he couldn't. He was the one that fought the Imprisoned. He was the one that held back Ghirahim twice now before reaching Zelda. And now he was the one cleaning up after the damage in her wake of struggle that she caused every time she had to run from Ghirahim.

"I see nothing has really changed. I chase her, I clean up after her, I don't understand her, and still yet, I love her," he told Fi. "You realize I'm in love with her, don't you?"

"I do, Master. I must use whatever means I can in order to push you along through the task of defeating the evil that threatens the land. Your love for the Spirit Maiden has been the main source to the power I seek in doing so."

"Yeah, I'm pretty transparent," Link shrugged as he continued his search for the sacred water.

"The more transparent, the more productive," Fi told him.

Link thought about it. Once again, Fi was right. Would he forever be proven wrong by the women in his life?

"Thank you, Fi."

"It is my pleasure, Master Link," Fi replied before diving back into the sword.

A/N: HA! BET YOU GUYS THOUGHT THE KID FORGOT ABOUT YOU, HUH? Well, TA FREAKIN DA, HERE SHE IS! Thaaaat's right, ladies and gents, I am out for the summer and I am so excited about it and I'm THROWING IT BACK to some Always be Your Zelda! I promised I'd finish this story and I meant it :3 so here is a chapter, albeit a short one. I just wanted to get it out there though so that you guys would know I have not abandoned this story (in another way than just like a "oh hey I'm continuing this so be on the lookout" update). Soooo, yeah, can't wait to finish. I will take this moment to tell you, after Breath of the Wild, I realize now how much Skyward Sword, like, sucked, so I plan to kind of plow through some useless stuff (i.e., completing the seal to get through the gate to Lake Floria. You literally had to draw a CIRCLE, and our girl Zelda is fighting for her life over here) so I am aware I did that and yeah, I did it on purpose. Obviously I'm sticking to the chronological order of the playthrough, I might just kind of speed up the process because let's be real, that game was daunting. And I say that after finding every shrine and beating every side quest of BOTW: Skyward Sword was still most daunting game HOWEVER, it still remains among my favorites because of the plot line hence why I am here. ANYWHO, thank you for listening to me rant, and, as always, please feel free to share any thoughts or feelings :3 HAPPY SUMMER!