"Psst. Link," Six-year-old Zelda whispered to her friend. "Link!" She said a little louder.

Link rolled over at the sound and pulled the covers up to his head with a moan. Zelda, not amused with being ignored, opened the door to Link's room and walked over with her candle. She placed it on his nightstand and climbed atop his bed. She began bouncing up and down to awaken him.

"Liiiink." She persisted.

"Zelda?" Link questioned, slightly opening his eyes.

"Come here!" She whispered loudly. "I want to show you something."

Link sighed, not nearly as interested in the late night adventure as Zelda wanted him to be. But still yet he did as she commanded him, as usual, and threw the covers off to get up. In the process of doing so, he threw them right on top of Zelda.

"Hey!" She tried to sound annoyed, but her adorable giggle still escaped. Link snickered and put his boots on.

Zelda grabbed him by the hand and led him out the door. They silently made their way up the stairs, careful to jump over each creaky floorboard. When they reached the top Zelda stopped.

"Close your eyes." She commanded him excitedly.

Link sighed and did as she said. He never knew if it would be good or bad. He heard Zelda open the door quietly. She took his hand and led him outside. They made their way down the to the lower portion of the academy, Zelda guiding him all the way, telling him to watch out or jump. They continued on over the bridge, which was a pretty far journey for the young pair. But Link knew every inch of Skyloft already at age seven, ("seven and a half" according to him) so there was no fear of getting turned around.

"Okay. Open." She told him.

When Link opened his eyes, a beautiful sight engulfed him. The Starry Fireflies had congregated above the stream. They danced above the water, blinking their lights in a seemingly rhythmic manner. The moon was full, making the area bright enough to see without the help of any light.

"Wow…" he breathed.

Zelda beamed with satisfaction upon seeing his reaction. She took Link's hand again and pulled him into the stream with her. They played and splashed in the water, watching it sparkle as it flew in the air. The Starry Fireflies didn't shy away at their presence, and continued to dance and blink, occasionally landing on one of the children's outstretched hands.

It wasn't until they saw the early signs of daybreak that Link and Zelda realized how long they had been outside. Link had wished to go in slightly earlier, but seeing as Zelda begged him to stay outside and continue playing her favorite game, (the hero saves the princess, and she was always the hero) Link didn't refuse.

Zelda loved the night. Fear and the unknown didn't shut her down. It invigorated her. The night was full of surprises and Zelda intended to figure out every one, which worried her father.

Link had been slightly more reserved in the ways of adventure however. His parents had died a tragic death when he was only the age of four, leaving him alone on Skyloft. Growing up without parents had made him fairly more cautious then Zelda. Grant it, he wasn't exactly "timid". Link was fast and rather sneaky. His agility was apparent upon seeing him play with Zelda, and he had a rather mischievous side to him, one that only she could bring out. But Link was really more content there in Skyloft. It had been his home the past 3 years. He had come to love it and appreciate what it had to offer.

Zelda, on the other hand, was never satisfied with the island. It was her home as well, and she did love it, but she wanted more. She always wanted more land, more explorations, more adventures. She longed to have her own loftwing, so she could fly and taste the feeling of being free. But she still had years until she would get to meet her feathery companion.

The two decided they had better run inside quickly before anyone awoke. So they darted their way back to the academy, and silently made their way to the bathroom on the upper level. Link opened the door, ushering her in while keeping a look out. The minute he shut it, a towel hit his face.

"Heads up." Zelda said quietly.

"Zel," Link responded, trying to sound annoyed. "You're supposed to say that before you throw."

"Oops." She hadn't seemed to be sympathetic.

Link took the towel and dried off his face and shook it through his hair before drying off his arms and legs. Zelda did the same.

"That was fun." Zelda said happily.

"Agreed, Little Bird." Link replied.

"Oh I'm not a little bird!" She said for the thousandth time, throwing her towel at him.

Link put the towels with the rest of the dirty ones, hoping no one would notice the extra two. He headed for the door, as his sleepiness was taking over.

"Tweet." He teased, running down to his room before she could catch him.

A/N: Update: This was just my first chapter, and frankly, it's the worst out of them all. So I beg of you to continue reading because, I can promise you, it does get better and more interesting, and has less grammatical errors. I haven't had the time to rewrite this one, but just trust me. Thanks!